House Select Committee Hearings on Jan. 6 (1 Viewer)

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    So, on its own, this video might not mean much, but when you link things together, it could be a lot. Why do you need to take pictures of stairwells?

    I saw that - simply unbelievable. Nobody takes pictures like that on a tour of the Capitol. And one guy was wearing a MAGA hat, which they specifically denied.
    This tweet has a link to the video that the committee released. In it the man on the tour recorded his march to the Capitol on Jan. 6. He threatened several Members of Congress, he had a guy he knew show him a flagpole with a very sharpened metal point on top and said it was for “a special person”. This wasn’t a simple tourist.


    I would say so. I guess the question I have is whether the Congressman who hosted the tour knew what the guy was planning. Mostly, they don't know and the guide is usually an aide. That's what happened when I toured the Capitol 4 years ago.

    The other question I have is was the guy charged and was the tour part of his case?
    The Congressman himself did this tour, didn’t he? If he didn’t know, he’s stupid as a rock, because Rep. Sherrill took one look at the group and knew it wasn’t a typical “tourist” tour. She reported it immediately after the 6th. And Capitol Police and Rep. Loudermilk have made various denials. First there were no tours and definitely no red hats on a tour, then he gave a tour but it was just a family and there were no red hats. So now there is video and red hats. Who knows what he will weasel about next?

    Interestingly, a court document was just released that shows the written Proud Boys plan to occupy these very office buildings and suggested that people get their reps to give them tours sometime between Jan. 1-5 so they could scope out the buildings.

    You can read the court document here:

    This particular plan was to rush several buildings in the Capitol complex, including the office building where Loudermilk gave his tour. Their plan was to rush the buildings on Jan 6, occupy them, target specific members’ offices, and demand a new election held on Jan. 20, with all paper ballots, no absentee voting, overseen and run by the National Guard.

    The author of the document isn’t named, but is known to the grand jury. This is a simply amazing document and should forever put to rest the fallacy that this was a simple riot, a protest that got out of hand. Obviously it was anything but that.
    This particular plan was to rush several buildings in the Capitol complex, including the office building where Loudermilk gave his tour. Their plan was to rush the buildings on Jan 6, occupy them, target specific members’ offices, and demand a new election held on Jan. 20, with all paper ballots, no absentee voting, overseen and run by the National Guard.

    The author of the document isn’t named, but is known to the grand jury. This is a simply amazing document and should forever put to rest the fallacy that this was a simple riot, a protest that got out of hand. Obviously it was anything but that.
    Oh no doubt, it was nothing less than a coup attempt. A stupid one, but a coup attempt nonetheless.
    what did they ...dare i say 'think' they would do once they took the bdlg?....was the plan to
    crap in the corners steal things and then go home.
    Or....were they expecting frumpy to be there And Then...he would do something know
    take over the country..or whatev!!!

    srsly...what did they expect to happen that day. i figure they were expecting the rabid
    Q-goppers to come support them in the capital...bring them food blankets water you
    know, all that stuff needed when you take over the duly elected govnmnt.

    so im reading here theyre still....still in dallas waiting on JFKjr?...who is paying for all this?
    money is coming from somewhere not their pockets otherwise they wouldnt be there spending it.
    oh, forgot....i can get the tweets if i clik the tweet. it doesnt show here for me on dell FF.
    dont know why but its there behind things. lol.

    all these frumpy pals now suddenly coming out...Now...not then not when they should could,
    but Now they come out with truth speak becuz they have books hitting the markets.
    theyve been Paid for them already, awaiting the royalties is all.

    its disgraceful and we've all been mangled enough to be glad theyre at least coming
    out with their version of what has been seen...and adding to it.
    ...please sir can i have some more?
    I really hope that one of the results of these hearings is that there are some consequences for all those politicians who parroted the big lie

    Some attorneys in the Trump administration, and serving as lawmakers in Congress, enabled egregious and perhaps criminal conduct after the 2020 election.

    Others prevented former president Donald Trump from acting even worse than he did, or at least refused to assist him.

    But none of them alerted the FBI, the public or congressional leadership. That’s a serious failing.
Some lawyers’ conduct was reprehensible.

    Testimony collected by the House Jan. 6 committee shows that Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, who lost his law license for filing utterly frivolous cases, promoted a coup over other advisers’ objections.

    News reports disclosed that former assistant attorney general Jeffrey Clark had prepared a draft letter to state officials making a false claim of widespread fraud and soliciting alternative slates of electors.

    And, worst of all, right-wing attorney John Eastman cooked up an infamous plot to stop the electoral vote count and deny the legitimate winner, Joe Biden, the ability to take office.

    Many House members who are lawyers similarly signed onto an amicus brief in a frivolous case, initiated by lawyer and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, to challenge the results of certain states that President Biden won.

    In the Senate, Republicans with Ivy League law degrees, such as Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and Josh Hawley (Mo.), spread the “big lie” and made groundless objections to prevent the orderly counting of the electoral votes.

    These actions exploited the Trump base’s delusion and put democracy at risk.

    All of this conduct is unacceptable for anyone who has taken an oath of office, let alone a lawyer who has obligations as an “officer of the court.” Claims to sanction some of these characters have been filed.

    Clark and Giuliani, for example, could have criminal liability (the crime-fraud exception does not allow them to hide behind attorney-client privilege) if the facts are sufficient to prove they committed conspiracy to defraud the United States or conspiracy to disrupt an official proceeding of Congress……..

    I really hope that one of the results of these hearings is that there are some consequences for all those politicians who parroted the big lie

    The opposite is happening for the most part. Numerous primaries were won yesterday by candidates who made the big lie central to their candidacy.
    Wouldn’t it be highly unusual for “tourist” groups to roam the tunnels unescorted?

    Yeah, that's definitely not normal. The only thing i can think of is one of them had a badge showing that they're in an official capacity. Either that, or their guide left them in a non-public part of the building.

    I used to work for the Architect of the Capitol as a contractor and with my badge I could access almost all of the building. People normally can't access non-public areas without passing through security. Guards will check your credentials to access those areas, so this group being allowed to do what they did is really a breakdown in security.

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