House Select Committee Hearings on Jan. 6 (1 Viewer)

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    We may disagree with his political beliefs but Rusty Bowers is what a true patriot is and what he/she does. Regardless of your political leanings and what party you belong to, you swear an oath to follow the constitution. Speaker Bowers did just that and got threats. Mr Bowers gives me hope that there are still people on the other side of the aisle that believe in the constitution.
    gotta say...all the decades later after watching ALL the Watergate hearings and living thru
    all that crap....THIS...THIS today, this stuff that king pin grifter Demanded of his repubs
    all over and in general, that they do for him NO MATTER what and JUST matter
    the country, the constitution they all so adored a few years ago....that these guys
    are NOW speaking up shows their inherent cowardice IN GENERAL let alone fear....
    im shocked.

    dont mistake me here....i am grateful these men now step up to save...some...thing...either
    themselves or...mebbe...the...contry...????? glad they are FINALLY DOING IT.
    if only to clear their conscience. fine. do. it.

    i cant say that too often in this country, that shocked.
    sadly im wont be the last time.

    jesus how did this con man from NY manage to....what he did was talk all these men,
    some women in Our gov....into being sexual objects. thats it, simply.
    same thing. same as jim jones as ted bundy, Manson. they conned people and fkked them.
    they did the same thing to the humans male female they came across and frump had
    the entire tv as his pulpit.

    this is sick contry to have a white guy like frump with a KNOWN background of assault
    abuse financial and put this guy in WH is demented. yet it happened.

    and now...we for it.
    even you Q pay for it now too. thank your leader. Q/DJT/Bannon.

    i applaud the gops members like AG AZ who spoke today. who told the truth as it
    happened in AZ.
    only time will tell if its to late.
    gotta say...all the decades later after watching ALL the Watergate hearings and living thru
    all that crap....THIS...THIS today, this stuff that king pin grifter Demanded of his repubs
    all over and in general, that they do for him NO MATTER what and JUST matter
    the country, the constitution they all so adored a few years ago....that these guys
    are NOW speaking up shows their inherent cowardice IN GENERAL let alone fear....
    im shocked.

    dont mistake me here....i am grateful these men now step up to save...some...thing...either
    themselves or...mebbe...the...contry...????? glad they are FINALLY DOING IT.
    if only to clear their conscience. fine. do. it.

    i cant say that too often in this country, that shocked.
    sadly im wont be the last time.

    jesus how did this con man from NY manage to....what he did was talk all these men,
    some women in Our gov....into being sexual objects. thats it, simply.
    same thing. same as jim jones as ted bundy, Manson. they conned people and fkked them.
    they did the same thing to the humans male female they came across and frump had
    the entire tv as his pulpit.

    this is sick contry to have a white guy like frump with a KNOWN background of assault
    abuse financial and put this guy in WH is demented. yet it happened.

    and now...we for it.
    even you Q pay for it now too. thank your leader. Q/DJT/Bannon.

    i applaud the gops members like AG AZ who spoke today. who told the truth as it
    happened in AZ.
    only time will tell if its to late.
    I'm angry too.
    and once again...let me be "too late"....oh the public has time to change the
    kind, the type, the mentality of those elected to hold sway.

    the right wing militia goons, the rich white men wanting More control globally, those who want
    this country to crash and burn and become a source of 'dump' on the planet...they will
    prevail if the merican public allows that.
    the rich have yachts...THEY DO NOT LIVE HERE.

    DJT in cahoots with putey and RW leaders not fond of their human populations and
    their "needs" do not GAF about what they do or how they do it.
    DJT has made that Clear.

    imho im convinced djt and putey invaded ukraine. why else would putey do this
    unless seeking entire control over planet foods humans via djt encouragement.

    ive said since djt said hed run for pres.... THIS IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.
    those here who know me from...there>>......Know ive said and written this. least the AZ attny gen is saying it.

    do i get a prize?

    Last edited:
    What irks me the most is that if BLM, or any other left-wing fringe group would have pulled this crap, there would have been a bloodbath, especially if any African-American civil rights group would have been complicit in a coup attempt to overthrow a democratic election. Not only would there have been more deaths and injuries, both moderates and right-wingers would be calling for some heads on a few pikes. And I'm not talking about the silly false equivalancy of "rioting" as a protest to racial injustices and actually participating in coup attempt to undermine the democratic process in the nation's capital.

    Others have made this point, but I'm convinced more (white) Americans would get behind sensible gun control if African Americans and civil rights groups would arm theselves to the teeth and display that hardware a la the Black Panthers in the 60s and 70s.
    It's really tragic hearing this testimony from Ms. Moss and her mother. It's good that the select committee included this. Trump's insurrection wasn't just an attack on democracy, it was an attack on a lot of individual people by his loyalist and followers.
    definition of CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER....which for some reason would not let
    me just lift this kept spreading out an entire page re CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.
    i was just seeking a sentence. find a link.

    between faux nooze and LIES BRIBERY COERCION how does our country survive when
    half the pols bankers corps are more fearful of being outed by their choice for WH.

    .... risk or threat to safety or other public interests that is serious and imminent, especially one that justifies limitation of a right (as freedom of speech or press) by the legislative or executive branch of government.....
    ...what does..."greatest democracy"...mean?

    does it mean..wiping out the native americans? taking all the land?
    does it mean slaves and blacks living as they have and do...

    does it mean...wallst has all the money offshore?
    does it trees no forests no water?

    what. does. it. mean.

    greatest..for whom.

    i grew up hearing this...phrase. i still dont know its meaning unless im correct in the above
    that its only for them.

    i grew up when conifers had green "boughs" not branches. i grew up in a country that had
    conifer forests, pine trees, shade, water...NOT YELLOW forests covering mountains.
    we still have slave labor and now no trees no forests no shade no water.

    nice job. fellas. how many years now?....200..300...400?....and here we are.
    you got all the money we dont and you dont GAF.

    cool, im gonna go walk the remaining water left in the res before its gone.

    but hey wallst....thx. enjoy your yachts....and KMA.
    gotta say...all the decades later after watching ALL the Watergate hearings and living thru
    all that crap....THIS...THIS today, this stuff that king pin grifter Demanded of his repubs
    all over and in general, that they do for him NO MATTER what and JUST matter
    the country, the constitution they all so adored a few years ago....that these guys
    are NOW speaking up shows their inherent cowardice IN GENERAL let alone fear....
    im shocked.

    dont mistake me here....i am grateful these men now step up to save...some...thing...either
    themselves or...mebbe...the...contry...????? glad they are FINALLY DOING IT.
    if only to clear their conscience. fine. do. it.

    i cant say that too often in this country, that shocked.
    sadly im wont be the last time.

    jesus how did this con man from NY manage to....what he did was talk all these men,
    some women in Our gov....into being sexual objects. thats it, simply.
    same thing. same as jim jones as ted bundy, Manson. they conned people and fkked them.
    they did the same thing to the humans male female they came across and frump had
    the entire tv as his pulpit.

    this is sick contry to have a white guy like frump with a KNOWN background of assault
    abuse financial and put this guy in WH is demented. yet it happened.

    and now...we for it.
    even you Q pay for it now too. thank your leader. Q/DJT/Bannon.

    i applaud the gops members like AG AZ who spoke today. who told the truth as it
    happened in AZ.
    only time will tell if its to late.
    Those three Republicans giving testimony didn't start saying this today. They were holding press conferences and telling everyone they could that Trump's claims were bunk. So I'd dispute that they waited until it was too late. In fact, they stood on the fact that they were following the Constitution when Trump tried to get them to replace electors and everything else. Thank goodness they were willing to stand firm in spite of Trump's shenanigans. We may not be so lucky next election if we're not careful.
    Trump and every government official who helped or participated in this coup MUST go to jail for the good of this country now and for its future. If violence erupts as a result of Trump being indicted, it should be met with force and extreme prejudice.
    Trump and every government official who helped or participated in this coup MUST go to jail for the good of this country now and for its future. If violence erupts as a result of Trump being indicted, it should be met with force and extreme prejudice.
    I agree 100%. We as a country cannot look past the criminal nature of Trump's actions. They were nothing short of an attempt to overthrow the government and the will of the voters. Nothing short of Trump going to jail is acceptable to me.

    Being that probably won't happen, I guess I would accept Trump being banned from running again, but I don't know that there's a provision for that.
    It's really tragic hearing this testimony from Ms. Moss and her mother. It's good that the select committee included this. Trump's insurrection wasn't just an attack on democracy, it was an attack on a lot of individual people by his loyalist and followers.
    Just caught up on hearings

    Yes that testimony was heartbreaking

    I’m going to be furious if the DOJ doesn’t have a boatload of charges for everyone involved in this after all the hearings are said and done
    I agree 100%. We as a country cannot look past the criminal nature of Trump's actions. They were nothing short of an attempt to overthrow the government and the will of the voters. Nothing short of Trump going to jail is acceptable to me.

    Being that probably won't happen, I guess I would accept Trump being banned from running again, but I don't know that there's a provision for that.
    The only sure fire way had been if the Senate had the balls to convict him after the second impeachment. He would have been removed and prevented from ever running again. I assume being a prison inmate would prevent him as well.

    The only other sure fire way is for him to become worm food. But these days, some idiots would vote for him anyway.

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