General Election 2024 Biden vs Trump (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    As we head toward the summer and the National Party Conventions, it might be handy to have a thread focused on the upcoming matchup of current President Biden vs Former President Trump.
    As of April 28,2024 , CNN's poll shows Trump leading. Yet polls are not always accurate and they are constantly changing.
    Feel free to use this thread for all things relating to Biden vs Trump.
    ….thats literally not that bad for New Jersey. What are you even talking about?
    The other stations are $3.50 or more. Costco therefore has a LENGHTHY line. I have to set aside 40 minutes to get gas. 5 minutes to travel there..30 minutes in the Costco gas line and 5 minutes to travel home.
    As we head toward the summer and the National Party Conventions, it might be handy to have a thread focused on the upcoming matchup of current President Biden vs Former President Trump.
    As of April 28,2024 , CNN's poll shows Trump leading. Yet polls are not always accurate and they are constantly changing.
    Feel free to use this thread for all things relating to Biden vs Trump.

    It's way too early for polls and personally, I only pay attention to the results of an election.

    I will say, as I've been saying since 2022, the overwhelming vast majority of women will not vote for the man who proudly boasts that he got rid of Roe V. Wade. Nor will those same women vote for an anti choice politician.

    Women are the majority voters in the USA.

    Women aren't just ticked off anymore. They are totally pissed off. They are also organized.

    I understand men don't pay much attention to the issue of abortion but women do. It's women's lives who are being ruined. It's women who are being forced to suffer weeks of bleeding, pain and being forced to be next to death before she can get health care. By then her fertility has been stripped from her. She will most likely have other life long health problems because of it.

    Women can't wait for November to vote as many republicans out of office as possible.

    Women are coming for the republicans and it won't end well for the republicans.
    It's easy to see what Biden has done as opposed to what the media and a Democrats tell us Trump would do. Luckily we've already lived through a Trump presidency and the public isnt buying the Democrat sky is falling narrative.

    That's hirarious Among independents Trump 53%, Biden 42%.

    In the past amoung Independents, GOP support swelled over the Independent voter who would vote for Democrats. In those days Democrats would have loved to have had a 42% cut of that Independent vote.

    Right now in real life I don't know any Republicans who are MAGA supporters, the ones I know who are MAGA supporting Trump types get mad if someone calls them a Republican.

    They exclaim that Republicans are Rinos, or lately (uni-party). True conservatives call themselves Independents.
    That's hirarious Among independents Trump 53%, Biden 42%.

    In the past amoung Independents, GOP support swelled over the Independent voter who would vote for Democrats. In those days Democrats would have loved to have had a 42% cut of that Independent vote.

    Right now in real life I don't know any Republicans who are MAGA supporters, the ones I know who are MAGA supporting Trump types get mad if someone calls them a Republican.

    They exclaim that Republicans are Rinos, or lately (uni-party). True conservatives call themselves Independents.

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. There are tons of polls out there.

    The other stations are $3.50 or more. Costco therefore has a LENGHTHY line. I have to set aside 40 minutes to get gas. 5 minutes to travel there..30 minutes in the Costco gas line and 5 minutes to travel home.

    You are driving/idling for 40 min to save $.15/gallon? On 10 gallons, that's $1.50.

    You are wasting that $1.50 sitting and waiting for fuel.

    You realize this or no?
    Donald Trump has branded Paul Ryan, as the “most incompetent” speaker of the House of Representatives in US history after Mr Ryan said that Trump won’t get his vote in this year’s presidential election.

    Mr Ryan, 54, doubled-down on his belief that Trump is the wrong choice of canditate for the Republicans, stating he has no interest in giving him another shot in the White House, as Trump gets set for a rematch against his successor, Joe Biden……

    Trump responded using his typically explosive rhetoric and a flurry of capital letters in an early morning outburst on his social media platform, Truth Social.

    “Rupert Murdoch should fire pathetic RINO [Republican in Name Only] Paul Ryan from the Board of Fox. Ryan is a loser, always has been, and always will be,” the 77-year-old GOP presidential candidate wrote on Thursday.

    “He was the weakest & most incompetent in Speaker of the House in its History. Fox will sink to the absolute bottom of the pack if Paul Ryan has anything to do with it,” he added.……

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. There are tons of polls out there.

    The one you chose this time to show is a heller. Both your link and SaintForLife's link seem to apply to a Marist Poll. Two different polls, SFL's appears to an old worn out poll, your's to the crisp current poll.

    What you linked to said "When two candidates are offered, Trump and Biden are tied among independents and both have 49 percent of the vote. But in the previous Marist National Poll, Trump had a 7 percentage point lead over Biden among this demographic with 52 percent to Biden's 45 percent."

    SFL's link is to a roundabout opinion question, not direct vote question, which is kind of a flipped version of what the how they feel about how they say they will vote in numbers above. It implies Trump has a 9 point lead whereas the direct vote question suggested the lead is 7 point, it is clear that they are from the same poll, one supports the other while not being the same question.
    New Jersey has high state tax added and California is worse.
    Fortunately, the majority of the people here in California know that the rightful people to blame for high gas prices are the billionaires who run the petroleum industry in a way that makes all of the drug cartels jealous AF.
    This is similar to what we said in 2016 - "Do people hate Hillary that much? How can so many people vote for someone who clearly and obviously doesn't have the qualifications or temperament to be President of the United States?"
    It's very strange that Biden is doing so badly. Biden is much more likeable than Hillary. His economy is great. He has passed more legislation that has helped the country than nearly any other president. His wife is likeable. Hillary had Bill's baggage, even though Bill was a popular president. She didn't campaign very well. She had the hurdle of breaking the glass ceiling by becoming the first female president. All the while, Trump was this supposed businessman that would run the country like a business that has been hailed for generations as what is needed. He was different, and people thought the office would change him into a serious person, like it has changed every other president. He captured people's imagination, so I get why people ignored the obvious signs. Now, it's not even signs anymore with Trump. It is blatant sirens and alarms that he will run this country into the ground. People aren't taking some of his promises seriously. They don't believe he'll round-up immigrants. They don't believe that he'll be a dictator for a day. If he has that in mind, then he probably has a list of unconstitutional actions planned on that first day. They don't believe that he'll turn the federal government into his retribution institution. They don't believe that he'll withdraw support from NATO and ally with our enemies. They don't believe that he'll dig us into further debt. They don't believe that he will undo all of the climate progress. They don't believe that he'll pardon all of the seditionists. They don't care that he doesn't respect the law. They want anarchy with Trump, over normalcy with Biden. They want a strongman that will suppress rights for most people in the country. The only bad thing about Biden is that he seems old, yet he shows less signs of mental decline than Trump, so that shouldn't be a disadvantage over Trump. The support for Trump over Biden is pathological.
    That's good. New Jersey has high state tax added and California is worse. In my town the cheapest gasoline is at Costco. Today's price was $3.35.

    Costco gas isn't very good gas. Be careful it doesn't clog your fuel injectors. It's expensive to get fixed.

    As for New Jersey and California and taxes.

    Those two are the least dependent on federal tax dollars to run their states.

    They save the rest of the nation money because they aren't leaches on our nation like most deadbeat red states.

    My state is couple spots behind New Jersey and California. We pay our own way. We aren't dependent on the rest of the nation to support us.

    Having low taxes isn't something to be proud of. That means you are being very irresponsible and not paying your own way. You are forcing the rest of the states to support yours.

    I've been to many red states with low taxes. They are a mess. Some have third world conditions. Some can't even provide fresh clean water to their populations Most of their infrastructure is paid for by federal tax dollars so they have very little roads or infrastructure that isn't federally owned and maintained.

    The red states take the taxes from the rural areas in their states and gives that money to the urban areas leaving the rural areas to fall apart. There are many ghost towns in red states because of it.

    Blue states like New Jersey, California and my state receive less federal dollars than we contribute. We aren't dependent on federal tax dollars from other states to run ours. Since we don't get all of our federal dollars back, we have to raise our own taxes at the state level to maintain our states. We don't let our states fall into the mess conditions like red states have.

    Maybe if red states didn't take more than twice the tax dollars than they pay, the blue states wouldn't have to have higher taxes. We would get our money back and not have to pay more in state taxes to keep our states running properly.

    It is very irresponsible to not properly tax the citizens of red states to the point that they don't have the funds to run their states and have to leach off the blue states. The responsible states are the blue ones who take less federal tax dollars and pays their own way. Unlike red states.

    If you click the link you will see all but one of the most federally dependent states are red. You will see all but 3 of the least federally dependent states are blue.

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    If the election was held today, our nation which is experiencing really high gasoline prices right now would probably elect Trump. Today.
    I know Biden doesn't have control over the gas prices but we remember the Keystone Pipeline shut down was Biden's fault.....and perception is more important to voters than facts.
    Biden is the EV guy and Trump was the drill baby drill guy.
    Really high? I've been paying about $3 for gas, although the national average is about $3.75.

    Furthermore, gas is a worldwide commodity. The gas from the keystone pipeline wouldn't change anything, because it goes into the world market place. Over the course of the last 20 years, the only time that it was cheaper at this point before an election was in May 2003, when the inflation adjusted price was $2.61. Otherwise, adjusted for inflation, it's cheaper today than it was in May 2007 ($4.81) and May 2011 ($5.50), and comparable to May 2015 ($3.69) and May 2019 ($3.6). So it is definitely a misperception. There was a blip in 2022 when gas got very expensive due to supply chain issues after Covid, but things have stabilized at about the historic price. There was a short time in early 2020 when gas dropped below $2, and in today's dollars that would be $2.34, so people got used to the low price, but adjusted for inflation, the price today is normal.
    That's good. New Jersey has high state tax added and California is worse. In my town the cheapest gasoline is at Costco. Today's price was $3.35.
    I was out and about yesterday, went to the big city Fresno. Just the price variation between here and there was about twice the amount that CA adds to the fuel price through taxes.

    A funny thing usually that variation in price runs the other way. Up here where the local merchants are skinning us along with the tourists we see the price here being about the amount of the CA fuel tax higher than down in the populated valley.

    Yesterday I found our tourist skinning merchant are bush league, The highest price I saw was where I usually see the lowest price in the extended area. Upside down, my worry is what happens here when the merchants here hear about the prices there.

    The highest low grade price I saw was a Chevron in Fresno at $5.79, the lowest was the tiny one pump convenience store down in the gorge near my house at $4.89.

    Around here Costco quit posting their daily gas prices anywhere but on those little LED display on the pump itself. One has to wait in line to find out the price that day.

    I'm of the type to find out before waiting in a long line to pump gas. Yesterday while out I parked and walked over to the pump and I found their price was two cents higher than other places around town. Was 79 cents higher than my sleeping local merchants who don't realize yet that they are missing a bonazza of price gouging.

    Cosco used to post their prices for gas where one walks into the store. I'm sure the sign will reappear when they do have a lower price than other places around town.
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    Conservative commentator Charlie Sykes said Donald Trump is seeking “slavish loyalty” from whoever he picks as a vice presidential candidate.

    As possible contenders continue “auditioning” for the role, Sykes said on MSNBC Wednesday, “the ghost of Mike Pence hangs over all of this.”

    Sykes continued, “Because Donald Trump doesn’t want just loyalty. He wants slavish loyalty. He wants a guarantee that ... the vice president ... [who is] the one person he cannot fire, will in fact do his bidding, will do the tough things, will do the difficult, courageous things, like, for example, ignore the law.”

    He added, “And it is interesting how willing all of these vice presidential wannabes are in basically saying yes, Donald, we will say and do anything. We will use your words. We will kill puppies for you, just to show how tough we are.”

    Sykes was referring to South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who shared in her new book that she once shot her puppy in a gravel pit because it had behavioral issues. Noem was reportedly on Trump’s VP shortlist at one point..............

    The R party no longer resembles what it was 20 years ago.....I voted R in my early 20's but the more I learned about the tax code, their economic policies and the subtle racism (back then) it turned me off....Became an independent for a bit then went D at some point in my late 20's......there is plenty I don't like about the D party but they are and have been, at least.....sane.....the separation of church and state is a big one for me, because I don't really believe that organized religion is a good thing....

    I guess the difference between us is that I would vote for the same person regardless of what state I live in but I do understand your position.....

    I also appreciate that you totally realize the Maga movement is dangerous and must be made insignificant.....and it also boggles my mind that some folks that I consider friends whom I know to be otherwise intelligent, caring, decent folks still support Trump, we very much have that in common.....nice post....
    The Republicans lost me when Ted Cruz and the Tea Party became a large part of the mainstream Republican agenda.
    The Republicans lost me when Ted Cruz and the Tea Party became a large part of the mainstream Republican agenda.
    Kinda off topic but relevant to your does the Republican Party "right the ship"? They have sold their soul to the devil and the moral character of the Party has been severely tarnished IMO. One of the bedrock qualities of a Republican statesman in the past was his solid moral fabric. Someone that can be trusted. Someone that followed the rules. A man/woman of faith that applied those principles to their policy decisions.

    Now we have long standing Republicans ignoring all of what made them desirable as a political figure. It's hard to watch. And truthfully, it's bad for our democracy. Not just the Trump component, but if the Republican Party is weak and rendered ineffective, it will allow the Dems free reign on the country and that's not a good thing.

    I really think in 20-30 years, this time frame will but studied, debated and continuously examined by scholars and laymen. It is truly remarkable times and not in a good way.
    My daughter graduated from Liberty University last night with a 4 year degree in Communications. There were 2 speakers that all of you would recognize.
    Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and current Senator Tim Scott. They hardly touched on politics at all. Their focus was on sharing their faith and the way God has blessed them. If this platform will let me share any photos I will do so. I'll not be on the forum much in the near future. My daughter is getting married May 18th. I know all of you will "hold down the fort" without me. You did fine before I came on the scene anyway :ROFLMAO: ;)
    Using another platform called I was able to upload some photos. (BTW, my link to my thread looks professional. It's not something I lifted off the internet. This is my thread "Scenes from Lynchburg Virginia". The photos were taken by me on my cell phone.)
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    My daughter graduated from Liberty University last night with a 4 year degree in Communications. There were 2 speakers that all of you would recognize.
    Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and current Senator Tim Scott. They hardly touched on politics at all. Their focus was on sharing their faith and the way God has blessed them. If this platform will let me share any photos I will do so. I'll not be on the forum much in the near future. My daughter is getting married May 18th. I know all of you will "hold down the fort" without me. You did fine before I came on the scene anyway :ROFLMAO: ;)
    Using another platform called I was able to upload one photo. My hotel's wifi is only "so so" and thus just one photo... (BTW, my link to my thread looks professional. It's not something I lifted off the internet. This is my thread "Scenes from Lynchburg Virginia". That a photo I took with my cell phone.)
    Oh great.....I found Tim Scott's speech that I witnessed last night at the graduation in the stadium. It's on YouTube!
    You go girl:

    This is my current union, SIEU. I've retired from the workforce insofar as being member of traditional trade unions. During my lifetime I've been a member of 4 unions during different times.

    SIEU is not a normal traditional union at all. They lobby Congress and State legislatures to improve their workers position in the world. We're currently fighting for retirement benefits through social security. We don't get that, we're minimum wage government employees which are not allowed to contribute from our wages into our social security accounts to build up our retirement pensions. There is no movement up or down for these employees, first day, last day, its the same, minimum wage no benefits whatsoever.

    We are not allowed to pay payroll taxes on our wages. That's not a good thing, that's a bad thing. It's a good thing for me with my circumstances at this point in my life, but it's not a good thing for the poorer younger members of the union.


    If you watch that video carefully you can see why I as a handsome gentleman of retiring age doesn't dare go to a meeting with the rank and file sisters of this union alone. I have to be escorted by my wife, or I would encounter sexual harassment if I were to go there alone. Likely to get teased, pinched, or goosed from behind.

    It was safe enough for Kamala Harris to go there alone, she's a woman, Joe on the other hand wouldn't dare go there alone. He would need to be escorted by Kamala if he were to go there.
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