Would Joe Manchin for President attract Moderates / Independents? (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    If the Nov. 2024 ballot was DNC President Biden and GOP Donald Trump, I would certainly avoid both of them and look for another candidate.
    I just came across an online article that Senator Joe Manchin is CONSIDERING becoming a 3rd Party candidate.
    Naturally his fellow Democrats would not like that.
    #1 West Virginia would possibly elect a Republican to be their next Senator
    #2 Manchin wouldn't win the presidency and he'd pull more votes from Biden than he would from Trump.
    I'd CONSIDER voting for Manchin. IF he ran...AND the media gave him any "air time", then I think he'd make things interesting. :sneaky:
    Historically, Most 3rd Party Candidates were names that MOST "regular folks" never heard of. Ross Perrot was an exception.
    But again, my point is that most 3rd party candidates have received such a small number of votes because no one knew them and everyone knew they had no chance.
    Senator Joe Manchin DOES have name recognition going for him.
    When Biden's term began, I think there was some publication that called Joe Manchin: "The Most Powerful Man In Washington". An exaggeration of course, but he often "held the keys" to IF a Biden backed bill passed or it didn't.
    Anyway, what say you about anything I've posted here?
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    a third party candidate has zero chance to win. And I believe that the third party candidate regardless of what they say know that in their heart of hearts

    At best, they just want to 'send a message' they'd get thousands of votes but not enough to flip any state one way or the other. But enough to show that there is a decent size group of people who don;t want either main party candidate

    Worst case, they know full well and intend to be playing spoiler. The want their thousand of votes to pull away from one particular candidate in one or more particular state that it does flip the other way

    In this case it just to try to prevent Biden from winning

    If Liz Cheney, Larry Hogan or Adam Kinzinger throw their hat in the third party ring it would be to prevent Trump from winning
    Yes re. re. paragraphs 1 and 2
    No paragraph 3
    Yes re. what you said about Liz Cheney
    I don't care about Larry Hogan and I never even heard of Adam K. ( I googled him. Got it)
    I like Joe Manchin.
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    Give the reader what they want to hear so they can give a thumbs up. I do not believe Joe Lieberman wants to push for an extreme agenda. I saw a lengthy and recent interview of him. He said he is aware that a great number of Americans do not want Trump or Biden. He would only run a candidate if he thought his candidate could win. Of course all of you don"t think his candidate could win. I am just sharing HIS words. If Trump backers give money to No Labels then I will admit that they feel a 3rd Party Candidate would take more votes from Biden than Trump. For any newcomers to me....I would prefer that Trump was under house arrest and Biden would change his mind about running again.
    You say that Lieberman and the No Labels party are sincerely just trying to give the American people another choice. You say that Lieberman and the No Labels party wouldn't run a candidate if they didn't think that candidate could win.

    Actions speak louder than words.

    Explain how Joe Lieberman and the No Labels Party are sincerely trying to give Americans another choice when they waited until the spring of 2023 to make an effort to get on ballots and that most of their efforts are targeting the swing states that Biden needs to lose in order for Trump/Other Republican nominee to win the election?

    Explain how Joe Lieberman and the No Labels Party sincerely believe their candidate can win the election when they waited until the spring of 2023 to make an effort to get on ballots and that most of their efforts are targeting the swing states that Biden needs to lose in order for Trump/Other Republican nominee to win the election?

    Explain how almost all the financing they are getting is coming from self-proclaimed Trump supporting Republicans?

    By the way, Joe Lieberman single-handedly blocked the pulbic option in the Affordable Care Act, so he's already clearly demonstrated that he puts corporate interests above the well being of the general public.

    Pay less attention to what they are saying to you and pay more attention to what they are actually trying to do to all of us.

    They keep saying everything they are doing to help all of us, but what they are doing actually helps Trump win the election and you yourself have admitted that Trump winning the election is bad for all of us.

    Supporting and promoting the No Labels is not how we keep Trump from being president again. It may be a crappy reality, but it is in fact the reality facing us.
    This is the reality of this election as it stands. The winner of the election will either be Biden or Trump. There is no realistic, practical way that anyone else will win the election.

    So the reality of our choice comes down to who do we want to win out of Trump and Biden.

    I have a lot of issues with Biden, but there is no realistic way that Biden loses and Trump doesn't win. It's crappy, but it's the reality of the situation.

    Swaying any votes away from Biden only helps Trump win, no one else.

    Not voting for Biden only helps Trump win, no one else.

    So as much as I have issues with Biden and as much as I have issues with voting against someone, Trump must lose the election which means Biden must win, as distasteful and unpleasant as that may be.

    Imagine you jump out of plane and pull your chute cord. It doesn't open. You reach for the cord for your reserve chute and see that it's covered in a sticky acid. You're like, I can't fall to the ground, because I'll die, but if I pull the cord my hand will be burned by the acid.

    You think, I wish someone would come flying in to rescue me. As great as that would be and even though it's not 100% completely impossible, you look around and see that no one is coming to save you from the two choices you have. You either have to pull the chute cord covered in acid or fall to the ground. That's it. There are no other surprises or miracles coming.

    Biden is the acid on the chute cord and Trump is falling to the ground. You'll live through getting acid on your hand. You'll die if you fall to the ground. The No Labels Party candidate is the surprise or miracle option that isn't coming to rescue you from your two choices.
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    Looks like Manchin is on his next attention--grabbing expedition to wrangle something away from his colleagues or allow Trump to take back the White House again.

    Manchin, DINO, the Republican mole in plain sight… :oops:
    If Manchin runs, Trump wins the election and Manchin finishes a very distant 3rd. I'm hoping this is Manchin just up to another one of his political extortion cons. He gets off on squeezing people politically while staring them in the face.

    If Manchin runs and Trump wins, America will deserve it's fate. Independent voters will have again delivered the presidency into the hands of a deranged, disgruntled, unstable, lying, insurrectionist.

    I have very little faith in American voters, so it will likely happen if Manchin does run.
    If Manchin runs and Trump wins, America will deserve it's fate. Independent voters will have again delivered the presidency into the hands of a deranged, disgruntled, unstable, lying, insurrectionist.

    I have very little faith in American voters, so it will likely happen if Manchin does run.

    I think the idea of "deserves" is a tool used to get people to accept things they should not accept and to do things they should not do.

    We will get whatever we collectively vote for and allow to happen, but that's not the same thing as getting what we "deserve." Everyone deserves to be treated with humanity, compassion and dignity, even if they are being held accountable for unacceptable behavior.

    I think the idea of "deserves" is a tool used to get people to accept things they should not accept and to do things they should not do.

    We will get whatever we collectively vote for and allow to happen, but that's not the same thing as getting what we "deserve." Everyone deserves to be treated with humanity, compassion and dignity, even if they are being held accountable for unacceptable behavior.

    I suppose that's a better way to look at it. I say "deserves" because what we will get that we collectively vote for is already known by all, if it ends up being Trump.
    If Manchin runs and Trump wins, America will deserve it's fate. Independent voters will have again delivered the presidency into the hands of a deranged, disgruntled, unstable, lying, insurrectionist.

    I have very little faith in American voters, so it will likely happen if Manchin does run.
    Agreed 100%, collectively we will have deserved it. Manchin is a Republican mole wearing Dem clothing, even though it seems like most of his dem clothing has already been flung away. 🔥
    CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced Thursday that he won’t seek reelection in 2024, giving Republicans a prime opportunity to pick up a seat in the heavily GOP state.

    Manchin, 76, said in a statement that he had made the decision “after months of deliberation and long conversations” with his family.

    “I believe in my heart of hearts that I have accomplished what I set out to do for West Virginia,” he said. “I have made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that I will not be running for re-election to the United States Senate, but what I will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together.”

    His decision to retire severely hampers Democratic hopes of holding on to the coal-country seat. For the last few years, Manchin has been the only Democrat elected to statewide office in West Virginia, a longtime politician who has served as governor, secretary of state and state legislator.……

    CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced Thursday that he won’t seek reelection in 2024, giving Republicans a prime opportunity to pick up a seat in the heavily GOP state.

    Manchin, 76, said in a statement that he had made the decision “after months of deliberation and long conversations” with his family.

    “I believe in my heart of hearts that I have accomplished what I set out to do for West Virginia,” he said. “I have made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that I will not be running for re-election to the United States Senate, but what I will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together.”

    His decision to retire severely hampers Democratic hopes of holding on to the coal-country seat. For the last few years, Manchin has been the only Democrat elected to statewide office in West Virginia, a longtime politician who has served as governor, secretary of state and state legislator.……

    I'd like to learn more about the next to last paragraph ( "...creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together".
    I've come back to my post to add something relevant (it reinforces and or amplifies)...
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    There will be a special place in hell for Joe Manchin if his outsized ego leads to getting Trump re-elected. And that is what would happen. Three possible scenarios for his 3rd party run and 2 of them get Trump elected.
    CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced Thursday that he won’t seek reelection in 2024, giving Republicans a prime opportunity to pick up a seat in the heavily GOP state.

    Manchin, 76, said in a statement that he had made the decision “after months of deliberation and long conversations” with his family.

    “I believe in my heart of hearts that I have accomplished what I set out to do for West Virginia,” he said. “I have made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that I will not be running for re-election to the United States Senate, but what I will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together.”

    His decision to retire severely hampers Democratic hopes of holding on to the coal-country seat. For the last few years, Manchin has been the only Democrat elected to statewide office in West Virginia, a longtime politician who has served as governor, secretary of state and state legislator.……

    It’s mind boggling that the tier of employee who traditionaly works as labor would ever look to the Pulling The Wool Over Their Eyes GOP for a fair shake. Somehow I suspect there is some racial prejudice and white privaledge thrown in there. 🤔
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    Manchin, Kennedy, Trump, and Biden all running would be an electoral college nightmare.

    Kennedy doesn't have much hope at winning any electoral votes. Manchin could, especially in a 4 way race.

    Manchin would win WV for sure, and might could get a few others with the vote diluted so much.

    We don't need congress choosing the winner.

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