Will “mass deportation” actually happen (3 Viewers)

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    U.S. Blues
    Mar 26, 2019
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    Charleston, SC
    It’s so repulsive to see people cheering for what is basically 80% the same thing as the Holocaust - different end result but otherwise very similar.

    Economists have said it would tank the economy and cause inflation - notwithstanding the cost.

    Is it going to actually happen or is this Build The Wall 2.0?

    That’s my honest opinion. It’s the honest opinion of millions of people. You can attempt to dismiss that all you want but the border and immigration policy was a major issue in the election. If you want proof, go look in just about every major metropolitan area and ask yourself where all these migrants came from that are straining our health care services, school systems, housing, police etc. Ask all these blue mayors and governors if illegal migration is a problem. It was a problem before but Biden made the problem much worse than any of his predecessors.

    Immigration and border security are major issues for voters, yes. That doesn't mean we have open borders (whatever that means) under Biden. You have been shown repeatedly that a bipartisan bill supported by Biden and his administration was scuttled thanks to Donald Trump. How is supporting legislation to secure the border an indication of open borders? Can you provide any other evidence that the borders are open? Can you even define open borders?

    I ask these questions because you have refused to answer them up to now. I ask them because this is what makes you a damn liar. You make these claims with zero proof and you use nebulous terms like "open borders", yet when called on it, you still proudly share your uninformed, unsupported, vacuous opinions like they mean something. Except... they don't. Your complete ignorance and assistance that they do doesn't change that fact. Nobody here takes anything you say seriously because you refuse to engage in good faith. As I said before, it's frigging pathetic coming from a grown-arse adult.
    It kept them in Mexico hence it kept them from migrating into this country. That is the purpose of immigration law. Controlling our borders and controlling whom we allow into this country.

    Point well taken.

    It kept people in Mexico temporarily. Many got tired of waiting there and crossed illegally anyway. It didn't stop migration to the border, as you had previously claimed, neither did it stop them from coming over illegally. So point not taken.

    Also, that wasn't immigration law. That was an executive order meant to be temporary band aid. To actually pass immigration law, you have to pass a bill through Congress. Something Biden attempted to do and Trump torpedoed for electoral politics.

    Can you at the very minimum admit that Trump killed that bill simply to use it for election politics and for no other reason?
    They can apply for asylum in MX and wait for a hearing to see if they qualify for asylum in the US.
    They can? You guys allow people to apply for asylum from other countries now?

    "To seek asylum, you must already be in the U.S.".

    Huh. Guess that needs updating? I mean, it's either that or you don't know even the most basic things about asylum, but that'd be crazy, why would you be start spouting off about asylum if you didn't even know that, right?

    Edit to add: Or wait, is the premise here that they claim asylum from Mexico, and then.. also attempt to claim asylum from the US? Pretty sure that's not generally a thing either.
    Last edited:
    Immigration and border security are major issues for voters, yes. That doesn't mean we have open borders (whatever that means) under Biden. You have been shown repeatedly that a bipartisan bill supported by Biden and his administration was scuttled thanks to Donald Trump. How is supporting legislation to secure the border an indication of open borders? Can you provide any other evidence that the borders are open? Can you even define open borders?

    I ask these questions because you have refused to answer them up to now. I ask them because this is what makes you a damn liar. You make these claims with zero proof and you use nebulous terms like "open borders", yet when called on it, you still proudly share your uninformed, unsupported, vacuous opinions like they mean something. Except... they don't. Your complete ignorance and assistance that they do doesn't change that fact. Nobody here takes anything you say seriously because you refuse to engage in good faith. As I said before, it's frigging pathetic coming from a grown-arse adult.

    A grown arse adult would already know what I mean by “open borders” assuming said grown arse adult paid attention to the increase of undocumented migrants coming across the border over the past 4 years. Does someone really need to prove to you that for the last three to four years unprecedented numbers of undocumented migrants have streamed across our borders? Does someone have to prove to you that the Biden administration reversed all of the Trump era border policies before he (Biden) had anything in place to deal with all those migrants? Does someone have to prove to you that once those folks set foot in this country it becomes much more laborious and costly to deport them if they even bother to show up for a hearing?

    Now I can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that all this was planned but as you put it, if it looks like a duck.

    You have mayors and governors and school superintendents and hospital administrators and law enforcement all over this country complaining about the lack of policy from this administration. Some of them are democrats. But you need proof in order to discuss?

    Did we have migration problems before? Yes. Nobody said otherwise. But we were making progress. But Biden took what worked and reversed it before he had a policy in place to deal with the problem. He left the plane without a parachute banking on the hope that Republicans would be forced to pass the bill he wanted rather than allow all these undocumented migrants into the country. And Republicans didn’t play along. So he sat on his arse and allowed it to continue for over three years. That’s on him. And Harris.

    As for the Republicans, they have been dragging their arse on immigration as long as the Dems. And yes the Langford bill should have been debated and voted upon. But that doesn’t excuse Biden and his crew for their reckless border policy and reversing what was working to a degree and replacing it with a cluster.
    It kept people in Mexico temporarily. Many got tired of waiting there and crossed illegally anyway. It didn't stop migration to the border, as you had previously claimed, neither did it stop them from coming over illegally. So point not taken.

    Also, that wasn't immigration law. That was an executive order meant to be temporary band aid. To actually pass immigration law, you have to pass a bill through Congress. Something Biden attempted to do and Trump torpedoed for electoral politics.

    Can you at the very minimum admit that Trump killed that bill simply to use it for election politics and for no other reason?
    It kept people in Mexico temporarily. Many got tired of waiting there and crossed illegally anyway. It didn't stop migration to the border, as you had previously claimed, neither did it stop them from coming over illegally. So point not taken.

    Also, that wasn't immigration law. That was an executive order meant to be temporary band aid. To actually pass immigration law, you have to pass a bill through Congress. Something Biden attempted to do and Trump torpedoed for electoral politics.

    Can you at the very minimum admit that Trump killed that bill simply to use it for election politics and for no other reason?
    I have no doubt one of the reasons was that Trump wanted to use it. I never said otherwise.

    Can you at the very minimum admit that illegal migration is worse under this administration than under any previous administration? Can you even admit that it’s a problem that is stressing the social networks in just about every state and major metropolitan area in the country?
    A grown arse adult would already know what I mean by “open borders” assuming said grown arse adult paid attention to the increase of undocumented migrants coming across the border over the past 4 years. Does someone really need to prove to you that for the last three to four years unprecedented numbers of undocumented migrants have streamed across our borders? Does someone have to prove to you that the Biden administration reversed all of the Trump era border policies before he (Biden) had anything in place to deal with all those migrants? Does someone have to prove to you that once those folks set foot in this country it becomes much more laborious and costly to deport them if they even bother to show up for a hearing?

    Now I can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that all this was planned but as you put it, if it looks like a duck.

    You have mayors and governors and school superintendents and hospital administrators and law enforcement all over this country complaining about the lack of policy from this administration. Some of them are democrats. But you need proof in order to discuss?

    Did we have migration problems before? Yes. Nobody said otherwise. But we were making progress. But Biden took what worked and reversed it before he had a policy in place to deal with the problem. He left the plane without a parachute banking on the hope that Republicans would be forced to pass the bill he wanted rather than allow all these undocumented migrants into the country. And Republicans didn’t play along. So he sat on his arse and allowed it to continue for over three years. That’s on him. And Harris.

    As for the Republicans, they have been dragging their arse on immigration as long as the Dems. And yes the Langford bill should have been debated and voted upon. But that doesn’t excuse Biden and his crew for their reckless border policy and reversing what was working to a degree and replacing it with a cluster.
    The 'Remain in Mexico' policy was only upheld during the pandemic. U.S. law grants anyone the right to apply for asylum at the border—that is the law, and only Congress can change it. When Mexico declined to renew the agreement, asylum seekers had a legal claim to have their cases heard. Proposed legislative changes, blocked by the House, included detaining asylum seekers, expediting meritless claims, and swiftly deporting ineligible applicants. Responsibility lies with those who blocked reform, not with a president willing to sign it.
    I have no doubt one of the reasons was that Trump wanted to use it. I never said otherwise.

    Can you at the very minimum admit that illegal migration is worse under this administration than under any previous administration? Can you even admit that it’s a problem that is stressing the social networks in just about every state and major metropolitan area in the country?
    This administration tried to solve the problem. Can you admit that Trump and the house republicans are responsible for the problem not being solved a year ago ?
    I have no doubt one of the reasons was that Trump wanted to use it. I never said otherwise.

    Can you at the very minimum admit that illegal migration is worse under this administration than under any previous administration? .
    Yes, it was worse for a time. It is no longer that.

    Can you even admit that it’s a problem that is stressing the social networks in just about every state and major metropolitan area in the country?

    I can not admit that as that is not true. There are some areas where it's having a larger impact than others, but it is not stressing social networks in just about every state and major metropolitan area in the country. It isn't here in San Antonio, and we're right here next to the border. There is a lot of right wing hysteria around immigration and this is one of those "common knowledge" statements where it's most evident.
    A grown arse adult would already know what I mean by “open borders” assuming said grown arse adult paid attention to the increase of undocumented migrants coming across the border over the past 4 years. Does someone really need to prove to you that for the last three to four years unprecedented numbers of undocumented migrants have streamed across our borders? Does someone have to prove to you that the Biden administration reversed all of the Trump era border policies before he (Biden) had anything in place to deal with all those migrants? Does someone have to prove to you that once those folks set foot in this country it becomes much more laborious and costly to deport them if they even bother to show up for a hearing?

    Now I can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that all this was planned but as you put it, if it looks like a duck.

    You have mayors and governors and school superintendents and hospital administrators and law enforcement all over this country complaining about the lack of policy from this administration. Some of them are democrats. But you need proof in order to discuss?

    Did we have migration problems before? Yes. Nobody said otherwise. But we were making progress. But Biden took what worked and reversed it before he had a policy in place to deal with the problem. He left the plane without a parachute banking on the hope that Republicans would be forced to pass the bill he wanted rather than allow all these undocumented migrants into the country. And Republicans didn’t play along. So he sat on his arse and allowed it to continue for over three years. That’s on him. And Harris.

    As for the Republicans, they have been dragging their arse on immigration as long as the Dems. And yes the Langford bill should have been debated and voted upon. But that doesn’t excuse Biden and his crew for their reckless border policy and reversing what was working to a degree and replacing it with a cluster.

    You are still participating dishonestly. I asked you to define what you meant by "open borders" so I could understand your position better. Your responses show that you have no desire to be honest in this discussion, but I am willing to hear you out if you want to actually participate with honesty.

    Joe, what do you mean by "open borders" and can you point me toward the specific policy/policies of Joe Biden that led to this point?
    You are still participating dishonestly. I asked you to define what you meant by "open borders" so I could understand your position better. Your responses show that you have no desire to be honest in this discussion, but I am willing to hear you out if you want to actually participate with honesty.

    Joe, what do you mean by "open borders" and can you point me toward the specific policy/policies of Joe Biden that led to this point?

    You think we'll get any good faith debate from these two? Good luck with that. They refuse to engage when asked difficult, or even somewhat easy questions. They waved their noses at Chuck and didn't actually address a GD point he made.
    A grown arse adult would already know what I mean by “open borders” assuming said grown arse adult paid attention to the increase of undocumented migrants coming across the border over the past 4 years. Does someone really need to prove to you that for the last three to four years unprecedented numbers of undocumented migrants have streamed across our borders? Does someone have to prove to you that the Biden administration reversed all of the Trump era border policies before he (Biden) had anything in place to deal with all those migrants? Does someone have to prove to you that once those folks set foot in this country it becomes much more laborious and costly to deport them if they even bother to show up for a hearing?

    Now I can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that all this was planned but as you put it, if it looks like a duck.

    You have mayors and governors and school superintendents and hospital administrators and law enforcement all over this country complaining about the lack of policy from this administration. Some of them are democrats. But you need proof in order to discuss?

    Did we have migration problems before? Yes. Nobody said otherwise. But we were making progress. But Biden took what worked and reversed it before he had a policy in place to deal with the problem. He left the plane without a parachute banking on the hope that Republicans would be forced to pass the bill he wanted rather than allow all these undocumented migrants into the country. And Republicans didn’t play along. So he sat on his arse and allowed it to continue for over three years. That’s on him. And Harris.

    As for the Republicans, they have been dragging their arse on immigration as long as the Dems. And yes the Langford bill should have been debated and voted upon. But that doesn’t excuse Biden and his crew for their reckless border policy and reversing what was working to a degree and replacing it with a cluster.

    I love the passion, but to me (I'm in my 50's, so... ), an open border means people can legally cross back and forth without any restrictions, as if they were crossing from, say, North Carolina to South Carolina and back, and the only indication you crossed a border is the horrible condition of HW 77 once you are on the South Carolina side.
    The GOP and MAGA world has been saying for years that illegal immigration is a scourge on our land, our safety and our prosperity.

    They claim they are "poisoning the blood of our nation"

    I live right outside Washington DC, a major metropolitan area, do we have illegal people here? Probably. Probably a ton of them

    If they say that undocumented migration is a crisis and it's never been worse under Biden than it's ever been, I can't tell

    If we are being told it's been lower under Biden than it's been in decades frankly, I can't tell that either

    I'd bet dollars to donuts that the vast majority of people complaining about this 'invasion' the longest and loudest can't tell either

    "Really, your number one concern and issue in Des Moines, Iowa is the border crisis?"
    gee, can you let the mayors of the sanctuaries know that illegal immigration isn't a problem? And if it isn't a problem (!!!), why do Dems have sanctuaries?
    Yes, more of you being victimized.

    Your positions are quite clear, there's no need for fabrication. I only ask that you defend them with some substance instead of this flow of one and two liners.
    That is very, very strange. I am no victim, but I did pretend to be a Democrat once. Oh, and I slept at a Holiday Inn at least once.

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