What happens to the Republican Party now? (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?


    HOW IT STARTED: " I respect women"

    HOW ITS GOING: Except when it comes to them making decisions about their own well-being because scripture, written 2000 years ago, in an era when life expectancy was 35 years, by someone/people ive never met, said so

    your beliefs are yours- i dont think anyone here is attempting to change your mind about that. We simply will point out the glaring hypocrisy when you attempt to merge your "beliefs" with standard societal norms when it applies.

    like here.
    I bet 90% or more of abortions are NOT chosen by women BECAUSE of "their well being". Many are NOT afraid that they will die. Yet there ARE some cases of the woman' life in danger...of course I am that there are.
    I think it is more likely that most abortions are because the woman knows that she is going to give birth to a baby, but she doesn't want to give birth to a baby....so she opts for an abortion.
    Regarding scripture. Truth is eternal. It does not become outdated or untruthful because thousands of years have gone by.
    Actually the Bible has stood the test of time. Someday you'll stand face to face with your creator and then you'll know for sure that this is true.
    I bet 90% or more of abortions are NOT chosen by women BECAUSE of "their well being". Many are NOT afraid that they will die. Yet there ARE some cases of the woman' life in danger...of course I am that there are.
    I think it is more likely that most abortions are because the woman knows that she is going to give birth to a baby, but she doesn't want to give birth to a baby....so she opts for an abortion.
    Regarding scripture. Truth is eternal. It does not become outdated or untruthful because thousands of years have gone by.
    Actually the Bible has stood the test of time. Someday you'll stand face to face with your creator and then you'll know for sure that this is true.
    I've said things clearly. I've exercised my right to free speech.
    When I disagree with someone I don't post laughing emojis.
    That's not my style.
    I'm done here.
    See ya.
    What parts have stood the test of time? Men not being able to have long hair? What about shellfish, or sitting where a menstruating woman has sat? The mental illness of addiction being sinful? Giving birth to a daughter makes you unclean? Stoning children? Homosexuality? God getting into a pissing contest with Satan over Job? The sermon on the mount is the only thing in there to have stood the test of time. If the god of the bible happens to be real and I stand face to face with him, I'll let him know that he is unworthy of my worship.
    I've said things clearly. I've exercised my right to free speech.
    When I disagree with someone I don't post laughing emojis.
    That's not my style.
    I'm done here.
    See ya.

    No, you block them and then- apparently- run away. If the slightest pushback causes you to retreat, maybe the problem isn't people pushing back. Maybe the problem is your fragile belief structure.
    I bet 90% or more of abortions are NOT chosen by women BECAUSE of "their well being". Many are NOT afraid that they will die. Yet there ARE some cases of the woman' life in danger...of course I am that there are.
    I think it is more likely that most abortions are because the woman knows that she is going to give birth to a baby, but she doesn't want to give birth to a baby....so she opts for an abortion.
    Regarding scripture. Truth is eternal. It does not become outdated or untruthful because thousands of years have gone by.
    Actually the Bible has stood the test of time. Someday you'll stand face to face with your creator and then you'll know for sure that this is true.

    you "bet"?

    followed by "I think"

    thats the best you can do? you have no quantitative data to support this OPINION? ( because it is, without supporting evidence, simply the opinion of one person who is a school teacher in NJ )

    As for your "truth"-3,000,000 years ago it was TRUE dinosaurs RULED the landscape. 3000 years ago it was TRUE the Earth was the CENTER of the UNIVERSE. 300 years ago it was TRUE that man would never fly. 30 years ago it was TRUE that there was no social media.

    So is TRUTH REALLY eternal?
    I see there are more LOLs.
    Oh well you LOL folks, when your life is over and you are face to face with the Lord you will remember this and realize that the Bible was correct....but it will be too late.
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    I took my lol emoji down and I apologize for that. It is tacky for me to laugh at someone else's belief structure. I am curious what parts you think have stood the test of time?
    I see there are more LOLs.
    Oh well you LOL folks, when your life is over and you are face to face with the Lord you will remember this and realize that the Bible was correct....but it will be too late.

    And until that day comes. you have to be face to face with the women in your life whose own rights you don't think are worthy of protection.
    Yet you support a party that not only fails to recognize that right, but actively wants to terminate said right. Actions speak louder than words, Steve.

    Yup, his belief system and party are already responsible for multiple women dying, that should have never happened.....because of some interpretation (which many have said before is BS anyways) of The Bible .....which IMO is a fairy tale.....and not a good one at that.....that's my belief system.....Another part of my belief system is a woman's body is her own and decisions that impact her are between her and her doctor, and not Christian fascists....
    Actually the Bible has stood the test of time. Someday you'll stand face to face with your creator and then you'll know for sure that this is true.
    or its because the bible gives people what they want. to live forever to get away with bad stuff as long as you have faith you are always loved you get to live forever god will take care of you and so on. but the bible has often been used for evil and hell on earth for others because religion is the people not the bible.
    Is this what you wanted? Because this is what an abortion ban gets us.

    If it can be criminalized it WILL be used to hurt/humiliate/incarcerate blacks and young people. Democrats, in other words.

    You do understand that the reason a woman might choose abortion is absolutely irrelevant. I don't have to give a reason why I want to vote, or get a gun or do any protected action as a citizen. If the argument is that women don't own their bodies, are you ready for the sexual discrimination side effects? In order to be fair, men will no longer control their bodies. Are you cool with some politician deciding that whacking off is mass-murder? Or maybe forced sterilization is more to your liking. How about if there's a subsumed twin in your body somewhere that you're told it's alive, therefore you can't get it removed.

    See, we've had an unequivocal demarcation line for when personhood starts, when abortion becomes infanticide for centuries. It's birth. Birth is the quantum change between potential and realized, between something inside and dependent on the woman, putting her life at risk every moment and a separate being whom anyone can care for and which isn't putting the mother's life at risk at all.

    You've no more right to tell a woman she can't get an abortion than I do to hold you down and remove a kidney because I need one.
    I bet 90% or more of abortions are NOT chosen by women BECAUSE of "their well being". Many are NOT afraid that they will die. Yet there ARE some cases of the woman' life in danger...of course I am that there are.
    I think it is more likely that most abortions are because the woman knows that she is going to give birth to a baby, but she doesn't want to give birth to a baby....so she opts for an abortion.
    Regarding scripture. Truth is eternal. It does not become outdated or untruthful because thousands of years have gone by.
    Actually the Bible has stood the test of time. Someday you'll stand face to face with your creator and then you'll know for sure that this is true.
    I see there are more LOLs.
    Oh well you LOL folks, when your life is over and you are face to face with the Lord you will remember this and realize that the Bible was correct....but it will be too late.

    No I won't.

    See how easy that is? Neither you nor I has any more truth than the other on this point. Our opinions, in America, are precisely equal.

    Your right to ban abortion ends where a woman's uterus begins. Because your opinions are equal, you get to exercise yours over your own reproductive organs while she gets to exercise her own opinion over hers.

    That's the distasteful, heretical arrogance I see from the Christian Right. They honestly think their opinion isn't just better, isn't just more sacred than someone else's, they believe they should get to enforce it at gunpoint.
    I see there are more LOLs.
    Oh well you LOL folks, when your life is over and you are face to face with the Lord you will remember this and realize that the Bible was correct....but it will be too late.
    There are easier ways to get a response from @SystemShock
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    I recognize her option to terminate the developing life in her womb.
    If wish she wouldn't though. Without an abortion there will be a life...a baby that you can hold...and kiss....and that baby will grow up and impact the lives of countless people. Abortion ends a life.
    If I encounter anyone who has had an abortion, I treat them the same as everyone else.
    I treat them with respect.....because....
    It is NOT MY place to judge. Yet IT IS totally fine for me to express my opinion that the developing life of the baby in the womb is important to me....and I wish it was important to others as well.
    Most of you will vote for Harris because she most closely reflects your outlook or view of life.
    I won't vote for her or Trump because neither of them reflect my outlook or view of life.
    “I recognize her option to terminate the developing life in her womb.”

    And yet will vote for people who fully intend to remove that option

    “It is NOT MY place to judge. Yet IT IS totally fine for me to express my opinion that the developing life of the baby in the womb is important to me....and I wish it was important to others as well.”

    But it is your place to vote

    What you are describing is pro choice

    “It’s your choice to have an abortion but I wish you wouldn’t”

    You want more than the freedom to express your opinion

    You want your opinion to be law of the land

    And you’ve made it clear you plan on voting for people who plan on doing exactly that

    Please don’t pretend you feel otherwise or hide behind “ I respect women” “I recognize her option”
    I recognize her option to terminate the developing life in her womb.
    If wish she wouldn't though. Without an abortion there will be a life...a baby that you can hold...and kiss....and that baby will grow up and impact the lives of countless people.

    So you just described people aborting non-viable, unwanted, but healthy pregnancy of people using later 1st and 2nd term abortion as birth control.

    You know, the evil women who just sleep around.

    Otherwise known as the minority in this sample size.

    Never mind those abused women who are forced to carry their abuser's child, or all of those wanted, yet malformed fetuses missing vital organs, or other horrific medical conditions that are excruciatingly painful for the minutes long lives. Nevermind that many are wanted by the parents. - desperately wanted. Who cares that they aren't going to make it due to complications. Screw those people right?

    they should just suffer because you think if only their mom hugged and kissed them at birth, that the parents would suddenly realize they are worth it and the mother would go to heaven?

    Wtf is wrong with you?

    You want to help women not make the choice to have an abortion for birth control?


    Stop voting to take away all of the programs that might help people raise children. Stop vilifying single mothers. Give a shirt about the life after it is born. Then we can talk.

    Until then, you are just judging women using your own dogma, and have the audacity to claim the moral high ground.


    Stop voting to take away all of the programs that might help people raise children. Stop vilifying single mothers. Give a shirt about the life after it is born. Then we can talk.
    ^^^^^^^^^SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    The pro-life crowd are only pro-life up until birth, afterwards, all bets are off. The overwhelming majority of them are:

    Pro death penalty
    Pro imprisonment
    Pro JUVENILE imprisonment
    Pro police state
    Anti civil rights
    Anti welfare (except corporate welfare)
    Anti Bill of Rights (except the 2nd)

    They're anti-any program that's designed to provide help to anyone and pro-any Government action that tells you how you live your life.
    Last edited:
    ^^^^^^^^^SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    The pro-life crowd are only pro-life up until birth, afterwards, all bets are off. The overwhelming majority of them are:

    Pro death penalty
    Pro imprisonment
    Pro JUVENILE imprisonment
    Pro police state
    Anti civil rights
    Anti welfare (except corporate welfare)
    Anti Bill of Rights (except the 2nd)

    They're anti-any program that's designed to provide help to anyone and pro-any Government action that tells you how you live your life.

    While flying a "Don't Tread on Me" flag.

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