What happens to the Republican Party now? (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    Just losing isn't enough

    They need to get smoked.

    Even losing the presidency by millions of votes as long as it comes down to less than 100K votes in 3-5 swing states I don't think they'll see any reason to change

    "We're almost there, just boost our turnout a little bit (or lower theirs) and the White House is ours

    and "they" need to get smoked not just president - Senate, House, sheriffs, judges, school boards, dog catchers

    States, districts and positions that haven't been blue since Disco was king need to go blue

    Then and only then will there be a mass realignment and the crazies will be cast out

    If it's razor thin swing state margins I believe MAGA will stick around and the next cycle will be even worse
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    Until you start voting in opposition, you will have the same exact party in 2028. Might even be worse. You dont think Lara Trump was inserted in the RNC for this cycle alone, do you?

    Opposition- from county, to state elections to national. Until then, your "Grand Ole Party" will be hostages to a handful of power-seeking folks who give $.02 about your "morals, ethics and plight"

    Best of luck with all that.

    Hope isnt a strategy.
    I would've voted in opposition to Trump in my state's primary, but Nikki Haley dropped out before I had a chance.
    I am not gonna vote for a Pro Choice Presidential candidate.
    I'm just gonna wait until 2028 and vote for the GOP candidate who is NOT named Trump.
    @efil4 points out that my "Hope isn't a strategy"....but that ok.
    I'm not a political operative. I'm not seeking a strategy.
    Anyone on this forum who thinks they can make a difference by themselves is mistaken.
    You have to be a position of power to do that.
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    I would've voted in opposition to Trump in my state's primary, but Nikki Haley dropped out before I had a chance.
    I am not gonna vote for a Pro Choice Presidential candidate.
    I'm just gonna wait until 2028 and vote for the GOP candidate who is NOT named Trump.
    Hope isn't a strategy....but that ok.
    I'm not a political strategist. I'm just me.

    People of this country shouldn't vote their religious dogma onto others. It would make for a much more peaceful and stable society if voters prioritized a functioning government and leaders with character, even if you disagree with them, and mutual respect for our differences. All voting dogma has gotten us is horrible health outcomes for women (in a society as modernized as ours) and a society at each others throats.

    If people voting for dogma truly cared about preventing abortions, their efforts would be much more fruitful if they respected women enough to make their own choice, but gave them the tools and support to avoid finding themselves in a situation where an abortion is the choice that's made. That doesn't happen by voting for dogma.

    Despite what anybody will tell you, your God will not punish you for voting for a Democrat or a pro-choice candidate.
    I would've voted in opposition to Trump in my state's primary, but Nikki Haley dropped out before I had a chance.
    I am not gonna vote for a Pro Choice Presidential candidate.
    I'm just gonna wait until 2028 and vote for the GOP candidate who is NOT named Trump.
    @efil4 points out that my "Hope isn't a strategy"....but that ok.
    I'm not a political operative. I'm not seeking a strategy.
    Anyone on this forum who thinks they can make a difference by themselves is mistaken.
    You have to be a position of power to do that.

    So you readily admit to being a single issue Voter.

    Then you sit back and wait 4 more years, stack up your list of perceived grievances, and start over again in HOPES that the next GOP candidate isn't as morally and ethically corrupt as Trump?

    So even if corrupt and a liar, so long as it's not Trump, you're ok with it. Got it.

    You are the exact Republican they want. Congrats on your defeatist attitude.

    That post reminds me of a quote from Rogue One: A Star Wars story

    When Jyn was asked if she could stand to see the Impeeial Flag fly over the galaxy and she replied " it's not a problem if you don't look up".
    So you readily admit to being a single issue Voter.

    Then you sit back and wait 4 more years, stack up your list of perceived grievances, and start over again in HOPES that the next GOP candidate isn't as morally and ethically corrupt as Trump?

    So even if corrupt and a liar, so long as it's not Trump, you're ok with it. Got it.

    You are the exact Republican they want. Congrats on your defeatist attitude.

    That post reminds me of a quote from Rogue One: A Star Wars story

    When Jyn was asked if she could stand to see the Impeeial Flag fly over the galaxy and she replied " it's not a problem if you don't look up".
    Your carefully worded post will gain you many "thumbs up" I'm sure.
    Nice job! :rolleyes:
    I wish to push back on your 4th line that you worded as follows: "So even if corrupt and a lair, so long as it's not Trump, you're ok with it. Got it".
    ................well you did what political tv ads often do. They take a little bit of truth and then they grossly misrepresent it to make the "opposition" look bad.
    In 2024, 2026 or 2028 I will NOT be seeking to vote for "liars" or for those who are "corrupt".
    I WILL be inclined to vote for politicians who quote scripture rather than politicians who quote Star Wars....although I have enjoyed a few Star Wars movies in my lifetime and if another good Star Wars movie comes out I'd be happy to see it as well.
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    What bothers me about Cheney is her father was a champion and made a lot of progress in expanding the executive power and authority of the office of the president. Dick would be fine with any president of his liking having the excessive authority that Trump's Project 2025 plans on seizing for Trump if he wins. He just doesn't want Trump to have it. I have suspicions Liz might think the same way.
    I've seen and watched enough of Cheney to say she doesn't just blindly tow the party line. Her comments about the Republican party makes that clear.

    No party loyalist would support the voting for Harris. I see too many party loyalists not making hard choices here. The ones who do are risking their political careers. We've already seen a number of them get voted out when they make that hard choice. You're either a party loyalist or you're a nobody in politics.
    Lies! We all know how liberal the FBI is!

    Murder dropped by more than 11% from 2022 to 2023, the largest single-year decline in two decades, according to FBI data released on Monday.

    Meanwhile, the broader category of violent crimenationwide decreased about 3%, said the data, which is audited and confirms earlier reporting from unaudited statistics.

    Monday’s release of audited data contradicts a talking point that Donald Trump has made on the campaign trail as the Republican presidential nominee seeks a return to the White House during the 5 November election: that crime has been rampant and out of control without him in power.

    In its annual Crime in the Nation summary, the FBI said rape decreased by an estimated 9.4%, property crime dropped 2.4% and burglary fell by an estimated 7.6%.

    Car theft, however, was up by an estimated 12.6% – and shoplifting had returned to levels seen before the Covid-19 pandemic, from 999,394 reported cases in 2022 to 1.15m in 2023.

    The crime agency notes that its 2023 estimates include full-year numbers from “every city agency covering a population of 1,000,000 or more inhabitants”, undermining frequent Republican claims that the numbers look better than they are because they exclude statistics from many major cities.……

    It's always funny when someone grandstands about how they are going to "block you" and "stop reading your posts", only to then turn around and paraphrase a post you made after they declared they were blocking you.

    People that do that have no credibility in my opinion and nothing they say should be trusted. In fact, one should assume that the truth is actually the opposite of what they say.
    When are self-proclaimed "good Christian people" going to stop using the excuse "can't vote for pro choice candidates" as an excuse to continue voting for fascists and racists?

    The Republican party is not fascist and racist because of Trump. The Republican party is fascist and racist, because the majority of self-proclaimed Republican voters keep voting for fascists and racists across their whole ballot.

    The go to excuse for most of them is I'm "anti-pro choice" and they seem clueless on how inherently fascist that mindset is. The Republican party is now openly fascist and racist, because the majority of the remaining self-proclaimed Republicans prefer fascism and racism to freedom and equality for all. And they are too weak and cowardly to admit it, just like the snakes hiding in the grass.
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    I've seen and watched enough of Cheney to say she doesn't just blindly tow the party line. Her comments about the Republican party makes that clear.

    No party loyalist would support the voting for Harris. I see too many party loyalists not making hard choices here. The ones who do are risking their political careers. We've already seen a number of them get voted out when they make that hard choice. You're either a party loyalist or you're a nobody in politics.
    I'm not worried about Liz Cheney being a party loyalists. That's not the concern I expressed in my post.

    I'm concerned her motivations are not all that she presents them as being. I'm concerned that she only wants to save our democracy, so she and her clan can be the ones to seize control, instead of Trump. Being concerned does not mean that I worry it will happen, just that Dick Cheney, and Liz's support of Dick Cheney, make it a reasonable concern and something to keep an eye on.
    I would've voted in opposition to Trump in my state's primary, but Nikki Haley dropped out before I had a chance.
    I am not gonna vote for a Pro Choice Presidential candidate.
    I'm just gonna wait until 2028 and vote for the GOP candidate who is NOT named Trump.
    @efil4 points out that my "Hope isn't a strategy"....but that ok.
    I'm not a political operative. I'm not seeking a strategy.
    Anyone on this forum who thinks they can make a difference by themselves is mistaken.
    You have to be a position of power to do that.

    Calm down guys, this is just good ole Steve reminding us that he is a Christian fascist that thinks women are 2nd class citizens....
    Calm down guys, this is just good ole Steve reminding us that he is a Christian fascist that thinks women are 2nd class citizens....
    Obviously I am on record as a Christian....but it is complete nonsense what you said about my viewpoint re. women.
    I totally respect women and listed Trump's lack of respect for them as something I have against him.
    Everyone knows I wanted Nikki Haley to be our next President. A woman that I respect.
    ......and I respect VP Harris as well. I'm just not gonna vote for her....and it's not because of her gender.
    My school principal is a woman and many of my fellow teaching staff members are as well.
    Seriously...Sometimes you say-post such weird stuff!
    Obviously I am on record as a Christian....but it is complete nonsense what you said about my viewpoint re. women.
    I totally respect women and listed Trump's lack of respect for them as something I have against him.
    Everyone knows I wanted Nikki Haley to be our next President. A woman that I respect.
    ......and I respect VP Harris as well. I'm just not gonna vote for her....and it's not because of her gender.
    My school principal is a woman and many of my fellow teaching staff members are as well.
    Seriously...Sometimes you say-post such weird stuff!

    That's all very nice, except where you leave out the part that your "ilk" does not think a woman has a right to decide what to do with her own body....and whilst they are the minority there are too many Christian fascist women who hold your same twisted, amoral beliefs....
    That's all very nice, except where you leave out the part that your "ilk" does not think a woman has a right to decide what to do with her own body....and whilst they are the minority there are too many Christian fascist women who hold your same twisted, amoral beliefs....
    That's a spin job by you.
    I respect my students.
    I respect my school district administration.
    I respect men.
    I respect women.
    I respect the life of the baby developing in the womb.
    I am a respectful person.
    You can toss out words of condemnation.... words like fascist.
    That's your choice to identify people in that manner.
    I (not surprisingly) don't share your viewpoint.
    That's a spin job by you.
    I respect my students.
    I respect my school district administration.
    I respect men.
    I respect women.
    I respect the life of the baby developing in the womb.
    I am a respectful person.
    You can toss out words of condemnation.... words like fascist.
    That's your choice to identify people in that manner.
    I (not surprisingly) don't share your viewpoint.
    Do you respect a woman's right to make her own health and life decisions?
    Obviously I am on record as a Christian....but it is complete nonsense what you said about my viewpoint re. women.
    I totally respect women and listed Trump's lack of respect for them as something I have against him.
    Everyone knows I wanted Nikki Haley to be our next President. A woman that I respect.
    ......and I respect VP Harris as well. I'm just not gonna vote for her....and it's not because of her gender.
    My school principal is a woman and many of my fellow teaching staff members are as well.
    Seriously...Sometimes you say-post such weird stuff!


    HOW IT STARTED: " I respect women"

    HOW ITS GOING: Except when it comes to them making decisions about their own well-being because scripture, written 2000 years ago, in an era when life expectancy was 35 years, by someone/people ive never met, said so

    your beliefs are yours- i dont think anyone here is attempting to change your mind about that. We simply will point out the glaring hypocrisy when you attempt to merge your "beliefs" with standard societal norms when it applies.

    like here.
    Do you respect a woman's right to make her own health and life decisions?
    I recognize her option to terminate the developing life in her womb.
    If wish she wouldn't though. Without an abortion there will be a life...a baby that you can hold...and kiss....and that baby will grow up and impact the lives of countless people. Abortion ends a life.
    If I encounter anyone who has had an abortion, I treat them the same as everyone else.
    I treat them with respect.....because....
    It is NOT MY place to judge. Yet IT IS totally fine for me to express my opinion that the developing life of the baby in the womb is important to me....and I wish it was important to others as well.
    Most of you will vote for Harris because she most closely reflects your outlook or view of life.
    I won't vote for her or Trump because neither of them reflect my outlook or view of life.
    I recognize her right to terminate the developing life in her womb.
    If wish she wouldn't though.
    If I encounter anyone who has had an abortion, I treat them the same as everyone else.
    I treat them with respect.
    It is not my place to judge, yet IT IS totally fine for me to express my opinion that the developing life of the baby in the womb is important to me....and I wish it was important to others as well.

    Yet you support a party that not only fails to recognize that right, but actively wants to terminate said right. Actions speak louder than words, Steve.

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