What happens to the Republican Party now? (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    Actually the Bible has stood the test of time.
    Meaning what? That people still believe? So have the Koran, the Vedas, the latter for much, much longer than Judaism...

    That it's been proven to be true? Not at all. Science and critical thinking have debunked the myths, and the message has morphed, rapidly in later years I may add, because the Bible's morality cannot keep up with the morality of secular humanism. So we have gone from a god who'll smite you where you stand, to your own personal Jesus.

    Now, about abstaining from voting from Harris because of abortion...

    First, much like the Bible doesn't say "don't own people", it doesn't say "thou shalt not abort". Further, Numbers 5:27-28 tells about forcing abortions on women who have been unfaithful (and making them barren as punishment to boot). So it seems the life of a fetus or zygote is not so precious after all... (gets worse if you were a Canaanite, but that's another discussion).

    Now, if you are a Christian, you know the 4 types of sin. And of of them is omission. You know what will happen with another Trump presidency and the harm it will do to others. Are you not going to do anything to prevent that?

    One last thing about Nikki Haley... as with any government, it's not just about the actions or words of the one person (President), but the actions and words of the people they appoint, and the people who follow them. Nikki Haley may not say the things Trump says, but she's kissed the ring, and would've followed the mandates imposed on her by the GOP, many of which hurt women and children alike.
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    When are self-proclaimed "good Christian people" going to stop using the excuse "can't vote for pro choice candidates" as an excuse to continue voting for fascists and racists?

    The Republican party is not fascist and racist because of Trump. The Republican party is fascist and racist, because the majority of self-proclaimed Republican voters keep voting for fascists and racists across their whole ballot.

    The go to excuse for most of them is I'm "anti-pro choice" and they seem clueless on how inherently fascist that mindset is. The Republican party is now openly fascist and racist, because the majority of the remaining self-proclaimed Republicans prefer fascism and racism to freedom and equality for all. And they are too weak and cowardly to admit it, just like the snakes hiding in the grass.
    I'm not worried about Liz Cheney being a party loyalists. That's not the concern I expressed in my post.

    I'm concerned her motivations are not all that she presents them as being. I'm concerned that she only wants to save our democracy, so she and her clan can be the ones to seize control, instead of Trump. Being concerned does not mean that I worry it will happen, just that Dick Cheney, and Liz's support of Dick Cheney, make it a reasonable concern and something to keep an eye on.
    Well, I mean, he is her dad. But that doesn't mean she is him, or believes everything he believes. That said, I can't speak for her because i don't really know..

    I will say that I do think she has the country's best interests at heart. I don't always agree with her approach, but it's miles better than anything Trump and his minions have to offer.
    ^^^^^^^^^SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    The pro-life crowd are only pro-life up until birth, afterwards, all bets are off. The overwhelming majority of them are:

    Pro death penalty
    Pro imprisonment
    Pro JUVENILE imprisonment
    Pro police state
    Anti civil rights
    Anti welfare (except corporate welfare)
    Anti Bill of Rights (except the 2nd)

    They're anti-any program that's designed to provide help to anyone and pro-any Government action that tells you how you live your life.

    Posted this a few times before

    “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for.

    They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated

    unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct

    unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy

    unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare

    unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships

    and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn.

    You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone.

    They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe.

    Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans?

    All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible?

    They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.”

    Methodist Pastor Dave Barnhart
    Do you have: a) unconventional scientific opinions; b) an inability to keep your thoughts and genitals to yourself; c) a soft spot for slavery; and d) a US passport?

    If you answered “yes” to most of the above, then congratulations, you’ve got what it takes to be a Republican politician.

    As you may have noticed, the main qualification for serving as a Republican lawmaker appears to be bizarre and unexpected behaviour. You couldn’t invent some of these people.

    There’s Joe Arpaio, for example: the former Republican sheriff of Maricopa County who, in the 1990s, forced all the inmates of a tent jail he later described as a “concentration camp” to wear pink underwear.

    Then there’s former Texas congressman Joe Barton, who resigned after a nude selfie scandal and was convinced that nobody should be worried about carbon dioxide emissions hurting the environment because CO2 is “in your Coca-Cola”.

    Recently, a Vermont Republican, Mary Morrissey, was caught after a months-long campaign of secretly pouring waterinto her colleague’s bag.

    And far-right Florida congressman Matt Gaetz keeps getting investigated for sexual misconduct.

    I could go on. Entry into the GOP Hall of Shame is very competitive. Still, it looks like we’ve got a new and notable contender. Enter Mark Robinson, who is running to become the governor of North Carolina.

    Robinson, CNN reported last week, was allegedly active on an adult messaging board called Nude Africa between 2008 and 2012 (before his political career), and had a lot to say on topics like Hitler, slavery and pornography…….

    A Republican congressman from New York who narrowly won his seat in 2022 put his fiancee’s daughter and a woman with whom he was having an affair on his payroll, according to a New York Times investigation on Monday.

    Anthony D’Esposito, who represents part of Long Island in the US House, paid the two women a total of about $29,000 for their employment, according to the Times. Both payments abruptly stopped in July 2023 when his fiancee found out about his affair and briefly broke up with him.

    Congressional code of conduct rules forbid employing family, including stepchildren, and engaging in sexual relationships with employees under the supervision of a US House member.……

    It’s becoming a trend, one that political scientists might want to dub the “childless cat lady” effect: Republican candidates are finding new and creative ways to insult women.

    Among the latest to pile on was Bernie Moreno, the Republican nominee challenging Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) in one of the most closely watched contests in the country.

    Moreno is taking a lead from his fellow Ohioan vice-presidential nominee JD Vance, who apologized — to cats — for his disparaging remark about women who don’t bear children.

    At a town hall last week in conservative Warren County, Moreno expressed mystification that suburban women could be so focused on the issue of abortion, adding that it was “a little crazy” for older women to care about reproductive rights at all.

    Here’s what he said, according to a video obtained by the NBC affiliate in Columbus: “Sadly, by the way, there’s a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women that are like, ‘Listen, abortion is it. If I can’t have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else.’ … Okay, it’s a little crazy, by the way, but — especially for women that are like past 50 — I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.’”

    That one got a chuckle from the crowd in the room, but elsewhere, people aren’t finding it funny.

    Has he considered that older women may have daughters or granddaughters whose rights they are concerned about?

    Or that, even if they don’t, they might be distressed to see that a constitutional protection that has existed for most if not all of their own lives has been stripped away?……..

    Regarding the argument that the "test of time" proves a religion's beliefs are true, I've got very bad news for fascist Christians:

    As a politician, Donald Trump has always exhibited a very creepy form of paternalism. He often says things like "No one has done as much for the Black community as I did" or "I've been better for Jews than anyone in history." It's as if he's bestowing on the people a special gift from the king and they should be grateful to him personally. Of course, his boasts are always lies so they tend to fall on deaf ears, but it reveals how he sees himself as president.

    Although he's long exhibited this rhetorical tic, in recent days he's really outdone himself. Sounding much more like a cult leader than a politician in a modern democracy, the passages in his speeches about women are downright disturbing. It started with a weird Truth Social post:


    The womenfolk are depressed but Big Daddy Trump is going to fix all that and they'll be so happy they won't even think about abortion. "THEY WILL FINALLY BE HEALTHY, HOPEFUL, SAFE AND SECURE. THEIR LIVES WILL BE HAPPY BEAUTIFUL AND GREAT AGAIN." All that's missing is "OR ELSE!"

    You'll note that he said he will "protect women at a level never seen before" as if women are abandoned children who are desperate for him to come and rescue them from all their travails. When was the last time you heard a major politician in America infantilize women like this? It sounds like something out of the 19th century.

    He took this all a step further in his speeches over the weekend making it clear that this is an official campaign message delivered from the teleprompter (with a few off-the-cuff embellishments.) In this rendition, women are complete basketcases, barely able to function which, for some bizarre reason, is why they care about abortion rights.

    It truly does have the tenor of a patriarchal cult leader speaking to his followers.

    He went on like this for a while, complaining that all women are talking about is abortion (because they are so unhappy, unhealthy and depressed) but he's going to make it all better. It's beyond condescending, but as my colleague Amanda Marcotte points out, it betrays Trump's frustration that women aren't falling in line as they are supposed to do so he's resorted to speaking to them as if they're children.

    It's profoundly insulting although you cannot help but notice the wild cheering from the women in his audience ecstatic at the idea of Dear Leader "protecting" them. (Why anyone would believe that a man who is on tape bragging about assaulting women and has been found liable for it in a court of law is some kind of "protector" is beyond me.).............

    What evidence did he think he was going to see?

    I saw no evidence that any of my neighbors ate pizza for dinner last night but I'm sure someone did

    Was he expecting to see a cat carcass and empty BBQ sauce bottles on the sidewalk

    I also see he's dusting off the ol' Donnie Deflection

    "I'm not going to talk about (the crazy batshirt thing Trump said) I'm talking about (hot button topic)

    Which differs from the Trump Two Step

    "No, I didn't see or hear about (the crazy batshirt thing Trump said that has dominated the news for the past 2 days), what I did see is (hot button topic)

    WASHINGTON - Staunch Trump ally and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy said he didn’t see evidence of Haitian migrants eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio - a debunked allegation that was pushed by former President Donald Trump during the presidential debate this month.

    “Having gone to Springfield, I didn't see that evidence,” Ramaswamy said on CNN Tuesday, before adding that “there are residents in the community that have pointed to that.”

    Ramaswamy’s latest comments come after he held a town hall in Springfield on Sept. 19, and sidestepped questions from reporters about Trump’s claim.

    "I'm not here to talk about the issues the media has really loved to obsess over," Ramaswamy said during the event. "Cats and dogs, we're not talking about it. We're talking about human beings who have been affected in this community."............

    I swear to yall- if i lived in the 3rd district- i would truly look to run against this dude.

    he is absolutely vile and its been some time since ive run across someone like him.

    He’s the worst sort of bully.
    This can't possibly be correct can it?

    Former President Donald Trump has claimed the win as new data suggests more Americans identify as Republicans than as Democrats for the first time since records began.

    The survey, published by Gallup, reported that the 2024 election is taking place in an "environment Favorable to GOP", with 48 percent of respondents identifying as a Republican or leaning towards the Republican party.

    By contrast, only 45 percent of respondents said the same about the Democratic party, which is almost a reversal of the proportion reported last election.

    Trump was quick to take credit for the shift, posting on Truth social: "The first time since they started keeping track that there are more Republicans than Democrats—and it's solely because of President Donald J. Trump!"

    Newsweek contacted the Trump campaign for further comment on the findings.

    The top pollster also found that Americans tend to favor the Republicans on top issues, including the economy, where they have a 24 percent lead over Democrats, and immigration, where they have a 22 percent lead.

    Gallup claimed that their survey has been "highly predictive of election outcomes", saying: "The party rated as better at handling the most important problem has won all but three presidential elections since that year."

    According to their numbers this cycle, Americans believe that the Republican Party is better at addressing what they think is the most important problem facing the country, by 46 percent to 41 percent.................

    Speaker Johnson has thrown a hissy fit and demanded that the Ukrainian ambassador to the US be removed by Zelensky because she scheduled a stop in PA to visit a munitions factory, calling it a political campaign visit. Putin’s birch.

    Speaker Johnson says Higgins told him he regretted the post, and that Higgins had prayed about it so there shouldn’t be a censure of Higgins because Johnson believes in “redemption”. Meanwhile here is what Higgins is saying


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