What happens to the Republican Party now? (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    I swear to yall- if i lived in the 3rd district- i would truly look to run against this dude.

    he is absolutely vile and its been some time since ive run across someone like him.

    Whatever he said was bad enough that they someone deleted it. Without looking up who's the 3rd District representative, I'm thinking it's gotta be Clay Higgins. Right?
    I would've voted in opposition to Trump in my state's primary, but Nikki Haley dropped out before I had a chance.
    I am not gonna vote for a Pro Choice Presidential candidate.
    I'm just gonna wait until 2028 and vote for the GOP candidate who is NOT named Trump.
    @efil4 points out that my "Hope isn't a strategy"....but that ok.
    I'm not a political operative. I'm not seeking a strategy.
    Anyone on this forum who thinks they can make a difference by themselves is mistaken.
    You have to be a position of power to do that.

    I know I am a few pages late, but you are EXACTLY what the GOP is looking for. Single issue voters are so easy to manipulate and they are killing our country.

    I thought you guys were all about freedom??
    Whatever he said was bad enough that they someone deleted it. Without looking up who's the 3rd District representative, I'm thinking it's gotta be Clay Higgins. Right?

    Yeah ( as you saw later on in thread )

    Dude was born in NO, raised in Covington and dropped out LSU ( my guess is he flunked out ) and went into law enforcement.

    I once was friends with a guy that had the SAME character. Followed the same path - only difference was he didnt decide to become a racist captain in St Landry- he plied his trade locally on the narcotics task force, only to be dismissed a few years later for same attitude as Higgins.

    They ( guys like him ) are drawn to "power" like a moth to flame. They will never really accomplish much, they feel slighted for that, so they channel their frustrations into hate, bigotry and racism. They find an audience that is receptive and thats where they settle. Until the time comes that those same views arent the norm. Then they look for the next opening of aggrieved people and make their way there.

    I didnt even realize Higgins RESIGNED over his promo video ( altho "resigned" is what he was ALLOWED to do vs outright fired )

    so he parlayed that resignation into cult following and ultimately with backing of a SuperPAC tapped into the "aggrieved white" phenomenon and was elected to the House in 2016.

    Having been born, raised and lived my entire life in SE LA, i can only tell folks this is partly why SE LA ( GNO area ) would LOVE to secede from the rest of this arse-backward State.

    Then i get to listen to Mike Johnson explain that "he prayed about that post- all good now" - Ahhh so praying to God absolved him of his bigotry and hate. It didnt REMOVE it, just absolved him in the eyes of God.

    okie dokie.

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