What happens to the Republican Party now? (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    Republicans are just like “the 19th Century didn’t exist!” The best is how sure of himself he is, “just think for a moment . . .” He’s literally born and raised on land that the USA acquired in a war by defeating another country.

    What the fork is wrong with these people?


    Not to mention this entire country wasn’t exactly uninhabited when Europeans arrived. Seems like we seized the entire country as spoils of war, actually.
    What was his point? What was he trying to get across?
    Well, well. The old guard might be going after Gaetz.

    Why wasn’t this done the second Tuberville started this mess?
    Evidently they will need 9 GOP senators to go along with the vote to change the rule, since Tuberville will undoubtedly filibuster. They probably didn’t think they had GOP votes until now. And they may still not have the GOP votes, idk.
    The Dems should really push this in the news more. I see some articles about it, but i don't see many Dems really making a hoopla about it. They should push that ALL Republicans in the Senate and House support what he's doing and how much the R's hate the Military.
    Despite long advocating small government and local control, Republican governors and legislators across a significant swath of the country are increasingly overriding the actions of Democratic cities — removing elected district attorneys or threatening to strip them of power, taking over election offices and otherwise limiting local independence.

    State lawmakers proposed nearly 700 bills this year to circumscribe what cities and counties can do, according to Katie Belanger, lead consultant for the Local Solutions Support Center, a national organization focused in part on ending the overreach it calls “abusive state preemption.”

    The group’s tracking mostly found “conservative state legislatures responding to or anticipating actions of progressive cities,” she said, with many bills designed to bolster state restrictions on police defunding, abortion, and LGBTQ and voting rights. As of mid-October, at least 92 had passed.

    In Florida, for instance, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed sweeping measures that empower the state attorney general to pursue election-related crimes and that require cities and counties to suspend a local ordinance if someone sues alleging it is preempted by state law.

    He has removed two elected Democratic prosecutors in as many years, including one who pledged not to charge people seeking abortions or transgender care.

    More clashes are expected. Louisiana Gov.-elect Jeff Landry takes office in January and has promised to confront the state’s largest city, New Orleans. He already has created a committee led by a local GOP political donor and businessman to address public safety and other issues there.

    He has threatened to withhold state funding for the city’s water infrastructure until the DA agrees to prosecute women who violate the state’s abortion ban by seeking the procedure.

    Given the presidential campaign that lies ahead in 2024, Belanger is concerned about states passing election-related laws that affect local authorities.

    “Election administration has been a target for abusive preemption in the past,” she said, “and as we go into an election year, that is a trend that will grow.”

    The antagonisms between red states and blue cities are all the more notable because the urban areas in the crosshairs are mostly majority-minority, with many mayors and district attorneys of color………

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    t seems like only yesterday that the entire Republican Party was calling for smelling salts over the shocking decision by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that senators would no longer be required to wear suits and ties on the floor of the Senate. The keening and wailing from the members of both chambers over the loss of decorum could be heard from coast to coast. How could the nation survive such a blow to the dignity of the U.S. Congress?

    Republicans were so outraged they sent a letter to the majority leader registering their “supreme disappointment and resolute disapproval” of the decision. The outcry was so overwhelming that the chamber voted to restore the old dress code so that the Senate would once again be a place of honor and tradition.

    How absurd it all was in light of what commonly happens these days in those same sacred halls — mostly at the hands of the Republicans themselves.

    Just a week or so ago we had a senator from Oklahoma challenging a witness at a congressional hearing to a fist fight, right there on the Senate floor. Supreme Court nominees are blatantly lying under oath about their intentions and beliefs and suffering no repercussions from the supposedly co-equal branch. A single freshman member has completely shut down military promotions in order to force the Pentagon to change a policy the majority in the government and the country support. And let's not forget that fateful day when thousands of Republican voters stormed the Capitol and trashed the place in order to force Congress to refuse to follow the Constitution and install their Dear Leader for a second term. Decorum you say?

    And why wouldn't they believe that acting like barbarians is acceptable behavior? The leader of the GOP has become downright lewd on the campaign trail and his crowds are delirious with delight...........

    But there is an effect on our culture and our politics from his crude behavior. Chris Christie appeared on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday and said it plainly:

    When you show intolerance toward everyone, which is what [Trump] does, you give permission as a leader for others to have their intolerance come out. Intolerance toward anyone encourages intolerance toward everyone.
    I think to be more precise, Trump shows intolerance toward people who disagree with him and that can be anyone. And his example has given permission to vast numbers of Americans who now believe that they have no obligation to tolerate anyone they don't like.

    Now, it's perfectly true that there was never a time in America when everyone just got along beautifully. Our history of racism and xenophobia alone puts the lie to that. But Trump's intolerance truly is ecumenical in that it could be any group, any individual, any foe or (former) friend at any given moment. It's entirely self-serving.

    It's making more and more people embrace political violence. The recent American Values Survey from Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) in partnership with the Brookings Institution think tank found that one in three Republicans agree that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country” – up from 15% in 2021. (22% of Independents and 13% of Democrats agree, all numbers having increased since 2021.) The truly frightening number is that among those who believe the Big Lie, 46% believe they may resort to violence, as well as 41% of Trump fans and 41% who buy into the "Great Replacement Theory." 39% of Christian nationalists are ready to take up arms to "save the country." Those numbers represent tens of millions of Americans.............

    This is a vile, vile human.

    I rarely say this out loud, but Tuberville has put our national security at risk with his antics, I wouldn't shed a tear if a bullet found him, it's exactly what he deserves....
    from robert reich

    On Saturday’s coffee klatch, I mentioned a speech I gave almost exactly 29 years ago that predicted Trumpism. The speech made headlines — and also made the White House furious. Many of you wanted to know more.

    As secretary of labor, I thought it important to explain why the Democrats had lost both the House and the Senate in the 1994 midterm elections. I attributed it to the fact that many Americans felt angry and frustrated about not getting ahead, and they took it out on Democrats who had been running Congress for many years.

    I also felt it necessary to sound the alarm about the future:

    “My friends, we are on the way to becoming a two-tiered society composed of a few winners and a larger group of Americans left behind, whose anger and disillusionment are easily manipulated. Once unbottled, mass resentment can poison the very fabric of society, the moral integrity of society, replacing ambition with envy, replacing tolerance with hate. Today the targets of that rage are immigrants and welfare mothers and government officials and gays, and an ill-defined counterculture. But as the middle class continues to erode, who will be the targets tomorrow?”

    I was tragically prescient.......


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