Trump Election Interference / Falsification of Business Records Criminal Trial (Trump guilty on all 34 Counts) (1 Viewer)

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    What will happen now that former President Donald Trump was found guilty (in 34 counts) by the jury?
    Speculation on the judge relating to sentencing?
    Political Damage?
    I'm pretty curious to see how the judge handles the gar order hearing today.
    I heard a good idea this morning on how to deal with Trump's gag order violations. Since $1k per violation is meaningless to Trump, and it is unlikely that he'll be imprisoned due to current gag order violations, a good alternative would be to confine Trump to his home for a couple of weeks with an ankle bracelet, which would prevent him from going to rallies. That would be a real incentive to behave. Then if he behaves during those 2 weeks, he can be released from confinement. If he continues to violate the gag order, then perhaps he'll have to lose access to social media during subsequent confinement.
    I heard a good idea this morning on how to deal with Trump's gag order violations. Since $1k per violation is meaningless to Trump, and it is unlikely that he'll be imprisoned due to current gag order violations, a good alternative would be to confine Trump to his home for a couple of weeks with an ankle bracelet, which would prevent him from going to rallies. That would be a real incentive to behave. Then if he behaves during those 2 weeks, he can be released from confinement. If he continues to violate the gag order, then perhaps he'll have to lose access to social media during subsequent confinement.
    That's interesting, but I suspect that's just going to delay the trial with more appeals and motions. I know it's been suggested that the judge could rule he's violated the gag order, but would delay the penalty until after a verdict is handed down and penalties applied then. I don't know how valid that is though.
    Apparently the judge is not at all happy with Trump's attorney, and it got testy. The plot thickens, lol.

    It appears that Trump's attorney wasn't very prepared for this hearing and hasn't provided and factual evidence that Trump was responding to specific attacks by people he's gone after. The judge is not having it, it's is not going well for Trump.
    Apparently the judge is not at all happy with Trump's attorney, and it got testy. The plot thickens, lol.
    If this continues, the felony charge may become secondary to Trump’s misbehavior. He might not have gotten any jail time even if convicted, but ironically may be more likely to get it for violating the gag order.
    It appears that Trump's attorney wasn't very prepared for this hearing and hasn't provided and factual evidence that Trump was responding to specific attacks by people he's gone after. The judge is not having it, it's is not going well for Trump.
    I'm not sure Trump's attorney can do much tho. When your client is doing stuff that's pretty much indefensible, what can he do? Sure, he can try to mitigate the damage to some degree, but I'm not sure there's much else he can say other than try to assure the judge ot won't happen again. His problem is he can't control Trump, so his hands are pretty much tied.
    I'm not sure Trump's attorney can do much tho. When your client is doing stuff that's pretty much indefensible, what can he do? Sure, he can try to mitigate the damage to some degree, but I'm not sure there's much else he can say other than try to assure the judge ot won't happen again. His problem is he can't control Trump, so his hands are pretty much tied.
    While that’s true, you also can’t tell the judge that Trump was simply responding to comments made by Cohen…and not have examples of those comments made by Conen ready to show the judge.
    If this continues, the felony charge may become secondary to Trump’s misbehavior. He might not have gotten any jail time even if convicted, but ironically may be more likely to get it for violating the gag order.

    how funny would it be that Trumps main complaint so far has been the fact that he "cant be out campaigning" - he acts like an idiot for remainder of trial, found in contempt for multiple violations and post trial gets 60 days in jail lolol

    THAT would be something lol
    how funny would it be that Trumps main complaint so far has been the fact that he "cant be out campaigning" - he acts like an idiot for remainder of trial, found in contempt for multiple violations and post trial gets 60 days in jail lolol

    THAT would be something lol
    Lmao, and they'll yell "election interference!" from the rooftops and to anyone who will listen. Hopefully only the MAGAts will buy that nonsense.
    Judge skewered the defense today. Trump hires only the best and it shows.

    Judge skewered the defense today. Trump hires only the best and it shows.


    did he take the stand and lie? cuz we all know he knew EXACTLY what he was doing all along.

    This is how you unmask a cadre of low brow con artist(s) and then sit back and wonder how in the world did they elevate to this level with never ever being found out?
    did he take the stand and lie? cuz we all know he knew EXACTLY what he was doing all along.

    This is how you unmask a cadre of low brow con artist(s) and then sit back and wonder how in the world did they elevate to this level with never ever being found out?
    Apparently the judge gave him the chance. When the lawyers were saying that Trump thought it was ok to do what he did, the judge asked “are you testifying? Is your client saying this under oath? Because I’d like to hear that.”
    Trump before entering the court: "These are all Biden trials."

    This of course is stupid - the prosecutors are not federal and this investigation began in 2018 with the stated intent of prosecuting Trump if the evidence supported it. But Trump says stupid, inaccurate, completely misplaced and nonsensical things all the time.
    Why would Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo leave the #3 spot in Biden’s DOJ for a lower level job in DA Bragg’s office?
    Why would Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo leave the #3 spot in Biden’s DOJ for a lower level job in DA Bragg’s office?
    Oh, I know, I's a conspiracy by the government to keep Trump from getting elected! Yeah!

    Of course, that's about as believable as flat earth theory, man on the moon is a hoax and we planned 9/11. Cool story bro.

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