Trump Election Interference / Falsification of Business Records Criminal Trial (Trump guilty on all 34 Counts) (1 Viewer)

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    What will happen now that former President Donald Trump was found guilty (in 34 counts) by the jury?
    Speculation on the judge relating to sentencing?
    Political Damage?


    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    I couldn’t find a thread just about this case, and thought we should have one since it’s Trump’s first criminal trial. He has to attend every day, as I understand it. Here is a quick reminder of what it’s about. His former lawyer Michael Cohen already went to prison for his involvement in this case.


    So an porn star actress reminds him of his daughter that he has said he wants to ****. Please excuse me while I go hurl. :sick:

    Daniels also testified that the former president told her he and his wife, Melania, sleep in separate bedrooms

    Stormy Daniels testified under oath on Tuesday that Donald Trump told her she reminded him of "his daughter" during their alleged tryst in 2006.
    The former adult film actress, 45, took the stand in Manhattan on Tuesday as part of 77-year-old Trump's trial on 34 felony counts of falsified business records with a broader implication of election interference.
    Daniels factors heavily into the so-called "hush money" case, which traces back to an alleged affair she had with Trump, rumors of which surfaced in 2018, when the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to the ex-porn star a month before the 2016 election so she'd keep quiet about the alleged sexual encounter they'd had years earlier.

    So an porn star actress reminds him of his daughter that he has said he wants to ****. Please excuse me while I go hurl. :sick:

    Daniels also testified that the former president told her he and his wife, Melania, sleep in separate bedrooms

    Stormy Daniels testified under oath on Tuesday that Donald Trump told her she reminded him of "his daughter" during their alleged tryst in 2006.
    The former adult film actress, 45, took the stand in Manhattan on Tuesday as part of 77-year-old Trump's trial on 34 felony counts of falsified business records with a broader implication of election interference.
    Daniels factors heavily into the so-called "hush money" case, which traces back to an alleged affair she had with Trump, rumors of which surfaced in 2018, when the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to the ex-porn star a month before the 2016 election so she'd keep quiet about the alleged sexual encounter they'd had years earlier.
    I bet there was smoke coming out trumps ears. gonna be some serious rage tweeting and catsup tossing today.
    The former president is all out of chances to avoid prison for violating his gag order, the judge said in court Monday morning as he found Trump in contempt one more time.

    “I’ll find you in criminal contempt for the tenth time,” Merchan said in a stark tone. “It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent. Therefore, going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction. Mr. Trump, it’s important to understand the last thing I was to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States, and possibly the next one as well.”

    Trump keeps ignoring the judge’s order forbidding him from speaking publicly about witnesses and jurors in a menacing way, something the former president keeps doing anyway on social media. Merchan last week fined Trump $9,000 for nine separate violations of a previous gag order—a step he only took after making repeated warnings.

    Do you think he will stop or he will end up in jail over this?
    It’s the “NY AG” thread but it’s messy and makes sense to have a new one for the trial.

    She also said that she stared up at the ceiling wondering how she got there.

    She had been gangbanged multiple times on camera, and done all sorts of other gross things, but Donald and his mushroom dong had her questioning her life choices.
    I don’t think he can help himself. He doesn’t have any self-control. 🤷‍♀️
    If he wants to continue the "unfair/witch hunt" narrative, getting tossed in jail ( or home detention/removal of ability to post to social media as @superchuck500 mentioned on the NY case thread ) he will absolutely do it. If it stirs up his supporters and makes him look like a martyr, he all about self-promotion. Consequences be damned.

    *Opens FanDuel acct to check odds ;)
    As the criminal cases mounted against Donald Trump last year, one could be forgiven for not giving much thought to the New York case that charged him with 34 felony counts for falsifying business records.

    The episode was a bombshell when the Wall Street Journal first reported it in January 2018. Trump paid the adult film star Stormy Daniels $130,000 on the eve of the 2016 election to keep quiet about an affair. He funneled the payment through his lawyer, Michael Cohen, and then lied about the purpose of the payment in his business records. By the time the case was filed last year, it had largely faded in the public psyche – buried under Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 election and an avalanche of other lies.

    Now, the once-sleepy case will be the first time a former president has gone to trial on criminal charges. It’s an awkward incongruity – the case with what appear the more benign crimes is taking on an outsize importance by going first – and a dynamic that’s been shaped entirely by Trump, who has used an array of legal maneuvers to delay the other three criminal cases against him.

    Like all of the trials against Trump, there will also be a case in the courtroom and in the court of public opinion. And first-term district attorney Alvin Bragg will need to clear both hurdles by not only presenting a cut-and-dry case about falsifying business records, but reminding the American public who the true victims are: themselves.

    “The prosecutor is going to want to sort of detail a precise case of ‘these are the documents, it was falsified, he knew and he had the intent’ and is going to try, in some ways, to simplify and streamline this case for the jury,” said Cheryl Bader, a professor at Fordham law school who specializes in criminal justice. “On the other hand, they also want to show why this matters as a matter of election democracy and choosing the highest officer in the land.”

    Bragg has already started trying to frame the case as a matter of election interference, casting the hush-money payments and efforts to hide them as part of a scheme to conceal information from voters ahead of the 2016 election.

    When Bragg first filed the charges, the biggest issue in the case was whether the crimes amounted to a felony. In New York, falsification of business records is a misdemeanor, but can be charged as a felony when it is done with the intent to commit another crime. Bragg has said Trump falsified the business records with the intent to violate federal and New York state election laws, among other things – a novel way of charging the crime.

    Many experts were initially somewhat skeptical of this strategy. While Judge Juan Merchan and a federal judge have both allowed Bragg to proceed to trial on this theory, it will probably be a central issue at the trial. Bragg will need to convince the jurors beyond a reasonable doubt not only that Trump falsified business records but also that he intended to violate another law.…..

    This case has always seemed to be the least of the charges against Trump

    one of the articles I posted in the other thread said that if this had happened to any other president (or even presidential candidate) at any other time this case would be a Watergate level scandal and would get “trial of the century” coverage
    This case has always seemed to be the least of the charges against Trump

    one of the articles I posted in the other thread said that if this had happened to any other president (or even presidential candidate) at any other time this case would be a Watergate level scandal and would get “trial of the century” coverage
    It’s not insignificant. It just seems that way because of all the other criming he’s done and is doing. It’s 40 some felony counts, each of which could lead to prison time.
    It’s not insignificant. It just seems that way because of all the other criming he’s done and is doing. It’s 40 some felony counts, each of which could lead to prison time.
    I know, but the media coverage definitely treated this as the least sexy of the trials (which was a bit odd, as this was the only one to involve sex, and with a porn star to boot)
    I know, but the media coverage definitely treated this as the least sexy of the trials (which was a bit odd, as this was the only one to involve sex, and with a porn star to boot)
    Yeah, except the crimes didn’t involve the sex at all. But I know what you mean.
    BTW, I’m not sure if anyone can count the number of motions filed by Trump’s attorneys in the past week seeking anything they can grasp onto to delay this trial. It’s been like a blizzard. I won’t be surprised if there is some sort of illness or accident in the Trump family this weekend, esp. Sunday, that will force a delay. He’s evidently terrified.
    Trump’s fundraising email about the trial:

    Now is the time to help me SAVE AMERICA and chip in >
    Friend, on Monday, my SHAM trial in New York begins.


    Democrats are chomping at the bit. They think if you see me sitting in court, it will be the end of the MAGA Movement.

    If we fail to have a MASSIVE outpouring of peaceful patriotic support – right here, right now – all Hell will break loose.
    #1 Democrats will say the end of our campaign is near.

    #2 The hateful LIARS in the media will say our movement is FINISHED.

    #3 And worst of all? THE ABSOLUTE WORST! They’ll start to say supporters like YOU have GIVEN UP on me…


    Rabid Democrats are poised to raise MILLIONS while I’m stuck defending myself in court.

    Listen, I’m sure you get a lot of these messages, but now it’s time for ALL of us to send the Democrats, the media, and the Globalist Deep State a message they’ll NEVER forget.

    Before the day is over, I’m calling on ONE MILLION pro-Trump patriots to chip in and say, I’LL NEVER GIVE UP ON PRESIDENT TRUMP! >

    Remember, the only thing standing between freedom & the TOTAL OBLITERATION of our country is your support.

    YOUR SUPPORT fuels our Patriotic movement.

    And only with YOUR SUPPORT will we win back the White House.

    So from the bottom of my heart, I’m asking for you to peacefully stand by my side just one more time >
    Together we will win back the White House and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

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