Trump Election Interference / Falsification of Business Records Criminal Trial (Trump guilty on all 34 Counts) (1 Viewer)

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    What will happen now that former President Donald Trump was found guilty (in 34 counts) by the jury?
    Speculation on the judge relating to sentencing?
    Political Damage?
    Wait...there's a gag order, yet a Trump attorney just commented on the case live on CNN... isn't that a violation of the gag order? And the attorney complained that the judge shouldn't be sitting on this case and should have recused himself. He even commented on a witness, Karen McDougal, being irrelevant to the case.

    I mean, if I'm the judge, I'm sanctioning the lawyer for violating the gag order.

    I think the bigger problem for Trump re: the gag order is what he posted over the weekend about Cohen.
    I think the bigger problem for Trump re: the gag order is what he posted over the weekend about Cohen.
    The judge should put Trump in jail for the duration of the trial. It is the only way that he can prevent Trump's violations of court orders.
    The judge should put Trump in jail for the duration of the trial. It is the only way that he can prevent Trump's violations of court orders.

    The judge hasn't even sanctioned him for one violation much less more than one. I think he would have to start there and threaten to make it worse before he just concludes that Trump needs to be jailed.
    The judge hasn't even sanctioned him for one violation much less more than one. I think he would have to start there and threaten to make it worse before he just concludes that Trump needs to be jailed.
    Yeah, they just introduced motions for sanctions asking for $1000 fines for each of three social media posts, also asking the judge to remind Trump that further violations could result in jail time. I would expect they'd have to have repeat violations and a series of escalating fines before they would jail him for contempt.
    Yeah, they just introduced motions for sanctions asking for $1000 fines for each of three social media posts, also asking the judge to remind Trump that further violations could result in jail time. I would expect they'd have to have repeat violations and a series of escalating fines before they would jail him for contempt.

    Yeah, that's a likely progression. I would expect him to make some sort of minor sanction and demand the defendant respect the order or face contempt, including jail. The $1,000 seems a good place to start.
    Yeah, that's a likely progression. I would expect him to make some sort of minor sanction and demand the defendant respect the order or face contempt, including jail. The $1,000 seems a good place to start.

    General question chuck that i dont know if ever asked of you but how would you wrangle a client that simply coulndt keep his mouth shut? Do you/firms have procedures/protocol in place to dissuade them from repeated offenses?

    I mean i know none of these attorneys will do much of anything since they think this is their golden goose, but at some level i have to believe that they view their profession in a serious light and that his constant transgressions are making a mockery of the system they spent years in school/practice to make a career. Right?!
    They did it to Bobby Seale

    General question chuck that i dont know if ever asked of you but how would you wrangle a client that simply coulndt keep his mouth shut? Do you/firms have procedures/protocol in place to dissuade them from repeated offenses?

    I mean i know none of these attorneys will do much of anything since they think this is their golden goose, but at some level i have to believe that they view their profession in a serious light and that his constant transgressions are making a mockery of the system they spent years in school/practice to make a career. Right?!

    I've never dealt with it. I think the vast, vast majority of Americans are respectful of the system and of the judge's authority over the courtroom to not be a concern at all - they may be very unhappy about it, but they at least respect that there's a process and it's not in their interest to challenge it. So I have never dealt with anything like that at all.

    What's far more common is you're concerned that a client or a witness is very chatty or easily roused by opposing counsel - and you want to work on managing those concerns. But even a combative witness shuts the eff up when you get in the courtroom and there's a judge in robes with a gavel in her/his hand.

    I have never done any criminal law though, so I'm sure it's a bit more intense for people to deal with. But still I think a defendant prone to outbursts is still uncommon except in situations where someone is mental or borderline mental and just can't help themselves.
    cant bring the cocaine into the courtroom.
    Adderal is his drug of choice these days from what I read. Noel Casler has detailed his adderal use on line and in interviews repeatedly for years beginning when he was president. Trump has never once attacked Noel about it. He also details his incontinence, and says he had to have surgery to repair his nose years and years ago due to damage from the cocaine use when he was younger.

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