The trade and economy mega-thread (3 Viewers)

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U.S. Blues
Mar 26, 2019
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Charleston, SC
Is there a trade deal with China? Is it really a deal or just a pull-back to status quo ante? Is Trump advancing US interests in this well-executed trade battle plan or was this poorly conceived from the start . . . and harmful?

I think the jury's still out, but I haven't seen that the Chinese are offering much in compromise - and it's not even clear if there's going to be an agreement. But it's clear they are working on something and I'm sure Trump will sell it as the greatest trade deal ever. The proof will be in the details.

The gen z should be a huge number because they are counting that group of people for 23 years and counting. 8 years longer than the previous two.

I could see how you would think that the millennials are a huge group of young people heck a quarter of the population but so are the boomers still with millions and millions of deaths.
Generations don't get classified till they are adults. At some point, they will put a book end on Gen Z'rs and it will be in line with the other generations and it will be done retro-actively. It's when they notice adults having different traits. Gen z'rs are considered people who always had a smart phone growing up. Until the next Generational change occurs, Gen Z will have no end date. I know this isn't related to economics, but I find this stuff interesting. There is the Star Wars Generation, the group of people born between 1977 and 1983 (The run of the original star wars trilogy). They have traits from both Gen X and Gen Y.
Generations don't get classified till they are adults. At some point, they will put a book end on Gen Z'rs and it will be in line with the other generations and it will be done retro-actively. It's when they notice adults having different traits. Gen z'rs are considered people who always had a smart phone growing up. Until the next Generational change occurs, Gen Z will have no end date. I know this isn't related to economics, but I find this stuff interesting. There is the Star Wars Generation, the group of people born between 1977 and 1983 (The run of the original star wars trilogy). They have traits from both Gen X and Gen Y.
They already have. I've seen Gen Alpha tossed around recently.
Trump tweeted Monday night: “Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration. He had the WEAKEST recovery since the Great Depression, despite Zero Fed Rate & MASSIVE quantitative easing. NOW, best jobs numbers ever. Had to rebuild our military, which was totally depleted. Fed Rate UP, taxes and regulations WAY DOWN. If Dems won in 2016, the USA would be in big economic (Depression?) & military trouble right now. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!”..................

Yeah, well Trump's an idiot, so we all know the true story on this one.
This is at least encouraging news, from my perspective.

I think we can all agree that higher voter turnout, and interest in general in who leads the nation, is a good thing.

This is at least encouraging news, from my perspective.

I think we can all agree that higher voter turnout, and interest in general in who leads the nation, is a good thing.

It will be interesting to gauge enthusiasm as we move through the primaries. I imagine Trump supporters like what has been seen in Iowa and New Hampshire. In Iowa Trump surpassed the turnout that Obama got in 2012, and had more than 4 times the turnout W had in 2004.

In New Hampshire Trump more than doubled Obama 2012 and Bush 2004 numbers. And got roughly 55,000 more votes than Clinton in 1996.

But those states are not full of the urban areas that are the Democrats' strength.
It will be interesting to gauge enthusiasm as we move through the primaries. I imagine Trump supporters like what has been seen in Iowa and New Hampshire. In Iowa Trump surpassed the turnout that Obama got in 2012, and had more than 4 times the turnout W had in 2004.

In New Hampshire Trump more than doubled Obama 2012 and Bush 2004 numbers. And got roughly 55,000 more votes than Clinton in 1996.

But those states are not full of the urban areas that are the Democrats' strength.
He is at his peak in approval rating. Will be interesting to see if he maintains this momentum or if it is his peak for beating the impeachment. I wonder if he will get negative reaction with these pardons lately, especially if there is any truth to the Assange accusations about offering a pardon if he says no Russian involvement with the DNC hacks.

If he does maintain this momentum, he will win easily in November.
It will be interesting to gauge enthusiasm as we move through the primaries. I imagine Trump supporters like what has been seen in Iowa and New Hampshire. In Iowa Trump surpassed the turnout that Obama got in 2012, and had more than 4 times the turnout W had in 2004.

In New Hampshire Trump more than doubled Obama 2012 and Bush 2004 numbers. And got roughly 55,000 more votes than Clinton in 1996.

But those states are not full of the urban areas that are the Democrats' strength.
I don't know that Trump having a massive showing in a basically unopposed race means anything. No other incumbent president has actively campaigned for his second term for 4 years. If you compare Trump's Iowa and New Hampshire numbers to the top 4 Democratic candidate's numbers combined, his support is trounced. However, I don't believe that accurately reflects anything in the presidential election at this point.
He is at his peak in approval rating. Will be interesting to see if he maintains this momentum or if it is his peak for beating the impeachment. I wonder if he will get negative reaction with these pardons lately, especially if there is any truth to the Assange accusations about offering a pardon if he says no Russian involvement with the DNC hacks.

If he does maintain this momentum, he will win easily in November.
I agree, except for the last sentence.

I don't think it is possible for Trump to "easily win." He is just too unpopular overall.
I guess it is possible if there is some great schism in the Democratic Party (highly unlikely) or some relatively popular moderate-left or left-wing candidate runs as an independent (again, highly unlikely) then he could easily win simply because the anti-Trump vote splits. But more likely it is going to be really close in the handful or so states that will actually decide the race.
Or - Trump will get blown-out.
I don't know that Trump having a massive showing in a basically unopposed race means anything. No other incumbent president has actively campaigned for his second term for 4 years. If you compare Trump's Iowa and New Hampshire numbers to the top 4 Democratic candidate's numbers combined, his support is trounced. However, I don't believe that accurately reflects anything in the presidential election at this point.
I think it definitely reflects enthusiasm. And I don't think you can compare his primary numbers to the total Democratic field because the Democrats are having a contested election. That is why you compare it to recent PResidents who running for their nomination basically unopposed.
Who is your man to do that, Mayor Pete?

Are you asking who I support? Probably anyone, but no idea at this point. I'm not enthralled by any of them, but I do know that Trump is the worst human being on the planet.

He pardoned a corrupt Blagojovich and Maddoff, as well as, a guy who's family donated 200k to his campaign and provided free flights.

I'm disgusted.
I think it definitely reflects enthusiasm. And I don't think you can compare his primary numbers to the total Democratic field because the Democrats are having a contested election. That is why you compare it to recent PResidents who running for their nomination basically unopposed.
All that shows me is that Trump supporters are illogically supportive of Trump. Anyone who has been to or seen footage of a Trump rally already knows this.
Also just as likely that Never Trumpers are illogical and deranged that they believe conspiracies to sell Alaska to Russia, the POTUS is a russian agent and so are all the TrUmP SuPpOrTeRs. Anyone that has watched TV or read a publication already knows this.
There are Trump supporters on this board - sEems like we should cut out the personal insults.
I didn't intend to insult you or anyone on the board. I meant it is illogical to drive voter turn out in an uncontested primary/caucus. I apologize.
I didn't intend to insult you or anyone on the board. I meant it is illogical to drive voter turn out in an uncontested primary/caucus. I apologize.
No problem. I didn't take it as insulting - in part because I don't consider my self a "Trump supporter" but it seems like that has become an end-around the personal insult rule. Although in some instances I do support Trump.

Anyways - I need to be reminded of things as well - as many on here can attest.

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