Moderates that voted for Biden in Virginia are now voting Republican. (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jun 22, 2021
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    Latin American from Potomac, Maryland 20854
    The middle makes the difference once again. Why?

    McAuliffe made an error with the school issue to appease the CRT crowd. A costly strategic error.

    On another note CNN described Michelle Wu a moderate as the first woman of color to be mayor. The media recruiting minorities.
    Last edited:
    I have some sympathy for libertarians. I like the "live and let live" philosophy and the non-judgmental attitude. I admire the independence and relying on themselves. They want a minimalist government and hence a governor that does very little is welcomed.
    Except there isn't a libertarian run anything in this country where these sympathetic people actually are independent and rely on themselves. And if there were, they'd probably be screaming for government intervention to save them from starving to death.
    Every time the Democrats win taxes go up. Those that pay a lot of taxes tend to vote Republican to pay less.
    Another sweeping generalization, let’s look at the numbers:

    ‘The National Conference of State Legislatures recently published a report, ''The Pit and the Pendulum: How Personal Income Tax Rates Fluctuate,'' which analyzed personal income tax receipts for 1985-87 by state. Although the report does not try to distinguish between Democratic and Republican states, a partisan analysis is possible.

    Among the 40 states analyzed, personal income tax rates, expressed as revenue per $100 of personal income, increased an average of 2.5 percent between 1985 and 1987. Nineteen states with Republican governors had an average increase of 3.5 percent; 20 states with Democratic governors had an average increase of 1.6 percent. The disparity would have been much greater if I had not excluded a 248 percent increase in New Mexico, a state with a Republican governor, because the increase was so far out of line with the other states.

    The report identifies 11 states with particularly large increases. Seven have Republican governors, and four have Democrats. Massachusetts had a 4.3 percent increase, but was not in the top 11. Ten states with Republican governors and seven with Democrats had higher percentage increases.’

    This is somewhat dated, but I doubt it is all that much different today. It’s from NYT letter to the editor.

    From the Washington Post:

    ‘As the chart at the top of this article shows, following World War II, the top marginal tax rate was set at 70 percent or higher all the way up to the 1980s. That decade is often seen as the dawn of conservative economic policymaking ushered in by President Ronald Reagan: Taxes went down, regulations were rolled back, unions were busted.

    But it wasn’t just Republicans driving these policies. An analysis of the roll-call votes on the bills cutting the top income tax rate shows, for instance, that many Democratic lawmakers supported these changes.’

    ‘House and Senate Democrats provided 40 percent of the votes in favor of Reagan’s 1981 tax cut, which lowered the top rate from 70 percent to 50 percent. They then made up a majority of the votes behind Reagan’s second wave of tax cuts in 1986, which further lowered the top rate down to its nadir of 28 percent by 1988.’

    ‘Obama’s 2010 tax cut bill, which delayed the sunsetting of the Bush tax provisions by two years, passed with bipartisan support. When top rates crept back up to 39.6 percent in 2013, it required no action on Congress’s part — lawmakers simply allowed the Bush tax cuts for the top earners to expire.’

    Older article addressing the common "if you wouldn't talk so much about race, transgender, social justice, etc. so much I wouldn't vote for the republicans"

    There's a narrative conservatives (and sometimes the media) love to push when trying to explain away how people who say they don't support Trump still somehow can't stop themselves from blindly voting for Republicans:

    Yes, it's the "Why do you keep making me hit you?" defense and, let me tell you, ain't nobody buying it anymore.

    It had a good run, though. The right used it for years to defend voting for the very worst people they could find by blaming the left. We were so mean to them! We called them racist and greedy and cruel so, naturally, they were simply forced to go out and vote for the most racist, most greedy, and most sadistic people they could find. And then they would blame us for the declining state of their party.

    Well, those days are well and forking over. 60+ million people foamed at the mouth to vote for an incoherent imbecile who promised to deliver unspeakable cruelty to everyone white Republican voters hated. Moderates had a choice: Walk away from their party or jump on the Trump Train to fascism and white nationalism.

    A hell of a lot of them put on their walking shoes and crossed the aisle. David Frum, Steve Schmidt, Jennifer Rubin, and most recently Max Boot, and others have abandoned the Republican Party and become voting Democrats; not out of a sudden love of progressive values, but because they understand the existential threat the GOP under Trump has become to American democracy.

    But then there's the Erick Ericksons of the right who decided that, gee golly whiz, those lefties are just so goshdarn mean that he just has to throw in with monsters:

    As Erickson writes, “Trump is neither an ambassador for my values nor the articulate champion of my principles I would prefer. But he is a safe harbor in a progressive storm that seeks to both destroy my values and upend our constitutional republic.”.............

    Still waiting on you to prove with factual evidence that colleges are indoctrinating students for a culture way. Until then I guess you are just running away from a comment that you made too

    Have fun!

    Have fun!

    Three articles, two YouTube videos, one post, and zero original thought.
    I am for National Medicare, abortion, and LGBTQIA rights.
    That makes you an extreme right-winger who happens to have a few views that aren't extreme right.
    Can you post without insulting remarks?
    I am merely making an observation supported with now multiple months of evidence. I don't intend for you to be insulted. For your mental health, I do think you should probably quit lying to yourself (and us) about being a moderate, though.

    It is low class and dishonest to make up statements I did not make. Your true colors finally show up. Your lack of honesty and integrity is very telling. Thanks for finally revealing yourself.
    I quoted you and in order to make sure I didn't assume anything, I asked for clarification, which you gave.

    FIFY means "Fixed it for you." No one thinks that you actually said that quote. You did accuse me of running from the conversation, however, which is absurd. I fixed what you said to be more accurate.
    He asked for references!
    Thankis foer the projection!

    I can't believe I have to explain this as though I were talking to a child, but here we are...

    You have failed to actually define your terms, much less support the claims with evidence. Can you explain how these courses of study are indoctrination, both by explaining the content of these programs and given that they are not mandatory, how they prepare students for the culture wars, and what exactly the culture wars actually are?

    After that, can you explain why one guy's opinions are proof of anything?
    I am merely making an observation supported with now multiple months of evidence. I don't intend for you to be insulted. For your mental health, I do think you should probably quit lying to yourself (and us) about being a moderate, though.

    I quoted you and in order to make sure I didn't assume anything, I asked for clarification, which you gave.

    FIFY means "Fixed it for you." No one thinks that you actually said that quote. You did accuse me of running from the conversation, however, which is absurd. I fixed what you said to be more accurate.
    To falsify what I said is dishonest Brandon. You lack integrity and you are a dishonorable unhappy person. You cannot get any lower than that Brandon.
    I can't believe I have to explain this as though I were talking to a child, but here we are...
    More insults.
    "A fool's wrath is presently known: but a prudent man covereth shame."
    You have failed to actually define your terms, much less support the claims with evidence. Can you explain how these courses of study are indoctrination, both by explaining the content of these programs and given that they are not mandatory, how they prepare students for the culture wars, and what exactly the culture wars actually are?

    After that, can you explain why one guy's opinions are proof of anything?
    What is wrong with the references CM? Can you explain?
    Did you watch the videos?
    More insults.
    "A fool's wrath is presently known: but a prudent man covereth shame."

    What is wrong with the references CM? Can you explain?
    Did you watch the videos?

    Why should I watch the videos? Who is that guy and why does his opinion hold so much weight?
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