General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump (10 Viewers)

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It's Not my Fault
Dec 2, 2021
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Today it begins, Kamala has reached the point that she's the Democratic Party nominee:

There's video from today. this link has video from her first public appearance since Biden endorsed her:

She spent yesterday on the telephone for most of the day. I read that yesterday that she called the party leaders in all 50 states. That would take me three days.

She's renamed her YouTube channel, that's the where to go for video:

This is her video on her channel from two hours ago:

To play it, start it, and then move it up to 5:47. This was one of those live videos which don't start at zero.

I've named this thread General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump

Trump needs an introduction post as well, a MAGA suporter ought to write it: @Farb, @SaintForLife , @Others, calling for someone to please introduce your GOP candidate for this 2024 general election thread.
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From Denver Riggleman on Twitter:

Good morning—Best selling author of THE BREACH, former congressman, former J6 Senior Technical Advisor, former intelligence officer and former and current tech CEO here. Hope you’re all well.

Since I was one of the only ones one earth to see the comms lines and coordination between hundreds of individuals on and about January 6th, 2021, I can “guess” that Trump inner circle folks, MAGA lawyers, Christian Nationalist groups/leaders, “western chauvinists” (white supremacists), CNP, CPI, Heritage, Federalist society, members of Congress, judicial appointees, state legislatures and activists across swing states and counties are communicating through private and encrypted comms across multiple channels —preparing for an assault on our democratic institutions and elections.

Six major groups were involved with J6: Trump’s inner circle/cabinet - current and former, white nationalist groups, legal activist groups and individuals (from Powell, Giuliani et all to CNP, Federalist group and others), congressional reps, state legislatures, Trump family, Cyber/forensic charlatans—foreign interference to using EO 13848 to voting machine disinfo).

The seventh “key” was conspiracy theory pushers/influencers and the list included on Giuliani’s own strategic campaign briefings. The QAnon, 4Chan meme crowd and dozens of other social media channels - foreign and domestic.

My hope is that we (private and government influence tracking organizations like GEC, etc.) have a task force projecting and game planning a multi-front assault on everything Americans hold dear.

There is more… I could go on and on. But, that’s enough for now.
Whoever this is on TikTok did a nice job of highlighting the hate and vitriol:

Please explain the context that makes “floating garbage” and “carving watermelons” perfectly acceptable

“I make fun of everyone. Latinos in general, Puerto Ricans in particular, blacks, gays, trans, liberal snowflakes, nancy men who think it’s okay to cry, people who think covid and climate change are real. See? Everyone.”


his pivot is he is more along the lines of a "roast" comedian.

Unfortunately, while he THOUGHT he was Nikki Glaser, he turned out to be nothing more than Rosanne Barr.
Please explain the context that makes “floating garbage” and “carving watermelons” perfectly acceptable

“I make fun of everyone. Latinos in general, Puerto Ricans in particular, blacks, gays, trans, liberal snowflakes, nancy men who think it’s okay to cry, people who think covid and climate change are real. See? Everyone.”


Joe Rogan ruined comedy.
There's the message again, "work makes one free." They are paraphrasing, but that is the value they are pushing and there's a sinister reason they are pushing it. Trump's and Republican's agenda is a lot more like Hitler's and the Nazi's agenda than people are admitting.
Elon has also made the statement 2x now - that there will be some discomfort or hard times after electing Trump. Not for him, of course, but for us peons.
This guy knocked on 2000 doors in one county in NC, what he describes as the “swingiest” county. He kept detailed notes. There’s a whole thread so I am just posting a few individual tweets. But one thing he does nail exactly - the majority of women feel a visceral disdain of and repulsion to Trump. It transcends policy and politics.

He thinks that about 10% of Rs will definitely vote for Harris - 6-7% of GOP women and 2.5% of GOP men. This doesn’t include anyone saying they are “considering” voting for Harris as he assumed they are probably “shy” Trump voters. Independent men were 60% voting for Harris. Dem men >99% voting for Harris.

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When Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election, 10 short words proved decisive. After a period in which high inflation had eroded living standards, the Republican challenger for the White House asked voters: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

The simple question that resonated so strongly with US voters 44 years ago has resurfaced in 2024 as the race between the vice-president, Kamala Harris, and the former president Donald Trump goes down to the wire.

By any objective measure, the answer to the question today should be “yes”. Under Joe Biden, the US economy has created more jobs (16m) than during any four-year presidential term since the second world war. In the three years before the Covid crisis caused mass – mostly temporary – layoffs in 2020, the economy under Trump created just under 7m jobs.

And if growth has been modest compared with the far more rapid expansion in the 1950s and 1960s – averaging just over 2% under Biden – it has been considerably faster than in other leading industrial economies.

Every member of the G7 group plunged into recession when the pandemic struck, but the US has posted by far the strongest recovery. Figures supplied by the House of Commons library showed the US economy almost 11% bigger than it was at the end of 2019, compared with a rise of 3.9% for the eurozone and 2.9% for the UK.

Nor is this just a recent phenomenon. Since 2010 the US economy has grown by 34%, the EU by 21% and the gap in per-capita incomes has widened steadily over time. Last month’s hard-hitting report on EU growth by Mario Draghi, a former European Central Bank president, highlights the US lead over Europe in hi-tech sectors and says the bloc is caught in a “middle-tech trap”.

Europe has its share of world-beating companies but none of them were founded in the past 30 years – a period that has seen the emergence of Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Nvidia. The US and China lead the way in the development of artificial intelligence: the EU lags way behind.

Germany, Europe’s powerhouse economy, is in deep trouble. It has had the weakest recovery since the pandemic, is teetering on the brink of recession, has been hard hit by the war in Ukraine and is paying the price for failure to ready the German economy for the digital age.

Nor has Europe produced anything as gamechanging as Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which has used generous subsidies to spur hundreds of billions of dollars of investment in clean technology.

But Harris is not – if opinion polls are right – getting as much of a fillip from the economy as she might expect. One possible explanation is that US voters may be better off than they were four years ago, but they don’t feel as if they are...............

Where does the Trump campaign find all of those racist lunatics, that nobody has ever heard of, to speak at their rallies? Do they just go out to a street corner in some rural town and ask whoever is ranting and raving to go speak at their rally?
Well, here is a guy who desperately wants to be taken seriously as an intellectual / academic, who is racist and misogynistic to his core. And his recent postings.

US voters concerned about post-election violence and efforts to overturn the results

I just hope people won't decide to vote rump in hopes to keep violence from happening. this kind of thing should tick people off that they even need to cosider this from MAGAs...

Well, here is a guy who desperately wants to be taken seriously as an intellectual / academic, who is racist and misogynistic to his core. And his recent postings.

Would it surprise you to know he lives in remote northern California, as 4 children and homeschools them?

I mean right out of central casting.
The problem is that you compare him with Hitler from 1945. If you take a look at his earlier years in power, the comparison are really stunning

Building Political Influence​

  • 1932: Hitler runs for president but loses to Paul von Hindenburg. However, the Nazis win 37% of the vote in the July elections, making them the largest party in the Reichstag.
  • January 30, 1933: Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor, hoping to control him within a coalition government.
  • February 27, 1933: The Reichstag Fire occurs, which the Nazis blame on communists, leading to the Reichstag Fire Decree. This decree suspends civil liberties, allowing arrests without trial and censorship of the press.
  • March 1933: The Enabling Act is passed, giving Hitler dictatorial powers by allowing him to enact laws without Reichstag approval. This effectively dismantles democratic processes in Germany.
  • April 1933: Nazis begin purging Jews and political opponents from the civil service and establish the first concentration camps for political prisoners.
  • July 1933: All political parties except the Nazi Party are banned, establishing Germany as a one-party state.

All this happened within SIX months. Look at how many of the above embolded actions are part of Trumps plan if he wins..
I knew the parallels between Trump and Hitler, and you only listed a few of the parallels.

Here are some other parallels:
- Germany was a democracy, and Hitler won over 33% of the vote in 1932 which he leveraged to become the Chancellor.
- Hitler led the Beer Hall Putsch which attempted to overthrow the elected regional government of Bavaria.
- Hitler would blame jews and communists, while Trump blames immigrants and socialists for any economic weaknesses. Hitler had the advantage that Germany was suffering and weak after WWI, and the worldwide economic depression, while the U.S. is strong, despite Trump's rhetoric.
- Hitler used an attack on the Reichstag to suspend civil liberties, freedom of the press, expression, and the right to assemble. I can imagine that Trump is devising an attack to do the same, since he has already been talking about doing it, even without a similar attack.
- Hitler dismantled democratic institutions, and imprisoned and murdered his opponents. Trump is saying he will take control of our institutions to serve him, like the justice department, and has threatened to imprison and execute his opponents that he calls the enemies within.
- Hitler was hailed as a national savior in huge stadium rallies, much like Trump's MAGA crowds have deified him and claimed he was anointed by god in his rallies.

With that said, no one thinks of 1932 Hitler when the comparison is made. The association is made to the 1945 Hitler that exterminated millions of people. All of us are capable of doing bad things, but we're not pre-cogs, so we can't know that Trump would go that far. I know Trump admires Hitler and his generals, and speaks of doing similar things as Hitler, so it is totally reasonable to point out the dangerous parallels, but Hitler was one of the worst human beings of all time. I think Trump is a fascist, but I just think it goes too far to call him Hitler.
I knew the parallels between Trump and Hitler, and you only listed a few of the parallels.

Here are some other parallels:
- Germany was a democracy, and Hitler won over 33% of the vote in 1932 which he leveraged to become the Chancellor.
- Hitler led the Beer Hall Putsch which attempted to overthrow the elected regional government of Bavaria.
- Hitler would blame jews and communists, while Trump blames immigrants and socialists for any economic weaknesses. Hitler had the advantage that Germany was suffering and weak after WWI, and the worldwide economic depression, while the U.S. is strong, despite Trump's rhetoric.
- Hitler used an attack on the Reichstag to suspend civil liberties, freedom of the press, expression, and the right to assemble. I can imagine that Trump is devising an attack to do the same, since he has already been talking about doing it, even without a similar attack.
- Hitler dismantled democratic institutions, and imprisoned and murdered his opponents. Trump is saying he will take control of our institutions to serve him, like the justice department, and has threatened to imprison and execute his opponents that he calls the enemies within.
- Hitler was hailed as a national savior in huge stadium rallies, much like Trump's MAGA crowds have deified him and claimed he was anointed by god in his rallies.

With that said, no one thinks of 1932 Hitler when the comparison is made. The association is made to the 1945 Hitler that exterminated millions of people. All of us are capable of doing bad things, but we're not pre-cogs, so we can't know that Trump would go that far. I know Trump admires Hitler and his generals, and speaks of doing similar things as Hitler, so it is totally reasonable to point out the dangerous parallels, but Hitler was one of the worst human beings of all time. I think Trump is a fascist, but I just think it goes too far to call him Hitler.
and he'll get closer to that if he enactes the Alien Ememy act. he'll deport American citizens as long as their heritage is from a country HE deems hostile to the US. Or he'll put them in camps like the Japanese during WW2. that will be one of the most detrimental thigs he can do if elected...
I knew the parallels between Trump and Hitler, and you only listed a few of the parallels.

Here are some other parallels:
- Germany was a democracy, and Hitler won over 33% of the vote in 1932 which he leveraged to become the Chancellor.
- Hitler led the Beer Hall Putsch which attempted to overthrow the elected regional government of Bavaria.
- Hitler would blame jews and communists, while Trump blames immigrants and socialists for any economic weaknesses. Hitler had the advantage that Germany was suffering and weak after WWI, and the worldwide economic depression, while the U.S. is strong, despite Trump's rhetoric.
- Hitler used an attack on the Reichstag to suspend civil liberties, freedom of the press, expression, and the right to assemble. I can imagine that Trump is devising an attack to do the same, since he has already been talking about doing it, even without a similar attack.
- Hitler dismantled democratic institutions, and imprisoned and murdered his opponents. Trump is saying he will take control of our institutions to serve him, like the justice department, and has threatened to imprison and execute his opponents that he calls the enemies within.
- Hitler was hailed as a national savior in huge stadium rallies, much like Trump's MAGA crowds have deified him and claimed he was anointed by god in his rallies.

With that said, no one thinks of 1932 Hitler when the comparison is made. The association is made to the 1945 Hitler that exterminated millions of people. All of us are capable of doing bad things, but we're not pre-cogs, so we can't know that Trump would go that far. I know Trump admires Hitler and his generals, and speaks of doing similar things as Hitler, so it is totally reasonable to point out the dangerous parallels, but Hitler was one of the worst human beings of all time. I think Trump is a fascist, but I just think it goes too far to call him Hitler.

Do people argue that Trump isn't a wannabe authoratrian? The argument I've heard is "he said insane stuff in the past, and he did none of it." A lot of conseratives are banking on him being lazy and playing golf for 4 years.

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