General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump (9 Viewers)

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    It's Not my Fault
    Dec 2, 2021
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    Today it begins, Kamala has reached the point that she's the Democratic Party nominee:

    There's video from today. this link has video from her first public appearance since Biden endorsed her:

    She spent yesterday on the telephone for most of the day. I read that yesterday that she called the party leaders in all 50 states. That would take me three days.

    She's renamed her YouTube channel, that's the where to go for video:

    This is her video on her channel from two hours ago:

    To play it, start it, and then move it up to 5:47. This was one of those live videos which don't start at zero.

    I've named this thread General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump

    Trump needs an introduction post as well, a MAGA suporter ought to write it: @Farb, @SaintForLife , @Others, calling for someone to please introduce your GOP candidate for this 2024 general election thread.
    Last edited:

    When I answered the poll - it was 100% YES, Trump is stealing from his own campaign funds.

    To me, all indications are he's grabbing and stuffing as much cash as he can for when he flees to another country. He wanted to win the election to avoid convictions. He was never going to stick around if the race was close. He was never going to take the risk of being here if he loses the election. I imagine he and his brood think they have a genius plan on how to ditch his Secret Service detail if he flees.
    Trump claims that he went on the Johnny Carson show in 2015. Says that Carson was forced to apologize for humanizing Trump six months ago. Demands that Carson returns.

    The Johnny Carson show ended in 1992 and Carson died 19 years ago.

    Trump isn't senile. He's a liar who is pretending to be senile to avoid standing trial.

    The seven swing states that will decide the upcoming US election have received nearly half of the torrent of clean energy manufacturing dollars unleashed by a landmark 2022 climate bill, a new analysis shows, amid stuttering Democratic efforts to translate new factory jobs into political support.

    Since the passage of clean energy incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a bill called the “most significant climate law in the history of mankind” by Joe Biden, nearly $150bn has been announced for a flurry of new American facilities producing electric cars, batteries and components for renewable energy.

    Of this, $63bn, or nearly half, will flow to just seven states – Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina and Wisconsin – that form the battleground fought over by Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for November’s presidential election, bringing more than 50,000 new manufacturing jobs, according to an analysis carried out for the Guardian by Atlas Public Policy.

    “The steady drumbeat of announcements over the past two years has been remarkable, and time and time again they are going to swing states,” said Tom Taylor, senior policy analyst at Atlas.

    “The election will decide the fate of the Inflation Reduction Act and the election will be decided by the states that have benefitted the most from the manufacturing incentives in the law.”……

    Trump claims that he went on the Johnny Carson show in 2015. Says that Carson was forced to apologize for humanizing Trump six months ago. Demands that Carson returns.

    The Johnny Carson show ended in 1992 and Carson died 19 years ago.

    Trump isn't senile. He's a liar who is pretending to be senile to avoid standing trial.

    he is going after Kimmel. Not Carson.

    Kimmel is destroying him on a nightly basis, therefore Trump says "his show is terrible " ( bring back Carson )
    Good article and makes a good point

    There’s this weird notion that stepparents aren’t “real parents” and the insulting notion that those who aren’t parents at all are “lesser than”

    With more blended families than ever and more people without children than ever this should probably talked about more than it is

    Introducing Donald Trump is a strange occasion to talk about humility. To put it mildly, humility is not a quality that the former president is known for.

    But Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the former Trump press secretary and current governor of Arkansas, decided to muse about humility on stage in Michigan on Tuesday night.

    She told a story about watching her daughter get ready for a father-daughter dance, and of the moment when her daughter turned to her and said: “It’s OK, Mommy. One day you can be pretty, too.”

    “My kids keep me humble,” Sanders said of the exchange. “Unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesn’t have anything keeping her humble.”

    It was the latest in a series of attacks by Republicans on childless Americans, and among the more direct comments by Trump surrogates suggesting that Harris is morally suspect and unqualified for power because she has not given birth.

    This is usually JD Vance’s line. The vice-presidential candidate and Ohio senator has been the most prominent face of Republican pro-natalism, responding to the overturning of Roe v Wade by the conservative-controlled supreme court with a series of public statements seeking to degrade childless women and advocating for their diminished citizenship…….

    But the rejoinder that Harris is not childless leaves intact the right wing’s suggestion that it would be a problem if she were.

    And it leaves untouched, too, the unspoken bigotry that animates those remarks: their assertion that women who devote themselves to things other than marriage or motherhood are somehow suspect, deficient or defective.

    It seems almost silly to have to say this, but being a parent is not a qualification for the presidency. If it were, it’s not clear how well Donald Trump himself would measure up: the onetime reality TV star has five children with three different women, has reportedly made repeated remarks about his sexual attraction to his oldest daughter, Ivanka, and seems only distantly aware of his youngest two progeny, Tiffany and Barron.

    Even setting aside the caliber of Trump’s own fatherhood, a total of five US presidents have not had biological children at all – including Trump’s own professed hero, Andrew Jackson, and no less a figure than George Washington. What is different – and to the right, offensive – about Harris is not that she has no biological children. It’s that she is a woman……

    The far-right drift of young men, after all, seems largely to stem from anxiety over their perceived loss of gendered status: their fear and anger that men are no longer uncontested in their social dominance, and that women are no longer uniformly compelled to serve them.

    What could be more comforting to young men descending into this kind of bigoted woundedness than the confident declaration that women who do not organize their lives around traditional roles are worthless?

    And what could be more threatening to them than the notion that a woman might ascend to that superlative position of patriarchal power – the presidency?………

    he is going after Kimmel. Not Carson.

    Kimmel is destroying him on a nightly basis, therefore Trump says "his show is terrible " ( bring back Carson )
    Yes but he claims that he was on Carson's sho ten years after his death and wants him back on the air.
    ..........On Sep. 23, Trump railed on Truth Social that Democrats are not interested in registering voters abroad because every American should have the ability to participate in the election - but because they're "getting ready to CHEAT!"

    The former president claimed that Democrats are weaponizing the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) - which he described as "a program that emails ballots overseas without any citizenship check or verification of identity, whatsoever" - to "dilute the TRUE vote of our beautiful military and their families."

    Unsurprisingly, UOCAVA does not allow those abroad to vote without any sort of verification. International voters must both register with their state of residence in the United States, and submit a separate application to verify their eligibility before being added to the absentee voter registry. The ballot can be received electronically, or by post, and the registration often has to be renewed on a yearly basis.

    More than 3 million Americans living abroad are eligible to participate in U.S. elections, and according to the Federal Voting Assistance Program, only 7.8 percent voted in the 2020 election.

    Fraudulent mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania

    Trump wrote on Truth Social in September that "an interview by Tucker Carlson of an election expert indicates that 20% of the Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania are fraudulent. Here we go again!"

    "Where is the U.S. Attorney General and FBI to INVESTIGATE? Where is the Pennsylvania Republican Party? We will WIN Pennsylvania by a lot, unless the Dems are allowed to CHEAT. THE RNC MUST ACTIVATE, NOW!!!" Trump added.

    It was a load of bullshirt, on multiple levels. The interview in question took place between Carlson and Justin Haskins, the director of the Socialism Research Center at the right-wing Heartland Institute, in April. During the interview, Haskins claimed that "at least, 1 in 5 mail-in ballots [in Pennsylvania] involved some kind of fraudulent activity."..........

    Yes but he claims that he was on Carson's sho ten years after his death and wants him back on the air.

    He is referring to the "Tonight show" - which has, for the older folks, been synonymous with Johnny Carson.

    Trust me, the dude is an absolute walking word salad, but this one i understood him to be going after Kimmel- he just refuses to say his name.
    LOL 200% Tariff on John Deere if they mfg equipment in Mexico.

    not 20- not 100- TWO HUNDRED. LOLOL. if the combine mfg cost is $100,000 - the retail price will now be $300,000

    And over 50% of folks think this guy is economically smarter than Harris. There is a disconnect somewhere and it lies in "tribalism"

    meanwhile, Elon/Tesla.....

    new chant to replace "Lock her up!"

    These are legal immigrants by the way

    Full text:

    This is some dark, twisted bullshirt. Again: the immigrants in Springfield are there legally.

    They've made the city more prosperous. Most residents don't want them to leave. They don't want to send these families back to their possible death.

    What most residents want is more affordable housing. Schools and hospitals and city services that aren't stretched thin. Safe roads and neighborhoods.

    That's what the city's Republican leadership wants, too.

    Trump doesn't even pretend to have a plan to do anything about any of this.

    He doesn't want to help Springfield, he wants to use Springfield to help himself. And he doesn't give a shirt who gets hurt.
    We've said it before many times but why is "Freedom of religion" always mean "Freedom to force my religion on others" (and only if that religion is Christianity)

    Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) called Vice President Harris “the biggest threat to religious liberty we’ve had in at least a generation” during a campaign event in North Carolina, and he suggested the administration was an “opponent” of individual freedoms.

    “Now let’s just run through a number of ways in which the Kamala Harris administration has been a chief opponent of freedom of conscience, of free speech and of religious liberty in this country,” Vance said at a “Believers and Ballots” event in Charlotte.

    “Number one, Kamala Harris — despite the fact that she says that she stands for working people, despite the fact that you know her running mate has this slogan, we believe in America that people ought to mind their own damn business — both of them pursued policies that would have people fired for refusing to take the COVID vaccine shot,” he said.............

    new chant to replace "Lock her up!"

    These are legal immigrants by the way

    Full text:

    This is some dark, twisted bullshirt. Again: the immigrants in Springfield are there legally.

    They've made the city more prosperous. Most residents don't want them to leave. They don't want to send these families back to their possible death.

    What most residents want is more affordable housing. Schools and hospitals and city services that aren't stretched thin. Safe roads and neighborhoods.

    That's what the city's Republican leadership wants, too.

    Trump doesn't even pretend to have a plan to do anything about any of this.

    He doesn't want to help Springfield, he wants to use Springfield to help himself. And he doesn't give a shirt who gets hurt.

    This is some sick xenophobic manure from The Head shirt Shoveler. And who are these people? MAGA of course, the most dispicable misappropriation of a label ever conceived in a country who has always cherished it’s immigrant, melting pot, heritage, it’s “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. These people jeer and will cheer at the ceremony to implode the Statue of Liberty and replace it with The Head Criminal’s effigy.

    good article

    I used to be a Republican. Right out of college, I worked for the legislature, then governor, of a conservative state. Governor Robert Orr, R-Ind., was disciplined and kind and his ethics were beyond reproach. Fast forward three decades and time spent among different cultures. After seeing trickle-down up close, and how it benefits wealthy donors but few others, my perspective changed. When I ran for Congress in 2020, it was is as strong as.

    There’s a wide chasm between policy disagreements and hate, and although my viewpoint evolved over the years, I never hated conservatives. Indiana Republicans, back then, saw political disagreements as healthy conduits to better outcomes. I never heard Orr, or other Republican officials, express hatred for their opponents. They sometimes disparaged them, especially over plans that would leach money from their own pockets, but I never once heard the word "hate," even behind closed doors.

    Enter Donald Trump and JD Vance, who package and sell hatred as a national commodity.

    Trump’s belief that he can foment hatred and infect half the country with it— without falling victim himself—reflects a lack of emotional intelligence.

    From the beginning, Trump’s hate-filled rhetoric has been spiked with violence. Reciting a list is like shoveling the walk while it’s still snowing, but last week’s second Trump assassination attempt in as many months sparks a flashback. Trump offered to pay the legal bills of anyone who assaulted his hecklers; suggested peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square be shot; mused that “Second Amendment people” could take out Hillary Clinton; encouraged a violent mob who sought to hang Mike Pence, now calls them “patriots” and “hostages;” and laughed about the vicious hammer attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s elderly husband. Now we have bomb threats in hospitals and elementary schools in Springfield, Ohio after he and Vance falsely claimed that lawful immigrants there are eating their neighbors’ pets.

    From "stand back and stand by" to complimenting "very fine people on both sides" of a Nazi demonstration, Trump’s coded vitriol against judges, prosecutors, poll workers, critics, democrats and his own former staff has led to multiple death threats, and yet he persists.

    Trump habitually projects his own criminal impulses onto his opponents, so it’s not a leap that he’s now blaming Democrats’ rhetoric for the assassination attempts. It is apparently irrelevant that both would-be assassins were Republicans with mental health problems: Crooks was a registered Republican; Routh voted for Trump in 2016 then supported Ramaswamy in the last primary. Both had guns, while Trump himself revoked mental health checks for gun owners.

    Vance, who is young, has said that Republicans are “hating the right people,” as if hatred is a finite and targeted commodity. How old will he be when he learns that once hatred takes hold, it can’t be contained, directed or controlled?

    Hatred becomes a powerful addiction, and Trump’s followers are hooked. Hatred affects dopamine receptor binding such that addiction to hatred is as strong as an addiction to cocaine, except it’s more destructive. A shared addiction to hatred forms a strong social bond because listening to someone spew hatred triggers the same gratifying chemical hit, whereas watching someone else snort cocaine does not.

    Extreme hatred also creates motivational bias, which means adherents can only see evidence that supports their beliefs. At the addictive stage, they are blind to any information that challenges their narrative. That’s why reasoning with a hate-infected person won’t work...............

    Evidently in Ohio citizens are allowed to file criminal complaints. So a Springfield not-for-profit has filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance in that state.

    Representative Earl LeRoy "Buddy" Carter believes Kamala Harris is trying to run away from her record as vice president, while claiming that Americans will vote "according to their pocket books" in November.

    During a Tuesday morning interview with Fox News, the Georgia congressman claimed that the Harris campaign's attempt to pin the country's current woes on Donald Trump "is like OJ going across the country looking for the real killer."

    Carter was commenting on the perceived attempt by Harris and her running mate Tim Walz to frame Democrats as the pro-change ticket, despite having been in office for the past three and a half years.

    The Harris-Walz campaign has framed their ticket as a "New Way Forward," a slogan which formed the title of the vice president's policy program released ahead of the September 11 debate between the two candidates.

    On Saturday, Walz told rallygoers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania that the Trump-Vance campaign was attempting to "instill fear" in Americans, before saying: "It doesn't have to be this way. We can't afford four more years of this."

    The comment has drawn criticism from conservative outlets for its apparent irony, given that Donald Trump has not been in office since January 2021...........

    Representative Earl LeRoy "Buddy" Carter believes Kamala Harris is trying to run away from her record as vice president, while claiming that Americans will vote "according to their pocket books" in November.

    During a Tuesday morning interview with Fox News, the Georgia congressman claimed that the Harris campaign's attempt to pin the country's current woes on Donald Trump "is like OJ going across the country looking for the real killer."

    Carter was commenting on the perceived attempt by Harris and her running mate Tim Walz to frame Democrats as the pro-change ticket, despite having been in office for the past three and a half years.

    The Harris-Walz campaign has framed their ticket as a "New Way Forward," a slogan which formed the title of the vice president's policy program released ahead of the September 11 debate between the two candidates.

    On Saturday, Walz told rallygoers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania that the Trump-Vance campaign was attempting to "instill fear" in Americans, before saying: "It doesn't have to be this way. We can't afford four more years of this."

    The comment has drawn criticism from conservative outlets for its apparent irony, given that Donald Trump has not been in office since January 2021...........

    There’s zero irony, we as a Nation can’t suffer another 4 years of a National Trump Acid Bath. 🤔

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