General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump (8 Viewers)

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It's Not my Fault
Dec 2, 2021
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Today it begins, Kamala has reached the point that she's the Democratic Party nominee:

There's video from today. this link has video from her first public appearance since Biden endorsed her:

She spent yesterday on the telephone for most of the day. I read that yesterday that she called the party leaders in all 50 states. That would take me three days.

She's renamed her YouTube channel, that's the where to go for video:

This is her video on her channel from two hours ago:

To play it, start it, and then move it up to 5:47. This was one of those live videos which don't start at zero.

I've named this thread General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump

Trump needs an introduction post as well, a MAGA suporter ought to write it: @Farb, @SaintForLife , @Others, calling for someone to please introduce your GOP candidate for this 2024 general election thread.
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The US is still not prepared for inevitable Russian attacks on its elections, the former special counsel Robert Mueller, who investigated Russian interference in 2016 and links between Donald Trump and Moscow, warns in a new book.

“It is … evident that Americans have not learned the lessons of Russia’s attack on our democracy in 2016,” Mueller writes in a preface to Interference: The Inside Story of Trump, Russia and the Mueller Investigation by Aaron Zebley, James Quarles and Andrew Goldstein, prosecutors who worked for Mueller from 2017 to 2019.

Mueller continues: “As we detailed in our report, the evidence was clear that the Russian government engaged in multiple, systematic attacks designed to undermine our democracy and favor one candidate over the other.”

That candidate was Trump, the Republican who beat the Democrat, Hillary Clinton, for the White House.

“We were not prepared then,” Mueller writes, “and, despite many efforts of dedicated people across the government, we are not prepared now. This threat deserves the attention of every American. Russia attacked us before and will do so again.”……


MAGA are professional PROJECTIONISTS, everything their side does, they try to hang on the Dems and “evil liberals” to shape how their minions think. I recently had a short conversation with a retired policeman on line, who in a social setting told the group that someone hadjust tried to shoot Trump a second time. I said, yeah, a disgruntled Trumpy and he told me he had not heard that… he watches Faux news. 🤔
That's not how increasing sea levels and land mass work, dumb arse. With increasing sea levels there's less oceanfront shoreline because there's less land mass exposed.

This idiot really doesn't know anything about anything.
The comment is so idiotic, it should be an embarrassment for MAGA, but look at what MAGA has to work with. 🤔
Trump and Vance lit a match and carelessly tossed it into a brush pile and we will all be dealing with this soon. Here we see one of Farb and SFL’s favorite accounts “Libs of TikTok” trying to start the same nonsense about a town in PA. A R state senator tries to fact check her - but I doubt it will do any good. It’s so hateful - we cannot let these people get away with this.

Entire response since it got cut off:

Trump and Vance lit a match and carelessly tossed it into a brush pile and we will all be dealing with this soon. Here we see one of Farb and SFL’s favorite accounts “Libs of TikTok” trying to start the same nonsense about a town in PA. A R state senator tries to fact check her - but I doubt it will do any good. It’s so hateful - we cannot let these people get away with this.

Entire response since it got cut off:


OMG Chaleroi!?!?!

WOW. ( back in the 80s my grandparents lived just down the road so i would spend lots of time in Chaleroi ( closest Montgomery Ward lol ) with them shopping and stuff.

and so folks understand- that whole area south of Pittsburg was STEEL MILL country. When they shut down in early/mid 80s ( my GPs had a Pizza joint in small town ) it WRECKED the entire Monongahela valley. Chaleroi was part of it.
I had returned in the mid 2000s for my grandads funeral and we stayed in a MOTEL ( not HOTEL- MOTEL ) just outside of Chaleroi and i didnt recognize it like i remembered in the 80s. And i spent 3 summers ( 6 weeks each time ) up there.

Sad...but what im getting at is for as long as i remember, those folks have been bitter due to the Steel industry fall out. Once that left, there was NOTHING else so almost all of them were on some sort of govt/state assistance and it bothered them because they felt "less" - that even thought they were healthy/could work, there was really nothing available to them within 50 miles based on the education/job training they all had- steel mill work. So now they get to vent frustration at the "boogieman"
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The US is still not prepared for inevitable Russian attacks on its elections, the former special counsel Robert Mueller, who investigated Russian interference in 2016 and links between Donald Trump and Moscow, warns in a new book.

“It is … evident that Americans have not learned the lessons of Russia’s attack on our democracy in 2016,” Mueller writes in a preface to Interference: The Inside Story of Trump, Russia and the Mueller Investigation by Aaron Zebley, James Quarles and Andrew Goldstein, prosecutors who worked for Mueller from 2017 to 2019.

Mueller continues: “As we detailed in our report, the evidence was clear that the Russian government engaged in multiple, systematic attacks designed to undermine our democracy and favor one candidate over the other.”

That candidate was Trump, the Republican who beat the Democrat, Hillary Clinton, for the White House.

“We were not prepared then,” Mueller writes, “and, despite many efforts of dedicated people across the government, we are not prepared now. This threat deserves the attention of every American. Russia attacked us before and will do so again.”……

Hey, Robert. You should join the DNC because you blow at messaging just as much as they do. If you really wanted the reaction you say you did, you wouldn't have soft-pedaled the whole thing. You let Barr distort and spin it before you ever opened your mouth. Now it's too late, the whole MAGAt world hears the word "Russian" and instantly shuts their ears.
Trump and Vance lit a match and carelessly tossed it into a brush pile and we will all be dealing with this soon. Here we see one of Farb and SFL’s favorite accounts “Libs of TikTok” trying to start the same nonsense about a town in PA. A R state senator tries to fact check her - but I doubt it will do any good. It’s so hateful - we cannot let these people get away with this.

Entire response since it got cut off:


If you dig in those comments, look at this ish.

Interesting article. Do you talk to you kids about politics? Not just they're in the room as adults are talking about it, I mean directly with them.

Did your parents talk to you about it?

As a historic presidential election fast approaches, some of America’s youngest citizens are asking questions — about the yard signs in their neighborhoods, the candidates speaking on the television, the comments overheard at school. Others, more focused on issues like sharing toys and protesting bedtime, might not be aware that an election is happening at all.

The outcome of this Election Day will shape the future of the country and the world these children one day inherit, which raises yet another question for their parents: How — and how much — should they discuss the election with their kids? What do their children need to know? What do they not need to know?

We asked parents of young children to share their thoughts. Their responses have been edited for length and clarity.

‘Why haven’t we had a woman president already?’

I have three kids. My eldest girl is in seventh grade, and I have twins, one boy and one girl, who are in the fourth grade. We have always talked to our kids about politics and its role in our lives, and the presidential election is no exception.

All of my kids have always been question machines, so curiosity is a given. Sometimes, when they ask a question where there’s no realistic way to provide an age-appropriate answer, we say that. This mostly applies to the younger kids, and primarily, at this point, in this election, it’s a lot of the dialogue surrounding the overturning of Roe v. Wade. My seventh-grader is acutely aware of what it means, but the 9-year-olds less so.

And generally speaking, it’s difficult to answer those questions without getting into detail that we’re uncomfortable with. We use language about personal medical choices, and talk about how our kids go to the doctor and get vaccinations and that even though we as their parents make those choices for them now, that when they are adults, they get to make those medical choices for themselves.

My husband is White, I’m Black, and my kids are biracial, and we do not promote race as a reason for why we make decisions. We focus on character. We focus on the decisions people make, based on what is true, not on their emotions, not based on the color of their skin. Parental rights are really important to us. The economy is important to us — I tell the children, ‘You should see our bill when we go to Costco.’ We were doing a lot better when [Donald] Trump was in charge when it came to our economic status.

My children know this is a pivotal election. They saw on TV what happened with [the attempted assassination of] President Trump, and that opened up conversations as well — it went right back to the value of life. They asked: “Is it going to happen again? Why did they do that?” We told them it’s important not to live in fear. They’re watching us, how we speak to others, how we speak about other people. We try our best to speak in a way that values all people, regardless if we disagree with them or not............

A politically divided family

Our kids are in first grade and fifth grade. They aren’t asking too many questions other than who we support and what party we affiliate with. I would like to educate them more on the issues and how the candidates are different, but it’s a very sore topic within the family. My wife and I are moderate to liberal, and my wife’s parents are big Trump supporters. They keep Fox News on a lot. The kids both spend afternoons after school with my in-laws. They provide us with a lot of child care. I love my in-laws, and not wanting to upset that relationship is really important to us.

Yesterday, in the car, my older son asked me who I was going to vote for, and I said, “Well, I’m voting for Kamala Harris.” And then my younger son really surprised me, he said, “Well, I don’t think a woman should be president.” My older son and I were both really taken aback by that. First thing I did was disagree with him. I said women are just as good leaders as men, and then I kind of pressed him: “Why did you say that?” And what I heard back from him was just some of the things that Trump says, the talking points that are always on Fox. It brought me back to all the reasons why I feel so frustrated about not being able to have an open, honest dialogue within the family about politics.........

Interesting article. Do you talk to you kids about politics? Not just they're in the room as adults are talking about it, I mean directly with them.

Did your parents talk to you about it?

As a historic presidential election fast approaches, some of America’s youngest citizens are asking questions — about the yard signs in their neighborhoods, the candidates speaking on the television, the comments overheard at school. Others, more focused on issues like sharing toys and protesting bedtime, might not be aware that an election is happening at all.

The outcome of this Election Day will shape the future of the country and the world these children one day inherit, which raises yet another question for their parents: How — and how much — should they discuss the election with their kids? What do their children need to know? What do they not need to know?

We asked parents of young children to share their thoughts. Their responses have been edited for length and clarity.

‘Why haven’t we had a woman president already?’

I have three kids. My eldest girl is in seventh grade, and I have twins, one boy and one girl, who are in the fourth grade. We have always talked to our kids about politics and its role in our lives, and the presidential election is no exception.

All of my kids have always been question machines, so curiosity is a given. Sometimes, when they ask a question where there’s no realistic way to provide an age-appropriate answer, we say that. This mostly applies to the younger kids, and primarily, at this point, in this election, it’s a lot of the dialogue surrounding the overturning of Roe v. Wade. My seventh-grader is acutely aware of what it means, but the 9-year-olds less so.

And generally speaking, it’s difficult to answer those questions without getting into detail that we’re uncomfortable with. We use language about personal medical choices, and talk about how our kids go to the doctor and get vaccinations and that even though we as their parents make those choices for them now, that when they are adults, they get to make those medical choices for themselves.

My husband is White, I’m Black, and my kids are biracial, and we do not promote race as a reason for why we make decisions. We focus on character. We focus on the decisions people make, based on what is true, not on their emotions, not based on the color of their skin. Parental rights are really important to us. The economy is important to us — I tell the children, ‘You should see our bill when we go to Costco.’ We were doing a lot better when [Donald] Trump was in charge when it came to our economic status.

My children know this is a pivotal election. They saw on TV what happened with [the attempted assassination of] President Trump, and that opened up conversations as well — it went right back to the value of life. They asked: “Is it going to happen again? Why did they do that?” We told them it’s important not to live in fear. They’re watching us, how we speak to others, how we speak about other people. We try our best to speak in a way that values all people, regardless if we disagree with them or not............

A politically divided family

Our kids are in first grade and fifth grade. They aren’t asking too many questions other than who we support and what party we affiliate with. I would like to educate them more on the issues and how the candidates are different, but it’s a very sore topic within the family. My wife and I are moderate to liberal, and my wife’s parents are big Trump supporters. They keep Fox News on a lot. The kids both spend afternoons after school with my in-laws. They provide us with a lot of child care. I love my in-laws, and not wanting to upset that relationship is really important to us.

Yesterday, in the car, my older son asked me who I was going to vote for, and I said, “Well, I’m voting for Kamala Harris.” And then my younger son really surprised me, he said, “Well, I don’t think a woman should be president.” My older son and I were both really taken aback by that. First thing I did was disagree with him. I said women are just as good leaders as men, and then I kind of pressed him: “Why did you say that?” And what I heard back from him was just some of the things that Trump says, the talking points that are always on Fox. It brought me back to all the reasons why I feel so frustrated about not being able to have an open, honest dialogue within the family about politics.........

I just gained a greater understanding of why Vance's solution to the child care problem was to get the grandparents involved.
False story about Harris linked to Russian troll farm.

This is more about fomenting distrust of MSM than it is an attempt to smear Harris.

those who fall victim, when confronted with the fact that its fake, wont say "oh dang ok i need to check my sources better"

They say " Oh....well MSM does fake stories and skips reporting other stories to protect the Deep State"

Mission accomplished. If it HAPPENS to affect Harris in election, thats lagniappe.

MSM needs to really pay attention to the long game.
Someone might wanna do wellness check on Trump

The Fed just lowered by 50 basis points and indicated they may do one in Nov and Dec as well.
( most likely just 25 basis points but still )
This would have been nicer back in early August. Interest rate cuts wont impact mortgages till November with this change. Auto loans will see an immediate impact though.

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