General Election 2024 Biden vs Trump (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    As we head toward the summer and the National Party Conventions, it might be handy to have a thread focused on the upcoming matchup of current President Biden vs Former President Trump.
    As of April 28,2024 , CNN's poll shows Trump leading. Yet polls are not always accurate and they are constantly changing.
    Feel free to use this thread for all things relating to Biden vs Trump.
    Funny that, I'm not nervous about the polls. At the moment I think the social situation in America is such that it has affected telephone behaviour in a way that has made it impossible to conduct accurate polls. People use screening devices before answering their phones. That undercuts the basis upon which polling is founded, "the random sample" is no more.

    Maybe so. All the pundits didn't give Trump a snowball's chance in hell back 2016, guess that's still cemented in my mind.
    Or we could just look at the numbers. Why do you think Democrats are losing minority support?

    Axios is a corporate media source.

    This poster constantly tells everyone they don't trust corporate media sources, because they always lie.

    This poster is now trusting a corporate media source and thinks that corporate media source is telling the truth.

    What gives? Let's ask them.

    @SaintForLife you always tell us that you don't trust corporate media sources because they always lie, so why do you now trust what this corporate media source, Axios, is telling the truth in this article?

    What makes this article from this corporate media source trustworthy to you?
    Biden is using the federal government resources to register more Democrat voters. Hatch Act violation?

    The order calls on the agencies to work with "non-partisan third party organizations" to "provide voter registration services on agency premises."

    The administration has revealed almost nothing in the face of congressional oversight and litigation about which groups the agencies are working with, on what grounds, and how they are helping implement the order.

    The groups behind the order believe it will generate 3.5 million new or updated voter registrations every year. This could of course be decisive at all levels in the 2024 election cycle.

    @OversightPR has revealed new details about a listening session the White House conducted with supportive third-party groups that provides insight into who the government is likely working with to implement the order.

    Among them, it found that:

    "Every participant whose party affiliation or political donation history could be identified by the Oversight Project was identified as a Democrat except for one Green Party member."

    There are no factual numbers in that which you posted.

    There are factual numbers available which one can use. One can look at the recent results for special elections across America. Those factual election result numbers are real. Taken as a whole those results are not showing anything like what the current polling numbers are showing.

    For the last whole year when it comes to special elections Democrats have been way out performing what the polls say before those elections.
    No factual numbers? Are we only supposed to look at previous elections to gauge who voters might be supporting?
    I think there is a legitimate concern with cancelling student debt, especially for high earners. I think the student loan cancellation should be based on ability to pay. If you make $300k per year, you probably can afford to pay the loan. For lower earners, the amount of debt that is relieved should only be enough to limit the amount they have to pay based on their income. The loaners should be taken into account, otherwise loans will be less available in the future. The debt cancellations could have unintended consequences.
    Pretty sure the relief so far has been means tested, hasn’t it?
    Biden is using the federal government resources to register more Democrat voters. Hatch Act violation?
    We don’t have any real indication of a violation here. They are merely getting nonpartisan groups to offer voter registration on the premises. Is registering people to vote now something that you object to?

    Here is the actual order. SFL, please read it and tell me how this is any kind of violation?

    One key quote from the order, emphasis mine:

    “The head of each agency shall evaluate ways in which the agency can, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, promote voter registration and voter participation.”

    Honest question, SFL. Do you not realize when you are reading florid biased sources? Do you not see the clues? I read about 3 sentences in that article you posted and knew this guy had an axe to grind, so I looked up the actual document.

    Between posting O’Keefe and now this idiot, it’s hard to think you are a serious poster here.
    Biden is using the federal government resources to register more Democrat voters. Hatch Act violation?
    Intentional or not, that's a completely deceiving way to characterize what's actually happening. Using this posters on source let me point out the objective truth:

    The Biden administration is implementing an executive order requiring every single executive agency to engage in registering & mobilizing the voters with whom it interacts, with a particular focus on minorities. The order calls on the agencies to work with "non-partisan third party organizations" to "provide voter registration services on agency premises."
    That's it. That's all they are doing.

    They are trying to encourage and make it easier for more voters to register to vote, by allowing voter registration at agency offices.

    That's not a violation of the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act prevents government employees from actively campaigning for a specific candidate and from using government resources to aid any candidates campaign. It does not prevent government employees or government resources from being used to encourage people to register to vote and provide them the opportunity to do so.

    This poster is showing how worried they are that Trump is going to lose. They are terrified that registering more voters means more votes for Biden. They are especially terrified that more minorities registering to vote will mean more votes for Biden.

    What's really odd about that is that this poster keeps insisting that most of the people who are considered minority voters are going to vote for Trump, so why are they so worried about more of them registering to vote. Doesn't really add up, does it?
    We don’t have any real indication of a violation here. They are merely getting nonpartisan groups to offer voter registration on the premises. Is registering people to vote now something that you object to?

    Here is the actual order. SFL, please read it and tell me how this is any kind of violation?

    One key quote from the order, emphasis mine:

    “The head of each agency shall evaluate ways in which the agency can, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, promote voter registration and voter participation.”

    Honest question, SFL. Do you not realize when you are reading florid biased sources? Do you not see the clues? I read about 3 sentences in that article you posted and knew this guy had an axe to grind, so I looked up the actual document.

    Between posting O’Keefe and now this idiot, it’s hard to think you are a serious poster here.
    "Every participant whose party affiliation or political donation history could be identified by the Oversight Project was identified as a Democrat except for one Green Party member."

    Why are there zero republican groups?
    Two weeks ago, President Joe Biden took aim at the Republicans’ 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and its provisions that are due to expire in 2025. He told electrical union workers, “It’s going to expire, and if I’m reelected it’s going to stay expired.”

    Biden didn’t just violate his pledge to not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000; he shattered it with his boast to the union crowd.

    And, according to House Ways and Means Committee Republicans, if Congress fails to extend the Trump-era tax cuts, it means an average American family of four making $75,000 will get hit with a $1,500 tax increase. “Main Street businesses will face a 43.4 percent tax rate” and “working parents will suffer from a Child Tax Credit slashed in half” along with the standard deduction every taxpayer is due.

    Contrary to what Biden and his supporters would have us believe, most Americans got a tax cut thanks to the 2017 law, which Biden loves to demonize. Biden has been peddling disinformation on the 2017 tax cuts for years. When running for president in 2019, Biden said, “There’s a $2 trillion tax cut last year. Did you feel it? Did you get anything from it? Of course not. Of course not. All of it went to folks at the top and corporations.”

    In a May 1, 2019, Washington Post “Fact Checker” column, Glenn Kessler called foul on then-candidate Biden’s claim. “But Biden, with his loose language, ends up in the Four-Pinocchio territory. He asserts that no Americans but those at the top received any tax cut in 2018, which is clearly false,” Kessler wrote.

    On this topic. Tur was absolutely wrong. See below, but warning this guy knows what he is talking about unlike Tur. He is debunking a different MAGA person, but on same topic.

    "Trump has the worst record on job losses of any President" Pelosi

    Of course Pelosi wants to ignore that we were in a global pandemic and we lost 20 million jobs in one month(April 2020). Those jobs were lost because businesses were forced to shut down due to the pandemic. Trumps job record before the pandemic was fine.

    Many of Biden’s supposed new jobs were just replacing the ones we lost from the pandemic. Any president would have seen similar types of job numbers.

    Tur was right and no amount of propaganda from Pelosi changes that.
    "Every participant whose party affiliation or political donation history could be identified by the Oversight Project was identified as a Democrat except for one Green Party member."

    Why are there zero republican groups?
    There were zero, 0, partisan directives in the executive order. I read the whole order, and it is strictly to ease voter registration. I dare you to find anything in the order that is partisan. It makes absolutely no sense that zero Republican groups would avail themselves of that. Your source is extremely misleading. Don’t site your twisted source. Find the words in the order that support your assertion.
    Last edited:
    There was zero, 0, partisan directives in the executive order. I read the whole order, and it is strictly to ease voter registration. I dare you to find anything in the order that is partisan. It makes absolutely no sense that zero Republican groups would avail themselves of that. Your source is extremely misleading. Don’t site your twisted source. Find the words in the order that support your assertion.
    There were zero partisan directives, but they still ended up with no republican groups and all left wing groups.
    There were zero partisan directives, but they still ended up with no republican groups and all left wing groups.
    Republicans can’t cry about partisanship just because they want to act partisan. If they want to shoot themselves by not helping their supporters, that’s not the fault of the directive. They should blame themselves, rather than crying about democracy.
    Republicans can’t cry about partisanship just because they want to act partisan. If they want to shoot themselves by not helping their supporters, that’s not the fault of the directive. They should blame themselves, rather than crying about democracy.
    The directive didn't say to only use left wing groups, but they did.
    The directive didn't say to only use left wing groups, but they did.
    Right wing groups can use the same directive. There is 0 partisanship to the directive. Whoa are widdle right wing groups. Whaa whaa. Victimhood about a directive that promotes voter participation. Putin types don’t like that.
    No factual numbers? Are we only supposed to look at previous elections to gauge who voters might be supporting?
    No suppose to, or not suppose to about it. You can do whatever you want. But that has nothing to do with what is factual or not factual. Polling numbers are always guess work, future estimations, might as well be soggy tea leaves left over in a teacup.

    Actual election results are real numbers.
    Maybe so. All the pundits didn't give Trump a snowball's chance in hell back 2016, guess that's still cemented in my mind.
    Perhaps you're thinking of a pandet, (a wise man).

    Take apart the word pun-dit. A pun is sort of a joke. And a dit is another term for a dot. Leaves you with a Joke + a period.

    I could pun that period you know,,, but it would be a bit bloody.
    Biden is using the federal government resources to register more Democrat voters. Hatch Act violation?

    The order calls on the agencies to work with "non-partisan third party organizations" to "provide voter registration services on agency premises."

    The administration has revealed almost nothing in the face of congressional oversight and litigation about which groups the agencies are working with, on what grounds, and how they are helping implement the order.

    The groups behind the order believe it will generate 3.5 million new or updated voter registrations every year. This could of course be decisive at all levels in the 2024 election cycle.

    @OversightPR has revealed new details about a listening session the White House conducted with supportive third-party groups that provides insight into who the government is likely working with to implement the order.

    Among them, it found that:

    "Every participant whose party affiliation or political donation history could be identified by the Oversight Project was identified as a Democrat except for one Green Party member."

    Wow, a humongous hole in the ground filled with a gigantic bale of hay. Let's take apart that first sentence shall we???

    "The Biden administration is implementing an executive order requiring every single executive agency to engage in registering & mobilizing the voters with whom it interacts, with a particular focus on minorities."

    Thirty one words used to avoid telling me which executive order he's talking about to hinder my ability to look it up to confirm what he says. Or that it is BS he has just made up from thin air.

    I just looked through a long list of Biden's executive orders but without the document number, or title of that order, I'm unable to find it, to confirm that this issue even exists.

    It seems highly unlikely that this is real.
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