General Election 2024 Biden vs Trump (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    As we head toward the summer and the National Party Conventions, it might be handy to have a thread focused on the upcoming matchup of current President Biden vs Former President Trump.
    As of April 28,2024 , CNN's poll shows Trump leading. Yet polls are not always accurate and they are constantly changing.
    Feel free to use this thread for all things relating to Biden vs Trump.
    This post just reminded me - MAGA is a pretty small minority of people in the US. They are amplified by several far right media outlets, and covered as if they are more numerous than they actually are by legitimate news outlets because controversy sells. They are not that numerous.

    That is not to say they couldn’t wreak violence as in terroristic acts, they could. But, IMO, they cannot win the election.

    I kind of agree, but also disagree. The last election some 70 million people voted for him (even more people voted for him the 2nd time around, and that was AFTER his 4 years of countless lies and forking over the country etc). As far as I am concerned, a vote for him is an affirmation of what he, and his maga philosophy represents
    I kind of agree, but also disagree. The last election some 70 million people voted for him (even more people voted for him the 2nd time around, and that was AFTER his 4 years of countless lies and forking over the country etc). As far as I am concerned, a vote for him is an affirmation of what he, and his maga philosophy represents
    Yeah, but those people aren’t really MAGA, they represent conservatives who have always voted R and cannot imagine voting D ever. I have them in my family. They voted for Trump, but don’t like him. I haven’t quizzed them about how they feel since Jan 6, but I don’t think they supported that, I don’t think they feel like the election was stolen. A significant number of these people aren’t going to vote for him again, IMO. It would only take 10% or so to abandon him to have a significant impact.
    I have them in my family. They voted for Trump, but don’t like him.

    There is some kind of psychological fallacy where:
    the person dislikes him, yet goes in and votes for him anyway.
    Imho that vote is supporting him and his cause, regardless of whether or not they like him. The alternative could have been to stay home and not vote for him. But they made a conscious decision/effort to support him, his cause, and his goals. And even more people did that the last election. Go figure.
    There is some kind of psychological fallacy where:
    the person dislikes him, yet goes in and votes for him anyway.
    Imho that vote is supporting him and his cause, regardless of whether or not they like him. The alternative could have been to stay home and not vote for him. But they made a conscious decision/effort to support him, his cause, and his goals. And even more people did that the last election. Go figure.
    I agree totally. They basically are devout Christians who watch Fox. They did as they were told. I can’t defend their votes, but they are fundamentally different from MAGA, IMO. They would never riot over him, for example. And I think after Jan 6, they will not vote for him again, either.
    There is some kind of psychological fallacy where:
    the person dislikes him, yet goes in and votes for him anyway.
    Imho that vote is supporting him and his cause, regardless of whether or not they like him. The alternative could have been to stay home and not vote for him. But they made a conscious decision/effort to support him, his cause, and his goals. And even more people did that the last election. Go figure.

    tribal/identity politics.

    They dont want to have to face friends/family and say they didnt vote for him. Imo, it has more to do with "belonging" ( to a group ). There is an innate desire to "belong" which is even more pronounced now with the introduction of social media and " Thumbs up/Likes" buttons.
    I kind of agree, but also disagree. The last election some 70 million people voted for him (even more people voted for him the 2nd time around, and that was AFTER his 4 years of countless lies and forking over the country etc). As far as I am concerned, a vote for him is an affirmation of what he, and his maga philosophy represents

    Yeah, that’s what I’m reconciling also. I think the way to look at it is the hardcore base is relatively small, and then wondering how much of that softer support will stick with him through all of this.

    Anecdotally, I know of previous Trump supporters, some who are close to me, who indicate they won’t vote for either major candidate. I will not be surprised if a considerable number of women quietly abandon him; defections not accurately measured in polling or on social media trends.

    The balance to that is going to be how many voters are going to be swayed into not turning out for Biden through targeted efforts to suppress enthusiasm. Hopefully, when more people really start to focus on what is on the ballot in November, levelheaded, big picture thinking will prevail in Biden’s favor.
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    I agree totally. They basically are devout Christians who watch Fox. They did as they were told. I can’t defend their votes, but they are fundamentally different from MAGA, IMO. They would never riot over him, for example. And I think after Jan 6, they will not vote for him again, either.
    And what would you think of them if you found out that even disliking him, hating Jan 6th and all the felony charges and conviction they planned to hold their noses and vote for Trump again?
    I think this does come across as a threat. It’s just empty saber-rattling but still it shows you how bad off MAGA really is.

    Clay Higgins is a disgrace, he is a total fascist wackjob.....He wasn't always that way, I know Raskin and him were friends in the past, but he has fully embraced the cult of MAGA.....
    And what would you think of them if you found out that even disliking him, hating Jan 6th and all the felony charges and conviction they planned to hold their noses and vote for Trump again?
    I don’t plan to ask anyone how they voted. They are family.
    Clay Higgins is a disgrace, he is a total fascist wackjob.....He wasn't always that way, I know Raskin and him were friends in the past, but he has fully embraced the cult of MAGA.....
    Imo , the bulk of the MAGA politicians have no morality or honesty. They saw in Trumpism a power opportunity, period. Thus they were, are and always will be ready to sacrifice their political souls.
    Imo , the bulk of the MAGA politicians have no morality or honesty. They saw in Trumpism a power opportunity, period. Thus they were, are and always will be ready to sacrifice their political souls.

    I get that but a lot of folks who were very respected and had the ability to negotiate, compromise, etc.....have....changed.....confirming my belief that cults are dangerous (not to mention most organized religion)....
    This guy claims that Trump supporters will say that Trump is NOT a convicted felon and that anyone who says that is lying. This may be true for the small percentage of hard core MAGA, but everyone who is reality-based knows that Trump is a convicted felon x 34.

    This guy claims that Trump supporters will say that Trump is NOT a convicted felon and that anyone who says that is lying. This may be true for the small percentage of hard core MAGA, but everyone who is reality-based knows that Trump is a convicted felon x 34.

    right the same idiots who still think he is president. Man you have to really be a sit person to be on fox and say that crap knowing you're just blowing smoke up everyones arse.
    This guy claims that Trump supporters will say that Trump is NOT a convicted felon and that anyone who says that is lying. This may be true for the small percentage of hard core MAGA, but everyone who is reality-based knows that Trump is a convicted felon x 34.

    “Just because you were convicted for committing felonies doesn’t mean you are a convicted felon”
    Elon Musk and the entrepreneur and investor David Sacks reportedly held a secret dinner party of billionaires and millionaires in Hollywood last month. Its purpose: to defeat Joe Biden and re-install Donald Trump in the White House.

    The guest list included Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Milken, Travis Kalanick, and Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s treasury secretary.

    Meanwhile, Musk is turning up the volume and frequency of his anti-Biden harangues on Twitter/X, the platform he owns.

    According to an analysis by the New York Times, Musk has posted about the president at least seven times a month, on average, this year. He has criticized Biden on issues ranging from Biden’s age to his policies on health and immigration, calling Biden “a tragic front for a far left political machine”.

    The Times analysis showed that over the same period of time, Musk has posted more than 20 times in favor of Trump, claiming that the criminal cases the former president now faces are the result of media and prosecutorial bias.

    This is no small matter. Musk has 184 million followers on X, and because he owns the platform he’s able to manipulate the algorithm to maximize the number of people who see his posts.

    No other leader of a social media firm has gone as far as Musk in supporting authoritarian leadersaround the world. In addition to Trump, Musk has used his platform in support of India’s Narendra Modi, Argentina’s Javier Milei and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro.

    Some of this aligns with Musk’s business interests. In India, he secured lower import tariffs for Tesla vehicles. In Brazil, he opened a major new market for Starlink, SpaceX’s satellite internet service. In Argentina, he solidified access to lithium, the mineral most crucial to Tesla’s batteries.

    But something deeper is going on. Musk, Thiel, Murdoch and their cronies are leading a movement against democracy.

    Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech financier, once wrote: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

    If freedom is not compatible with democracy, what is it compatible with?…..

    There is some kind of psychological fallacy where:
    the person dislikes him, yet goes in and votes for him anyway.
    Imho that vote is supporting him and his cause, regardless of whether or not they like him. The alternative could have been to stay home and not vote for him. But they made a conscious decision/effort to support him, his cause, and his goals. And even more people did that the last election. Go figure.
    I'm hoping that bump in votes for Trump in 2020 had more to do with COVID angst and anger, especially in regards to masking mandates and remote learning. I think and hope that a lot of Trump's votes in 2020 were more just protests votes against Democrats, because it was mostly in Democratic ruled areas that there were masking mandates and remote learning.
    I get that but a lot of folks who were very respected and had the ability to negotiate, compromise, etc.....have....changed.....confirming my belief that cults are dangerous (not to mention most organized religion)....
    I believe everyone has a right to follow whatever cult or religion they choose to. And the only thing I judge either on is how they treat people. I don't care what anyone chooses to belief, as long as they don't infringe on others are hurt them in any way.

    I think the only real difference between a cult and a religion is that a religions is what I/We belong to and a cult is what they/them belong too.

    Looking at it objectively, every religion has very supernatural, unverifiable mythical beliefs and every religion teaches their followers "we" are right in our beliefs and everyone else is wrong in theirs.

    Religions and cults also grow their congregations using mostly the same tactics.

    Also, every major world religion has been used to justify countless crimes against humanity throughout the ages.
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