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First presidential debate (1 Viewer)

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    Optimus Prime

    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
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    Washington DC Metro
    Since we usually have a separate thread for these

    NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden begins an intense period of private preparations Friday at Camp David for what may be the most consequential presidential debate in decades.

    The 81-year-old Democrat’s team is aware that he cannot afford an underwhelming performance when he faces Republican rival Donald Trump for 90 minutes on live television Thursday night. Biden’s team is expecting aggressive attacks on his physical and mental strength, his record on the economy and immigration and even his family.

    Trump, 78 and ever confident, will stay on the campaign trail before going to his Florida estate next week for two days of private meetings as part of an informal prep process.

    The former president’s allies are pushing him to stay focused on his governing plans, but they’re expecting him to be tested by pointed questions about his unrelenting focus on election fraud, his role in the erosion of abortion rights and his unprecedented legal baggage.

    Thursday’s debate on CNN will be full of firsts, with the potential to reshape the presidential race. Never before in the modern era have two presumptive nominees met on the debate stage so early in the general election season. Never before have two White House contenders faced off at such advanced ages, with widespread questions about their readiness.

    And never before has a general election debate participant been saddled with a felony conviction. The debate-stage meeting comes just two weeks before Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money trial.

    “You can argue this will be the most important debate, at least in my lifetime,” said Democratic strategist Jim Messina, 54, who managed former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign.


    The ground rules for Thursday’s debate, the first of two scheduled meetings, are unusual.

    The candidates agreed to meet at a CNN studio in Atlanta with no audience. Each candidate’s microphone will be muted, except when it’s his turn to speak. No props or prewritten notes will be allowed onstage. The candidates will be given only a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

    There will be no opening statements. A coin flip determined that Biden would stand at the podium to the viewer’s right, while Trump would deliver the final closing statement.

    The next debate won’t be until September. Any stumbles Thursday will be hard to erase or replace quickly.………..

    If that’s so, I wonder what the conspiracy theory about that decision will be? 🙄
    Look up Mark Warner. I already know you don't like him.

    I don't like him, and it's not this which caused that dislike. It probably begins with the fact that he's a Senator a real black mark for most of them.

    I like very few of them.
    Yeah it will be interesting. I’m hoping it means that cooler heads have prevailed within the party.

    Also, I saw countless posts from women on Twitter publishing Warner’s office phone, and suggesting everyone call him to tell him to stop it, lol.

    I’m not sure there’s been quite the exodus of donors that some are claiming or predicting. Money talks so unless that happens beyond a tipping point, I think this is mostly a flailing power struggle in the party that’s distracting from what is more important.
    So now it's coming from ranking members...

    I was going to post this.

    Congress is going to be back in session, and I expect a lot meetings to be taking place.
    It’s pie-in-the-sky thinking that we could have Biden step aside and everyone would unite behind Harris.
    I think you're probably right, but you got me thinking - shouldn't Harris have a more prominent role in the WH and the campaign going forward? Maybe that somehow backfires, but it seems like there's tremendous upside, not the least of which all these people who don't believe Biden can make it another 4 years might feel comfortable with Harris becoming President. They might NEED to feel comfortable with that, and the GOP's going to run against her anyway (see, Nikki Haley). If Harris can make a good impression as Biden's number one surrogate on the campaign trail, do a bunch of interviews, press conferences, speeches, etc., and kill it, she could make a real difference.
    I think you're probably right, but you got me thinking - shouldn't Harris have a more prominent role in the WH and the campaign going forward? Maybe that somehow backfires, but it seems like there's tremendous upside, not the least of which all these people who don't believe Biden can make it another 4 years might feel comfortable with Harris becoming President. They might NEED to feel comfortable with that, and the GOP's going to run against her anyway (see, Nikki Haley). If Harris can make a good impression as Biden's number one surrogate on the campaign trail, do a bunch of interviews, press conferences, speeches, etc., and kill it, she could make a real difference.

    That’s exactly what I expect and I think it would be a good strategy. At this point, Trump turns a lot of people off but there are undeniable confidence issues with the Dem ticket. If there’s not going to be a candidate change, then there have to be other efforts to make people feel they are in good hands. That wouldn’t work in almost any other set of circumstances but Trump is so polarizing, and not an option for so many, that I think unconventional isn’t off the table.
    I think you're probably right, but you got me thinking - shouldn't Harris have a more prominent role in the WH and the campaign going forward? Maybe that somehow backfires, but it seems like there's tremendous upside, not the least of which all these people who don't believe Biden can make it another 4 years might feel comfortable with Harris becoming President. They might NEED to feel comfortable with that, and the GOP's going to run against her anyway (see, Nikki Haley). If Harris can make a good impression as Biden's number one surrogate on the campaign trail, do a bunch of interviews, press conferences, speeches, etc., and kill it, she could make a real difference.
    I think she has been consistently out there for a while now. I don’t think she gets much coverage nationally, but I follow several fans of hers on Twitter and they post her activities. I read she was at Essence this weekend.
    NEW ORLEANS — The annual Essence Festival of Culture has grown into the country’s largest annual celebration of Black talent and influence.

    This year, members of the Congressional Black Caucus were here to deliver a message about the fragile moment in which President Biden and the Democratic Party find themselves.

    “People are talking about ‘Biden is too old’ — hell, I’m older than Biden,” 85-year-old Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said, bringing a standing ovation. “No matter what anybody says, it ain’t going to be no other Democratic candidate. It’s going to be Biden, and you better vote!”

    The congresswoman’s bluntness made it all the more noticeable that the next speaker on the program — Vice President Harris — went nowhere near the subject that is preoccupying the political world.

    Harris mentioned the president only once, even as she argued for his achievements and the urgency of his reelection against an opponent who intends to “weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, who has talked about being proud of taking from the women of America a most fundamental right to make decisions about your own body.”

    Displaying chops developed in her years as a prosecutor, the vice president pressed the case against Donald Trump more powerfully than Biden himself has been able to do lately.

    Therein lies the delicacy of her situation. Should Biden step aside, something he has vowed not to do, putting Harris at the top of the ticket presents the quickest and most logical way for Democrats to regroup.

    Some polling also suggests she might fare slightly better against Trump, which is why his campaign is already organizing a full-scale assault against her……..

    But watching her over the weekend, I saw an assurance that was absent when Harris was running in her own right four years ago. Were she to do it again, now or in 2028, I’d bet she would be harder to caricature, less easy to demonize than Republicans believe.

    Harris concluded her appearance here with a message to the younger women in the audience.
“You are on many occasions in your life going to be in a room [where] you will be the only one that looks like you or has had your life experience,” Harris said.

    “And what I demand of you is that you always walk into those rooms with your chin up and your shoulders back.”

    “I will beseech you: Don’t you ever hear something can’t be done. People in your life will tell you, ‘Oh, it’s not your time. It’s not your turn. Nobody like you has done it before,’” she added. “Don’t you ever listen to that. I like to say, ‘I eat “no” for breakfast. I don’t hear “no.” ’ ”……..

    ………Harris’s positive attributes fall into roughly three buckets. First, if Biden does not jazz young voters and risks defections among non-White voters, Harris could provide the spark to excite the base.

    A recent CNN-SSRS poll found that she would swing Biden’s three-point deficit among women voters to a seven-point lead, while also making gains among independents. (Caveat: Noncandidates often poll better before the media begins tearing them down in earnest.)

    She has also had sellout crowds at college campuses, offering the prospect of a big turnout among younger voters. She is an electric speaker who can light up audiences of pro-choice women, HBCU students and Hispanic union members.

    The prospect of the first female Black president could inject the sort of energy needed to turn out the vote in what is likely to be a mobilization rather than a persuasion election (i.e., most everyone has already made up their mind).

    Second, the issues that should be at the center of the Democrats’ campaign — abortion, a tyrannical Supreme Court, and the manifest unfitness of felon and former president Donald Trump — are right in her wheelhouse.

    She has been the administration’s leading voice in attacking Dobbs as an assault on freedom and privacy. Her legal background provides authority and skill to explain the excesses of an unhinged Supreme Court.

    And as I have argued, she is as effective on the attack against Trump as any Democrat. (And yes, running against a Black woman would infuriate him.)

    Democrats might relish a campaign in which Harris is the principal voice denouncing Trump’s racist comments, such as his use of “Black jobs” in his debate with Biden or his mutterings about nonexistent electric planes.

    Imagine her dissecting Project 2025 or zeroing in on his 34 felony convictions and civil adjudication for rape.

    And given her frequent overseas trips, Harris can adeptly describe allies’ horror over Trump’s invitation to Vladimir Putin to attack NATO countries and ridicule Trump’s delusion that dictators love him.

    Third, Harris would deprive Republicans of their most potent issue. Virtually the entire GOP campaign has been about Biden’s age.

    Sure, MAGA cultists lie about Biden’s economic record, legislative successes, diplomatic achievements and more — but the only place where they have had real traction, especially after the debate, is on the age issue.

    If Harris were at the top of the ticket, perhaps the media would finally focus on Trump’s deteriorating mental acuity and personality defects (as I have pointed out) with proper urgency.

    Still, a Harris presidential nomination would come with real risks. Gender and racial bigotry might deter some swing-state voters.

    Previous criticism of Harris by Democrats would be thrown in her face. And the party would be forfeiting the incumbency advantage, as presidential historian and prediction wizard Allan Lichtman argues, as well as Biden’s unique connection with union workers.

    Harris would also face questions over her forthrightness about Biden’s physical limitations. (She has been among the most credible eyewitnesses to his job performance.)……

    I think black men will come around. Especially if we could get wider coverage of what Trump actually says, and coverage at all of the fact that he pays rappers to say they support him.
    I don't think black men will need to come around, other than the ones he's hired to be barkers at his events they are a demographic which insofar as priority to attach to it, it doesn't exist.

    He will get what contrary black vote there are. That can't be helped, the definition of contrary is that they would vote for the Criminal just to be contrary. They are human types which will always exist amoung us. That can't be cured or helped. Tolerance helps.

    I was going to post this.

    Congress is going to be back in session, and I expect a lot meetings to be taking place.
    Had I known what was in it I would have died and gone to heaven to have posted this. Five, no longer four congress critters have now said Biden should step aside.

    Mike Quigley, do you know who he is?

    Quigley is the filthy dirty one. He's a good guy but,,, dirty. Filthy dirty. One wants him to win, but... :

    So now it's coming from ranking members...

    A lot of "unnamed" sources saying a lot of things that have not been verified or have been flat out denied.

    Ted Lieu called out misinformation on Xitter. So either Lieu is lying (which would be easy for others to call out), Yashar Ali is passing along bad info, or he’s ****-stirring.

    Last edited:
    So now it's coming from ranking members...

    Grand Admiral, I'm quoting the first sentence of that article:

    CNN- "More than a handful of House Democratic ranking members told House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries in a Sunday call that President Joe Biden needs to step aside from the 2024 campaign, according to sources familiar with the call."

    What that says to me is ignore it. That's nothing but a big long run on sentence of BS.

    No one, and I mean all five listed authors, "Dana Bash, Jeff Zeleny, Priscilla Alvarez, MJ Lee and Pamela Brown" completely failed to move me. The reason, not a one of them was willing to take responsibility for what they as a outlandish committee had said.

    That entire first sentence is made of nothing but weasel words. No one is taking responsibility for anything said. That failing tracks through the entire article. It doesn't move the needle.

    And now it's time for the Committee song to show you why:

    This thread needs an interlude for reflection. I have just the song for it. This is me thinking about moving from where I currently live, to where I currently live. That a 15 long miles distance to walk in the rain. (It happened during the nice green season, not the fiery brown season as it is now.) It was unusual.

    I decide to go back to the bar where it was comfy. I was feeling a mite melancholy.

    I thought about it for a while and though I would add this. This is about when the dragonborn comes, and I'm pretty worried about the mythical mono lake dragon coming out of it lair, and burning us to a crisp.

    It last came out about for or five years ago. The government had to rescue with helicopters hundreds of people at another lake. It was memorable, it is also about the time when that mythical dragon will wake up again.

    Like that Criminal, every four or five years.

    This is the song about it video:

    This is the how it actually was video:

    Last edited:
    This thread needs an interlude for reflection. I have just the song for it. This is me thinking about moving from where I currently live, to where I currently live. That a 15 long miles distance to walk in the rain. (It happened during the nice green season, not the fiery brown season as it is now.) It was unusual.

    I decide to go back to the bar where it was comfy. I was feeling a mite melancholy.

    I thought about it for a while and though I would add this. This is about when the dragonborn comes, and I'm pretty worried about the mythical mono lake dragon coming out of it lair, and burning us to a crisp.

    It last came out about for or five years ago. The government had to rescue with helicopters hundreds of people at another lake. It was memorable, it is also about the time when that mythical dragon will wake up again.

    Like that Criminal, every four or five years.

    This is the song about it video:

    This is the how it actually was video:

    Did you go to the Patch Adams School of Political Discussion?

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