First presidential debate (16 Viewers)

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Optimus Prime

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Sep 28, 2019
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Washington DC Metro
Since we usually have a separate thread for these

NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden begins an intense period of private preparations Friday at Camp David for what may be the most consequential presidential debate in decades.

The 81-year-old Democrat’s team is aware that he cannot afford an underwhelming performance when he faces Republican rival Donald Trump for 90 minutes on live television Thursday night. Biden’s team is expecting aggressive attacks on his physical and mental strength, his record on the economy and immigration and even his family.

Trump, 78 and ever confident, will stay on the campaign trail before going to his Florida estate next week for two days of private meetings as part of an informal prep process.

The former president’s allies are pushing him to stay focused on his governing plans, but they’re expecting him to be tested by pointed questions about his unrelenting focus on election fraud, his role in the erosion of abortion rights and his unprecedented legal baggage.

Thursday’s debate on CNN will be full of firsts, with the potential to reshape the presidential race. Never before in the modern era have two presumptive nominees met on the debate stage so early in the general election season. Never before have two White House contenders faced off at such advanced ages, with widespread questions about their readiness.

And never before has a general election debate participant been saddled with a felony conviction. The debate-stage meeting comes just two weeks before Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money trial.

“You can argue this will be the most important debate, at least in my lifetime,” said Democratic strategist Jim Messina, 54, who managed former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign.


The ground rules for Thursday’s debate, the first of two scheduled meetings, are unusual.

The candidates agreed to meet at a CNN studio in Atlanta with no audience. Each candidate’s microphone will be muted, except when it’s his turn to speak. No props or prewritten notes will be allowed onstage. The candidates will be given only a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

There will be no opening statements. A coin flip determined that Biden would stand at the podium to the viewer’s right, while Trump would deliver the final closing statement.

The next debate won’t be until September. Any stumbles Thursday will be hard to erase or replace quickly.………..

Democrats used the law to indict Trump for a few of his crimes, and Trump has twisted the law, with the aid of his cronies, to avoid being prosecuted.
don't forget Bannon and Navarro!

By twisted, do you mean put up a defense in court for the misdemeanors he was charge with? I know if those mis were connected to a mystical and unexplained or convicted 'unlawful means' then they could become a felony (and have) but that is kind of strange too, right, to convict someone in connection with a crime that is not even stated? Who lifted the statue of limitation due in order to get those charges 1 year after the statue of limits were up? A Trump crony?
There are multiple post in this thread talking about how Biden has been hidden away. That he has a small circle of long time advisors, and family. That the media doesn't have much access. Even then, there were was concern and rumors. Jon Stewart even ran a piece of this very topic on his first show back.

You don't read any of those post. You come in here dump your drivel and run away.

The claim that the media ignored Biden's age or concerns about his mental acuity, when that's all they've ever talked about in regards to Biden since his reelection started is really pique MAGA. Believe what I want you to believe and tell you, not what you obviously see.
While waiting for our niece and two nephews to be done playing in the Hersheypark Wave Pool, my wife saw this and shared it with me...

The claim that the media ignored Biden's age or concerns about his mental acuity, when that's all they've ever talked about in regards to Biden since his reelection started is really pique MAGA. Believe what I want you to believe and tell you, not what you obviously see.

I put in a poll from Time: 60% of respondents had concerns with Biden's mental acuity. How does that happen if the media isn't reporting on it? Magical group think?

What I wanted SFL to admit to is he wanted a media consensus on Biden's ability. How do you get that if they don't have any access to the man? If he is historically closed off from the media. That's what the entire Jon Stewart critique was in his first show back.

SFL can't even put his actual opinion into words though. I have to do it for him.
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If PatriotMom1776 and RealEagle_Freedom could figure out something was wrong with Biden
Do you ever actually read what you type? My god, this is beyond parody now. Every time I think you can go no further, you strike out for new ground. Yes, you should follow these random accounts that might not even be real people because they know better than anybody what is happening.

You are such a gullible person.
It's like he doesn't even realize he made your point for you. If it would have been a banana republic under Trump, then they still would have went after Clinton even after finding nothing substantial like Biden has done to Trump.
So you should know that if Trump’s DOJ had found anything they would have prosecuted her. They wanted to please the orange man-baby, but they couldn’t make shirt up.

Nobody made shirt up about Trump either. He’s just a criminal who has never cared about being constrained by laws his entire life. He just isn’t getting away with it anymore.

Neither you nor Farb has a point, other than that you’re both gullible and are being made fools of by the media sources you read and listen to.
Trump wanted to.... but didnt.
ONLY because the DOJ wouldn’t make shirt up for him. Like he tried to get them to do.

This isn’t an exoneration of Trump for crying out loud, it’s showing that he wanted them to make shirt up and they refused. Hint: they still haven’t made anything up about Trump either. He’s a crook.
I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt for months now. Well, no more. You have shown your true colors and you are no better than any other MAGA.
I am not MAGA but I am fully in to put pressure on Biden to step down. Not holding back...the fate of our country depends on having someone else in the situation room when N Korea or China do something and it is 3AM in Washington DC
I am not MAGA but I am fully in to put pressure on Biden to step down. Not holding back...the fate of our country depends on having someone else in the situation room when N Korea or China do something and it is 3AM in Washington DC
What you have been posting is vile misogyny with zero basis in fact. I was so completely wrong about you. You are MAGA.
I am not MAGA but I am fully in to put pressure on Biden to step down. Not holding back...the fate of our country depends on having someone else in the situation room when N Korea or China do something and it is 3AM in Washington DC
I tried my best to get my side of the aisle to reject Trump and select Haley. Sadly I failed. Now my goal is to get your side of the aisle to get Joe B to face reality that he's got to step aside. Preferably announcing his intention to do so within the next 7 days. Ok...back to having fun at Hersheypark...

don't forget Bannon and Navarro!

By twisted, do you mean put up a defense in court for the misdemeanors he was charge with? I know if those mis were connected to a mystical and unexplained or convicted 'unlawful means' then they could become a felony (and have) but that is kind of strange too, right, to convict someone in connection with a crime that is not even stated? Who lifted the statue of limitation due in order to get those charges 1 year after the statue of limits were up? A Trump crony?
No, by twisted I mean put forth many frivolous motions that should've been tossed or at least dealt with quickly, and managed to get his Supreme Court to twist our laws to protect him. That doesn't make him innocent. It means our laws are inadequate or being twisted to suit him. The only case in which he has an argument is the NY case, but he was guilty there as well. He's also committed many other crimes that haven't been indicted, or have been settled. He's a walking crime wave. He and his allies have caused a surge in crime alone.
In the general election thread.

To me this is simple, the way forward is giving speeches, and interviews. Show it was truly just a one off. If you can't do that, it's time to retire.

From all the reporting, it's clear party insiders, and donors are panicking. It's not just the debate performance, but the silence afterwards.

By far the easiest option for everyone is for a coherent Biden to stay in the race. This is a "show not tell" kind of explanation that must be given.
To me this is simple, the way forward is giving speeches, and interviews. Show it was truly just a one off. If you can't do that, it's time to retire.

From all the reporting, it's clear party insiders, and donors are panicking. It's not just the debate performance, but the silence afterwards.

By far the easiest option for everyone is for a coherent Biden to stay in the race. This is a "show not tell" kind of explanation that must be given.
It's even more than that. He has largely avoided taking questions after press conferences throughout his presidency. Trump did that too, but it didn't matter. When he did, he was crazy and some people don't care because he is their useful idiot, while others like it because it owns the libs. Biden represents the mature party, so it does matter for Biden. I think it is too late to undo the damage. If he stays in the race, he and all of us will probably lose. There is a chance he wins, but I don't like the odds. If he bows out, there will be a lot of squabbling, but excitement, and I think a much better chance to win.
To me this is simple, the way forward is giving speeches, and interviews. Show it was truly just a one off. If you can't do that, it's time to retire.

From all the reporting, it's clear party insiders, and donors are panicking. It's not just the debate performance, but the silence afterwards.

By far the easiest option for everyone is for a coherent Biden to stay in the race. This is a "show not tell" kind of explanation that must be given.
Recently you are the most reasonable poster on this thread. A calm voice of logic. Nice job!
To me this is simple, the way forward is giving speeches, and interviews. Show it was truly just a one off. If you can't do that, it's time to retire.

From all the reporting, it's clear party insiders, and donors are panicking. It's not just the debate performance, but the silence afterwards.


And while it doesn’t help immediately with public perception, I think the private meetings with governors, other officials, and donors are necessary, too. I think they need to see him when he’s not in front of cameras. I think the behind the scenes interactions that mimic his routine and responsibilities can tell them a lot about his ability to do the job. We will know soon enough how those people feel after those private meetings.

Biden has never been a strong public speaker. As bad as the debate was, I don’t think an existing weakness should be the most defining moment that decides his future. There needs to be a thorough assessment in a variety of settings.
What are those posts based on? Reports from the media?

So you expect people to believe excuses from the same media that's been covering for Biden?

Y'all all have been mocking me and thinking it was beyond the pale for me saying that Biden was clearly declining.

It's obvious I was right, but anyone could have seen that including the media that had no idea according to you.

Denying that the media knew is North Korea type propaganda just like the people here who said Biden was fine after the debate and just had a cold.
You're getting mocked more because you rarely engage in good faith discussion. But you'd know that if you actually paid attention to people's posts.

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