Federal Law Enforcement Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab Protesters Off Portland Streets (UPDATE: Trump admin. deploying federal LE to cities) (1 Viewer)

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    Sep 28, 2019
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    “All United States Marshals Service arrestees have public records of arrest documenting their charges. Our agency did not arrest or detain Mark James Pettibone.”

    OPB sent DHS an extensive list of questions about Pettibone’s arrest including: What is the legal justification for making arrests away from federal property? What is the legal justification for searching people who are not participating in criminal activity? Why are federal officers using civilian vehicles and taking people away in them? Are the arrests federal officers make legal under the constitution? If so, how?

    After 7 p.m. Thursday, a DHS spokesperson responded, on background, that they could confirm Wolf was in Portland during the day. The spokesperson didn’t acknowledge the remaining questions.

    This story is very troublesome.
    I scrolled back on his Twitter profile under media for the last video he posted. He posted 2 videos on July 26 that showed a fire burning and the lazers, but you don't see any protestors in the videos. I scrolled all the way back through may and only saw a few videos of protestors, but no violence. Your example of a credible reporter posting videos was a reporter who didn't post any videos showing the violence of the protestors.

    No video of protestors?

    that was from the night he spent with law enforcement t while protestors rioted outside

    more first person and immediate than anything Ngo has done.

    that took like 30 seconds of a google search.
    No video of protestors?

    that was from the night he spent with law enforcement t while protestors rioted outside

    more first person and immediate than anything Ngo has done.

    that took like 30 seconds of a google search.

    Yeah I already posted something about those 2 videos that don't actually show protestors commiting violence. They show the fire and the lazers. That reporter posted only 2 videos since may. Do you have a better example of a reporter posting videos that show the violence of the protestors?
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    I’m done. mainstream media covers the riots. Andy Ngo is a partisan hack. You can disagree with both of these.

    you do nothing but make demands of other people. Don’t follow upon your own. And post sarcastic chuckle emojis instead of replies.

    Why would someone that you interact with in that manner give you time and consideration?


    I feel like I’ve extended more here when I’ve never “chuckled” one of your posts that I recall and I’ve taken the time to answer question after question

    Why would I do more than that when you conduct yourself in such an inhospitable manner?
    I’m done. mainstream media covers the riots. Andy Ngo is a partisan hack. You can disagree with both of these.

    you do nothing but make demands of other people. Don’t follow upon your own. And post sarcastic chuckle emojis instead of replies.

    Why would someone that you interact with in that manner give you time and consideration?


    I feel like I’ve extended more here when I’ve never “chuckled” one of your posts that I recall and I’ve taken the time to answer question after question

    Why would I do more than that when you conduct yourself in such an inhospitable manner?
    Dude, you made the claim that the reporter you cited posted videos about the violence. That reporter has posted 2 videos since May and neither video showed any protestors.

    You complain about me chuckling at some of your posts while plenty of people here click the laughing emoji on almost every one of my posts. 🤔 That reminds me of your selective outrage of when I posted a Twitter post or link with a sentence while people on the left here STILL post naked Twitter links which you have never complained about.
    You complain about me chuckling at some of your posts while plenty of people here click the laughing emoji on almost every one of my posts. 🤔 That reminds me of your selective outrage of when I posted a Twitter post or link with a sentence while people on the left here STILL post naked Twitter links which you have never complained about.

    I'm not complaining - I'm explaining why I'm not giving you anymore that you're asking for. If anyone else did the same to me, I'd have the same to say to them. And I'll say it again: when you choose (or anyone else for that matter) to just chuckle a bunch of posts to demonstrate some sarcasm - as a sort of end around to having another negative emoji option - I don't see that as an indication someone wants a discussion.

    I think it is disrespectful, but that's your choice. If you want to - keep doing it.

    If Richard or Andrus or MT or UTJ or Superchuck were running chuckling my posts, I'd feel the same.

    I think I've given you more time and respect than your typical interaction with me merits, but my generosity and willingness only go so far.

    And I'm telling you that if you expect any more responses to questions that you ask me or any time you'd like me to spend responding to you, you'll have to do a better job of demonstrating a sincere desire to engage.

    And I don't sense that at all.

    And if you have a problem with *other* people chuckling your posts, don't interact with them. I support you 100%. But don't take it out on me and expect me to give more time or consideration to your questions.
    SFL, Ngo has been caught setting up the confrontations with alt right groups, who then go out with him trailing them and start fights with people from the other side. He then videos the fights, and selectively edits out anything that would point to any blame on the true instigators. Then he posts the videos, and makes claims that aren’t true. He has been promised protection from the alt right so that he feels safe being in the middle of the fighting. This was all documented, if you would choose to read it.

    Just ask yourself how does he manage to be in the exact right place at the exact right time? all the time?

    There are crazy violent people doing crazy violent things, and they don’t only have one POV. The extreme right and extreme left are both dangerous, and they have a lot in common with each other.

    Now that you know, if you still insist on posting his stuff it will be knowing it is one sided propaganda. It’s pretty much that simple.
    SFL, Ngo has been caught setting up the confrontations with alt right groups, who then go out with him trailing them and start fights with people from the other side.

    His intimacy with Patriot Prayer belies his 'journalistic credibility'

    he was present when they were planning violence and he did nothing, said nothing. In fact, as these right wing extremists planned their attack, he was laughing.

    That was enough to get him fired from Quillette, which is a right wing faux-intellectual blog site. Their work is awful and even they took a look at how Andy operated and was like, "No thanks."

    imo, that is telling.

    Anyone looking to Ngo as a source of unbiased information likely has considerable confirmation bias

    He's not a reporter. He's a biased documentarian of staged violence. And he's profiting off of it. Tremendously. Absolute, undeniable grift.
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    Has it ever occurred to you that just maybe there isn’t nearly the violence from protesters that your Proud Boy (NGO) network would have you believe? That all of the violence occurring IS the Proud Boys?

    The guy that got shot last night fired first. He missed. The BLM activist exercising his second amendment right didn’t. That is why you saw no arrest made.

    I have offered to show anyone here nightly video and photos from the protests. Why didn’t you take me up on that? Neither did any of your cohorts.

    If you would have, you would have seen last night after the Proud Boys left, nothing but peaceful protests, with time stamps.

    Joey Gibson’s tiny self was chased inside of a Chevron station and wouldn’t come out. The feds showed up in less than a minute. That is some remarkable timing. There is video of this in my wife’s feed. Something tells me you won’t ask to see it though.
    People who study this sort of thing know that Andy Ngo is behind a lot of the false information that is being put out there.

    Also, D’Souza making a false claim about Antifa in Portland. These people are intentionally magnifying the strife and claiming things that are not true in order to stoke divisions among Americans. Don’t fall for it.

    Also, D’Souza making a false claim about Antifa in Portland. These people are intentionally magnifying the strife and claiming things that are not true in order to stoke divisions among Americans. Don’t fall for it.

    I'm sure any moment now, Dinesh will post the videos of pickup trucks with Trump flags driving through pedestrian traffic macing people
    I'm not complaining - I'm explaining why I'm not giving you anymore that you're asking for. If anyone else did the same to me, I'd have the same to say to them. And I'll say it again: when you choose (or anyone else for that matter) to just chuckle a bunch of posts to demonstrate some sarcasm - as a sort of end around to having another negative emoji option - I don't see that as an indication someone wants a discussion.

    I think it is disrespectful, but that's your choice. If you want to - keep doing it.

    If Richard or Andrus or MT or UTJ or Superchuck were running chuckling my posts, I'd feel the same.

    I think I've given you more time and respect than your typical interaction with me merits, but my generosity and willingness only go so far.

    And I'm telling you that if you expect any more responses to questions that you ask me or any time you'd like me to spend responding to you, you'll have to do a better job of demonstrating a sincere desire to engage.

    And I don't sense that at all.

    And if you have a problem with *other* people chuckling your posts, don't interact with them. I support you 100%. But don't take it out on me and expect me to give more time or consideration to your questions.
    You are complaining. You made a claim that the reporter you cited posted videos about the violence with the protestors. I showed the only 2 videos he posted about the violence since the beginning of May and even those 2 videos didn’t show any protestors. Then you said you were done because I was asking for the videos because you claimed the reporter posted them. Don't make a claim if you aren't prepared to at least post the videos or to tell me where to find them.

    You also complained about me using an emoji on a few of your posts. Its not like I did that to a bunch of your posts. You are complaining about a feature of this message board that I only used sparingly.

    Your shtick about complaining about someone's post and claiming it shows they don't want a discussion isn't fooling anyone. Its just a way for you to try to appear neutral while making partisan complaints that you never make to anyone on the left here.

    Has it ever occurred to you that just maybe there isn’t nearly the violence from protesters that your Proud Boy (NGO) network would have you believe? That all of the violence occurring IS the Proud Boys?

    The guy that got shot last night fired first. He missed. The BLM activist exercising his second amendment right didn’t. That is why you saw no arrest made.

    I have offered to show anyone here nightly video and photos from the protests. Why didn’t you take me up on that? Neither did any of your cohorts.

    If you would have, you would have seen last night after the Proud Boys left, nothing but peaceful protests, with time stamps.

    Joey Gibson’s tiny self was chased inside of a Chevron station and wouldn’t come out. The feds showed up in less than a minute. That is some remarkable timing. There is video of this in my wife’s feed. Something tells me you won’t ask to see it though.
    Why did someone have to ask to see your videos? Can't you just post them on your own?
    SFL, you’re the one making up conditions on the videos. You don’t like the videos so now they have to include protestors and they have to be of the frequency you demand. Ayo never said how many videos or what they had to show, you are just moving the goalposts all over the place.

    Cool Brees would have posted a link to his videos, but they contain his real name. He has generously offered to provide them to anyone who asks. I do think he also posted some snippets on here as well.
    SFL, Ngo has been caught setting up the confrontations with alt right groups, who then go out with him trailing them and start fights with people from the other side. He then videos the fights, and selectively edits out anything that would point to any blame on the true instigators. Then he posts the videos, and makes claims that aren’t true. He has been promised protection from the alt right so that he feels safe being in the middle of the fighting. This was all documented, if you would choose to read it.

    Just ask yourself how does he manage to be in the exact right place at the exact right time? all the time?

    There are crazy violent people doing crazy violent things, and they don’t only have one POV. The extreme right and extreme left are both dangerous, and they have a lot in common with each other.

    Now that you know, if you still insist on posting his stuff it will be knowing it is one sided propaganda. It’s pretty much that simple.
    It's ironic that to you talk about propaganda when its obvious you didn't do much research on the story about Ngo setting up confrontations. Did you ever watch the video that the articles were based on?

    It's been a rough summer for independent Portland journalist Andy Ngo: Antifa activists beat him up at a June 29 rally, and now many in left-of-center media have accused him of being complicit in a far-right attack that took place some weeks earlier.

    But despite widespread insistence that Ngo knew members of the far-right group Patriot Prayer were about to instigate violence, the underlying evidence is incredibly thin. At worst, new video footage reveals Ngo to be inattentive and preoccupied with his phone at key moments. This information strengthens concerns about the selectivity of Ngo's reporting, but falls far short of proving that he knew about a planned attack.

    ...Many in the media have said Ngo is biased against antifa, and in favor of far-right groups like Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Critics say that Ngo selectively edits his videos of the scuffles to make it seem like antifa activists are the aggressors. Some of these critics have a point, and in his conversation with Reason, Ngo conceded that he's gotten things wrong, and has been overly focused on covering moments of physical confrontation between the two groups.

    What was so "damning" and "incriminating" about the video was largely unexplained, though Sommer did include a quote from Quillette Editor in Chief Claire Lehmann, who explained that Ngo's departure had nothing to do with the new video footage, and had been agreed upon by both parties some weeks ago. (Lehmann confirmed this to Reason.)

    The problem, of course, is that the video—which mostly depicts a small group of people standing around, discussing which side of the street they should walk on when and if they approach antifa, and conversing with the undercover Ben—proves no such thing. I have watched it from start to finish at least five times, and it does not even establish that the group of right-wing agitators planned an attack—let alone that Ngo was aware of such a plot. Indeed, the Portland Mercury article that received such rave reviews from The Daily Beast, Vice, Media Matters, and others makes little effort to explain what was so damning about the video, and Zielinski spends much of her article lionizing Ben's actions without offering any independent scrutiny of his claims.

    ...It's one thing to criticize Ngo's reporting, and I agree with his critics that the singular focus on antifa's violence can create a false impression that they are always the instigators. It's quite another to imply that he is actively in league with antifa's enemies—a strong claim that is unsupported by the new video. If this footage shows anything, it's that Ngo was buried in his phone and missed out on an interesting story. It does not show that fascist aggression brought a smile to his face.

    SFL, you’re the one making up conditions on the videos. You don’t like the videos so now they have to include protestors and they have to be of the frequency you demand. Ayo never said how many videos or what they had to show, you are just moving the goalposts all over the place.

    Cool Brees would have posted a link to his videos, but they contain his real name. He has generously offered to provide them to anyone who asks. I do think he also posted some snippets on here as well.
    You are incorrect. I talked about Ngo posting videos showing the violence of the protestors. Ayo then said his reporter posted videos in response to my post.
    I have already posted my real name. I am not going to do it again because I have already had my CHILDREN’s lives threatened. If you want to see them PM me and j will add you to the group once you let me know who you are. There is one individual on your side who I have spoken with. He is a good guy even though we fight like cats and dogs in here.

    He knows who he is.

    I have been in verbal altercations with Mr Ngo and Mr Gibson (who is TINY). In real life. I know them through their actual actions toward ME not from a partisan site trying to defend him.

    Look up his “Milkshake” that he completely fabricated with fake blood and everything. Or his edited videos ad nauseum.

    He called my wife a fat c*** and then hid when I approached him. That was last year.

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