Explain how Trump has so much support (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2020
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    Back Vacherie
    I would like some layman answers to the question "How does Trump have so much support, right now"? The final two word are important context.

    I somewhat understand how he became a "force" prior to the 2016 election. There were many factors that allowed him to gain steam. Anti-establishment and not being a true politician was a big turn on to some voters on the right at the time. He talked a good game and somehow found a way to the Presidency despite acting "unpresidential". Trump's time in office had some victories for the Republicans and the economy was humming prior to COVID.....but the shirt show that happened on a daily basis with him firing executive staff (that didn't agree with him) and the overall chaos that was the White House certainly should've had an effect on his supporters. This was all BEFORE losing the 2020 election and what ensued. What happened after the 2020 election is well documented and, in my opinion, should have buried him as a candidate for office for eternity.

    With ALL of what happened since the 2020 election, how can he still have half of the country (give or take) as supporters? Had all the election denying, countless gaffs, and the attempt to circumvent the Constitution had not occurred and had he regrouped and formed a strategy to compete in 2024, I could see a lot of his supporters continuing to follow him and his message. But I can't get how so many Americans can overlook what happened in front of their own eyes. I am truly bewildered.

    I realize this is a mostly left leaning community, so maybe you folks do not have a clue either but would like to hear opinions. Especially, if you still support Trump through all of the mess.
    Right, those same people have no idea how inflation works, it's a global issue.....start right there in any disinformation campaigns.....it worked, somehow.....it's disappointing that there are so many ignorant folks out there....
    People in general know if they are better off or not. They may not fully appreciate causation but they know. Presidents get the credit when people feel like they are making progress and blamed when people feel they are worse. Presidents run on the promise to make life better. When they do they win and when they dont they lose.

    The question “are you better off today than 4 years ago” is tough to overcome when the majority answer in the negative.
    People in general know if they are better off or not. They may not fully appreciate causation but they know. Presidents get the credit when people feel like they are making progress and blamed when people feel they are worse. Presidents run on the promise to make life better. When they do they win and when they dont they lose.

    The question “are you better off today than 4 years ago” is tough to overcome when the majority answer in the negative.

    The people in this country need to stop thinking so simplisticly and actually apply critical thinking if they ever want things like affordability to improve. The affordability crisis in this country didn't start with Biden’s presidency. It's been ongoing and worsening for much longer and it's not just because is inflation. It's because of policies by Republicans that continue widening wealth inequality. Like the tax cuts they will surely pass that will inordinately benefit the wealthy and businesses, widen the deficit and cut public investment. Not to mention the regulations they will pass that will come from industry and hurt workers.

    The fact that people that voted for Trump have no idea how a tariff works tells us everything about the electorate that elected Trump and their ignorance of basic economic principles that should be common knowledge.
    Inflation was coming after the pandemic no matter what. It was not something that could be avoided. America came out better than any other industrial nation around the world post-pandemic, but most of the electorate is not aware of that. Prices have not come down to 2019 levels (and they never will), so the public blamed the current administration. So much so, that Donald Trump was re-elected.....with all of his warts. The irony of it all is Trump is inheriting a really good economy overall and will take claim for it. It's a shame "we the people" are not smarter and more aware.
    People in general know if they are better off or not. They may not fully appreciate causation but they know. Presidents get the credit when people feel like they are making progress and blamed when people feel they are worse. Presidents run on the promise to make life better. When they do they win and when they dont they lose.

    The question “are you better off today than 4 years ago” is tough to overcome when the majority answer in the negative.

    Thanks, your explanation perfectly highlights the lack of critical thinking in this country, you made my point for me brilliantly.....

    Also the notion that not fully appreciating causation leads to uninformed choices is a great zinger!!!!
    Thanks, your explanation perfectly highlights the lack of critical thinking in this country, you made my point for me brilliantly.....

    Also the notion that not fully appreciating causation leads to uninformed choices is a great zinger!!!!
    Assuming one knows how other people think and why perfectly demonstrates lack of critical thinking as well. Thats how one ges surprised on election day.
    Assuming one knows how other people think and why perfectly demonstrates lack of critical thinking as well. Thats how one ges surprised on election day.

    Nice admission that those voting for the p grabber in chief-elect lack critical thinking skills. I didn't think the majority of the population in our country are ill-informed, but here we are.
    Assuming one knows how other people think and why perfectly demonstrates lack of critical thinking as well. Thats how one ges surprised on election day.

    Thanks!!!!! for the feeble attempt at gaslighting!!!!! Quite telling....
    Nice admission that those voting for the p grabber in chief-elect lack critical thinking skills. I didn't think the majority of the population in our country are ill-informed, but here we are.

    TJ up there continues to make my point for me.....
    Since Dems made this election an "anyone but the orange Hitler/threat to democracy" campaign... and the Reps not only won the WH - But also the Senate and House majority... and made significant gains in nearly every county and demo in the whole country...

    Maybe a bit more self reflection, and less condescending, less name calling, less blaming, less finger pointing, less insults, and less doubling down... Needs to be on the table here.... Perhaps the question that needs to be asked instead is... "Explain why Dems have so much less support"?

    Answer that first... and the answer to this topic might just become more clear...

    Or - Don't... and let's see how the mid-terms work out.
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    Since Dems made this election an "anyone but the orange Hitler/threat to democracy" campaign... and the Reps not only won the WH - But also the Senate and House majority... and made significant gains in nearly every county and demo in the whole country...

    Maybe a bit more self reflection, and less condescending, less name calling, less blaming, less finger pointing, less insults, and less doubling down... Needs to be on the table here.... Perhaps the question that needs to be asked instead is... "Explain why Dems have so much less support"?

    Answer that first... and the answer to this topic might just become more clear...

    Or - Don't... and let's see how the mid-terms work out.
    Your act is tired. You are simply a GOP apologist pretending to be neutral.

    You refuse to answer any questions but come in here and scold us like an old school marm.

    Sorry - you have proven you’re not engaging honestly.
    I have no act... The act is pretending to be empathetic while calling everyone stupid that doesn't agree with you... and no... it's not just you or the posters here... by any means... that act infects all "political party as a personality trait" minds.

    If you only see things through a single monocular lens... You will never see the the entire picture. I will answer any question not specifically asked in bad faith to attempt to discredit my opinions or views... in some partisan forum gang bang attempt... (which is why this forum was created in the first place)

    I am not scolding or condescending.... I am asking you in good faith (just like I do with folks on the other polarized side)..... to ask some simple pertinent questions about yourself, your stances, and your opinions... reflect on them... discuss them outside of your bias.... and try to understand and find common ground and reason with each other - explore and admit faults... attempt to correct them, and move past them - so we can get out of this shirt show of a political quagmire in the next 4 years...

    The only people that have proven they can't engage honestly... are the ones that label (Nazi) everything they don't agree with... and dismiss it... that's certainly not my thing.
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    Since Dems made this election an "anyone but the orange Hitler/threat to democracy" campaign... and the Reps not only won the WH - But also the Senate and House majority... and made significant gains in nearly every county and demo in the whole country...

    Maybe a bit more self reflection, and less condescending, less name calling, less blaming, less finger pointing, less insults, and less doubling down... Needs to be on the table here.... Perhaps the question that needs to be asked instead is... "Explain why Dems have so much less support"?

    Answer that first... and the answer to this topic might just become more clear...

    Or - Don't... and let's see how the mid-terms work out.

    Since you admit that you paid zero attention to Kamala's campaign, I'll just go ahead and assume the rest of your post is wrong as well.
    Yes, you do have an “act”. You like to claim there isn’t any difference between the parties. I asked you at least one serious question about that stance, honestly wondering how you can square the actions of Trump with the rhetoric of the Dems. I conceded that all politicians engage in inflammatory rhetoric at times, but wondered how you cannot draw a distinction based on Trump’s actions?

    I was roundly ignored. It was a good faith question.

    Now I have another one - do you honestly think that if Harris had won, she would be filling cabinet positions with people as unqualified as what Trump is putting out there? Would she be ignoring ethical guardrails as Trump is doing?

    I fully expect these questions to be ignored as well, because they destroy your thesis.
    Yes, you do have an “act”. You like to claim there isn’t any difference between the parties. I asked you at least one serious question about that stance, honestly wondering how you can square the actions of Trump with the rhetoric of the Dems. I conceded that all politicians engage in inflammatory rhetoric at times, but wondered how you cannot draw a distinction based on Trump’s actions?

    I was roundly ignored. It was a good faith question.

    Now I have another one - do you honestly think that if Harris had won, she would be filling cabinet positions with people as unqualified as what Trump is putting out there? Would she be ignoring ethical guardrails as Trump is doing?

    I fully expect these questions to be ignored as well, because they destroy your thesis.
    You obviously don’t read what I post. I don’t square anything.

    Trump is unfit to be president. He’s an egomaniacal butt crevasse. But he isn’t Hitler.

    Everything the Dems run is a gaslighting meat puppet out of touch shirt show. But they are not communists.

    Neither divisive clown show of propaganda is worth my vote. So neither get it.

    Oh. And for the record…. I don’t do the lesser of 2 evils. You might as well ask me if I’d like to die slow or fast…. I choose neither.

    I think Trumps appointments are…. Some ok…. Rubio…. Some WTF…. Gaetz…. Some meh…. Gabbert. Not gonna comment on each one until I know more.

    I have no opinion about a hypothetical "what would Kamala have done" because that’s a pointless discussion. We have no idea.

    I would think she would surround herself with like minded people like anyone would. Just a guess.

    And stop using talking point buzz words like "guard rails". Speak plainly and say what’s on your mind.

    The “guard rails” were taken off by the voters when they decided to give him a blank check. It happened. What ifs and spliffs aren’t gonna change that. What needs to happen is to figure out why it happened, and how we can come up with a better (not so bat shirt crazy alternative) to the 2 party system that pushes and leads to such see saw outcomes.

    Hope that makes my stance more clear.

    I know you care. I care too. We disagree on what the game is and how to win it. You are still stuck on the chess pieces and which is more important, better, or worse than the other. That’s the part you’re missing.
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    And stop using talking point buzz words like gaurd rials.
    For example - evidently there are new provisions for ethical problems and conflicts of interest. Trump is supposed to disclose his conflicts and sign some new paperwork about ethics in government. It was new law passed in 2017, IIRC. He is supposed to have already done this, but he isn’t doing it. He’s just ignoring it, like it doesn’t exist. And the GOP will not hold him accountable.

    Presidents are not supposed to nominate people who are manifestly unfit to serve. They are not supposed to set up cronies as some sort of extra-government watchdogs, especially when they have billions of dollars of government income, like Musk. This is unethical.

    The 2 parties are not the same, no matter how many times you claim they are. Until Trump, I could have respected your stance. I wouldn’t choose to think that way, but I would have respected it. Trump changed all that. He’s corrupt and divisive and dangerous to the Constitution. Immoral, mentally ill, a sexual predator by his own admission.

    In a 2 party system - you either pick one side, or you are complicit when the worse side gets into power. Do I wish we had better choices sometimes? Of course. But we have a 2 party system. It’s reality and I will vote for the better of the two options every single time.

    You say you care - but are not even willing to pick a side. To me, what that means is you know Trump is unfit and you don’t want to vote for him, but you’re fine with him being elected. I can’t respect that.
    And this is why I don’t engage with you seriously. You quote one piece of what I wrote. Ignored the spirit, points, and premise. And went on the pre-canned rant of partisan BS. And then say you can’t respect me for something I have never voted for.

    Absolutes always sway people into meaningful discussion too. Keep that up!

    I’m not fine with him…. I’m not fine with the opposition… I’m not fine with the system that produces these idiocratic binary choices.

    The illusion of choice is not choice. I’m not willing to choose a side when both sides are designed to **** me over…. Just in specific and polar opposite ways.

    If you can’t respect that or don’t have the capacity to respond to more than a snippet of my post…. Well…. All my best to ya….

    I agree with almost everything you say about the orange man. However, The inability to look at the other side and say in "full stop mode"…. This is not as bad in my personal opinion…. But is still not acceptable…. And I need to understand why 75 million other Americans think that way…. And why are willing to vote for said moron in opposition…. Is the issue you and like minded people have.

    Political drama will not make or break anything in my life personally. I can handle whatever adversity it may bring. I’ll hold onto hope that a better way of doing it comes to light once Americans decide they are tired of it, and want real choices.
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    And this is why I don’t engage with you seriously. You quote one piece of what I wrote. Ignored the spirit, points, and premise. And went on the pre-canned rant of partisan BS. And then say you can’t respect me for something I have never voted for.

    Absolutes always sway people into meaningful discussion too. Keep that up!

    I’m not fine with him…. I’m not fine with the opposition… I’m not fine with the system that produces these idiocratic binary choices.

    The illusion of choice is not choice. I’m not willing to choose a side when both sides are designed to **** me over…. Just in specific and polar opposite ways.

    If you can’t respect that or don’t have the capacity to respond to more than a snippet of my post…. Well…. All my best to ya….

    I agree with almost everything you say about the orange man. The inability to look at the other side and say in full stop…. This is not as bad in my personal opinion…. But is still not acceptable…. And I need to understand why 75 million other Americans think that…. And are willing to vote for said moron in opposition…. Is the issue.

    Political drama will not make or break anything in my life personally. I can handle whatever adversity it may bring. I’ll hold onto hope that a better way of doing it comes to light once Americans decide they are tired of it, and want real choices.
    When Trump destroys everything America stands for, you will have to live with yourself knowing you didn’t do everything you could to stop him.
    When Trump destroys everything America stands for, you will have to live with yourself knowing you didn’t do everything you could to stop him.

    I live in south Louisiana…. This is a Wendy’s sir…. Please enlighten me.

    And I have already asked…. Should the United States survive Trump…. Just as it did before…. Do all of you reassess your thought process on choosing candidates for the most important job position in the world?

    Or do you keep feeding the divide and conquer insanity machine because you were told that’s the only option?

    This beloved 2 party clown parade…. Is exactly why my vote in national elections means precisely jack nuts in the great state of Louisiana. My choice was never consequential…. Because It never existed. I live with myself just fine, because I have 1000 real things in my life more important, real, and pressing than worrying about some hypothetical ideological boogeyman taking over the world (like is predicted every 4 years by both sides).... Try to keep up.
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    And I have already asked…. Should the United States survive Trump…. Just as it did before…. Do all of you reassess your thought process on choosing candidates for the most important job position in the world?
    So now our basis on whether or not a president is good is whether or not the country actually survives after his presidency?

    Feels like a pretty low bar.

    And what does “survives” mean? Like, if we come out on the other side with a quasi-autocracy that has “elections” like Russia, does that mean we “survived”?

    Or do you keep feeding the divide and conquer insanity machine because you were told that’s the only option?
    You keep acting like voting third party somehow makes you above partisan politics.

    It doesn’t. It just makes you a tool for taking away votes from the better option.

    Your choice is largely inconsequential in south Louisiana, that’s true.

    If you lived in Pennsylvania, who would you have voted for? Bet you don’t answer.

    And it’s because your vote did third party isn’t some enlightened vote against the system.

    It’s cowardice.

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