Critical race theory (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 6, 2018
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    Vienna, VA (via Lafayette)
    Frankly, I'm completely ignorant when it comes to the Critical Race Theory curriculum. What is it, where does it come from, and is it legitimate? Has anyone here read it and maybe give a quick summary?

    If this has been covered in another thread, then I missed it.
    Do you want to hear something crazy, I disagree with just about everything you said here.
    Crazy how we forget left wing crazies launching armed assaults/burn down police stations, citizen's business, attempt to assasinate congressmen at a charity baseball practice, attempt to destroy an ICE facility, killed a lot of innocent people all over narratives pushed by the left media and you just typed out what most of those wacko also went crazy for, false narratives.

    I guess the best case scenario, we are holding hands as we take that plunge the deep end
    What innocent people died due to the narratives pushed by the left media? You said there were a lot of them, maybe you could give some examples?
    Remember that time on CNN and other democratic media outlets, they had stories about Trump being unfit for office, Doctors observing him walking to a helicopter and diagnosing him for certain things? No? OK. Remember that time that CNN went on and on about how he got 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream and he only gave his wife 1? No? Ok. Remember how all the evidience of Trump being a russian spy and lackey were in 'plain sight' and the 2 year investigation? No? Remember the 'pee' tape that CNN went on and on about, had guests discuss it and it turns out, it wasn't even true? No, that weird. Uh. It must have been FOX.

    Ok. I think you have it completely and totally backwards, as per usual, but I will seek counseling because I am off the deep end......

    This actually makes my point. Trump actually was unfit for office and disgraced his office, so how can that be a lie? Two scoops of ice cream? LOL.

    The Russian story - turned out to be mostly true. Was there some hyperbole, yes, of course, and it was generally labeled as speculation. Trump knew that Russia was helping him, and he even sent his campaign manager to deliver internal polling data directly to Russian intelligence. This is now fact. So that cannot be called a lie.

    The pee tape was discredited from the beginning by major news outlets. Every time it was mentioned, they pointed out that it was not necessarily true. I don’t think we know to this day whether it is true or not.

    Remember how Carlson hyped the Fauci emails? He played that totally off as “proof” that Fauci was “in on it” and more just horrible lies. When the story is actually looked at, turns out there was nothing there. So Carlson has now just moved on to his next big lie. It’s never ending, and he knows that Fox’s lawyers will just argue in court that reasonable people wouldn’t believe that what he says is true. They’ve successfully defended him before with that argument.
    Slavery in the US should be treated with the same level of disgust as the holocaust.

    We do not have a true depiction of what happened during that time.

    Do any of us really believe that plantation owners wasted resources feeding disabled children born to their slaves? What do farmers do with sick or disabled livestock?

    There are undoubtedly mass graves all over the South.

    Seems just a week or so one was discovered just near baton rouge.
    It has nothing to do with having a different opinion. It's that you're comparing stories that are either legitimate (Russian Election Interference) or that where biased but, as you acknowledged, largely forgettable and minor that CNN did to long running big stories on FOX that where outright propaganda lies. Things like Pizzagate, Birtherism and Election Fraud that have led to things like a gunmen holding up a pizza store, a rise in right wing nationalism, a January 6th violent Insurrection and the resulting spree of voter restrictions all based on lies.

    Like I said, off the deep end.

    Cultist not realizing they are in a cult....

    emember how Carlson hyped the Fauci emails? He played that totally off as “proof” that Fauci was “in on it” and more just horrible lies. When the story is actually looked at, turns out there was nothing there. So Carlson has now just moved on to his next big lie. It’s never ending, and he knows that Fox’s lawyers will just argue in court that reasonable people wouldn’t believe that what he says is true. They’ve successfully defended him before with that argument.

    I mean, you kind of lose any and all credibility when the "big election steal" lie's defense in court is "no reasonable/rational person would really actually believe what I'm saying".....boy, does the narrative change when being sued and real legal action is being brought to them....
    They're there to provide the "we don't need Juneteenth" viewpoint

    Conservative political pundit Candace Owens said she won't be celebrating the new federal holiday of Juneteenth, suggesting that the move to commemorate the end of slavery in the U.S. is just the Democrats trying to "repackage segregation."

    In a series of tweets posted after President Joe Biden signed the bill officially making June 19 a national holiday, Owens said she will only be celebrating Independence Day on July 4 instead of the date on which the last slaves were told they were free in 1865.

    Owens also suggested the holiday will train Black people to see themselves as "being separate from America" and that the move to recognize the June 19 holiday only came about because the Left started "making up random celebrations" after Donald Trump got permanently banned from Twitter.

    "Juneteenth is soooo lame. Democrats really need to stop trying to repackage segregation. I'll be celebrating July 4th and July 4th only. I'm American," Owens tweeted............

    They're there to provide the "we don't need Juneteenth" viewpoint

    Conservative political pundit Candace Owens said she won't be celebrating the new federal holiday of Juneteenth, suggesting that the move to commemorate the end of slavery in the U.S. is just the Democrats trying to "repackage segregation."

    In a series of tweets posted after President Joe Biden signed the bill officially making June 19 a national holiday, Owens said she will only be celebrating Independence Day on July 4 instead of the date on which the last slaves were told they were free in 1865.

    Owens also suggested the holiday will train Black people to see themselves as "being separate from America" and that the move to recognize the June 19 holiday only came about because the Left started "making up random celebrations" after Donald Trump got permanently banned from Twitter.

    "Juneteenth is soooo lame. Democrats really need to stop trying to repackage segregation. I'll be celebrating July 4th and July 4th only. I'm American," Owens tweeted............

    Well, coming from her, that's not at all surprising. Not many on either side in Congress really buy the crap she's selling.
    They're there to provide the "we don't need Juneteenth" viewpoint

    Conservative political pundit Candace Owens said she won't be celebrating the new federal holiday of Juneteenth, suggesting that the move to commemorate the end of slavery in the U.S. is just the Democrats trying to "repackage segregation."

    In a series of tweets posted after President Joe Biden signed the bill officially making June 19 a national holiday, Owens said she will only be celebrating Independence Day on July 4 instead of the date on which the last slaves were told they were free in 1865.

    Owens also suggested the holiday will train Black people to see themselves as "being separate from America" and that the move to recognize the June 19 holiday only came about because the Left started "making up random celebrations" after Donald Trump got permanently banned from Twitter.

    "Juneteenth is soooo lame. Democrats really need to stop trying to repackage segregation. I'll be celebrating July 4th and July 4th only. I'm American," Owens tweeted............

    There are a few black people that I would love to send back to the south during slavery or the 50's-60's so they could experience what slavery and segregation was really like. Owens is one of those people.
    There are a few black people that I would love to send back to the south during slavery or the 50's-60's so they could experience what slavery and segregation was really like. Owens is one of those people.
    This isn’t some sort of “win” - he is a very conservative talk radio host. He’s on the same stations as Hannity, et al. He has a political POV to begin with.

    Being impressed with his opinion on this is like being impressed with AOC’s opinion on an issue that is dear to progressives. Of course that is what he would say.

    He’s playing on the team who is trying very, very hard to discredit CRT, despite knowing nothing about it. He knows who his audience is, he knows what POV is required of him.

    A better question would be -

    How can you have two medical degrees and not know the difference between anecdotal and empirical evidence?

    Oh, and CRT doesn’t teach Black children they are being opposed by white people. It just doesn’t white wash slavery and tries to put race relations into its proper light.

    Seriously, if black kids want to see that institutions and systems were historically set up to discriminate and those systems have done little to change, they don’t need CRT. They have eyes for that.
    A good opinion article on the hysteria surrounding CRT on the right.

    Sorry for dropping in late, but I’m trying to see if y’all have converted this..,
    Could laws against CRT be used to sue schools for the history that’s being taught now?
    If a teacher taught an obvious falsehood like ‘most slaves (sic) enjoyed their situation’ or whatever; wouldn’t that open them up to the kind of lawsuits under CRT theory?
    Sorry for dropping in late, but I’m trying to see if y’all have converted this..,
    Could laws against CRT be used to sue schools for the history that’s being taught now?
    If a teacher taught an obvious falsehood like ‘most slaves (sic) enjoyed their situation’ or whatever; wouldn’t that open them up to the kind of lawsuits under CRT theory?

    I suspect those laws get struck down in the courts before we have to worry about stuff like that, imo.

    Personally, I think this should be left to the school boards. Nothing is going to be an ideal situation, but I think the school boards can be the arbiters of what is taught in their schools.
    Ugh, I don’t think I can go along with that, Dave. School board members are not typically educators, and at least in my experience they don’t know much about education. I don’t think they should try to set up curricula at all. It’s not a high profile or highly paid position, so they’re often people with an axe to grind in my experience. This is how you get schools being mandated to teach Creation Theory on an equal footing with evolution. Ugh.
    Ugh, I don’t think I can go along with that, Dave. School board members are not typically educators, and at least in my experience they don’t know much about education. I don’t think they should try to set up curricula at all. It’s not a high profile or highly paid position, so they’re often people with an axe to grind in my experience. This is how you get schools being mandated to teach Creation Theory on an equal footing with evolution. Ugh.
    So, you'd rather politicians, who also are not educators to do it? I'd say emphatically, no. So, who would it be? And I know a lot of school boards are highly administrative in nature, but someone has to run the schools (actually, a decent number are actually former educators themselves), and I can't imagine it's anyone at the national or state level. But, if you have a better suggestion, by all means, suggest away.

    And I don't know. I went to public schools in Lafayette, and 30 years ago I was never taught creation theory. My kids never learned it at their schools here in Virginia. A large majority of public schools don't teach it. And a lot as far as I know don't spend a lot of time on CRT either.

    I think the topic (both CRT and creation theory) has been made into this sort of boogeyman. They're not the same thing, but they're not being as widely taught as has been made out to be in the media. Not much more than a political talking point imo. The passing laws to outlaw CRT is pretty stupid imo. But, that's politics these days.
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    School administrators, who are almost always educators themselves, should guide curricula. Teachers should have a major voice in the process too. I don’t want politicians setting curricula either.

    In the last 20 years or so several states (or localities) have mandated that something called Creation Theory be presented in science classes on an equal footing with evolution.

    I’m glad you haven’t encountered that yet. I worked with a young man years ago from Ohio who had been subjected to that sort of nonsense. He, despite having a Bachelor of Science degree, admitted to me that he just wasn’t sure evolution was a real thing. It was sort of shocking, tbh.

    Full disclosure, I don’t care if children are taught Creation stories in the context of history or religion classes. But there’s no place for that in a science classroom.

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