Biden Tracker (4 Viewers)

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    SFL, I don’t think you want to start comparing gaffes between Trump and Biden. That wouldn’t be very smart.
    The problem is that food, energy, rent and out of pocket healthcare costs have increased at a higher rate than other goods and services and they continue to creep upwards on the whole, even as overall inflation eases.

    Anxiety about food, energy, rent and out of pocket healthcare costs creates the most anxiety and stress when it comes to cost of living. The less money you have, the harder the impact that the rising costs of food, energy, rent and out of pocket healthcare costs has on people.

    While its true that many Americans are doing well and seeing their invests grow, many many more Americans can't afford investments and struggle to be able to afford food, energy, rent and out of pocket healthcare costs. And a whole lot more know that the slightest unexpected expense could shift them from having just enough to not having enough to cover food, energy, rent and out of pocket healthcare costs.

    If one wants to understand the financial worries that most Americans are facing, one has to stop assuming that everyone is in the same financial position that one is. I even see it on this board. A lot of people here assume that their financial situation is typical of most Americans, when in fact they are in a much better financial situation than most Americans.

    So far the Biden campaign is making the same mistake while Trump and MAGA politicians are preying on the financial struggles of Americans.

    The typical response to someone pointing this out is derisive disagreement. I don't expect that to change. The Biden campaign typically responds the same way.

    For a person who's baked "empathy" into his brand, the Biden campaign shows very little empathy for people who are truly struggling worse now than they were before. They are more dismissive than empathic on this issue and most of his supporters are right there with him in deriding anyone who dares to say they are having harder time now than they were before.
    What you have laid out is the condition called by some writers called the precariat. This is labor, as Marx called it, the proletariat, existing under conditions where there is constant anxiety due to the precariousness of their situation.

    Neither Biden nor Trump nor any other politician can do a damn thing about this without a complete destruction and rebuilding of the manner in which economic transactions occur. In essence, this is the very nature of capitalism. Regulatory capture and legislative capture along with a populace who is enthralled by the theomythology of exceptionalism, “we defeated communism” and the non-existent free market has molded the populace into compliant cogs. That many may feel anxiety is irrelevant to power holders. Capitalism when put forth according to the theomythology must result in this situation. Labor is viewed only as a cost to be contained and as completely interchangeable. It requires enormous pressure to remove the delusion from the populace.
    See! Thanks for this post. The stutter issue is NOT ...THE issue at all.
    Tell that to Trump. Your party will never put forth anyone but Trump because the base of your party is delusional and the elected politicians lack the moral courage to do anything about it.
    I don't think it's just about blaming Biden. I think a big part of it is being angry at being told they are better off now than in the past, when they know that they are struggling more now to keep up with the cost of food, energy, rent, healthcare and transportation costs.

    If Biden just...:
    1. ...said "I know a lot of you have it hard and this is what we're doing to improve it."
    2. Very publicly and incessantly reminding everyone of the things he's doing to bring down the costs of those things or to provide some relief (like he's been doing with student loans)
    3. Very publicly and incessantly pointing out when Republicans block his efforts, including naming names
    ...then he'd run away with the election.

    I've heard Biden himself and his campaign make those very points many times. People aren't really listening or paying attention.

    Biden's campaign can't afford to keep telling people, who are struggling more now than they were before, that they are better off than they were before because of his economic policies. Hearing that makes a lot of the struggling people very angry, because they feel abandoned and forgotten. They won't vote for Biden because of that feeling and he doesn't have a lot of votes to lose if he wants to win the next election.

    People were struggling before the pandemic and were in the same precarious financial position that they're in today. It may have felt or been a little worse with inflation, but it wasn't all that different from where they're at today. And if the economy wasn't as good as it is right now, they would be suffering a lot worse without jobs and the increases in wages that have come after the pandemic.

    Two (or several) thing can be true at the same time. If how they're feeling leads them to blame Biden because of a bad economy, that's the part that is irrational. They may feel justified in how they feel because of how they are personally doing, but that doesn't mean all of the economic indicators that we've always depended on to tell us that the economy is good aren't pointing in the right direction. Even things like wage growth that was flat for years prior to the pandemic have seen a significant growth and that should be helping most people.
    Tell that to Trump. Your party will never put forth anyone but Trump because the base of your party is delusional and the elected politicians lack the moral courage to do anything about it.
    Everything in your post is likely true except I am not a Republican.
    You know that.
    You've been told that a dozen times.
    Possibly you have the same cognitive issues as President Biden.
    Everything in your post is likely true except I am not a Republican.
    You know that.
    You've been told that a dozen times.
    Possibly you have the same cognitive issues as President Biden.
    When you espouse conservative Republican positions then what should we think? When you support Republicans like Nikki Haley then what should we think?

    Don’t whizz on my leg and try to tell me it’s raining.
    Everything in your post is likely true except I am not a Republican.
    You know that.
    You've been told that a dozen times.
    Possibly you have the same cognitive issues as President Biden.
    Biden has no cognitive issues. Quit saying that based on using the wrong name. If that means there are cognitive issues then freaking everyone in the country has cognitive issues because everybody misspeaks occasionally.
    Biden has no cognitive issues. Quit saying that based on using the wrong name. If that means there are cognitive issues then freaking everyone in the country has cognitive issues because everybody misspeaks occasionally.
    How many...many....many examples have you and I discussed in the last year?
    It is not something's too frequent for the President of the United States.
    If the head manager of my local Walmart...fine.
    Not the President of the USA.
    It's unacceptable @MT15
    Last edited:
    How many...many....many examples have you and I discussed in the last year?
    It is not something's too frequent for the President of the United States.
    If the head manager of my local Walmart...fine.
    Not the President of the USA.
    It's unacceptable @MT15

    And nearly every single one of those issues has either been deceptively edited or taken out of context in some way. Go ahead and find some of those examples and we can look into them together.
    What you have laid out is the condition called by some writers called the precariat. This is labor, as Marx called it, the proletariat, existing under conditions where there is constant anxiety due to the precariousness of their situation.
    I'm aware of this, but chose to use language and terminology that is more familiar and relatable.

    Neither Biden nor Trump nor any other politician can do a damn thing about this without a complete destruction and rebuilding of the manner in which economic transactions occur. In essence, this is the very nature of capitalism. Regulatory capture and legislative capture along with a populace who is enthralled by the theomythology of exceptionalism, “we defeated communism” and the non-existent free market has molded the populace into compliant cogs. That many may feel anxiety is irrelevant to power holders. Capitalism when put forth according to the theomythology must result in this situation. Labor is viewed only as a cost to be contained and as completely interchangeable. It requires enormous pressure to remove the delusion from the populace.
    I disagree with you. There doesn't have to be an extreme destruction and rebuilding of the current economic system to ease the anxiety people have over basic necessities. We could easily put policies in place within the current system that would stabilize prices on necessities and/or provide financial relief. We choose not to do it, but we could.

    You're actually promoting a myth of extremity when you say we'd have to completely destroy and rebuild our current economic system to ease the anxieties of people who struggle. Your perspective actually perpetuates the current problems we have because it falsely creates the myth that it would take a Herculean effort to make things substantially better for most people.

    It would only take some tweaks, not a complete rebuild.
    How many...many....many examples have you and I discussed in the last year?
    It is not something's too frequent for the President of the United States.
    If the head manager of my local Walmart...fine.
    Not the President of the USA.
    It's unacceptable @MT15
    First off, I understand it's your opinion that it's unacceptable. Don't want to take away your opinion, because what is and isn't acceptable is a subjective standard that we each have a right to determine for ourselves.

    I don't have an issue with him occasionally misspeaking, especially regarding names. It doesn't seem to be more than once per day.

    I'm 58 and my cognitive baseline shows no decline of any kind. By the way, everyone should do cognitive tests as young as possible so they have their baseline for future reference. Back on topic, I misspeak names about once per day. It's actually quite common at all ages with 100% cognitive ability.

    But like I said, if he you find it unacceptable then that's your opinion and decision. Just remember it's a subjective opinion, so your opinion can't be objectively accurate or inaccurate. Even though it's your truth that it's unacceptable, it's not an objective verifiable truth.

    Now what you are objectively wrong about is your suggestions that Biden is "senile" or significantly cognitively impaired. That is objectively inaccurate. I think you probably don't understand what significant cognitive impairment actually looks like or how it is diagnosed, because if you did you wouldn't rationally believe that Biden is cognitively impaired to any significant degree.

    I think your perception of Biden's cognitive health is being skewed by your obvious disdain for him.
    Last edited:
    I'm aware of this, but chose to use language and terminology that is more familiar and relatable.

    I disagree with you. There doesn't have to be an extreme destruction and rebuilding of the current economic system to ease the anxiety people have over basic necessities. We could easily put policies in place within the current system that would stabilize prices on necessities and/or provide financial relief. We choose not to do it, but we could.

    You're actually promoting a myth of extremity when you say we'd have to completely destroy and rebuild our current economic system to ease the anxieties of people who struggle. Your perspective actually perpetuates the current problems we have because it falsely creates the myth that it would take a Herculean effort to make things substantially better for most people.

    It would only take some tweaks, not a complete rebuild.
    What tweaks would eliminate the greed/fear response which is what inflation is? There is no such thing as the law of supply and demand. Increased demand does not raise prices. I have seen pricing for raw materials in the paint and coatings industry that despite high demand for resins are driven low by companies wielding large market power to do their size.

    Asset prices for share prices or commodities are influenced by so-called analysts who say they “expect” thus and so earnings, revenue or profit. Prices rise when labor is cut.

    To attempt to eliminate legislative capture and regulatory capture requires overturning SCOTUS decisions on subjects as varied as corporate personhood, money is speech, legislation written by ALEC and other lobbying groups.
    What tweaks would eliminate the greed/fear response which is what inflation is? There is no such thing as the law of supply and demand. Increased demand does not raise prices. I have seen pricing for raw materials in the paint and coatings industry that despite high demand for resins are driven low by companies wielding large market power to do their size.
    Price regulating over food, energy, healthcare and other necessities. We do some of that price regulating now and we used to do more of it. Government regulation on prices for necessities has and can exist within the same system and at the same time that pricing on luxuries are unregulated.

    Rolling back tax schedules to what they were in the late 40's and early 50's would generate enough revenue to provide financial relief to everyone that needs it.

    Asset prices for share prices or commodities are influenced by so-called analysts who say they “expect” thus and so earnings, revenue or profit. Prices rise when labor is cut.

    To attempt to eliminate legislative capture and regulatory capture requires overturning SCOTUS decisions on subjects as varied as corporate personhood, money is speech, legislation written by ALEC and other lobbying groups.
    Those are all other reforms that can and need to be done within our current capitalistic system. They don't require a complete abandonment of capitalism, which I understand you to be saying needs to happen.

    Capitalism in America used to work a lot better for everyone that wasn't systemically discriminated against and it can work better than it ever has before if we go back to regulating commerce for the common good and make a good faith effort to end systemic racism. There will always be bigots, but they don't have to be given any policy influence.

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