2024 GOP Presidential Race (6 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    Why are you so angry?

    I simply said it isn't the same thing as forcing a women into a dressing room and digitally raping her as Donald Trump has been found guilty of doing and has more than likely done over 20 times per the women who have accused him.

    Home many women have accused Biden?

    Oh and one last thing - can you guys make up your mind if he is an evil mastermind or a drooling old person?
    I'm not angry at all. Are you under the impression that sexual assault only occurs if someone is accused of it? We all saw it in the video. Fondling someone without their consent is sexual assault.

    Does Biden have to be a mastermind to sexually assault someone?
    Here is what I think you are doing here: You want to support Trump so very badly, but you cannot bring yourself to directly support him. So you spend all your energy attacking everyone who criticizes Trump. You desperately grasp at straws trying to make Biden looks as bad as Trump. To the point where you believe every conspiracy theory and unverified smear that has been put out there by those noted truth-tellers Bannon, Giuliani and Stone (just to name the worst of the bunch).

    And when a truly awkward moment comes along - and yes, this was awkward and weird, but I can tell you this does happen and sometimes without intent - you just jump at it and attempt to equate it with some truly heinous things that Trump is known to have said and done.
    Not quite. I'm just simply showing someone with similar to behavior to what you guys are talking about with Trump. Hypocrisy is really easy to point out especially with politics.

    Awkward? Yeah I know when I hug women my hands always accidentally rise up and find myself fondling some breasts/sarcasm off.
    The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is just stunning.

    I don't know why you guys keep arguing with the equivalent of Dory from Finding Nemo. There is no other reason they could be making the accusations about Biden while ignoring the lawsuits, NDAs, and rumors about Trump's behavior towards women.

    I suggest S4L, and Snacky Snack go get tested for cognitive decline. Trump said the test was really hard so you might need to study.
    Not quite. I'm just simply showing someone with similar to behavior to what you guys are talking about with Trump. Hypocrisy is really easy to point out especially with politics.

    Awkward? Yeah I know when I hug women my hands always accidentally rise up and find myself fondling some breasts/sarcasm off.
    So, you will equate this one instance, whether he meant for it to happen or not, and we cannot be sure in this case, with a history of serial sexual assault like Trump’s? They’re the same? Is that the hill you will die on? Because anyone who is being honest can see the difference.

    What do you think the consequence should be for Biden for this “assault” we all saw? If you think he should be charged for this, I’m afraid we will need to build a whole lot more jail cells for all the men that have done this.

    As a woman I can tell you this has happened to nearly every woman in this country at one time or another. It’s happened to me. I just made sure to keep that person at arms length for the future and never allowed myself to get close enough for it to happen again. Was it purposeful? I honestly don’t know. What do you think I should have done about it?

    You are picking a strange time to take up for women, lol. My strong suspicion is that if we had a tape of Trump doing it, it would have been never mentioned by you.
    And the excuses keep coming. It's not a good faith discussion when the candidate could be Jesus and you'd just find more excuses to support Trump. Just be honest and say you're not open to considering anyone else. I'd actually respect that more than the excuses.
    Of course I'll discuss other people. I just won't automatically accept the first name that you throw out.

    What I find hypocritical, is that I am able to say that Trump says and does inappropriate things and I wish he would stop.

    Biden is on camera trying to inappropriately touch a much young woman who has to push his hands away, and when I ask Democrats about it, I get the blank out.

    But didn't you say that you used to be a Republican until Trump spoiled the Party? So, what say you? Is Biden inappropriate with women and girls or not?
    Well, that is an opinion shared by some clinicians, and it was arrived at after a lot of evidence. I stand by that opinion for a great deal of the people who still support him.
    Those clinicians must be blithering idiots then.

    See my post to Davex above. People who cannot bring themselves to criticize Biden for this obvious inappropriateness with women, that he does repeatedly and shows no sign of stopping, then it is they who are acting like cult members.
    Those clinicians must be blithering idiots then.

    See my post to Davex above. People who cannot bring themselves to criticize Biden for this obvious inappropriateness with women, that he does repeatedly and shows no sign of stopping, then it is they who are acting like cult members.
    You keep saying things as if they are true without ever supporting them. You just feel like Biden is inappropriate repeatedly, and then in your mind it becomes a fact.

    I have discussed this in the other thread, which has an ongoing discussion about this. This type of touching happens frequently, you said so yourself. It’s ambiguous, most of the time, whether it is intentional or not. We cannot know, for sure.

    However, we do have Trump asserting that something far worse is just something he’s allowed to do. And we have accusations from at least two dozen women who attested that he does act on that assumption without their permission. And you defended him over that.

    So-what do you think should happen to Biden over this?
    You keep saying things as if they are true without ever supporting them. You just feel like Biden is inappropriate repeatedly, and then in your mind it becomes a fact.

    I have discussed this in the other thread, which has an ongoing discussion about this. This type of touching happens frequently, you said so yourself. It’s ambiguous, most of the time, whether it is intentional or not. We cannot know, for sure.
    Then why has Biden's staff has tried to stop him from doing this? Why would he not simply be more careful around females, if his staff explains to him how this looks?

    As I said, Biden supporters will never believe anything negative about their leader.
    However, we do have Trump asserting that something far worse is just something he’s allowed to do. And we have accusations from at least two dozen women who attested that he does act on that assumption without their permission. And you defended him over that.
    Trump is often inappropriate in how he talks about women. If he was on video touching women inappropriately, as Biden is so often, I would criticize him as hard about it as I criticize Biden about it.

    He has been accused, but when a conservative figure is accused, I am always reminded of the Clarence Thomas attempted lynching and the Thomas Lynching 2.0 that was done to Kavanaugh. My skepticism comes into play.
    So-what do you think should happen to Biden over this?
    Two years ago, I would have said "Women should stop supporting Biden." Now, I guess since Democrats won't even admit they know what a woman is, that statement would be pretty meaningless.
    Then why has Biden's staff has tried to stop him from doing this? Why would he not simply be more careful around females, if his staff explains to him how this looks?

    As I said, Biden supporters will never believe anything negative about their leader.

    Trump is often inappropriate in how he talks about women. If he was on video touching women inappropriately, as Biden is so often, I would criticize him as hard about it as I criticize Biden about it.

    He has been accused, but when a conservative figure is accused, I am always reminded of the Clarence Thomas attempted lynching and the Thomas Lynching 2.0 that was done to Kavanaugh. My skepticism comes into play.

    Two years ago, I would have said "Women should stop supporting Biden." Now, I guess since Democrats won't even admit they know what a woman is, that statement would be pretty meaningless.
    Well, I’m very skeptical that you would criticize Trump.

    It’s documented that he used to barge into the dressing room of the teenage beauty pageant he owned for a while during the time the contestants were getting dressed. He bragged about it on the record, saying when you own the pageant they can’t keep you out, and that he got to see a lot. I read that the staff of the pageant eventually had to post a lookout to give the contestants a bit of warning to cover up, because he wouldn’t stop doing it. This isn’t an allegation, it’s a fact. I’m sure you will have an excuse for this behavior though.

    Do you think all these more than 2 dozen women are lying? I suppose you do. Even ones who don’t have a political axe to grind, they are just out to get Trump? The Dems must be masterful at getting random people to carry water for them, right? It really is amazing how they can do all this and also turn entire institutions with long standing conservative traditions into an arm of the DNC. They really are masterminds, huh?

    So, our choices are evidently going to be Trump or Biden. I know for sure which one cares more about women’s rights and issues and it’s not Trump. So I will be voting accordingly.
    Of course I'll discuss other people. I just won't automatically accept the first name that you throw out.
    That's just disingenuous on it's face. I simply don't buy what you're saying.
    What I find hypocritical, is that I am able to say that Trump says and does inappropriate things and I wish he would stop.

    Biden is on camera trying to inappropriately touch a much young woman who has to push his hands away, and when I ask Democrats about it, I get the blank out.

    But didn't you say that you used to be a Republican until Trump spoiled the Party? So, what say you? Is Biden inappropriate with women and girls or not?
    I don't know if it's intentional or not, and he's done it a few times. I think it's gross and shouldn't be touching anyone inappropriately. Of course he should stop doing that, whether intentional or not. I've always felt like he has inappropriate boundaries, that much I can say.

    But, go ahead and keep deflecting from Trump. The whataboutism you keep going back to is just off the charts.
    Well, I’m very skeptical that you would criticize Trump.

    It’s documented that he used to barge into the dressing room of the teenage beauty pageant he owned for a while during the time the contestants were getting dressed. He bragged about it on the record, saying when you own the pageant they can’t keep you out, and that he got to see a lot. I read that the staff of the pageant eventually had to post a lookout to give the contestants a bit of warning to cover up, because he wouldn’t stop doing it. This isn’t an allegation, it’s a fact. I’m sure you will have an excuse for this behavior though.
    No, I have no excuse. It is boorish behavior by a wealthy man around young females over whom he has power due to their desire to be pageant queens. I criticize it, as I already criticized Trump early today over a re-tweet.
    Do you think all these more than 2 dozen women are lying? I suppose you do. Even ones who don’t have a political axe to grind, they are just out to get Trump? The Dems must be masterful at getting random people to carry water for them, right? It really is amazing how they can do all this and also turn entire institutions with long standing conservative traditions into an arm of the DNC. They really are masterminds, huh?
    I don't know about the each of the 2 dozen accusations. I do know that one accusation tends to bring more, if the acccusations are well-received by the media, as accusations against Republicans always are. Tell me a couple that you think are most credible and evidence based and I'll be happy to talk about them.
    So, our choices are evidently going to be Trump or Biden. I know for sure which one cares more about women’s rights and issues and it’s not Trump. So I will be voting accordingly.
    Biden regularly selects candidates who claim not to be able to even define the word "woman."

    However, if by women's rights, you mainly access to abortion, then yes. Biden is your man, if we are still using that term. Trump brought about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and it is unlikely to be restored in our lifetimes. States can still permit abortions, and maybe someday all fifty will. Or all fifty-however many. But we won't see abortion as a constitutional right unless an amendment puts it there.

    I'm not sure what other rights for women Biden is strong on. Certainly not the right to private spaces for women, and the right to compete in women's sports without facing male opponents.
    That's just disingenuous on it's face. I simply don't buy what you're saying.

    I don't know if it's intentional or not, and he's done it a few times. I think it's gross and shouldn't be touching anyone inappropriately. Of course he should stop doing that, whether intentional or not. I've always felt like he has inappropriate boundaries, that much I can say.

    But, go ahead and keep deflecting from Trump. The whataboutism you keep going back to is just off the charts.
    Thanks for even mildly critizing Biden. I was concerned that you might fear to speak honestly about that..

    Sorry, but calling comparing Trump to his likely opponent in the general is not "whataboutism." One of the silliest terms ever coined as a way to shut down debate.
    Thanks for even mildly critizing Biden. I was concerned that you might fear to speak honestly about that..

    Sorry, but calling comparing Trump to his likely opponent in the general is not "whataboutism." One of the silliest terms ever coined as a way to shut down debate.
    It's really not though. The merits and negatives should stand on their own without needing to make excuses. It's simply trying to deflect from your own candidate. If Biden had the track record that Trump has, he would never have been nominated, much less elected.
    This is a lot of what has turned me off from the GOP, I mean Trump started the revulsion, but this shirt right here has sealed the deal. Who does he think are his neighbors and his constituents? He’s basically saying that he doesn’t think over half the country are worthwhile people. Why would anyone except the cult vote for this?

    I don't think it is the radical left that wants to make people believe in their religion. I think they don't care if you want to worship a cheeto, just don't insist on the rest of us worshiping the cheeto. The radical right, primarily composed of evangelicals, tells you that you are evil unless you believe what they believe. Only their religion and beliefs are valid. Trump will just use that to his own ends, since they're under his spell.
    Do you still support Biden after this?

    Biden is touchy, and Eva may have felt a little uncomfortable, but that's because some people are more uncomfortable with such touchiness. It can be blown out of proportion, but I didn't see anything to be appalled about. Since you're appalled by this, my question to you is are you going to support Trump, despite the many more creepy and nasty things that he has done? As with most things, no matter what inappropriate thing one person does, Trump does it much worse.
    I challenge anyone to find another president who had any of his top officials call him any word for unintelligent after leaving office. Trump has many - including two former chiefs of staff and a secretary of defense call him an “idiot”, in public.

    And of course other officials have used other terms, like when former Sec State Tillerson called him a moron.
    Last edited:
    I challenge anyone to find another president who had any of his top officials call him any word for unintelligent after leaving office. Trump has many - including two former chiefs of staff and a secretary of defense call him an “idiot”, in public.

    And of course other officials have used other terms, like when former Sec State Tillerson called him a moron.

    How about Mattis on Trump/Jan 6th:

    Mattis said:
    "Our Constitution and our Republic will overcome this stain and We the People will come together again in our never-ending effort to form a more perfect Union, while Mr. Trump will deservedly be left a man without a country,"

    Though he was ultimately wrong and gave the Republican base too much credit.
    I challenge anyone to find another president who had any of his top officials call him any word for unintelligent after leaving office. Trump has many - including two former chiefs of staff and a secretary of defense call him an “idiot”, in public.

    And of course other officials have used other terms, like when former Sec State Tillerson called him a moron.

    Yep, the thing that bothers me is his sycophants actually embrace Trump being called whatever. They rationalize it by saying stuff like "well, people are jealous of Trump's success", "Trump don't give a sheet what the haters think", "everyone else is flawed, so why pick them over Trump?" and on and on. That he's getting criticism is a badge of honor among his supporters. You can't win with them.

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