2024 GOP Presidential Race (4 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    I disagree he'll be let loose. Time will tell I guess.
    Granholm is a she, as far as I know. But yes, time will tell.
    Or, he could have meant that they would sanction countries trading via the pipeline? There's more than one way to cut off a supply source.
    That doesn't seem like "bring an end to it."
    Again, by all accounts, there's zero evidence regardless what Biden said. Until it made clear who's responsible, I'm not pinning it on anyone.
    I don't understand why you are so eager to avoid admitting that Biden did it. He kept a promise, that should be a plus for your side. Plus it reduces the amount of oil available to further Granholm's plan to force us to buy EV's. Nobody loses but the American consumer.
    Granholm is a she, as far as I know. But yes, time will tell.
    Yeah, I was thinking of someone else.
    That doesn't seem like "bring an end to it."
    We see it differently.
    I don't understand why you are so eager to avoid admitting that Biden did it. He kept a promise, that should be a plus for your side. Plus it reduces the amount of oil available to further Granholm's plan to force us to buy EV's. Nobody loses but the American consumer.
    Actually, Russia loses a sheet ton of money, but you know that already.

    And I'd be happy if he ordered it, but I'm not that presumptuous as to judge people without actual evidence. If that works for you, ok then.
    Yeah, I was thinking of someone else.

    We see it differently.

    Actually, Russia loses a sheet ton of money, but you know that already.
    Yes, of course on that last. I left them out because U.S. leaders are supposed to be concerned about bad effects on the American people, not on Russia. When I said "nobody loses," I meant among Americans.

    I forgot that it is not both parties who want to put American first and make America great again. One party actually ridicules the idea.
    And I'd be happy if he ordered it, but I'm not that presumptuous as to judge people without actual evidence. If that works for you, ok then.
    Again, I am only taking him at his word.
    Yes, of course on that last. I left them out because U.S. leaders are supposed to be concerned about bad effects on the American people, not on Russia. When I said "nobody loses," I meant among Americans.

    I forgot that it is not both parties who want to put American first and make America great again. One party actually ridicules the idea.
    Lol, that's what you got? Really? You know there's that pesky little thing called sacrifice? People who thought like you do back in the '40s were pacifists and didn't want America getting involved in a war that had nothing to do with us...until it did. Maybe being proactive is better than letting a power hungry mad dictator take over Eastern Europe? Or maybe you're ok with that happening?
    Again, I am only taking him at his word.
    If that makes you feel better.
    Among the books still available in Florida despite Ron DeSantis’s ongoing purge of “unsuitable” material is one the Republican governor might want to peruse.

    Dale Carnegie’s 1936 bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People would appear to be the antithesis of DeSantis’s stuttering push for his party’s 2024 presidential nomination, as Donald Trump’s closest challenger traverses the country turning off voters to his dull personality and extremist policies.

    By almost every measure, the rightwinger has had another lackluster week on the campaign trail, with “clumsy” missteps in New Hampshire, Texas, California and New York.

    Now, barely one month after his glitch-ridden launch on Twitter, DeSantis finds himself sinking in the polls, closer to the large field of optimists below him than the twice-indicted, twice-impeached former president who retains a stranglehold over the Republican party.

    “The more voters learn about him, the less they can stomach the idea of him running the country,” the online magazine Jezebel concluded.

    There are competing theories over the reasons for DeSantis’s decline. Analysts caution that with seven months still until primary season, and with Trump mired in legal troubles, it’s far too soon to write him off.

    “Primary elections are volatile and unpredictable. Don’t believe anyone who says they know how this is going to turn out,” said Stephen Craig, professor of political science and campaign expert at the University of Florida.

    But it is clear that many of DeSantis’s wounds are self-inflicted. In New Hampshire on Tuesday, he angered grassroots Republican women by scheduling a campaign event clashing with Trump’s appearance at their flagship lunch, a “stupid” and “rookie” mistake in the eyes of Republican strategists.

    In a similar breach of protocol in New York, he vexed local Republicans by arranging a fundraising event without the courtesy of a heads-up that he was in town, Politico reported.…..

    Yes, of course on that last. I left them out because U.S. leaders are supposed to be concerned about bad effects on the American people, not on Russia. When I said "nobody loses," I meant among Americans.

    I forgot that it is not both parties who want to put American first and make America great again. One party actually ridicules the idea.

    Again, I am only taking him at his word.

    So you believe things for which we have no evidence and disbelieve things for which we have evidence. You take Biden "at his word" when he said nothing of the sort and you think Trump is being unfairly punished for crimes he admitted to doing.
    So you believe things for which we have no evidence and disbelieve things for which we have evidence. You take Biden "at his word" when he said nothing of the sort and you think Trump is being unfairly punished for crimes he admitted to doing.
    The confirmation bias just jumps off the page doesn’t it?
    So you believe things for which we have no evidence and disbelieve things for which we have evidence. You take Biden "at his word" when he said nothing of the sort and you think Trump is being unfairly punished for crimes he admitted to doing.
    Biden said "I will bring it to an end," if Russia invades. It was brought to an end after Russia invaded.

    I'm happy he did it, because his old boss liked to draw "red lines" that turned out to be meaningless.

    Trump admitted to having documents. It is up to the prosecutor to prove he knowlingly committed a crime by doing so.
    Biden said "I will bring it to an end," if Russia invades. It was brought to an end after Russia invaded.

    I'm happy he did it, because his old boss liked to draw "red lines" that turned out to be meaningless.

    Trump admitted to having documents. It is up to the prosecutor to prove he knowlingly committed a crime by doing so.
    you do know that one way to bring an end to the pipeline would have been to pressure one of our staunchest allies into canceling it, correct? Another would have been sanctions against anyone involved in that pipeline.

    You require zero evidence of anything to think the absolute craziest shirt about Biden, you obsess about Hunter Biden, who does not have and never has had a position in this administration, and you eagerly lap up every conspiracy theory being sold by Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon.

    Yet, you just simply have no time to acquaint yourself with the facts of what Trump has been federally indicted for, nor any of his very questionable (actually illegal) business dealings.

    You repeat false allegations as if you’re being paid by the word, lol, and then complain because people don’t suffer the foolish posts gladly?
    Biden said "I will bring it to an end," if Russia invades. It was brought to an end after Russia invaded.

    I'm happy he did it, because his old boss liked to draw "red lines" that turned out to be meaningless.

    Trump admitted to having documents. It is up to the prosecutor to prove he knowlingly committed a crime by doing so.

    Is it possible for him to have brought about the end of the pipeline through a method other than physical destruction? If so, which option is more likely: blowing up the pipeline or one of the other potential options?
    A conservative billionaire network is reportedly working to ensure that Donald Trump doesn’t win the 2024 Republican primary, according to a new report.

    Americans for Prosperity Action, a network of political organisations created by Charles and David Koch, will spend money for the first time on the Republican presidential primary.

    It has already raised more than $70million to fund races that officials hope will help the Republican party move past Mr Trump, according to The New York Times.

    The aim is to reportedly stop Mr Trump — the clear Republican frontrunner — from winning the 2024 primary. The Times reports that a top official in the network, Emily Seidel, wrote to the group’s donors in a memo that it was time to “have a president in 2025 who represents a new chapter”.

    In the 2020 election cycle, the group spent nearly $500m backing Republican candidates and causes.

    Though Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the only Republican with competitive numbers to Mr Trump, the organisation reportedly has not decided who it will field in its mission to stop Mr Trump from taking on Joe Biden in 2024.……
    Since this is the 2024 GOP Presidential Race thread, I thought I would attempt to share my takeaways from a Nikki Haley interview I just viewed........She is concerned about China because they now have more naval vessels than us and every year that goes by the gap will widen. She wants to be our President and strengthen our military. According to her, China is buying up farmland near US military bases and China has stolen some of our intellectual properties. She pledges if she were our President she would turn the tide and be tough on China. Regarding Pence's call for all GOP candidates to pledge re the 15 week abortion ban scenario. Haley says: Let's be REAL with the American people. We are not going to get the numbers in the Senare and the House to do that. AND we should not such hardliners. Yes ( she said ) I am Pro Life..but we need to make the case for the unborn child without forcing it on women. We should strengthen circumstances that would encourage good adoptions. We should make our case and strive to build a consensus...without forcing women to bow to our values. These are my best attempts to present what she said. It is of course not her literal words. I will post this and then continue.
    More on Nikki Haley...
    If you’re eating anything right now I’d advise you to stop immediately because the next couple of paragraphs will turn your stomach. A new book by Miles Taylor, a former Trump administration official, contains some extremely disturbing claims that Donald Trump repeatedly sexualized his daughter Ivanka Trump.

    Taylor, you might remember, first made headlines back in 2018 when he wrote an anonymous op-ed for the New York Times called “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration”. People were beside themselves with excitement for a while thinking that Anonymous might be someone high-profile like Melania Trump.

    Some of that excitement died down when it transpired Taylor, who was the chief of staff of the Department for Homeland Security, wasn’t in Trump’s inner circle and wasn’t really doing any meaningful “resisting”. Still he’s been eking out his 15 minutes of fame ever since, issuing warnings about democracy and dropping scandalous anecdotes about how unhinged Trump is.

    His latest allegations? That Trump was lewd about his own daughter. “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her,” Taylor writes in an excerpt from his new book, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump, obtained by Newsweek.

    His remarks, Taylor writes, were so gross that John Kelly, who was White House chief of staff from 2017 to 2019, once had “to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter”.

    There is, I should note, no incontrovertible proof that Trump said all these things. (John Kelly hadn’t publicly commented on the allegations at the time of writing.) But the idea that the former president was creepy about his daughter in private isn’t hard to believe.

    There is, after all, plenty of evidence, going back decades, of Trump being creepy about Ivanka Trump in public. Remember when he told Howard Stern, in 2003, that Ivanka Trump has “got the best body”? Remember when he said that, if Ivanka Trump weren’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”?…….

    While it is clear that Trump fans don’t care about the former president’s misogyny, might they care about the claims he sexualized his own daughter?

    After all, these are the same people who have whipped themselves into a moral panic about the non-existent danger LGBTQ+ people pose to children. These are the same people who can’t go a day without spewing unfounded slurs about gay people being “groomers”. These are the same people who are intent on banning books from school libraries because they’re worried that references to race or gender identity will harm their children.

    They’re the people triggered by a book about seahorses, for God’s sake, because it contained too many details about their mating rituals. And yet, they have no problem voting for a guy who pays off porn stars and allegedly fantasizes about his daughter. Republican family values in action…..

    If you’re eating anything right now I’d advise you to stop immediately because the next couple of paragraphs will turn your stomach. A new book by Miles Taylor, a former Trump administration official, contains some extremely disturbing claims that Donald Trump repeatedly sexualized his daughter Ivanka Trump.

    Taylor, you might remember, first made headlines back in 2018 when he wrote an anonymous op-ed for the New York Times called “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration”. People were beside themselves with excitement for a while thinking that Anonymous might be someone high-profile like Melania Trump.

    Some of that excitement died down when it transpired Taylor, who was the chief of staff of the Department for Homeland Security, wasn’t in Trump’s inner circle and wasn’t really doing any meaningful “resisting”. Still he’s been eking out his 15 minutes of fame ever since, issuing warnings about democracy and dropping scandalous anecdotes about how unhinged Trump is.

    His latest allegations? That Trump was lewd about his own daughter. “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her,” Taylor writes in an excerpt from his new book, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump, obtained by Newsweek.

    His remarks, Taylor writes, were so gross that John Kelly, who was White House chief of staff from 2017 to 2019, once had “to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter”.

    There is, I should note, no incontrovertible proof that Trump said all these things. (John Kelly hadn’t publicly commented on the allegations at the time of writing.) But the idea that the former president was creepy about his daughter in private isn’t hard to believe.

    There is, after all, plenty of evidence, going back decades, of Trump being creepy about Ivanka Trump in public. Remember when he told Howard Stern, in 2003, that Ivanka Trump has “got the best body”? Remember when he said that, if Ivanka Trump weren’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”?…….

    While it is clear that Trump fans don’t care about the former president’s misogyny, might they care about the claims he sexualized his own daughter?

    After all, these are the same people who have whipped themselves into a moral panic about the non-existent danger LGBTQ+ people pose to children. These are the same people who can’t go a day without spewing unfounded slurs about gay people being “groomers”. These are the same people who are intent on banning books from school libraries because they’re worried that references to race or gender identity will harm their children.

    They’re the people triggered by a book about seahorses, for God’s sake, because it contained too many details about their mating rituals. And yet, they have no problem voting for a guy who pays off porn stars and allegedly fantasizes about his daughter. Republican family values in action…..

    So, a known liar about Trump told more lies about Trump. But this time, he's selling a book!

    Film at eleven.

    Did he shower with her?
    So, a known liar about Trump told more lies about Trump. But this time, he's selling a book!

    Film at eleven.

    Did he shower with her?

    Would you ever call your own daughter a "piece of arse", talk about her great body, or speculate about dating her? On a scale of 1 to 10, how creepy is that thought?

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