What happens to the Republican Party now? (28 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    A former Florida police captain with a long history of civilian complaints, including false arrests and harassment, has joined the state’s state guard under governor Ron DeSantis.

    Javier Ortiz, 44, joined the Florida state guard in February, the Miami Herald first reported. Ortiz’s enrollment comes months after being reinstated by the Miami police department, after he was initially dismissed for slew of conduct complaints.

    As a member of the Florida state guard, Ortiz could be sent to assist during natural disasters or with other statewide emergencies, the Herald reported.

    A spokesperson for the Florida state guard could not be reached by the Guardian in time for publication.

    Several people have questioned why Ortiz is allowed to join the Florida state guard given his past misconduct.

    “I can’t wrap my mind around how concerning this is,” Rodney Jacobs, the director of Miami’s civilian police review panel, said to the Herald about Ortiz joining the state guard.

    Jacobs added: “Are they being vetted?”

    In 2022, Ortiz was fired by the Miami police department after an internal investigation found that the veteran police officer had been the subject of more than 70 complaints since being hired in 2004, NBC Miami reported.

    Ortiz was the focus of a total of 52 citizen complaints, 20 excessive force complaints and two administrative complaints.

    During a two-year inquiry into Ortiz’s conduct, witnesses alleged that Ortiz engaged in “pattern of abuse and bias against minorities, particularly African-Americans”, and previously cyber-stalked and doxxed people who complained against him or other officers, the Herald reported.

    In one instance, Ortiz circulated the photo and contact information of a woman who posted video of a Miami-Dade police officer speeding in a suburban area.

    The woman later received hundreds of threats. Ortiz was investigated for cyberbullying and other violations by the department due to that incident.

    Ortiz has also been suspended from the police force multiple times before his dismissal last year.…….

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    interesting read

    similar to article about difference in fundraising texts between the two parties

    Cognitive linguist and philosopher George Lakoff has proposed that the divergent political personalities of conservatives and liberals are deeply rooted rooted in family structure, parenting and perceptions of morality and the common good. In a 2003 interview, Lakoff explained his view that "the progressive worldview is modeled on a nurturant parent family" and the assumption "that the world is basically good and can be made better and that one must work toward that":

    On a larger scale, specific policies follow, such as governmental protection in form of a social safety net and government regulation, universal education (to ensure competence, fairness), civil liberties and equal treatment (fairness and freedom), accountability (derived from trust), public service (from responsibility), open government (from open communication), and the promotion of an economy that benefits all and functions to promote these values, which are traditional progressive values in American politics.
    Conservatives, on the other hand, follow a "strict father model," in Lakoff's view, rooted in an assumption "that the world is dangerous and difficult and that children are born bad and must be made good":

    The strict father is the moral authority who supports and defends the family, tells his wife what to do, and teaches his kids right from wrong. The only way to do that is through painful discipline — physical punishment that by adulthood will become internal discipline. The good people are the disciplined people. Once grown, the self-reliant, disciplined children are on their own. Those children who remain dependent (who were spoiled, overly willful, or recalcitrant) should be forced to undergo further discipline or be cut free with no support to face the discipline of the outside world. [my emphasis added]
    The MAGAverse and TrumpWorld are still fueled by a profound fear of Barack Obama, as bizarre as that may seem to those outside their worldview. For Trumpists and others on the American or global far right, Obama appears as the human and symbolic embodiment of everything they despise about multiracial pluralistic democracy, and the "elites" they perceive as controlling it. Consider this recent Trump fundraising email:

    The Obama-Biden Cartel is reuniting to take down MAGA & we only have 24 HOURS LEFT to put together a HISTORIC response!
    Democrats are SO DESPERATE they’re even turning to HOLLYWOOD HAS-BEENS like George Clooney to prop up their FAILING campaign.
    But I have one thing that NO AMOUNT OF DIRTY DOLLARS could possibly buy - THE ENDLESS LOVE AND SUPPORT of Patriotic Americans like YOU!
    Trump's campaign struck a similar theme, in even more alarmist terms, a few days later:

    Barack Obama, George Clooney, and the communist Hollywood “elite” just announced a star-studded fundraiser to TAKE ME OUT!
    My campaign is powered by True Trump Republicans like YOU — not the “elite” liberals propping up the failed Biden regime.
    A slightly different tack emerges in another recent email, carrying the all-caps heading "JOE BIDEN THINKS YOU'RE AN IDIOT!":

    He actually believes his ENDLESS SHAM TRIALS would cause YOU to abandon ME!
    Can you believe it, Friend? He must be DEMENTED!
    Not only are we going to prove him WRONG, we’re going to deliver him a BONE-CRUSHING DEFEAT he’ll never forget!
    So before the day ends, I’m calling on EVERY SINGLE TRUMP PATRIOT to chip in and say: I WILL ALWAYS LOVE PRESIDENT TRUMP!
    Needless to say, in the real world, President Biden has if anything been overly patient and generous with those who support Trump and the MAGA movement, and has tried to reach out to them repeatedly in a (mostly failed) attempt to find common ground.

    Trump’s horror politics may seem like a new and profoundly disturbing twist, but in fact the American right spent decades preparing the political battlefield, emotionally conditioning and training its public to be respond to false narratives of fear, terror, death and destruction. While the initial goal may not have explicitly been to end pluralistic, multiracial democracy and replace it with a white supremacist pseudo-democracy or "managed democracy," that possibility was always present.

    Trump, the MAGA movement and their gangster-capitalist allies are taking advantage of the fact that tens of millions of Americans — mostly but not entirely white Americans — have been primed for authoritarian “leadership.” In that sense and many others, the Age of Trump and the crisis of democracy are symptoms, not causes, of deeper and older structural, cultural, political and economic problems................

    Ronny Jackson under investigation by House Ethics Committee. About damn time.

    interesting read

    similar to article about difference in fundraising texts between the two parties

    Cognitive linguist and philosopher George Lakoff has proposed that the divergent political personalities of conservatives and liberals are deeply rooted rooted in family structure, parenting and perceptions of morality and the common good. In a 2003 interview, Lakoff explained his view that "the progressive worldview is modeled on a nurturant parent family" and the assumption "that the world is basically good and can be made better and that one must work toward that":

    Conservatives, on the other hand, follow a "strict father model," in Lakoff's view, rooted in an assumption "that the world is dangerous and difficult and that children are born bad and must be made good":

    The MAGAverse and TrumpWorld are still fueled by a profound fear of Barack Obama, as bizarre as that may seem to those outside their worldview. For Trumpists and others on the American or global far right, Obama appears as the human and symbolic embodiment of everything they despise about multiracial pluralistic democracy, and the "elites" they perceive as controlling it. Consider this recent Trump fundraising email:

    Trump's campaign struck a similar theme, in even more alarmist terms, a few days later:

    A slightly different tack emerges in another recent email, carrying the all-caps heading "JOE BIDEN THINKS YOU'RE AN IDIOT!":

    Needless to say, in the real world, President Biden has if anything been overly patient and generous with those who support Trump and the MAGA movement, and has tried to reach out to them repeatedly in a (mostly failed) attempt to find common ground.

    Trump’s horror politics may seem like a new and profoundly disturbing twist, but in fact the American right spent decades preparing the political battlefield, emotionally conditioning and training its public to be respond to false narratives of fear, terror, death and destruction. While the initial goal may not have explicitly been to end pluralistic, multiracial democracy and replace it with a white supremacist pseudo-democracy or "managed democracy," that possibility was always present.

    Trump, the MAGA movement and their gangster-capitalist allies are taking advantage of the fact that tens of millions of Americans — mostly but not entirely white Americans — have been primed for authoritarian “leadership.” In that sense and many others, the Age of Trump and the crisis of democracy are symptoms, not causes, of deeper and older structural, cultural, political and economic problems................

    Here’s the article I mentioned

    And no wonder it’s similar both articles reference the work of the same guy

    Paul Manafort, the longtime political power broker who served as the 2016 chairman for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, is no longer planning to help manage this summer’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, according to a person familiar with the situation.

    decision to step aside comes a day after The Washington Post reported that he had re-engaged in international consulting, including lending support to a media venture in China, after being pardoned by Trump for crimes related to money laundering and obstruction of justice.

    As in 2016, Manafort had offered to work free, meeting with Republicans in recent weeks about his role at the convention and traveling to Milwaukee late this week to meet with convention officials.

    Manafort, in a statement provided to the New York Times by the Trump campaign, said that he no longer planned to assist convention efforts, saying he did not want to be a distraction.

    The statement said he had been offering “advice and suggestions” in a “volunteer” capacity but now planned to “stick to the sidelines” but support Trump’s election “every other way” he could…….

    Paul Manafort, the longtime political power broker who served as the 2016 chairman for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, is no longer planning to help manage this summer’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, according to a person familiar with the situation.

    decision to step aside comes a day after The Washington Post reported that he had re-engaged in international consulting, including lending support to a media venture in China, after being pardoned by Trump for crimes related to money laundering and obstruction of justice.

    As in 2016, Manafort had offered to work free, meeting with Republicans in recent weeks about his role at the convention and traveling to Milwaukee late this week to meet with convention officials.

    Manafort, in a statement provided to the New York Times by the Trump campaign, said that he no longer planned to assist convention efforts, saying he did not want to be a distraction.

    The statement said he had been offering “advice and suggestions” in a “volunteer” capacity but now planned to “stick to the sidelines” but support Trump’s election “every other way” he could…….

    When I googled manafort to see what one of those looked like all I found was photos of a funny looking guy, all except for this one photo with manafort steel dinosaurs in it eating concrete with rebar:

    I wish I could find a more in-depth article about this

    Republicans said Monday that the state Senate would be voting to override the governor’s veto of three dozen bills on everything from fighting PFAS pollution to doing away with work permit requirements for teenagers — moves that Democrats derided as desperate election year stunts.

    At the same time, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers countersued the Republican-controlled Legislature in a fight over the spending of $50 million on a new literacy program
    Like how Trump is being prosecuted in Manhattan and Georgia?

    So Mr. Biggs, which three felonies did you commit today?
    Biggs: Um, I didn't commit any felonies.

    Which three felonies did you commit yesterday?

    And the day before that?

    When was the last time you committed a felony?
    Well, I haven't committed any felonies that I'm aware of.
    At this rate, Noem might need her own thread pretty soon...

    She's going to descend into abject obscurity pretty derned soon. If we give her a thread she might be able to use it to find us again.


    I wanted to be sure that "abject" was the word I wanted to use so I looked it up just to be sure. I'm sure now because Webster's has appended a photo of Trump to go along with the definition in mere words. Because mere words are not enough to convey the meaning of "abject"

    Here's what I saw from Webster's on the Google query page for abject:

    Abject: adjective. ab·ject ˈab-ˌjekt. : very low in spirit or hope : wretched. abject misery. an abject coward.

    The parade of GOP sycophants at the court house in Manhattan is just so craven. They are even wearing similar suits and ties. They are smearing the judge, his daughter, the witnesses and the prosecutor. All to defend the guy who had sex with a porn star while his wife was recovering from childbirth and then paid her off to keep quiet in a fraudulent manner.

    The GOP is just dead, it cannot come back from this.
    The parade of GOP sycophants at the court house in Manhattan is just so craven. They are even wearing similar suits and ties. They are smearing the judge, his daughter, the witnesses and the prosecutor. All to defend the guy who had sex with a porn star while his wife was recovering from childbirth and then paid her off to keep quiet in a fraudulent manner.

    The GOP is just dead, it cannot come back from this.
    I think you need to use a mirror to see if they will fog it with their breath before you count them off as being dead.

    Based on the past, way back in the 1920 we saw all of this before. Before is was mostly Democrats who were of of the white race bigot type of old. Conservatives used to be Democrats. Liberals created the Republican Party. Bigots stole it from the liberals after they ruined the Democratic Party, and then bailed to a new haven after stealing the Republican Party. Now they're spoiling their nest again in the here and now.

    Anyway they managed to get the KKK in control of the Colorado House for one term. Then they were on the Nazi side leading up to WWII. Folks would have said this will be the end of the Democratic Party. But it wasn't their end...

    This is not the end either, or their death as a party. They can and will come back from it. The bigots I mean. There will always be bigots.

    Here's an interesting video of the past reminding me of our present. The parallels from then to now are astounding. This was coming off of a period of world pandemic as well. Going into the period of WWII. Almost exactly 100 years ago.

    If you want to read about it instead of watch it here's a Newspaper account of those almost identical times 100 years ago.

    In the 1920's I would have been a proud Republican like my grandparents were. They were in the correct party for their times, now the Democratic party is the correct party for our types, and has been the correct party for at least 80 years.

    Watchout for the KKK undead zombies, they'll try to steal our party after they completely spoil their current nest in the Republican Party. They've done that before, they repeat history so watch out for them.

    Their kind are already dead, so they can't die.
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