Trump loyalists in Congress to challenge Electoral College results in Jan. 6 joint session (Update: Insurrectionists storm Congress)(And now what?) (1 Viewer)

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    U.S. Blues
    Mar 26, 2019
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    Charleston, SC
    I guess it's time to start a thread for this. We know that at least 140 members of Congress have pledged to join the objection. Under federal law, if at least one member of each house (HOR and Senate) objects, each house will adjourn the joint session for their own session (limited at two hours) to take up the objection. If both houses pass a resolution objecting to the EC result, further action can take place. If both houses do not (i.e. if one or neither passes a resolution), the objection is powerless and the college result is certified.

    Clearly this is political theater as we know such a resolution will not pass the House, and there's good reason to think it wouldn't pass the Senate either (with or without the two senators from Georgia). The January 6 joint session is traditionally a ceremonial one. This one will not be.

    Many traditional pillars of Republican support have condemned the plan as futile and damaging. Certainly the Trump loyalists don't care - and many are likely doing it for fundraising purposes or to carry weight with the fraction of their constituencies that think this is a good idea.

    Do you still stand by your statements?

    Partly. I stand by my statements about the gun laws in DC. I don't stand by my statements that few people had guns there because there apparently were more than what I would have guessed at the time. I have to say I was surprised by that.
    This is turning into a bad movie

    WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.

    The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters.

    And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.

    Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told The Associated Press on Sunday that officials are conscious of the potential threat, and he warned commanders to be on the lookout for any problems within their ranks as the inauguration approaches.

    So far, however, he and other leaders say they have seen no evidence of any threats, and officials said the vetting hadn’t flagged any issues that they were aware of..........

    Sen. Lindsey Graham asked Sen. Chuck Schumer in a letter on Sunday to hold a Senate vote rejecting the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

    (I would suggest nobody read the pathetic comments of from the tweet below)

    Last edited:
    This is turning into a bad movie

    WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.

    The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters.

    And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.

    Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told The Associated Press on Sunday that officials are conscious of the potential threat, and he warned commanders to be on the lookout for any problems within their ranks as the inauguration approaches.

    So far, however, he and other leaders say they have seen no evidence of any threats, and officials said the vetting hadn’t flagged any issues that they were aware of..........

    Been worried about that
    Been worried about that

    I have been, to a small degree, mainly because DOD isn't going to allow their troops to participate in an insurrection or attempted coup. That said, I do think it's possible there would be a few rogue individuals within the guard. I do think it's smart to vet every one of them if possible. Getting 25k of them vetted is a tall order though.

    I'm more concerned with people trying to come in from out of state. It's good that we're hearing reports of people getting arrested at checkpoints for attempting to enter the location without proper credentials and/or weapons. I'm not attending because Covid and I'm not interested in dealing with security checkpoints.

    I'll definitely be watching on TV though. I hope nothing major happens and we get through this week intact. It will be nice to see crazy leave the building.
    Sen. Lindsey Graham asked Sen. Chuck Schumer in a letter on Sunday to hold a Senate vote rejecting the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

    (I would suggest nobody read the pathetic comments of from the tweet below)

    I would bet good money that after Schumer had a good laugh, he went to the bathroom and wiped his arse with that letter. There's not much else that can be said about Graham that hasn't already been said. It is incredibly pathetic that this man is still a sitting US Senator.
    Oh look at this.

    what a shock

    I wish they wouldn't use "Guilanni" as a Republican quote. I get the point about conflicting messages, but it just feels like the wrong part to amplify.

    Rep. Peter Meijer, a Republican freshman who voted to impeach Trump, said in an interview with “The Daily,” The New York Times audio podcast, that the prevalence of false information among the base had created “two worlds” among congressional Republicans — one that is based in reality and another grounded in conspiracy.

    “The world that said this was actually a landslide victory for Donald Trump, but it was all stolen away and changed and votes were flipped and Dominion Voting Systems,” Meijer said, describing what he called a “fever swamp" of conspiracy theories.

    In a video news conference Friday, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina also made a direct appeal to Republicans still in doubt.

    “Biden actually won,” he said. “The election wasn’t rigged.”

    Their words, contrasted with Trump’s own message and that of many supporters, highlight a challenge for the Republican Party. The rioters targeted law enforcement personnel, members of Congress and even Vice President Mike Pence. However, much of the party’s base and many of its leaders at the local and state levels remain loyal to Trump.
    Went to Hawley’s website. The fundraising is extremely prominent, as is the implication that the reason he didn’t attend the Naval Academy was because of his accident. 🙄
    We had a whole thread about that here:

    But essentially multiple different reports from different organisations (including the national security correspondent for Fox News) confirmed the nature of the accounts.

    It is, of course, reasonable to question anonymous accounts, which may or may not be fully accurate (and sometimes that's inherent: if an anonymous source's accurate comprehensive account would identify them, they naturally can't provide an entirely accurately and comprehensive account while still remaining anonymous). That, however, does not in itself mean that such accounts aren't true.

    You don't, of course, have to reach a definitive conclusion about the accuracy of such accounts. "I don't know whether that's entirely true" is often a valid stance to hold. But to jump to the conclusion that the sources themselves aren't real isn't supported by reason, let alone evidence.

    No. There is no shortage of named sources about Trump, including Trump himself, that inform us about him. Anonymous - which does not mean not trustworthy in and of itself - sources are complementary to those. In this specific instance, for example, people believe Trump has a habit of not paying people, because Trump has a long and well documented history of not paying his bills.

    For just a couple of examples. There's no dependence on anonymous sources or popular opinion there. It's well documented history and current activity.

    Uh huh. Like I said, thinking, "I don't know whether this is true or not," is valid, although as I've just shown, it's entirely consistent with things we do indeed know about Trump. "I doubt the existence of the sources," no, not so much.
    Hmm.. I couldn't find any refference to the Fox News secruity correspondent. However, I DID find this, which casts significant doubt on the veracity of the original Atlantic story ?

    Why is that?

    This one kinda chaps my backside you bring up two of the most respected news papers in the history of news papers.

    What is the reasoning? The nyt was started in the 1850s if they were so evil and pushing crap it would have been exposed and they would not have existed for what 170 years. The washington post has been around for just about as long.

    Both allow opinion pieces from both conservative and liberal writers.

    Really just give me your reasoning.

    Because some gass bag say fake news doesn't make it so.

    I suggest you actually read them and form your own opinion. Like all things. Read and form your own opinion.

    I have read the nyt ever since I use to real my grandfather's copy and have had a subscription my entire adult life.

    So please explain how you come to your conclusions.

    are you saying anonymous sources are bad?

    Because without them watergate never happens. Lots of investigated stories don't get uncovered fully.

    Please explain
    The newspapers may have a long history, but things change over time. Both the NYT and the Washingon Post have made no secret of their hatred of Trump. Even their former editor has admitted to the bias in the NYT, with supposed news articles being opinion-pieces. This - along with the huge increase in circulation that their stance produced - has resulted in an unprecedented bias, virtually making them a propaganda outlet for the Democrats. (well, perhaps not quite, but close).

    As for the specific case.. as I mentioned in my other post .. everyone who was in Trump's company during this event have stated that he did NOT make those statements. So who WHERE these 'un-named sources', and where they really in a position to hear him first-hand ? Or are we hearing something third-hand ? And if so, why didn't the newspapers SAY that ?
    As for the specific case.. as I mentioned in my other post .. everyone who was in Trump's company during this event have stated that he did NOT make those statements.
    And explain to us how any of those folks have any kind of credibility that allows anything they say to be believed on face value. Do they have recordings of him NOT making those comments to back up their assertions?:meh3:
    And explain to us how any of those folks have any kind of credibility that allows anything they say to be believed on face value. Do they have recordings of him NOT making those comments to back up their assertions?:meh3:
    Absolutely. Here is a recording of Donald Trump NOT saying something...

    ".... < silence > ..."


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