Trump GA Indictment (1 Viewer)

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    That's certainly your opinion on the matter. As I've already said many times, I do not see it that way at all.

    But I think your, the judges and others strident opinions and beliefs on this side show spectacle exemplify the reason we as a country are so easily distracted and unable to focus on what really matters. And why Trump continues to have so much life long after he should have been dead. The largely media driven focus on the importance of the distractions he creates are like the blood that feed his vampire existence.
    Spot on. This is all part of the cult of personality dynamics that has our society spiraling into complete irrationality and delusion.

    The loathing that some have toward Willis is the other side of the coin of the idolizing of others, both are a result of externalizing fear and anxiety as a coping mechanism. The emotional relief doesn't last long, just like the high from chemicals don't, so the loathing has to be repeatedly engaged and intensified to continue to get the temporary emotional relief. That's the spiraling which ends with be trapped in a perpetual state of increased loathing. It's one of the things that fuels violent radicalization.

    We are doing this as society, because the majority of individuals in our society do this. Either we-ll pull ourselves out of it or we will eventually will hit rock bottom. Society hitting rock bottom is orders of magnitude more catastrophic than when an individual does.

    Jack Nicholson's Joker had the famous line of, "this town needs an enema." I think this country needs an intervention, desperately. I don't see any segment of our society that doesn't enable and isn't consumed by addiction. Addiction defined as any repeated patterns of behavior and/or thought used to avoid and distract from feelings and/or thoughts that cause emotional dis-ease. Any action or thought can be turned into addiction. Addiction is a symptom of dis-ease, it's not the actual dis-ease or disease.
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    I will always wonder what in the hell Willis and Wade were thinking getting romantically involved during this case, probably the most importantof their respective careers.
    Have you not been around humans for very long?

    Nothing brings out the irrationality in all of us like when we fancy someone. The thing about being irrational is that we don't think things through clearly.

    And don't tell me for a second you've never done something irrational when you fancied someone. And don't tell me "but that was different, because," because no doubt when you were being irrational people told you so and you said something like, "don't worry, I know what I'm doing, everything will be fine, you'll see." Everyone thinks they know what they are doing and everything will be fine when we're smitten into irrationality, because that's what our irrationality tells us.

    I get being disappointed with Willis and Wade, I don't get the loathing and casting of stones.
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    Have you not been around humans for very long?

    Nothing brings out the irrationality in all of us like when we fancy someone. The thing about being irrational is that we don't think things through clearly.

    And don't tell me for a second you've never done something irrational when you fancied someone. And don't tell me "but that was different, because," because no doubt when you were being irrational people told you so and you said something like, "don't worry, I know what I'm doing, everything will be fine, you'll see." Everyone thinks they know what they are doing and everything will be fine when we're smitten into irrationality, because that's what our irrationality tells us.

    I get being disappointed with Willis and Wade, I don't get the loathing and casting of stones.
    Actually, no, I haven't ever done that. I've never cheated on my wife of 25+ years, I've never made a move on someone I've liked in the work place. Well, not since I was a teenager anyway. And no, I haven't done something so dumb as to have an affair in the middle of the biggest case of my career or whatever you'd consider equivalent. It's really not that hard.

    If someone doesn't have the self-awareness to realize what they're doing is as you put it "irrational" during the the case of a lifetime, then I think questioning their judgement is fair game. Fwiw, I think they understood the risks they were taking, and quite possibly, that was part of the game. They might have enjoyed taking those risks. But they understood the risks and now paying the price for it.

    There's a time and place, and that wasn't it.

    I get humans fork things up all the time, and there are consequences for it too.
    Spot on. This is all part of the cult of personality dynamics that has our society spiraling into complete irrationality and delusion.

    The loathing that some have toward Willis is the other side of the coin of the idolizing of others, both are a result of externalizing fear and anxiety as a coping mechanism. The emotional relief doesn't last long, just like the high from chemicals don't, so the loathing has to be repeatedly engaged and intensified to continue to get the temporary emotional relief. That's the spiraling which ends with be trapped in a perpetual state of increased loathing. It's one of the things that fuels violent radicalization.

    We are doing this as society, because the majority of individuals in our society do this. Either we-ll pull ourselves out of it or we will eventually will hit rock bottom. Society hitting rock bottom is orders of magnitude more catastrophic than when an individual does.

    Jack Nicholson's Joker had the famous line of, "this town needs an enema." I think this country needs an intervention, desperately. I don't see any segment of our society that doesn't enable and isn't consumed by addiction. Addiction defined as any repeated patterns of behavior and/or thought used to avoid and distract from feelings and/or thoughts that cause emotional dis-ease. Any action or thought can be turned into addiction. Addiction is a symptom of dis-ease, it's not the actual dis-ease or disease.
    I don't lothe Willis at all. She had a huge lapse in judgement, and she deserves criticism because of it. People should expect better of our public servants.
    I think some people just can’t concede Willis used poor judgement, was likely dishonest about it, and that it matters because they believe in the prosecution and can’t separate that from the prosecutor. It’s a common issue in our society today, all good or all bad. People can’t disassociate within an issue because we are conditioned to tribalism now more than ever and nuance is a bad word.

    I can believe in the prosecution and also acknowledge the prosecutor used bad judgement and was likely dishonest about that singular issue. I’m weird like that.
    I think some people just can’t concede Willis used poor judgement, was likely dishonest about it, and that it matters because they believe in the prosecution and can’t separate that from the prosecutor. It’s a common issue in our society today, all good or all bad. People can’t disassociate within an issue because we are conditioned to tribalism now more than ever and nuance is a bad word.

    I can believe in the prosecution and also acknowledge the prosecutor used bad judgement and was likely dishonest about that singular issue. I’m weird like that.

    I'm disappointed because she's the one person who can put Donnie Doofenschmirtz in a prison he can't pardon himself out of.
    Anything to put that in jeopardy, especially an unforced error like this, is exasperating.
    I'm disappointed because she's the one person who can put Donnie Doofenschmirtz in a prison he can't pardon himself out of.
    Anything to put that in jeopardy, especially an unforced error like this, is exasperating.
    Basically how I feel. I don't loathe her but I'm cool with casting stones towards her as her continued poor judgement here has done nothing but make it more likely that Trump escapes responsibility for his actions.
    I'm disappointed because she's the one person who can put Donnie Doofenschmirtz in a prison he can't pardon himself out of.
    Anything to put that in jeopardy, especially an unforced error like this, is exasperating.
    Right, and worse, this is the case I always thought they could absolutely nail him to the wall with. The other cases could have some teeth and slow him down, but this one has the biggest potential of actually putting him in jail, I think. Unless there's something I'm missing.
    I think some people just can’t concede Willis used poor judgement, was likely dishonest about it, and that it matters because they believe in the prosecution and can’t separate that from the prosecutor. It’s a common issue in our society today, all good or all bad. People can’t disassociate within an issue because we are conditioned to tribalism now more than ever and nuance is a bad word.

    I can believe in the prosecution and also acknowledge the prosecutor used bad judgement and was likely dishonest about that singular issue. I’m weird like that.

    I don't have a problem with people believing Willis and Wade used poor judgement. I believe that. I also don't have a problem with Willis and Wade being up for an ethics investigation. If people believe Willis or Wade lied, that's fine, but there was no direct proof of that and the judge even said so.

    I just have a problen with how the judge handled it. He let it become a circus and made the whole trial about this. I have a problem believing that had it been any other person on trial other than Trump it would have ever been handled that way, and that's the problem. It's like the public has this built in belief that anybody trying to hold Trump responsible for the crimes he's committed has to be a boy or girl scout. No other person, not even any other president, has ever gotten the level of deference that Trump has gotten from our legal system at every freaking level.

    The more I see the same thing over and over, the less I believe he'll ever truly be held accountable other than maybe in New York. They seem to not be prone to the same virus the rest of the judicial system seems to have with Trump. They've built up immunity after his years of bullshirt there so much so that they've run him out of town.
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    I don't have a problem with people believing Willis and Wade used poor judgement. I believe that. I also don't have a problem with Willis and Wade being up for an ethics investigation. If people believe Willis or Wade lied, that fine, but there was no direct proof of that and the judge even said so.

    I just have a problen with how the judge handled it. He let it become a circus and made the whole trial about this. I have a problem believing that had it been any other person on trial other than Trump it would have ever been handled that way, and that's the problem. It's like the public has this built in belief that anybody trying to hold Trump responsible for the crimes he's committed has to be a boy or girl scout. No other person, not even any other president, has ever gotten the level of deference that Trump has gotten from our legal system at every freaking level.

    The more I see the same thing over and over, the less I believe he'll ever truly be held accountable other than maybe in New York. They seem to not be prone to the same virus the rest of the judicial system seems to have with Trump. They've built up immunity after his years of bullshirt there so much so that they've run him out of town.
    They're also used to dealing with mafia types.
    They're quite familiar with high-functioning narcissists.
    I don't have a problem with people believing Willis and Wade used poor judgement. I believe that. I also don't have a problem with Willis and Wade being up for an ethics investigation. If people believe Willis or Wade lied, that's fine, but there was no direct proof of that and the judge even said so.

    I just have a problen with how the judge handled it. He let it become a circus and made the whole trial about this. I have a problem believing that had it been any other person on trial other than Trump it would have ever been handled that way, and that's the problem. It's like the public has this built in belief that anybody trying to hold Trump responsible for the crimes he's committed has to be a boy or girl scout. No other person, not even any other president, has ever gotten the level of deference that Trump has gotten from our legal system at every freaking level.

    The more I see the same thing over and over, the less I believe he'll ever truly be held accountable other than maybe in New York. They seem to not be prone to the same virus the rest of the judicial system seems to have with Trump. They've built up immunity after his years of bullshirt there so much so that they've run him out of town.
    I definitely agree Trump gets an extraordinary level of deference from the justice system. And I get that he's a former President. That does count for a lot. He hasn't earned that respect though.
    I think some people just can’t concede Willis used poor judgement, was likely dishonest about it, and that it matters because they believe in the prosecution and can’t separate that from the prosecutor. It’s a common issue in our society today, all good or all bad. People can’t disassociate within an issue because we are conditioned to tribalism now more than ever and nuance is a bad word.

    I can believe in the prosecution and also acknowledge the prosecutor used bad judgement and was likely dishonest about that singular issue. I’m weird like that.
    Guess I'm weird too.
    I think some people just can’t concede Willis used poor judgement, was likely dishonest about it, and that it matters because they believe in the prosecution and can’t separate that from the prosecutor. It’s a common issue in our society today, all good or all bad. People can’t disassociate within an issue because we are conditioned to tribalism now more than ever and nuance is a bad word.

    I can believe in the prosecution and also acknowledge the prosecutor used bad judgement and was likely dishonest about that singular issue. I’m weird like that.
    It boils down to relative threats and being pragmatic. When I hear of young liberals threatening not to vote for Biden because he does not meet their standard, I have to hope that ultimately, they are not blinded as to the stakes in this election. Note, I don’t like the US position on allowing genocide in Gaza, but that does not blind me to the domestic MAGA threat here. 🤔
    It boils down to relative threats and being pragmatic. When I hear of young liberals threatening not to vote for Biden because he does not meet their standard, I have to hope that ultimately, they are not blinded as to the stakes in this election. Note, I don’t like the US position on allowing genocide in Gaza, but that does not blind me to the domestic MAGA threat here. 🤔
    Single-issue voters always regret it.
    Once a Pol figures out that's your thing, he'll screw you over in every other way imaginable.
    I think some people just can’t concede Willis used poor judgement, was likely dishonest about it, and that it matters because they believe in the prosecution and can’t separate that from the prosecutor. It’s a common issue in our society today, all good or all bad. People can’t disassociate within an issue because we are conditioned to tribalism now more than ever and nuance is a bad word.
    I think Willis made some poor choices and was less than fully honest about it after the fact. I don't think it's legally relevant and probably won't be practically relevant to the outcome of the case against Trump.

    Trump got his sideshow and it's over now. With audience attention spans being what they are, when the trial gets going and reports of what Trump and the others have done start coming out, nobody with any say in the matter will remember this little sideshow or care about it anymore.

    That's why I am not angry, just disappointed, at Willis for her poor decisions and being less than forthright. I don't think her poor judgement or lack of full honesty are as egregious as some people have made it out to be. Any ethic violations she may or may not have committed is none of my concern or my business. I'm not one of her constituents, so she doesn't owe me anything. Any ethic violations she may have committed are between her and her constituents, local and state governing bodies and the state bar association.
    I think Willis made some poor choices and was less than fully honest about it after the fact. I don't think it's legally relevant and probably won't be practically relevant to the outcome of the case against Trump.

    Trump got his sideshow and it's over now. With audience attention spans being what they are, when the trial gets going and reports of what Trump and the others have done start coming out, nobody with any say in the matter will remember this little sideshow or care about it anymore.

    That's why I am not angry, just disappointed, at Willis for her poor decisions and being less than forthright. I don't think her poor judgement or lack of full honesty are as egregious as some people have made it out to be. Any ethic violations she may or may not have committed is none of my concern or my business. I'm not one of her constituents, so she doesn't owe me anything. Any ethic violations she may have committed are between her and her constituents, local and state governing bodies and the state bar association.
    I mean, by that reasoning, none of this case is your concern since it's a Georgia state case. :shrug:
    Trump got his sideshow and it's over now. With audience attention spans being what they are, when the trial gets going and reports of what Trump and the others have done start coming out, nobody with any say in the matter will remember this little sideshow or care about it anymore.

    I hope you're right about this, but I'm not sure that will happen. Trump and the right wing propaganda press have a way of repeating things ad nauseum and they're not going to let this go because it's damaging to Willis, whom Trump hates. The media, in their never ending quest to balance coverage and present both sides, will play along and keep it alive as well.

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