The Joe Biden 2020 tracker thread (2 Viewers)

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    Great, Perfect, Awesome.. again, where is the problem??

    Which of these proposals apply to YOU, to make you think he is specifically coming for YOUR guns.

    The Ban and Registry... Right there...

    I tell ya... You want gun control... How about Stop, search and seize... and if you have a gun with no gun license you go to jail and gun gets taken... You cool with that? I am... Cause I got a gun license so I have NO problem with it.

    You still want gun control now? or is this not up to YOUR gun law standards.

    edit- I have semi autos, so it does involve my guns...
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    The Ban and Registry... Right there...

    I tell ya... You want gun control... How about Stop, search and seize... and if you have a gun with no gun license you go to jail and gun gets taken... You cool with that? I am... Cause I got a gun license so I have NO problem with it.

    You still want gun control now? or is this not up to YOUR gun law standards.

    edit- I have semi autos, so it does involve my guns...

    Is what up to my standards ? You and i are on the exact same page; i agree with you that if someone is found to have a gun, but no license - they should go to jail and lose the gun... I dont understand exactly what your problem is, we see eye to eye on that.

    In terms of you losing your semiautomatic weapons, i have ZERO problem with that.. keep all of your licensed hunting rifles, handguns, etc that you want ..By the way, since i dont have a gun fetish, and you seem to really love guns- help me out, because I saw that he wants to ban automatic weapons- does that include SEMIautomitc weapons as well? I honestly dont know.. But if it does, then i’m still fine with it, because i like anything that gets more guns off the streets, and i love anything that pisses off conservatives.
    Is what up to my standards ? You and i are on the exact same page; i agree with you that if someone is found to have a gun, but no license - they should go to jail and lose the gun... I dont understand exactly what your problem is, we see eye to eye on that.

    In terms of you losing your semiautomatic weapons, i have ZERO problem with that.. keep all of your licensed hunting rifles, handguns, etc that you want ..By the way, since i dont have a gun fetish, and you seem to really love guns- help me out, because I saw that he wants to ban automatic weapons- does that include SEMIautomitc weapons as well? I honestly dont know.. But if it does, then i’m still fine with it, because i like anything that gets more guns off the streets, and i love anything that pisses off conservatives.

    First off... I apologize if I came off rude or snarky...

    My stance is that.. I don;t want the gun registered... I want the person registered... Just like you have to have a drivers license for a car... This way... The gubment does not know that I have 1 gun or 12... But I am legal..

    Also.This way.. You also cannot buy or sell a gun without a gun license.. This will solve your gun show loophole problems. and gun sales will drop.

    also.. Everyone gets pulled over sooner or later.. and everyone has some involvment with the cops in their life one way or anohter... If with each confrontation if you are found with a gun and no license you go to jail and the gun taken... SO many guns would come off the street so fast that way.

    This would solve soooo much issues...

    But to try and register and lilcense the gun... No.. Some people say do it like you license a car? Cars get stolen all the time...

    It's not that I am a gun nut... I collect WWII items.. So I have guns from that period... Does the government need to know how may Lugers or US 1911's that I have?

    The background check.. Ok... Why not one background check with fingerprints, photo, FBI check, etc for the gun license and just be done with it all? BUT- made it Federal and to be honored in all states....

    I think they are going about it the wrong way.. Don;t license the gun.. License the person.
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    Pete's promise to ban "weapons of war," which includes a prohibition against magazines with a capacity to hold greater than 10 rounds, is enough to lose the vote of people for whom the 2nd Amendment is a significant issue.

    Agree or disagree with the proposal all you want, that's not the question being asked.

    I also wonder how he will "encourage" people to keep their guns locked away in a seperate location from the ammunition. That sounds like it's heading toward a legal requirement. Lots of people will say "hell no" to that idea.

    There are other issues, but that gives 2 amendment supporters enough reason to vote against him.
    Pete's promise to ban "weapons of war," which includes a prohibition against magazines with a capacity to hold greater than 10 rounds, is enough to lose the vote of people for whom the 2nd Amendment is a significant issue.

    Agree or disagree with the proposal all you want, that's not the question being asked.

    I also wonder how he will "encourage" people to keep their guns locked away in a seperate location from the ammunition. That sounds like it's heading toward a legal requirement. Lots of people will say "hell no" to that idea.

    There are other issues, but that gives 2 amendment supporters enough reason to vote against him.

    I TOTALLY agree with you here, campaigning on an assault weapon ban and national gun registry will cost him more votes than it gains him.
    First off... I apologize if I came off rude or snarky...

    My stance is that.. I don;t want the gun registered... I want the person registered... Just like you have to have a drivers license for a car... This way... The gubment does not know that I have 1 gun or 12... But I am legal..

    Also.This way.. You also cannot buy or sell a gun without a gun license.. This will solve your gun show loophole problems. and gun sales will drop.

    also.. Everyone gets pulled over sooner or later.. and everyone has some involvment with the cops in their life one way or anohter... If with each confrontation if you are found with a gun and no license you go to jail and the gun taken... SO many guns would come off the street so fast that way.

    This would solve soooo much issues...

    But to try and register and lilcense the gun... No.. Some people say do it like you license a car? Cars get stolen all the time...

    It's not that I am a gun nut... I collect WWII items.. So I have guns from that period... Does the government need to know how may Lugers or US 1911's that I have?

    The background check.. Ok... Why not one background check with fingerprints, photo, FBI check, etc for the gun license and just be done with it all? BUT- made it Federal and to be honored in all states....

    I think they are going about it the wrong way.. Don;t license the gun.. License the person.

    Well, we arent that far apart- i least i dont think so.. Of course, as always, the devil is in the details, and i think our main difference is that you would error on the side of being more favorable to gun owners, whereas i would error on the side of getting more automatic weapons off the streets.

    In any case, i just ran out to get some lunch and happened to see a nice, new black Jeep Rubicon Gladiator pickup truck, so that was cool. :9:
    Well, we arent that far apart- i least i dont think so.. Of course, as always, the devil is in the details, and i think our main difference is that you would error on the side of being more favorable to gun owners, whereas i would error on the side of getting more automatic weapons off the streets.

    In any case, i just ran out to get some lunch and happened to see a nice, new black Jeep Rubicon Gladiator pickup truck, so that was cool. :9:

    Of course I am being more favorable to gun owners. They are the ones that need the protection from the criminals... Not the other way around...

    and I am not really as concerned about getting Semi autos off the streets.. Its the concealed handgun that is the main culpript in gun deaths and crime... the AR15 just gets the headlines...

    and according to we had 230 gun violence crimes and shootings in the last 72 hours... 230... and almost every single one of these are involving kids between the ages of 16 - 26 years old with a handgun, and almost NONE of them are involving an ar15 with a large capacity magazine.

    So banning my AR15 and magazines or making me register my guns is NOT going to solve that problem.. And for some reason that part never seems to get addressed...

    btw- great catch on the Jeep glagiadtor... I am starting to get serious about considering one.
    But to try and register and lilcense the gun... No.. Some people say do it like you license a car? Cars get stolen all the time...

    I isolated this because I'm confused. What does theft of the registered object have to do with anything? If my car gets stolen, I report it to the police.
    I isolated this because I'm confused. What does theft of the registered object have to do with anything? If my car gets stolen, I report it to the police.

    Ok.. You report it.. Great.. Your car is still stolen and someone else has it now..

    With my concept, the thief cannot even buy gas for your car without a Car license. They cannot sell your car with them not having a Car License both the seller and the buyer.. If they get pulled over they cannot even have a car without a Car License, and this Car License requires, background check, FBI check, Driving Test and License fees...

    Think your car thief will do all that and get a car license?

    All you had was a registered car that was stolen.
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    Ok.. You report it.. Great.. Your car is still stolen and someone else has it now..

    With my concept, the thief cannot even buy gas for your car without a Car license. They cannot sell your car with them not having a Car License both the seller and the buyer.. If they get pulled over they cannot even have a car without a Car License, and this Car License requires, background check, FBI check, Driving Test and License fees...

    Think your car thief will do all that and get a car license?

    All you had was a registered car that was stolen.

    The only way to prove a car belongs to you is the fact that it is registered.

    If the police recover a stolen car, the VIN number being registered to your name is how you get it back.

    Would you be good with required insurance, including liability, and Tracking recovery devices such as LoJack, like on autos too?

    Because if you are, we are getting somewhere. Otherwise, a license has no teeth.
    Ok.. You report it.. Great.. Your car is still stolen and someone else has it now..

    With my concept, the thief cannot even buy gas for your car without a Car license. They cannot sell your car with them not having a Car License both the seller and the buyer.. If they get pulled over they cannot even have a car without a Car License, and this Car License requires, background check, FBI check, Driving Test and License fees...

    Think your car thief will do all that and get a car license?

    All you had was a registered car that was stolen.

    I feel like this hasn't been thought through.

    "With my concept, the thief cannot even buy gas for your car without a Car license."

    Is gas the equivalent of bullets here? Why can the thief not buy bullets for the stolen gun? It's possible that they have a gun license and use that license to buy the bullets. It's possible that someone with a license is buying bullets, then selling them to people under the table. How is this going to be proven unless you also propose individual identification of every bullet produced, then having every single unique ID from every single bullet purchased tied into their gun license.

    "They cannot sell your car with them not having a Car License both the seller and the buyer."

    Thieves don't usually sell to honest people. They sell to people for cash and no paper trail. Car thieves are usually either selling to a chop shop, taking it for a joyride and abandoning it, or using it to commit another crime (possibly involving a gun they bought from a person that either has a license or acquired it illegally themselves).

    "they cannot even have a car without a Car License"

    Last time I purchased a car, they made sure I was licensed. Still had to register the damn car.

    Your proposals do not make anyone safer or make guns any more difficult to obtain, while at the same time being much more complex (and needlessly so) than the proposed solution to which you are adamantly opposed.
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