Texans fight with hostess at NYC restaurant over vaccinations (1 Viewer)

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    Active member
    Jan 13, 2021
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    new orleans
    The media seemed to delight in this story about these Texas rednecks. Then it turns out the patrons were Black, making this awkward for the people previously mocking the patrons. And now we have this new angle:

    “Restaurants are using vaccine mandates to enforce their racist beliefs and excluding Black patrons,” said Hawk Newsome, the co-founder and chairman of Black Lives Matter Greater New York.


    You fundamentally seem to misunderstand how posting sources work. The idea is you link to a source which supports the claim you're making. This involves reading and comprehending the source. In this case, as in others, you clearly haven't understood either of the sources you've linked to, and the claims you're making are a shallow mockery of reality, or "ignorant psychobabble" to put it another way.

    In the first instance, your link states that "racial discrimination has been implicated as an exacerbating factor in the development and maintenance of PTSD". What it's showing is that in people exposed to trauma (e.g. "physical assault, sexual assault, natural disasters, etc.") who have symptoms of PTSD, there is an indirect association between exposure to racial discrimination and how bad their symptoms are. The study is showing an association between exposure to racial discrimination and PTSD symptoms following other trauma.

    The findings from the study are things like "clinicians should acknowledge that racism exists", and "be particularly attentive to the multiple ways racial discrimination can play a functional role in the symptoms experienced by African American clients as well as how racial discrimination may play a role in the therapeutic relationships with clients."

    But the findings of the study are not, and I cannot stress this enough, that "Many American blacks have PTSD due to previous racism and once the amygdala gets turned on there is no turning back". That is ignorant psychobabble. And it's also racist.

    As for the second link, good grief. First you claimed that 'The amygdala volume goes up in PTSD', and the study you've linked finds that "Smaller volume was demonstrated in the PTSD compared to non-PTSD groups for the left amygdala (p = .002), right amygdala (p = .01)", and secondly you claim that it's "reported to change with PTSD", and the study does not find that, it finds an association between smaller amygdala volume and PTSD, but as it notes, it doesn't find a "correlation between trauma load or illness chronicity and amygdala volume ", which could suggest "either a smaller amygdala represents a vulnerability to developing PTSD, or the lack of a dose-response relationship with amygdala volume." That is, it's a study showing an association, not a causation.

    You clearly and demonstrably have not read and understood the papers you're linking to. And you clearly and demonstrably do not understand what you're talking about.

    That's not to say there aren't valid discussions to be had about the impact of racism on mental health, and the differences between PTSD and racial trauma.

    But when you're a racist bigot who confuses 'smaller' and 'bigger' and can't understand the difference between association and causation, you have nothing to offer such discussions.
    Jesus Christ @RobF, have you no mercy?

    The man was already dead by paragraph 3 and you proceeded to burn his whole house to the ground.
    The word isn't the problem. It's your intent. Your intent seems to be that whatever you emphasize like you're doing with woke is to try and imply that there's something inherently wrong with it. And you're also using the word as a weapon to try and "win" an argument.

    You post things that bother people period because a lot of what you're saying is either outright untrue or mischaracterized. Like the education discussion. Your arguments are flawed because you make invalid assumptions and comparisons about the education system. People have tried to reason with you to no avail because you refuse to acknowledge that you may be wrong about your assumptions.

    And I just don't feel like you're making good faith arguments here. It's like you summarily dismiss the possibility that people who have a different opinion from you might be onto something. That, and the know it all approach to these discussions is old and tiresome.
    You tend to post sarcastic one liners with no substance. When you post something meaningful I let you know and even praise the words.

    I am no expert in education, but it is plain to see education is not working in many areas, usually the big cities under perennial Democratic control. I understand the excuses provided by those that defend the public school system. IN fact I agree with all the barriers and problems they describe. However, when I suggest something different they become apoplectic. They tend to favor the status quo.

    As for this thread and the fight at the restaurant. Racism PTSD is real and generational. The PTSD gets better when AAs move to foreign countries where there is no history of racism. Many do not feel the PTSD when the move to Europe or even Japan.
    Last edited:
    However, when I suggest something different they become apoplectic. They tend to favor the status quo.
    Everything "different" you suggested is already happening.
    Racism PTSD is real and generational. The PTSD gets better when AAs move to foreign countries where there is no history of racism. Many do not feel the PTSD when the move to Europe or even Japan.
    Is it your suggestion that African-Americans who do not enjoy the racism here at home should move somewhere else?
    Everything "different" you suggested is already happening.

    Is it your suggestion that African-Americans who do not enjoy the racism here at home should move somewhere else?

    I think he also said that there was no racism in Europe...
    You tend to post sarcastic one liners with no substance. When you post something meaningful I let you know and even praise the words.

    Seriously? Sarcastic one liners? No substance? Lmao.

    Well, the peanuts comment was more about peanuts relative to overall debt, and $100k which is peanuts. Now, $100k-$200k in revolving credit card debt is certainly not peanuts, but it's still serviceable. A credit card with $20k on it will typically have minimum payment of around $650-$700. Might be a little more or less depending on the card and interest rate. So, extrapolate that to $100k and that's around $3500/month. For someone who's take home pay is probably around $12k month, it's doable. If it's $200k, that would be tough to pull off but it's not really unheard of.

    I hear you on the vetting aspect. But I'm not sure that anything can be done with it at this point. Like I said, if they manage to do another review or something which can stick, then good riddance. But this is Washington, a sitting justice going anywhere because of this sort of thing is rather unlikely. I think energy for tipping the scales in SCOTUS would be better spent elsewhere. I could be wrong, but I'd be surprised tbh.

    Yeah, as a former minister, being around families who homeschooled their kids, the results are decidedly mixed. It depends a lot on the reasons for doing so, the level of commitment the parents have in homeschooling, and the curriculum. The outcomes have varied pretty wildly. I would say that from a consistency standpoint, public education gets better outcomes on average, but committed parents who properly homeschool their kids have had children really excel in college.

    Tbh, I don't really see a big difference between the quality of education between comparable public and private schools. But when you get to elite levels, the private schools really do have overall better outcomes from a purely academic perspective. That said, part of that is access to teachers, technology and the culture of the school.

    I attended both private and public schools. I had no issues moving from one school to another. The learning really wasn't that much different between them.

    That's my semi-anecdotal spiel. Heh.

    Well, it goes without saying that everyone has their biases. Agendas? Maybe, but I do think people are capable of setting their biases aside and judging on the merits. Ideally anyway. We don't live in an ideal world though. Just hard to know what the motives are of people, including justices. I'll give the 9 justices a greater benefit of the doubt than anyone else in Washington for the most part though.

    Instead of assuming and projecting, I suggest you let others speak for themselves. You assume he's white because he has white family members. He could have been adopted, or his parents could be mixed, or something else. Having white relatives doesn't make you white. :shrug:

    Yeah, just the general progression that was followed with initial introduction to the vaccines I what I would have expected. Starting with the most vulnerable and high risk group makes sense. I suspect those in the lower risk groups, the booster would be optional, but wouldn't expect it to get FDA approval until after most of the current approved group gets theirs done.

    PTSD isn't psychobabble, but your analysis is. But arguing with you is pointless because your shtick has been the same since you started posting here. Your self-awareness is completely non-existent and you belittle everyone's intelligence here by calling them woke, and their arguments strawman, anecdotal, or leftist. Then when people start doing drive-bys instead of engaging with you, your hypocrisy becomes quite transparent by saying stuff like "do you have an argument" after it's been made only to be ignored. So, no, I'm not playing the game by your rules.


    The word isn't the problem. It's your intent. Your intent seems to be that whatever you emphasize like you're doing with woke is to try and imply that there's something inherently wrong with it. And you're also using the word as a weapon to try and "win" an argument.

    You post things that bother people period because a lot of what you're saying is either outright untrue or mischaracterized. Like the education discussion. Your arguments are flawed because you make invalid assumptions and comparisons about the education system. People have tried to reason with you to no avail because you refuse to acknowledge that you may be wrong about your assumptions.

    And I just don't feel like you're making good faith arguments here. It's like you summarily dismiss the possibility that people who have a different opinion from you might be onto something. That, and the know it all approach to these discussions is old and tiresome.
    Seriously? Sarcastic one liners? No substance? Lmao.

    For someone who's not a racist, you sure have a box you'd like to put every race/ethnicity in.

    He’s such an easy punching bag, though.

    Jesus Christ @RobF, have you no mercy?

    The man was already dead by paragraph 3 and you proceeded to burn his whole house to the ground.

    Everything "different" you suggested is already happening.

    Is it your suggestion that African-Americans who do not enjoy the racism here at home should move somewhere else?

    Maybe he was thinking of me, heh.

    You fundamentally seem to misunderstand how posting sources work. The idea is you link to a source which supports the claim you're making. This involves reading and comprehending the source. In this case, as in others, you clearly haven't understood either of the sources you've linked to, and the claims you're making are a shallow mockery of reality, or "ignorant psychobabble" to put it another way.

    In the first instance, your link states that "racial discrimination has been implicated as an exacerbating factor in the development and maintenance of PTSD". What it's showing is that in people exposed to trauma (e.g. "physical assault, sexual assault, natural disasters, etc.") who have symptoms of PTSD, there is an indirect association between exposure to racial discrimination and how bad their symptoms are. The study is showing an association between exposure to racial discrimination and PTSD symptoms following other trauma.

    The findings from the study are things like "clinicians should acknowledge that racism exists", and "be particularly attentive to the multiple ways racial discrimination can play a functional role in the symptoms experienced by African American clients as well as how racial discrimination may play a role in the therapeutic relationships with clients."

    But the findings of the study are not, and I cannot stress this enough, that "Many American blacks have PTSD due to previous racism and once the amygdala gets turned on there is no turning back". That is ignorant psychobabble. And it's also racist.

    As for the second link, good grief. First you claimed that 'The amygdala volume goes up in PTSD', and the study you've linked finds that "Smaller volume was demonstrated in the PTSD compared to non-PTSD groups for the left amygdala (p = .002), right amygdala (p = .01)", and secondly you claim that it's "reported to change with PTSD", and the study does not find that, it finds an association between smaller amygdala volume and PTSD, but as it notes, it doesn't find a "correlation between trauma load or illness chronicity and amygdala volume ", which could suggest "either a smaller amygdala represents a vulnerability to developing PTSD, or the lack of a dose-response relationship with amygdala volume." That is, it's a study showing an association, not a causation.

    You clearly and demonstrably have not read and understood the papers you're linking to. And you clearly and demonstrably do not understand what you're talking about.

    That's not to say there aren't valid discussions to be had about the impact of racism on mental health, and the differences between PTSD and racial trauma.

    But when you're a racist bigot who confuses 'smaller' and 'bigger' and can't understand the difference between association and causation, you have nothing to offer such discussions.

    Doing his homework for him. Again. Besides all the other logical fallacies, the gish galloping resorts to cutting and pasting a peer-reviewed study without reading it or reading and completely misunderstanding it, thus forcing others to do the intellectual heavy lifting.
    Beyond the outright obvious bigotry and racism, it's the authoritative way with which he states things. We have a litany of intelligent, thoughtful, bright, experienced and wise collection of posters, whom are persons of color, that are highly qualified to speak about their experience and perspective about being Black in America. And the kicker is, we aren't a monolith. So there shouldn't be any fear of getting responses from an echo chamber of similar ideologies.

    And, yet, my entire life of experiences, the wealth of information that is my American story is boiled down to "my amygdala has been activated to a perpetual state of PTSD, that can't be shutoff, due to prior acts of racism." If it wasn't so comical and clownish it would be infuriating.

    FTP, I appreciate all your posts, it helps me understand things and put them in perspective. My POV is sometimes it's best to just listen and learn. But there are some that think they themselves know better than anyone about anything, some grandiose "teacher" of total BS or something....it can be entertaining TBH....

    ou tend to post sarcastic one liners with no substance. When you post something meaningful I let you know and even praise the words.

    Quick Dave post something meaningful....I mean, you really need to get that praise!!!!
    Seriously? Sarcastic one liners? No substance? Lmao.
    One could conclude that he may have spent as much time verifying his claim about you as he spent understanding what public schools do and don't do.

    One could assume, if more time is understanding not only the problem, but the mechanics of what is going on, then they could offer a better plan for change. Otherwise, it may come off as grasping at straws.

    In any case, our education system isn't perfect, potentially not even good in some areas. That part is clearly true.
    Maybe he was thinking of me, heh.
    Many of the posters use the same template of worn out recycled talking points that they hear in the echo chamber. Therefore, it is rather easy to confuse posters.
    Others use the the so-called clever one liners in an effort to score a stinger or when they have nothing to say. Some posters go as far as to only post an emoji and nothing else.
    Last edited:
    Many of the posts use the same template of worn out recycled talking points that they hear in the echo chamber. Therefore, it is rather easy to confuse posters.
    Others use the the so-called clever one liners in an effort to score a stinger or when they have nothing to say. Some posters go as far as to only post an emoji and nothing else.
    Some posters prefer to take their time and dismantle your posts with effective, detailed takedowns, point-by-point.

    I prefer to be as concise as possible when highlighting your hypocrisy, racism, bigotry, and incompetency.

    The styles may be different, but the end result is largely the same.
    Many of the posts use the same template of worn out recycled talking points that they hear in the echo chamber. Therefore, it is rather easy to confuse posters.
    I also need to take a moment to point out that if you confused the posting style of @DaveXA and me, then your reading comprehension skills are worse than we thought.
    Some posters prefer to take their time and dismantle your posts with effective, detailed takedowns, point-by-point.

    I prefer to be as concise as possible when highlighting your hypocrisy, racism, bigotry, and incompetency.

    The styles may be different, but the end result is largely the same.
    There you go again using insulting remarks. I have not said anything racist. Please quotes the racist comments. Otherwise, I will report your post.
    There you go again using insulting remarks. I have not said anything racist. Please quotes the racist comments. Otherwise, I will report your post.

    What good will it do? People have done it repeatedly, in real-time. All you do is ignore it or dismiss it.
    There you go again using insulting remarks. I have not said anything racist. Please quotes the racist comments. Otherwise, I will report your post.
    Feel free to search my post history where I have repeatedly pointed out when you have made racist statements.

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