Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights per draft opinion (Update: Dobbs opinion official) (2 Viewers)

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    Not long ago Kari Lake proclaimed Arizona's abortion law was a great law and wanted it the law of the state.

    Now that she has gotten her way, she is lobbying for it to be repealed.

    As I have been saying since 2022, the overwhelming vast majority of women aren't going to vote for the man who proudly boasts that he got rid of Roe V. Wade. Nor are those women going to vote for a forced birther politician.

    Turns out, republican belief in "pro life" was all just lies to get votes. Who is surprised? I sure am not.

    How many forced birthers will do the same about face? ... r-BB1ltx3I.

    Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake is actively lobbying state lawmakers to overturn a 160-year-old law she once supported that bans abortion in almost all cases, a source with knowledge of her efforts told CNN.
    Pro-choice activists have spent decades trying to explain to lawmakers the complexities of medical care and that blanket laws cause even more complexities around personal freedoms and healthcare.

    Now Republicans are discovering that restrictive laws could get them kicked out of office.

    States quickly passed tighter and tighter restrictions on women's health only to result in stories about women being forced to travel to other states to save their lives. Other women have been forced to reach near death health emergencies before hospitals are willing to act.

    Stories have surfaced that raped teens are unable to get abortions due to restrictive laws. Story after story is causing panic among pregnant women or women who want to get pregnant out of fear for their own health and safety.

    Republican South Carolina state Rep. Neal Collins broke down in a hearing telling the story of a 19-year-old woman whose water broke at 15 weeks when the fetus wasn't viable. The so-called "heartbeat bill" that Collins voted to support, meant that the teen had to be sent home for the fetus to die inside her.

    The doctor told him there was a 50 percent chance the teen could lose her uterus and never be able to have children. There was a 10 percent chance she could die.

    He made it clear he never realized the impact the law could have on the life and health of women...........

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    Posting this because we just had a member post a tweet from a stochastic terror account in this very thread. Posting it in the more appropriate thread as well. We have to be better than to post tweets from these accounts. There’s more in the thread if you care to see all of it.

    In Louisiana a condition where the fetus doesn’t develop a head does not qualify for abortion.

    The South Carolina bill being debated right now is probably going to pass.

    - No exception for rape or incest.
    - If doc believes the mother's health is in jeopardy they can abort, but they have to send a report to the Dept. of Health. If the agency decides it wasn't necessary the doc is subject to penalty including action against the doc's license and criminal charges. Also subject to a wrongful death case by the mother herself, the father, or the mother's parents if a minor.
    - Accompanying a minor across state lines to get an abortion is a felony with up to 20 years.
    - Giving abortion information to a pregnant person is a crime.
    - Any website with abortion information is illegal.

    The South Carolina bill being debated right now is probably going to pass.

    - No exception for rape or incest.
    - If doc believes the mother's health is in jeopardy they can abort, but they have to send a report to the Dept. of Health. If the agency decides it wasn't necessary the doc is subject to penalty including action against the doc's license and criminal charges. Also subject to a wrongful death case by the mother herself, the father, or the mother's parents if a minor.
    - Accompanying a minor across state lines to get an abortion is a felony with up to 20 years.
    - Giving abortion information to a pregnant person is a crime.
    - Any website with abortion information is illegal.

    It feels like these would be struck down on appeal by even the most conservative court.
    The South Carolina bill being debated right now is probably going to pass.

    - No exception for rape or incest.
    - If doc believes the mother's health is in jeopardy they can abort, but they have to send a report to the Dept. of Health. If the agency decides it wasn't necessary the doc is subject to penalty including action against the doc's license and criminal charges. Also subject to a wrongful death case by the mother herself, the father, or the mother's parents if a minor.
    - Accompanying a minor across state lines to get an abortion is a felony with up to 20 years.
    - Giving abortion information to a pregnant person is a crime.
    - Any website with abortion information is illegal.

    Several of these provisions don’t seem to be constitutional to me. How can you prevent a parent from taking their daughter to another state where abortion is legal?

    Also, that “health” exception guarantees that women who aren’t even seeking abortions will die. It essentially makes the physician wait until the woman is close to death before giving a medically needed abortion. And doctors cannot accurately predict how close a person is to death. Death isn’t an event, it’s more like a process. By forcing doctors to allow the process to start before intervening they are just absolutely guaranteeing that some women will die due to this bill.

    The absolute lack of concern about women’s health and lives is certainly striking.
    It feels like these would be struck down on appeal by even the most conservative court.

    The provision about accompanying a minor across state lines seems to violate free movement and the P&I clause - but I think that whole subset of these new abortion laws is going to be interesting.

    And the provisions relating to information seem to violate the First Amendment, but the big question there is whether the fact that abortion is now criminal gives some cover to the state's interest in controlling information about criminal activity.

    I think both of these seem to have an obvious result but you don't know until you see it. I'm not sure that the rest of them suffer from clear legal deficiencies. South Carolina's constitution does have an express privacy clause - which is helpful (the US Constitution does not) - but this bill is framed as equal protection for the unborn so that might set up a conflict that courts could resolve in favor of the the equal protection interest (over the privacy interest).

    Expecting the courts to save these law, after Dobbs, is precarious IMO.
    I think both of these seem to have an obvious result but you don't know until you see it. I'm not sure that the rest of them suffer from clear legal deficiencies. South Carolina's constitution does have an express privacy clause - which is helpful (the US Constitution does not) - but this bill is framed as equal protection for the unborn so that might set up a conflict that courts could resolve in favor of the the equal protection interest (over the privacy interest).
    Dang. Wonder if someone could have predicted that.

    Also, this is quite obviously the step toward a national ban on abortion. All they need is one of these equal protection cases to make it to the Supreme Court and it's a done deal.
    The South Carolina bill being debated right now is probably going to pass.

    - No exception for rape or incest.
    - If doc believes the mother's health is in jeopardy they can abort, but they have to send a report to the Dept. of Health. If the agency decides it wasn't necessary the doc is subject to penalty including action against the doc's license and criminal charges. Also subject to a wrongful death case by the mother herself, the father, or the mother's parents if a minor.
    - Accompanying a minor across state lines to get an abortion is a felony with up to 20 years.
    - Giving abortion information to a pregnant person is a crime.
    - Any website with abortion information is illegal.

    It's "limited government" like this that @Farb can get behind.
    Dang. Wonder if someone could have predicted that.

    Also, this is quite obviously the step toward a national ban on abortion. All they need is one of these equal protection cases to make it to the Supreme Court and it's a done deal.

    If that happens then we are definitely moving! My wife and daughter might have more rights in Saudi Arabia!
    The South Carolina bill being debated right now is probably going to pass.

    - No exception for rape or incest.
    - If doc believes the mother's health is in jeopardy they can abort, but they have to send a report to the Dept. of Health. If the agency decides it wasn't necessary the doc is subject to penalty including action against the doc's license and criminal charges. Also subject to a wrongful death case by the mother herself, the father, or the mother's parents if a minor.
    - Accompanying a minor across state lines to get an abortion is a felony with up to 20 years.
    - Giving abortion information to a pregnant person is a crime.
    - Any website with abortion information is illegal.

    Yep, that makes sense. Doctors go to school to become specialists, only to be overruled by someone that probably just got their GED!

    …..The electorate in Kansas “changed dramatically” in the days after a draft of the court’s Dobbs decision leaked in May, the TargetSmart analysis indicates.

    “Kansans turned out in record numbers in the primary and delivered a victory for abortion rights, a win fueled by Democrats out registering Republicans by 9 points since the Dobbs decision was announced, with a staggering 70% of all new registrants being women,” the firm found. And this trend isn’t limited to Kansas…..

    If the tilt toward female registrants holds up, it might affect House and Senate seats in key states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the gender gap among new registrations is 11 points or greater.

    In Wisconsin, where Democratic Senate nominee Mandela Barnes is facing Republican incumbent Ron Johnson, the TargetSmart data show that “women have out-registered men by 15.6%” since Dobbs was decided and that

    “Democrats make up 52.36% of all of those newly registered voters, compared with 16.59% of new voters registering as Republicans.”…..

    Meanwhile, in Michigan, a state referendum to codify Roe is headed for the November ballot. As in Wisconsin, new registrants have skewed female.

    “Among the 12,879 new voters that have registered since the Dobbs decision, women are out-registering men by 8.1 percentage points,”

    TargetSmart reports. Moreover, “In the same time frame, Democrats are out-registering Republicans by 18 percentage points.”……


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