Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights per draft opinion (Update: Dobbs opinion official) (2 Viewers)

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    Not long ago Kari Lake proclaimed Arizona's abortion law was a great law and wanted it the law of the state.

    Now that she has gotten her way, she is lobbying for it to be repealed.

    As I have been saying since 2022, the overwhelming vast majority of women aren't going to vote for the man who proudly boasts that he got rid of Roe V. Wade. Nor are those women going to vote for a forced birther politician.

    Turns out, republican belief in "pro life" was all just lies to get votes. Who is surprised? I sure am not.

    How many forced birthers will do the same about face? ... r-BB1ltx3I.

    Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake is actively lobbying state lawmakers to overturn a 160-year-old law she once supported that bans abortion in almost all cases, a source with knowledge of her efforts told CNN.
    It's not necessarily a pure lie, it's just taking an extreme position and setting up the straw man that it represents the view of the entire left.
    It’s not just a straw man from Farb. He hears it from his propaganda “sources” and it gets parroted by everyone in the right wing blogosphere. It’s a deliberate attempt to demonize the right’s political opponents.

    I read where a lady librarian somewhere has sued two agitators (who are turning up in locations all over the country) because they alleged she was a groomer. She’s just a normal librarian. They are attempting to intimidate people who try to defend LGBTQ people from harassment and being driven back underground. It’s unclear who is paying for these activists, but two of them turned up in a town near me and they are wreaking havoc with the local public schools. They moved in and immediately started stirring up trouble.

    It’s frustrating to see their false talking points echoed here as well. The slander that people on the left are trying to normalize pedophilia should not be allowed to stand.
    It's not necessarily a pure lie, it's just taking an extreme position and setting up the straw man that it represents the view of the entire left.
    OK, I understand your point. That being said Farb was making an assertion with no evidence to back it up. In addition, the assertion was untrue which, imo, makes it a lie.
    OK, I understand your point. That being said Farb was making an assertion with no evidence to back it up. In addition, the assertion was untrue which, imo, makes it a lie.
    I agree there is certainly little appreciable difference.
    A Florida appeals court will force a parentless 16-year-old girl to give birth because the teen is not “sufficiently mature” to decide for herself whether or not to terminate the pregnancy.

    A circuit court judge previously denied the girl’s request to waive a state law requiring minors get parental consent for an abortion. On Monday, a three-judge panel upheld the decision.

    The unnamed teen, according to the appellate ruling, is getting a GED through a program for young people who have experienced traumatic events in their lives. In her petition, the girl—who lives with a relative and has an appointed guardian—argued that she is “still in school” and “is not ready to have a baby,” noting that her guardian was “fine with what [she] wants to do.”.......

    A pregnant woman in Louisiana says she’s being forced to choose between carrying fetus that lacks a skull and the top of its head (as a result of a rare condition called acrania) to term, or traveling several states over for a legal abortion, since Louisiana has banned abortion with very narrow exceptions.

    “It’s hard knowing that I’m carrying it to bury it,” Nancy Davis, who’s 13 weeks pregnant and is already the mother of one child, told local news station WAFB9 on Monday.

    A few weeks ago, she had her first ultrasound and was told the fetus wouldn’t survive—but that she would have to either carry and birth the nonviable fetus or travel to Florida, the closest state where abortion is still legal.

    Davis is running out of time to make her decision, however, because Florida bans the health service at 15 weeks..........


    The doctor, Valerie Williams, said her patient was “screaming—not from pain, but from the emotional trauma she was experiencing.” It took hours for the woman’s placenta to deliver, causing her to hemorrhage about a liter of blood which placed her own life in danger.

    A simple abortion procedure would have lasted 15 minutes, Williams said. She claimed this was “the first time in my 15-year career that I could not give a patient the care they needed.”

    The state threatens doctors and abortion providers who violate the ban with 10 to 15 years in prison. Louisiana doctors have told Jezebel the ban has forced them to fear they “could go to prison just for handling a miscarriage as I always have.”

    Both Davis’ story and Williams’ testimony show the ban’s supposed exceptions are pretty ineffective in practice: Davis is literally being forced to carry a fetus missing part of its head, and Williams’ patient’s life was endangered by the unsafe delivery of her nonviable fetus.

    Doctors have previously pointed out that exceptions for threats to the pregnant person’s life are too ambiguous to actually help pregnant people. “How close to death must a patient be?” an attorney for Louisiana’s abortion providers asked last month.

    “Doctors are unsure what counts as a ‘medically futile’ pregnancy.’” Further, in some countries, being forced to carry a dead fetus has resulted in pregnant people developing fatal infections when doctors are too afraid of criminal charges to help...........


    Minor problem. The Democratic Party, not to mention every liberal I know, does not support a fringe whack-a-doodle position like that. So, it still applies, Farb lied. He claimed “one party” supported that.

    Congratulations, you found an idiot. Now, how many RWers support so-called conversion therapy?
    Or they simply realize how bad it is for their daughters because they’re dads of daughters.
    Could be. Of course, that means they didn’t give a flying flock about someone else’s daughters.

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