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Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights per draft opinion (Update: Dobbs opinion official) (1 Viewer)

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    Not long ago Kari Lake proclaimed Arizona's abortion law was a great law and wanted it the law of the state.

    Now that she has gotten her way, she is lobbying for it to be repealed.

    As I have been saying since 2022, the overwhelming vast majority of women aren't going to vote for the man who proudly boasts that he got rid of Roe V. Wade. Nor are those women going to vote for a forced birther politician.

    Turns out, republican belief in "pro life" was all just lies to get votes. Who is surprised? I sure am not.

    How many forced birthers will do the same about face?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/ka ... r-BB1ltx3I.

    Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake is actively lobbying state lawmakers to overturn a 160-year-old law she once supported that bans abortion in almost all cases, a source with knowledge of her efforts told CNN.
    i recall a time when instead of becoming preg, instead of a lifelong unwanted slavery, women got
    tubes tied. if they wanted a kid they adopted one of the millions of abandoned kids stuck
    in bldgs with "staff" hoping for a "home"

    this is another lovely action resulting from unwanted pregs and unwanted kids:
    they fill the nurseries hallways and shelters with kids no one wants.

    as well...there now is little choice IN HOW MANY KIDS A WOMAN MUST...HAVE.
    is one enough and then NO SEX WITH A SEED?.....or is woman to sit home and become a "breeder"?
    do poor black women become "breeders" of more poor black humans?
    how about the sick the ill those with disease, theyre now forced to carry that one and birth it
    and raise it feed pay for it all despite being on gov aide.
    how about the young white girl...shes now on the list for gov aide since she cant get a job
    work or feed herself let alone a new kid.

    how many kids will the "supremes" decide a women Must Have?
    am i now forced to have one each time i have sex with a seeder??
    what is the head count the supremes and rw demand from a woman?

    oh do tell.
    Science denial, pushing one religion 24/7/365 into law, protecting and love of oligarchs, worshipping the military in their world tour, chastising those of different race and sexual orientation...

    America is truly a backsliding democracy.

    Don't blame anyone, but most especially WOMEN, from moving out of the 'stan' states.
    i agree.
    Yup….for all those who said it wasn’t going to happen? Susan Collins can go F herself….I will never vote R again, they are doing their best to bring this country back into the dark ages….

    Dave, you are a good guy but are sometimes very naive….the writing was always on the wall here….
    Please tell me exactly what I was naive about.
    I suppose they'll (the state) say that businesses can't pay for people to cross state lines to get an abortion. Not sure if that would actually be possible. Idk.
    I feel like that just may be the tip of the iceberg.
    I am with you for the most part and hope those that do want to move do move back. They moved to get away from their the end result of who the vote into office. Now, fingers crossed, they move back and live in their utopia. We can live in ours.

    A lot of us didn't move anywhere to get away from anything. We already live in places like Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama.
    I feel like that just may be the tip of the iceberg.
    imagine the state borders now. pulling over any women in any vehicle?
    how about RVs?....gonna stop and empty them on I-10 like they did for weed?

    how much search will occur now at the TX border. how many children, young girls
    will try to sneak across a 'us' state line during the wee hours.
    how many cops can now search how many vehicles and how many young women?

    this move gives males free access. used to be you couldnt prove seed "father" til the kid was
    born. then the seeder denied it anyway and the young girls were left to feed and pay costs
    for the kid they didnt ask for. the seeder walked.

    if i were traveling by vehicles id AVOID TX. like the plague.
    cant get space here....always very close to banners. what...
    This is where I congratulate the GOP and the U.S. Taliban for sticking to their guns and going low when everyone else went high. Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Bernie Bros that threw their tantrum back in 2015 and whom without their non-support this would not have happened.

    Those U.S. flag burkas are going to be HOT!
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    the rw is "celebrating".
    the religious want more guns to kill with and more women to breed.
    they celebrate ammo and weapons of death---while demanding all women must breed more targets.


    the cognitive dissonance is dumbfounding at this time in history.
    the Anthropocene Era is indeed over.
    For the good of the nation, if a few of those religious wack jobs on the SC died of natural causes I would shed zero tears….something has to give here….this is dark age stuff….
    You'd need for that to happen before January 2023, cuz if the Dems lose the Senate in November, four wack jobs would need to check out cuz McConnell has already made it clear Biden won't get a hearing for anyone if they take over.
    Maybe, but I doubt it. Physicians and nurse need to be licensed within the state(s) they work and that should include telemedicine services. All that will likely happen is they will stop writing scrips for M&M.

    It will be the pharmacies where the main controls will be put in place.

    Maybe a blue state will approve M&M for OTC use and fight the shipping to other states in court. Or pills will be shipped internationally and good luck fighting that battle.
    Physicians need to be licensed where they live and practice med physically. Many states allow out of state telehealth.

    I had a guy from NY one time when I did tele-doc.

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