Right wing nuts thread (1 Viewer)

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    Two of General Flynn’s goons were seated directly behind Fauci. Watch one’s face while Fauci describes the threats he and his family have endured. How did they get placed there? Who was responsible for that? Edit to add: they are in tight with Jim Jordan, evidently. 😡

    Two of General Flynn’s goons were seated directly behind Fauci. Watch one’s face while Fauci describes the threats he and his family have endured. How did they get placed there? Who was responsible for that? Edit to add: they are in tight with Jim Jordan, evidently. 😡

    The one who was making faces like a child was removed.

    Why is anybody that participated in the insurrection on January 6th even allowed to enter Congress? They should all have permanent restraining orders preventing from ever entering the building again.
    He is associated with General Flynn and evidently Jim Jordan let them in.
    doesn't matter. they will believe their own lies and so will their voting base before they believe the facts..
    That's the thing that angers me more than anything. Debunking a patently false accusation no longer matters to those throwing those accusation. The truth is the casualty in all of this.
    If I were Dr. Fauci, I wouldn't answer any questions from Greene. I'd get up and walk out of the room until her time was up. If she doesn't recognize him as a doctor, why does he need to recognize her as a Representative?
    Hell yeah, disrespect like that deserves no quarter.

    Fauci is too much of a gentleman to stoop to that.
    The conservative quasi-militia known as the Proud Boys is growing their numbers as the group experiences the “calm before the storm”, a new investigation has found.

    A report from Reuters found that the violent right-wing group is ramping up activities, including recruitment, as it prepares for the 2024 election and whatever the aftermath of 5 November may bring.

    According to the news service, the group’s members have been spotted at numerous events hosted by theTrump campaign and other pro-Trump groups – including the massive rally held by the former president on the Jersey Shore last month.

    One member of the Proud Boys who spoke to Reuters at the Wildwood, New Jersey event said that the group was providing “security” – a common refrain from the group’s members, who are known for antagonising protesters and in some instances engaging in vicious street brawls with left-leaning demonstrators at everything from Trump rallies to Pride parades.

    A Trump campaign official who spoke to The Independent on Monday denied that any of the president’s staff were in contact with the Proud Boys regarding the Wildwood rally. A month prior, Reuters reports, the group’s members were spotted outside of Trump’s Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club.

    Members of the group who spoke to Reuters described the Proud Boys as being in a kind of holding pattern, with preparations being made for confrontations with the left in the future – possibly in the wake of the 2024 election, as was the case after Donald Trump’s defeat in 2020.

    The group survives in its current iteration having shed its public-facing frontmen. Enrique Tarrio, one of the group’s founders, is currently serving a 22-year prison sentence on charges of seditious conspiracy and other crimes stemming from the January 6 attack.

    Gavin McInnes, another co-founder, has cut all official ties with the group, though Reuters reports he is still involved behind the scenes.

    Chapters also ban all interviews with journalists, with members speaking to Reuters only on condition of anonymity.

    But the group’s new underground-oriented vision is reportedly having little effect on the Proud Boys’ ability to continue growing their ranks. The lack of national leadership, according to Reuters, has only empowered local chapters to run wild without oversight.

    And members say 2024 may be the year that the group’s members once again take to the streets in Donald Trump’s name.

    “If Trump loses, our republic, the country goes away. Bad things are going to happen,” one group member told Reuters.

    An Ohio chapter, separately, posted a video of members participating in a street brawl this past week after a jury handed down a guilty verdict in Trump’s Manhattan hush money trial.

    “Fighting solves everything,” that unnamed chapter posted, according to Reuters.…….

    Dr Sherri Tenpenny, a Cleveland doctor who told state legislators during the Covid-19 pandemic that vaccines caused people to become "magnetic", has been sued by the federal government for failing to pay $650,000 in taxes and late fees, investigators say.

    The Department of Justice's Tax Division sued Tenpenny in the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, accusing her of failing to pay her taxes in 2001, 2012 and in 2013.

    With the addition of late fees and penalties, the DOJ argues Tenpenny owes a total of $646,929.82.

    Tenpenny spoke to Cleveland.com and told reporters she has been unfairly targeted by the feds and claims she has tried for years to clear up her tax issues.

    “This shows what the IRS can do to a person that they target,” she told Cleveland.com's Adam Ferrise. “This is a total harassment case. They’ve been doing this to me for 23 years.”…….

    Dr Sherri Tenpenny, a Cleveland doctor who told state legislators during the Covid-19 pandemic that vaccines caused people to become "magnetic", has been sued by the federal government for failing to pay $650,000 in taxes and late fees, investigators say.

    The Department of Justice's Tax Division sued Tenpenny in the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, accusing her of failing to pay her taxes in 2001, 2012 and in 2013.

    With the addition of late fees and penalties, the DOJ argues Tenpenny owes a total of $646,929.82.

    Tenpenny spoke to Cleveland.com and told reporters she has been unfairly targeted by the feds and claims she has tried for years to clear up her tax issues.

    “This shows what the IRS can do to a person that they target,” she told Cleveland.com's Adam Ferrise. “This is a total harassment case. They’ve been doing this to me for 23 years.”…….

    23 years she’s been aware of these issues? No wonder they’re suing her. Grow up and take responsibility like an adult, you loon.
    Dr Sherri Tenpenny, a Cleveland doctor who told state legislators during the Covid-19 pandemic that vaccines caused people to become "magnetic", has been sued by the federal government for failing to pay $650,000 in taxes and late fees, investigators say.

    The Department of Justice's Tax Division sued Tenpenny in the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, accusing her of failing to pay her taxes in 2001, 2012 and in 2013.

    With the addition of late fees and penalties, the DOJ argues Tenpenny owes a total of $646,929.82.

    Tenpenny spoke to Cleveland.com and told reporters she has been unfairly targeted by the feds and claims she has tried for years to clear up her tax issues.

    “This shows what the IRS can do to a person that they target,” she told Cleveland.com's Adam Ferrise. “This is a total harassment case. They’ve been doing this to me for 23 years.”…….

    Sigh. My PCP was asked to leave the practice for prescribing ivermectin and went to work with the Tenpenny loon.

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