Right wing nuts thread (13 Viewers)

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    If Gianforte believes “fair-chase” hunting is shooting a collared animal stuck in a trap, no wonder that under his tenure, starting teacher salary in our state has fallen to 51st in the nation(that’s right, a territory beat us!). No wonder his approval rating is at a miserable 37%. No wonder he couldn’t be bothered to explain why the property taxes on his privately owned home went down last year, while virtually everyone else around him got a tax hike………
    And unless he's term-limited, he'll be easily re-elected. Take note, Louisiana. Someone far worse is running this state.
    Employees of the far-right website Gateway Pundit, which has played a key role in spreading lies about the 2020 election, were worried contributors were not credible and expressed concerns about plagiarism, a court filing last month revealed.

    Lawyers for Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss, two Georgia election workers suing the site for defamation, made the disclosure in a 16 April court filing seeking a court order forcing the website to turn over more internal documents.

    They said they had obtained text messages from Gateway Pundit’s director of operations and associate editor “expressing concerns that a contributor engaged in plagiarism and made claims without any sources”.

    “Documents produced by third parties but not by Defendants show that TGP’s staff had major concerns as to the professionalism, reliability, and honesty of several contributors, including Jordan Conradson, who wrote some of the defamatory Articles,” the lawyers wrote in the filing in circuit court in St Louis, Missouri.

    Conradson, 22, is a Gateway Pundit writer who rose to prominence covering the widely criticized “audit” of Maricopa county’s 2020 election results and frequently posts stories with false information about elections. He wrote two 2021 stories for Gateway Pundit cited in the lawsuit containing language that falsely accused Freeman and Moss of fraud.……

    Attorneys for Freeman and Moss also said in their filing that John Burns, a lawyer for Gateway Pundit, had warned the site about relying on Kevin Moncla, a source in Georgia who fed the site information on Freeman and Moss, including their non-public personnel files, according to the filing. “Moncla is a known fabricator. I wouldn’t touch/publish anything he produces,” Burns reportedly wrote, calling him “a gosh darneded fraud”.

    Freeman and Moss’s attorneys also said they had a message in which Moncla said, “I will help you nail these birches,” referring to Moss and Freeman. Amid Burns’s concerns, David Cross, another source, vouched for Moncla, the lawyers said in their filing.….

    There’s not much context needed for the case Arizona Republican Blake Masters made for his House candidacy in a video shared by his campaign Tuesday.

    The clip begins with Masters talking about how he wants to battle technology companies and address inflation should he be sent to Washington by Arizona voters. Arizona voters chose not to send him to Washington in 2022, when he was running for the Senate and when his campaign platform involved similar issues.

    Then Masters transitions to direct, personal attacks on his best-known opponent, Abe Hamadeh. (Hamadeh also failed to win his 2022 election, when he ran for attorney general. He got more statewide votes than Masters, though.)

    Another reason he deserved election, Masters said, was “my family. I’ve got a wonderful wife. I’ve got four beautiful boys. That’s called skin in the game. Okay? I’m trying to protect these boys and your kids and grandkids, too, from illegal immigration. So what we don’t need is someone with no wife and kids, right? No skin in the game.”

    He continued on the theme of the dangers of immigration.
“We don’t need someone who’s supported amnesty in the past,” he said, charging Hamadeh with having supported past immigration reform legislation.

    Then back to the personal: “We don’t need someone who owes his entire existence in this country to illegal immigration. We need someone hardcore on illegal immigration. And that’s me.”

    The reference to Hamadeh’s “existence” is to the immigration status of Hamadeh’s father, who reportedly overstayed a visa after arriving in the United States from Syria before Hamadeh was born.

    The candidate’s father later faced a deportation order, but it was revoked after Hamadeh’s father appealed, citing, among other things, his U.S.-born children.

    There’s not much point in granting Masters the benefit of the doubt in framing Hamadeh’s family background in starkly negative terms.

    This is a candidate who released an ad last month highlighting the same claims — and showing a photo of Hamadeh during a visit to Mecca. Hamadeh, who is not Muslim, was visiting while serving in the military. The insinuation from Masters was not subtle.

    But we should rewind to Masters’s first point, that somehow Hamadeh doesn’t have a vested interest in the issue of immigration (and, presumably, other issues of importance) because he doesn’t have children. It’s a sweeping claim — one that overlaps with the rest of the xenophobic attacks Masters offered…….

    Employees of the far-right website Gateway Pundit, which has played a key role in spreading lies about the 2020 election, were worried contributors were not credible and expressed concerns about plagiarism, a court filing last month revealed.

    Lawyers for Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss, two Georgia election workers suing the site for defamation, made the disclosure in a 16 April court filing seeking a court order forcing the website to turn over more internal documents.

    They said they had obtained text messages from Gateway Pundit’s director of operations and associate editor “expressing concerns that a contributor engaged in plagiarism and made claims without any sources”.

    “Documents produced by third parties but not by Defendants show that TGP’s staff had major concerns as to the professionalism, reliability, and honesty of several contributors, including Jordan Conradson, who wrote some of the defamatory Articles,” the lawyers wrote in the filing in circuit court in St Louis, Missouri.

    Conradson, 22, is a Gateway Pundit writer who rose to prominence covering the widely criticized “audit” of Maricopa county’s 2020 election results and frequently posts stories with false information about elections. He wrote two 2021 stories for Gateway Pundit cited in the lawsuit containing language that falsely accused Freeman and Moss of fraud.……

    Attorneys for Freeman and Moss also said in their filing that John Burns, a lawyer for Gateway Pundit, had warned the site about relying on Kevin Moncla, a source in Georgia who fed the site information on Freeman and Moss, including their non-public personnel files, according to the filing. “Moncla is a known fabricator. I wouldn’t touch/publish anything he produces,” Burns reportedly wrote, calling him “a gosh darneded fraud”.

    Freeman and Moss’s attorneys also said they had a message in which Moncla said, “I will help you nail these birches,” referring to Moss and Freeman. Amid Burns’s concerns, David Cross, another source, vouched for Moncla, the lawyers said in their filing.….

    Gateway Pundit is one of my neighbor's primary sources of news. I've known her for 25 years and she thinks they're not only legitimate news, she thinks they're great. :covri:
    wasn't sure what thread to put this in. Also posted in EE in conspiracy theory thread

    The internet has been a huge boon for the accessibility of information. There are very few barriers to consuming classic literature or detailed scientific analyses or catalogues of news reports. There is also an exorbitant amount of garbage information, of course, and an entire universe of people who say stuff that they think will get people to click links that will earn themselves money.

    While confidence in American institutions has been in decline for some time, it’s not hard to imagine how the economic incentives of the internet contribute. There is an outsize appetite for derogatory, counterintuitive or anti-institutional assessments of the world around us. This is in part because alleged scandals are interesting and in part because Americans like to view themselves as independent analysts of the world around us.

    The result is that there is both a supply and a demand for nonsense or appealingly framed errors. Americans who have little trust in the system can easily find something to reinforce their skepticism. They often do.

    This month, Nieman Lab’s Josh Benton reported on research released last year that showed how people “doing their own research” on the internet often led them to gain more confidence in untrue information. The paper, titled “Online searches to evaluate misinformation can increase its perceived veracity,” was written by researchers from the University of Central Florida, New York University and Stanford. Their conclusions were straightforward.

    “Although conventional wisdom suggests that searching online when evaluating misinformation would reduce belief in it, there is little empirical evidence to evaluate this claim,” the authors wrote. Instead, they continued: “We present consistent evidence that online search to evaluate the truthfulness of false news articles actually increases the probability of believing them.”

    Later, they summarize the process, “When individuals search online about misinformation, they are more likely to be exposed to lower-quality information than when individuals search about true news” and “those who are exposed to low-quality information are more likely to believe false/misleading news stories to be true relative to those who are not.”

    Look for info; see bad info; accept the bad info.

    The mechanism is explored at length but, in short, false claims or other rumors often generate fewer hits on Google, meaning searchers are more likely to encounter unreliable information that aligns with their assumptions. (The paper is dense; Benton’s summary is useful.)...............

    If Trump is convicted and sentenced to prison it sounds like she'd have to be put on suicide watch

    VERO BEACH, Fla. — It would be easy enough for Laura Loomer to prove how much she means to Donald Trump. She just needed a way for us to bump into him.

    The plan: Leave Vero Beach at 9 a.m. on Wednesday morning. That would give us enough time to swing by Starbucks — “I’m not one of those conservatives who hates Starbucks,” Loomer said — and hit Interstate 95 southbound as rush hour waned. Arrive at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach around 11:30 a.m.; her name would be on the list, as a guest of a club member who routinely plays golf with the former president. Head to the oak-paneled dining room, or maybe the veranda, for lunch. Trump would finish his round of golf not long after that. If he came by the dining area — though he often came by the dining area — he would say hello.

    “Tomorrow we’ll go down and you’ll get to see firsthand that it’s a bunch of bull---- that they say that Trump doesn’t like me,” she said. “Because Trump likes me.”

    Loomer, a far-right activist and former Republican congressional candidate, has plenty of evidence that Trump likes her. There are all the times he’s boosted her videos on Truth Social. There was the event last summer, at Trump’s New Jersey golf club, when the former president spotted Loomer on the rope line and invited her onto his private balcony.

    There was the shout-out at a rally in Iowa, in January, when Trump praised her as “a very important person, politically.” There were the former president’s invitations to fly on Trump Force One, his Boeing 757 — Loomer remembers being a passenger three times, Trump aides recall only two — bobbing along to Sinéad O’Connor’s “Nothing Compares 2 U” en route from Palm Beach to Des Moines last January.

    There’s also the fact that Trump reportedly wanted to hire her for a campaign role last spring, before aides intervened.

    So she’s been working toward a second coming of Trump on her own, as something of a cheerleader-slash-opposition researcher. Loomer has made Trump’s causes her own since 2015, when Trump accused Mexico of sending “rapists” across the border and called for a “complete and total shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States.

    That kind of incendiary rhetoric didn’t keep Trump out of the White House, but Loomer’s anti-Islam utterances, among other alleged terms-of-use violations, cost her access to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

    She can’t use Lyft or Uber (including Uber Eats) because she criticized the companies for employing “Islamic immigrant driver.” (“I’m not anti-Muslim,” she told me, “but I am anti-Islam.”) She claims PayPal, Venmo, Cash App and GoFundMe also booted her.

    None of this has chastened Loomer, who maintains she’s done nothing wrong. “I actually collect Mohammed cartoons,” she told me at one point, referring to the prophet of Islam, the depiction of whom is considered offensive among Muslims.

    She has a copy of a January 2015 cover of Charlie Hebdo — the one depicting a tearful Mohammed, published in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the headquarters of the French satirical magazine. “It’s iconic,” she says of the magazine cover. “It’s about free speech. It’s a testament to how barbaric Islam is.”

    Loomer is too much for even her ostensible allies in the MAGA-friendly media to stomach. She often claims Fox News has blacklisted her and laments that the right-wing media personalities of Turning Point USA and the Daily Wire don’t invite her on their shows — even though they’re quick to applaud her handiwork online.

    A Fox News spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment; a spokesperson for Turning Point USA said that Loomer has attended their events and that hosts have shared her reporting. In a recent post on X, Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing called Loomer “occasionally effective,” if also “occasionally hyperbolic” and “prone to seeing correlation as causation and connection as conspiracy.”...............

    People around the former president apparently see her as a liability at a time when the Trump campaign (if not the candidate himself ) is making a conscious effort to make their man appear less extreme, according to several sources close to the campaign’s inner circle. Loomer is friendly with Trump’s campaign staff and hung around with them at hotels in Iowa and New Hampshire. And yet, no one wanted to discuss Loomer on the record. “No thank u,” texted Justin Caporale, Trump’s deputy campaign manager for operations, when I asked whether he’d chat with me about her.

    “She scares people in Trumpworld,” says Bannon. “They would refer to her as a grenade with a pin in it.”

    But even if top aides wish Trump would keep his distance from Loomer, there’s not much they can do — he just loves her so much. Loomer says that he’s called her and sent handwritten notes thanking her for her efforts. In March, at Mar-a-Lago, Trump wrapped his arm around her waist, telling onlookers, “She’s a lot softer than people realize.”

    Loomer is dead-set on landing a role in a second Trump administration, no matter what his aides think. (“That will never happen in any way shape or form,” said a person close to Trump’s advisers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak for the campaign.) Either way, she sees the stakes of his reelection as dire — not just for the country, but for her.

    “I don’t really have much of a life, you know?” Loomer says. “So I’m happy to dedicate all my time to helping Trump, because if Trump doesn’t get back in, I don’t have anything.”.............

    Loomer categorizes herself as an investigative journalist, and lately she’s been focused on what she sees as the sinister forces behind Trump’s legal woes. In the case of another judge — Juan Merchan, who is overseeing Trump’s New York criminal case — Loomer surfaced details about Merchan’s daughter’s work at a Democrat-aligned digital marketing firm. Trump’s lawyers echoed those details in a court motion asking the judge to remove himself from the trial. (The judge denied the motion but expanded Trump’s gag order to include members of Merchan’s family after he called the daughter a “Rabid Trump Hater.”)

    Loomer saw in the episode a direct line between herself and the former president. “Trump saw my posts,” she says. “I know he saw them.”

    She’s also been focused on immigrants — “I call them ‘invaders’ because that’s what they are,” she says. (She means all immigrants, not just those who are undocumented, and would like to see a 20-year moratorium on all forms of immigration.) Before my visit, Loomer had floated the idea of me accompanying her to the Florida Keys, where we’d take a boat to “track down illegal aliens.” (I declined, and we decided to try to track down Trump instead.)......

    I just saw this - if true, this is horrible. How can this be right?

    That's just proof that if you have a lot of money and a good lawyer, you can pretty much get away with anything short of murder, and even murder sometimes.

    Equal justice under law is a nice idea, but doesn't happen in practice.
    Backlash and damage control continues

    …….Amid widespread disbelief that a contender to be selected as Donald Trump’s running mate would commit such a tale to paper, many observers deemed Noem’s hopes of national office as dead as Cricket and the unnamed goat.

    Noem defended her story on Friday, saying it demonstrated the harsh realities of rural life that only recently saw her family put down three horses too.

    But animal rights groups condemned Noem.

    “There’s no rational and plausible excuse for Noem shooting a juvenile dog for normal puppy-like behavior,” said a statement from Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy.

    “If she is unable to handle an animal, ask a family member or a neighbor to help. If training and socializing the dog doesn’t work, then give the dog to a more caring family or to a shelter for adoption.

    “Raising and caring for a dog takes patience and kindness. Tens of millions of Americans who know and love dogs have to wonder about a person who expresses hatred for a young female dog and kills her.”

    Meanwhile, one activist wrote to police Friday asking them “to ascertain whether all the legal and ethical guidelines were followed, given the high-profile nature of the incident”.

    “Governor Kristi Noem … has publicly stated that she shot and killed her own dog,” said the missive that Chaz Stevens, the chief executive officer of ESADoggy, sent to police. “This incident raises significant concerns about animal welfare and the circumstances that led to such a drastic action.

    In her Sunday post, Noem said: “What I learned from my years of public service, especially leading South Dakota through Covid, is people are looking for leaders who are authentic, willing to learn from the past, and don’t shy away from tough challenges.

    “My hope is anyone reading this book will have an understanding that I always work to make the best decisions I can for the people in my life.

    “The fact is, South Dakota law states that dogs who attack and kill livestock can be put down. Given that Cricket had shown aggressive behavior toward people by biting them, I decided what I did.”

    According to the South Dakota legislature, livestock “means cattle, sheep, horses, mules, swine, goats, and buffalo”.…….

    “Even though I’m being crucified and my future prospects are going up in flames if you want the exonerating truth about this you have to buy and read my book”

    South Dakota Gov Kristi Noem has blamed the “fake news” media for stirring up controversy over the killing of her young dog, which she detailed in her new memoir.

    Ms Noem, who has been touted as a potential Donald Trump running mate in November, made yet another attempt to explain her putting down of 14-month-old “working dog”Cricket during an appearance on Fox News.

    “Well, Sean, you know how the fake news works. They leave out some or most of the facts of a story, they put the worst spin on it. And that’s what’s happened in this case,” Ms Noem told Hannity.

    “I hope people really do buy this book and they find out the truth of the story because the truth of the story is that this was a working dog and it was not a puppy. It was a dog that was extremely dangerous.”………

    Noem has another issue with her book. Made up stories to make herself look tough.

    Did she also call children tyrants? Church going children at that?
    Yeah, and that was a joke. What she did was make up a meeting with Kim Jong Un that never happened. Saying she stood up to him in person.
    Rumor is she told this story in the first place because Trump hates dogs and thought this would endear him to him


    Although in true Trump fashion he appears to be more bothered by publicly telling how she killed these than the actual killing of the dog

    …….Meanwhile, a Republican fundraiser which Noem was supposed to headline had to be canceled after threats against the event staff, hotel venue and governor, according to organizers.

    And in one of the clearest signs yet that she has fallen out of contention to be Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate in November’s election, as she once was, Rolling Stone published a report quoting multiple sources close to the former president who assured he was “disgusted” by her dog-killing story…….

    Rounding out the South Dakota governor’s Friday was the Rolling Stone report based on sources of the publication who recounted how Trump has expressed disgust with Noem’s killing of Cricket in closed-door meetings and telephone conversations.

    “Why would she do that?” Trump – who is grappling with nearly 90 felony criminal charges, among other legal problems – was quoted as saying. “What is wrong with her?”

    Rolling Stone added: “He has expressed bewilderment that she would have ever admitted to doing this, willingly and in her own writing, and has argued it demonstrates she has a poor grasp of ‘public relations’.”

    The publication also wrote that Trump’s responses were leaked to definitively eliminate Noem from vice-presidential contention.…….

    Ben Shapiro vs Candace Owens - who ya got?

    A conservative news site co-founded by Ben Shapiro secretly obtained a gag order against its former host Candace Owens even while publicly negotiating to debate her, according to a new report.

    The Daily Wire, which "ended its relationship" with Ms Owens in March after clashes over Israel and antisemitism, has repeatedly said it wants to organise a debate between her and Mr Shapiro.

    But on Thursday, the veteran journalist Glenn Greenwald reported that The Daily Wire had persuaded a private arbitrator to ban Ms Owens from publicly disparaging the company, citing her demand for debate as an example.

    The company reportedly told the arbitrator that while it did not object to "healthy debate" in principle, her method of requesting and negotiating it constituted a breach of her contract.

    "The Daily Wire has ensured that the debate with Owens that they publicly claimed to want could not, in fact, take place," wrote Mr Greenwald, who did not explain the source for his story.…..


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