Right wing nuts thread (5 Viewers)

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    Article probably too political for the EE thread in this song

    Ever since video of Oliver Anthony belting out his latest song went viral, Republican politicians have hailed it as a cry of protest from the raw heart of blue-collar, right-wing America.

    In their telling, the song captures the sufferings and indignities inflicted on the working class by the elites described in its title, “Rich Men North of Richmond.”

    Anthony’s lyrics surely speak to millions of struggling Americans: “I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day / overtime hours for bulls--- pay,” he sings.

    But you know who else will love this song? The “rich men north of Richmond,” that’s who.

    With Republicans such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia hailing this song as “the anthem of the forgotten Americans,” wealthy elites north and south of Richmond will be just fine with that.

    The song seems to lambaste these elites for inequality and working-class suffering, but it actually channels much of the blame in a very different direction. That’s a key reason Republicans like it so much……

    GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — Against the background hum of the convention center, Dar Leaf settled into a club chair to explain the sacred mission of America’s sheriffs, his bright blue eyes and warm smile belying the intensity of the cause.

    “The sheriff is supposed to be protecting the public from evil,” the chief law enforcement officer for Barry County, Michigan, said during a break in the National Sheriffs’ Association 2023 conference in June. “When your government is evil or out of line, that’s what the sheriff is there for, protecting them from that.”

    Leaf is on the advisory board of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, founded in 2011 by former Arizona sheriff Richard Mack. The group, known as CSPOA, teaches that elected sheriffs must “protect their citizens from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government” by refusing to enforce any law they deem unconstitutional or “unjust.”

    “The safest way to actually achieve that is to have local law enforcement understand that they have no obligation to enforce such laws,” Mack said in an interview. “They’re not laws at all anyway. If they’re unjust laws, they are laws of tyranny.”

    The sheriffs group has railed against gun control laws, COVID-19 mask mandates and public health restrictions, as well as alleged election fraud. It has also quietly spread its ideology across the country, seeking to become more mainstream in part by securing state approval for taxpayer-funded law enforcement training, the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism found.

    Over the last five years, the group has hosted trainings, rallies, speeches and meetings in at least 30 states for law enforcement officers, political figures, private organizations and members of the public, according to the Howard Center’s seven-month probe, conducted in collaboration with the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting.

    The group has held formal trainings on its “constitutional” curriculum for law enforcement officers in at least 13 of those states. In six states, the training was approved for officers’ continuing education credits. The group also has supporters who sit on three state boards in charge of law enforcement training standards.

    Legal experts warn that such training — especially when it’s approved for state credit — can undermine the democratic processes enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and is part of what Mary McCord, a former federal prosecutor and executive director of the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown University, called a “broader insurrectionist ideology” that has gripped the nation since the 2020 presidential election.

    “They have no authority, not under their state constitutions or implementing statutes to decide what’s constitutional and what’s not constitutional. That’s what courts have the authority to do, not sheriffs,” McCord said.

    “There’s another sort of evil lurking there,” McCord added, “because CSPOA is now essentially part of a broader movement in the United States to think it’s OK to use political violence if we disagree with some sort of government policy.”………

    Words have actual meanings, you know, like definitions. Do they not know that?

    An old story (Apr 2023) but....Dude.
    Turns out this week’s flap over a Dear Leader-style item on the questionnaire for people hoping to serve on Arkansas boards and commissions can be chalked up to a simple design error.

    That’s what a spokesperson for Gov. Sarah Sanders told reporter Doug Thompson at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

    News broke this week that the online application for people hoping to serve on one of Arkansas’s dozens of boards and commissions included the question, “What is an accomplishment of the Governor’s that you admire the most?” The next day, that online application form was missing. It’s back up now, but the questions are different.

    And sure, the Sanders administration’s explanation about the snafu makes sense. Who among us hasn’t accidentally required job applicants to write 500-word essays on how great we are?
    The founder and sponsor of a far-right network of secretive, men-only, invitation-only fraternal lodges in the US is a former industrialist who has frequently speculated about his future as a warlord after the collapse of America, a Guardian investigation has found.

    Federal and state tax and company filings show that the Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR) and its creator, Charles Haywood, also have financial ties with the far-right Claremont Institute.

    SACR’s most recent IRS filing names Haywood as the national organization’s principal officer. Other filings identify three lodges in Idaho – in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Moscow – and another in Dallas, Texas.

    SACR’s public-facing presence is confined to a slick one-page website advertising the organization’s goal as “civilizational renaissance”, and a society “with strong leadership committed to family and culture”.

    The site claims SACR is “raising accountable leaders to help build thriving communities of free citizens” who will rebuild “the frontier-conquering spirit of America”. It condemns “those who rule today”, saying that they “corrupt the sinews of America”, “[alienate] men from family, community, and God” and promising to “counter and conquer this poison”.

    It also prominently features SACR’s cross-like insignia or “mark” which it describes variously as symbolizing “sword and shield” and the rejection of “Modernist philosophies and heresies”.

    Finally, the site advises that SACR membership “is organized primarily around local groups overseen by a national superstructure” and “is by invitation only”, offering an email address for those “interested in learning more”.……

    One idea he has repeatedly raised on the website is that he might serve as a “warlord” at the head of an “armed patronage network” or “APN”, defined as an “organizing device in conditions where central authority has broken down” in which the warlord’s responsibility is “the short- and long-term protection, military and otherwise, of those who recognize his authority and act, in part, at his behest”.

    The “possibilities involving violence” that APNs might face, Haywood writes include “more-or-less open warfare with the federal government, or some subset or remnant of it”.

    Further on, Haywood writes: “At this moment I preside over what amounts to a extended, quite sizeable, compound, which when complete I like to say, accurately, will be impervious to anything but direct organized military attack”, adding that “it requires a group of men to make it work… what I call ‘shooters’–say fifteen able-bodied, and adequately trained, men.”

    These “shooters”, Haywood explains, “can operate my compound, both defensively and administratively”, meanwhile, “I have the personality, and skills, to lead such a group.”…….

    Funny how they want to connect the dots to crazy conspiracies, but refuse to connect the dots to the inforamtion right in front of their face.

    Also the same folks who will eat this up are the same people who scream that celebrities should keep their opinions to themselves when they disagree with that opinion.
    TBF, it's the heart of their defense! None of them can admit that they didn't believe the election was stolen, that's their story and they are force to stick with it.
    But it doesn’t matter if they believed it or not, or so I’ve been told.

    Even if the election was actually stolen (which we know it wasn’t) - they are not allowed to break the law. You cannot take illegal measures, which they did. They exhausted their legal avenues, they provided no proof that would sway even Trump judges, nor Republican election authorities.

    What they actually did was sedition, they are lucky to not be charged with that.

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