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    Well-known member
    Oct 5, 2019
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    I figured we needed a thread specifically about the media.

    There was a very big correction recently by the Washington Post.

    That story was supposedly "independently confirmed" by CNN, NBC News, USA Today, ABC News, & PBS News Hour. How could they all have gotten the quote wrong if they actually independently confirmed the story?

    Why do all the errors always go in one political direction and not closer to 50/50?
    This is the kind of thing that drives people to independent media

    Right like Beitbart or the Gateway Pundit who never met a pile of excrement they wouldn’t throw against the wall.
    Last edited:
    That's literally called plagiarism.

    so I am reading that Gorsuch has done the exact same thing as Dr. Gay. I’m sure you will be calling for his resignation now, right? Right?

    I don’t actually care how Harvard decides to handle this - it’s their decision. I just cannot stand a double standard. Women and POC have been living with these types of obvious double standards forever. And it sucks out loud and we’re tired of it.
    so I am reading that Gorsuch has done the exact same thing as Dr. Gay. I’m sure you will be calling for his resignation now, right? Right?

    I don’t actually care how Harvard decides to handle this - it’s their decision. I just cannot stand a double standard. Women and POC have been living with these types of obvious double standards forever. And it sucks out loud and we’re tired of it.
    Sooooo predictable. The author is sucking up to Gorsuch. It was entirely lifted from her writing, entire paragraphs, which is what the guy in the first tweet is saying. Do you read what you post?

    He should have put quotes around it and not just footnote it. That is technically just as wrong as what Dr. Gay did.
    Sooooo predictable. The author is sucking up to Gorsuch. It was entirely lifted from her writing, entire paragraphs, which is what the guy in the first tweet is saying. Do you read what you post?

    He should have put quotes around it and not just footnote it. That is technically just as wrong as what Dr. Gay did.
    You just have an excuse for everything.

    Serious question with no disrespect intended. Have you ever worked for the Democrat Party or been a consultant or anything like that?
    You just have an excuse for everything.

    Serious question with no disrespect intended. Have you ever worked for the Democrat Party or been a consultant or anything like that?
    Of course not. And I have never donated a dime to any political campaign until after Trump got elected. I’m still completely gobsmacked that enough people will vote for that slimy, pathological con-man and grifter that he even won one election.

    I have been an independent voter my entire life. I was raised to be that way. Until the GOP embraced Trump and lost their damn minds, that is. I really don’t ever see myself voting for another R at this point. They’ve completely alienated me with their refusal to stand up to Trump.

    At least with Nixon there were men of principle in the GOP who went to him and told him he had to resign or they had the votes to impeach him. Trump has done far, far worse than anything Nixon could ever dream of, and there is nobody with enough integrity left in the GOP to say anything about him.

    BTW: it’s not an excuse to say Gorsuch should have put the paragraphs he copied in quotes. He definitely should have done so and it reveals the double standard that exists. The woman author just flat out excuses him, and the slimeballs like Rufo are dancing around celebrating that they brought a black woman down. It’s particularly yucky.
    Of course not. And I have never donated a dime to any political campaign until after Trump got elected. I’m still completely gobsmacked that enough people will vote for that slimy, pathological con-man and grifter that he even won one election.

    I have been an independent voter my entire life. I was raised to be that way. Until the GOP embraced Trump and lost their damn minds, that is. I really don’t ever see myself voting for another R at this point. They’ve completely alienated me with their refusal to stand up to Trump.

    At least with Nixon there were men of principle in the GOP who went to him and told him he had to resign or they had the votes to impeach him. Trump has done far, far worse than anything Nixon could ever dream of, and there is nobody with enough integrity left in the GOP to say anything about him.

    BTW: it’s not an excuse to say Gorsuch should have put the paragraphs he copied in quotes. He definitely should have done so and it reveals the double standard that exists. The woman author just flat out excuses him, and the slimeballs like Rufo are dancing around celebrating that they brought a black woman down. It’s particularly yucky.
    Okay I was just wondering because you sound like you have worked for the Democrat Party.

    Had to play the race card huh? Reaching
    Okay I was just wondering because you sound like you have worked for the Democrat Party.

    Had to play the race card huh? Reaching
    With Rufo - it’s a very, very safe bet to play the race card. He is a racist Peice of work.
    With Rufo - it’s a very, very safe bet to play the race card. He is a racist Peice of work.
    Well we know that the Democrats playbook is to accuse anyone they want to discredit of being a racist, white supremacist, or antisemitic.

    So you didn't have anything that showed Rufo was being a racist? You just figured he was?
    Well we know that the Democrats playbook is to accuse anyone they want to discredit of being a racist, white supremacist, or antisemitic.

    So you didn't have anything that showed Rufo was being a racist? You just figured he was?
    No, I know he is. I don’t have chapter and verse at the ready. Give me a minute.

    Rufo has attacked the idea of systemic racism, and denied that racism exists today. In my experience the only people who fly in the face of reality enough to deny that racism exists are those who carry that burden in their souls. Nobody else would go to that extreme of denying reality in that way.

    This is an in-depth article about him. He isn’t stupid, but he lies repeatedly in service RW culture wars.

    So these 10 accounts are just full of lies, even to the point that the Community Notes of Twitter has to try to reel them in more than other accounts. Yet, they are but the tip of the iceberg there.

    Seems like I recognize some of those names from SFL posts, lol.

    Well we know that the Democrats playbook is to accuse anyone they want to discredit of being a racist, white supremacist, or antisemitic.
    How is that any different than the constant labeling you do of anyone you disagree with and want to discredit?

    Sure, you use different labels, but you're still doing the exact same thing.

    We journalists lament that we have used the term uncharted waters so often in recent years to describe the state of American politics that the term has almost ceased to register. But what else can we call this? What words feel adequate to the challenge of reporting on what is shaping up to be yet another presidential election year of, yes, uncharted waters covering a Republican frontrunner who may well spend more time in court than on the campaign trail in these coming months?

    So how do we cover this? What have we learned from covering the elections of 2016 and 2020? How can we do better? How do we earn back public trust? I'm going to put these questions to a man who ran the newsrooms of the Miami Herald and The Boston Globe, and then took over The Washington Post in 2013 and steered that newsroom through Donald Trump's presidency. Martin Baron wrote about it all in his recent memoir, "Collision Of Power." Marty Baron, welcome to ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.

    MARTIN BARON: Thanks for having me.

    KELLY: There's so much discussion these days, as you know, over whether democracy is on the line in next year's election. Do you believe it is?

    BARON: Yes, I absolutely do believe it is. All you have to do is listen to what Donald Trump has been talking about, what he says he's going to do in another administration. He's the only politician I've heard actually talk about suspending the Constitution. He's talked about using the military to suppress entirely legitimate protests using the Insurrection Act. He's talked about bringing treason charges against the then-outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He's talked about bringing treason charges against Comcast, the owner of NBC and MSNBC. He's talked explicitly about weaponizing the government against his political enemies. And, of course, he continues to talk about crushing an independent press. So all of those, by nature, by definition, are authoritarian in nature.

    KELLY: So let's turn to our role as long-standing members of an independent press. If one believes, as I gather you do, that good journalism is an act of patriotism. What does that look like these days?

    BARON: Well, I think we have to be clear about what a second Trump administration would look like. We also have to look at what a second Biden administration would look like and see what his plans are. But with regard to Trump, he's being very explicit about what he intends to do when he's talking about...…..

    Well we know that the Democrats playbook is to accuse anyone they want to discredit of being a racist, white supremacist, or antisemitic.

    So you didn't have anything that showed Rufo was being a racist? You just figured he was?
    Well, the Republican playbook is to call anyone they hate (which is people to the left of George Wallace) socialists, communists, atheists, anti-American, not “real” Americans, snowflakes and social justice warriors. Get the plank out of your eye.

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