Harris VP watch (2 Viewers)

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    “Wah! I want the freedom to catch and spread a deadly novel virus before science can catch up and figure out a treatment or a vaccine.” Sincerely, libertarians probably.

    Honestly, the selfishness and childishness is just off the charts. Every place that had restrictions relaxed them once we had vaccines and treatments. If my neighbor hadn’t listened to people telling her to not “live her life in fear” she might still be alive today.

    I am completely disillusioned that libertarians and most conservatives are reasonable people. They just aren’t.
    Got'em! Next, you're going to show us that he had 2yrs left on his "enlistment" when he quit!

    Nvmd the fact that he was eligible to retire at any time after 20yrs of service. I'm not going to pretend to know how long the retirement process takes for "Weekend Warriors" but for the Regular Services, you can "drop" your papers 1 year prior to your desired retirement date but no later than 180 days.

    So, if his retirement date was in May '05 and if the weekend warrior process matches the regular service's, he likely dropped his papers long before that March '05 statement. Either way, he served Honorably and deserved to retire at any point past his 20 years of service.

    It's just stupid that we are even having this debate about a Weekend Warrior's "service" record based off of another Weekend Warrior's uniformed feelings.
    We wouldn't be having this debate if Walz didn't mislead people into believing that he was in combat or that he served in Afghanistan.
    As usual, you're wrong. Walz did serve in SUPPORT of Enduring Freedom. That doesn't mean he was in combat. The hack in that video misinterprets a picture that said he served in Support to mean he was in combat. He didn't say he was in combat in the picture.
    There's a big difference in serving in support of Enduring Freedom in Italy and participating in Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

    Walz clearly wanted people to think he served in Afghanistan. Here is he is lying about using weapons of war in war.

    Also, Walz did achieve the rank of Command Sergeant Major, and only retired as a Master Sergeant for benefits purposes, because he didn't finish a course. He wasn't demoted.

    He didn't retire as a Master Sergeant and he should stop telling people he did.

    On its website, the Harris campaign axed a reference to Walz as a “retired command sergeant major” and now says that he once served at the command sergeant major rank — a small change that nonetheless reflects his true rank at retirement from the Army National Guard. Walz, the governor of Minnesota, served for 24 years in the National Guard before retiring in 2005 from the military to run for the U.S. House, where he became the most senior enlisted soldier to serve in Congress.

    I think the draft dodger ticket should keep on harping on this. It only serves to highlight how Trump skirted his responsibilities by claiming bone spurs, that seemingly have miraculously disappeared. It is a fantastic topic for the Harris/Walz ticket. I hope they keep nit-picking Walz' honorable service, so all of the horrible insults that Trump has cast towards veterans bubble to surface for everyone to be reminded about again. I'm sure independents will know who the good team is with respect to honorable service.
    Walz would have been fine if he hadnt lied and misled people about his military record.

    Walz service is honorable and should be respected.

    His lying and misleading about his military record deserves to be called out.
    We wouldn't be having this debate if Walz didn't mislead people into believing that he was in combat or that he served in Afghanistan.
    We wouldn’t be having this conversation if you and other MAGAs had a shred of integrity. But you don’t and here we are.

    You are parsing words and smearing a 24-year veteran while you support a draft dodger who said military personnel who were killed in action were “suckers and losers” and also said he didn’t want to see any amputee vets at “his” parade because “nobody wants to see that”.

    But do go on about this. It tells us everything about you.
    There's a big difference in serving in support of Enduring Freedom in Italy and participating in Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.
    When and where did you serve? Since you seem to think you know everything about it.

    Keep smearing a man who served honorably for 24 years. Keep nitpicking whether he corrected someone or not at specific events that happened years ago.

    This is probably the lowest you’ve ever gone. You are insulting everyone who served by treating him this way. Lower than worms.
    Here he is lying about being a retired Command Sergeant Major. He retired as a Master Sergeant. Why did he think he needed to mislead people about his record?

    The chaplain of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s field artillery regiment said there is no excuse for the Democratic VP pick to have abandoned his National Guard unit before a critical deployment — not even running for Congress.

    “In our world, to drop out after a WARNORD [warning order] is issued is cowardly, especially for a senior enlisted guy,” retired Capt. Corey Bjertness, now a pastor in Horace, North Dakota, told The Post.

    Bjertness, 61, was the chaplain for the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, of which Walz was command sergeant major before retiring in 2005, two months before the unit deployed to Iraq. Walz has said he did so to run for Congress, and he was elected the next year.

    "Running for Congress is not an excuse,” Bjertness said of Walz’s decision to quit. “I stopped everything and went to war. I left my wife with three teenagers and a 6-year-old and I was gone for 19 months.”

    Thomas Behrends, the command sergeant major who replaced Walz, previously told The Post of the Minnesota governor: “He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘Screw you’ to the United States.”

    The chaplain of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s field artillery regiment said there is no excuse for the Democratic VP pick to have abandoned his National Guard unit before a critical deployment — not even running for Congress.

    “In our world, to drop out after a WARNORD [warning order] is issued is cowardly, especially for a senior enlisted guy,” retired Capt. Corey Bjertness, now a pastor in Horace, North Dakota, told The Post.

    Bjertness, 61, was the chaplain for the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, of which Walz was command sergeant major before retiring in 2005, two months before the unit deployed to Iraq. Walz has said he did so to run for Congress, and he was elected the next year.

    Running for Congress is not an excuse,” Bjertness said of Walz’s decision to quit. “I stopped everything and went to war. I left my wife with three teenagers and a 6-year-old and I was gone for 19 months.”

    Thomas Behrends, the command sergeant major who replaced Walz, previously told The Post of the Minnesota governor: “He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘Screw you’ to the United States.”

    Did you know that Behrends is super-MAGA and got PAID to write that letter? And he never even met Walz, and has no idea why he decided to retire - which was before his unit was informed it was going to be deployed.

    He “had the opportunity to serve his country”? YES - he served for 24 YEARS. Behrends is a Peice of work for doing this.

    If the NG needed him they would have put a “stop loss” on his retirement. But they didn’t because at the time he filed the unit was fully staffed and had no orders to deploy.

    You are a liar and are spitting on every person who ever served. All in the service of a draft dodger. Lower than worms is what you are.
    Also - as far as “serving during wartime” I was under the impression that the Army makes no distinction where you served, as long as you served during that time period. Maybe one of the actual veterans on here can clarify.

    The man suffered significant hearing loss due to his long term exposure to artillery. He achieved the highest enlisted rank in the Army. He had his 20 years in before 9/11, was planning to retire, and decided to re-up after 9/11.

    He opposed the war in Afghanistan. He decided to run for Congress on a platform that included opposition to the war. He had to retire in order to speak freely about that, where at first he thought he could stay in and run for Congress, it became apparent that wasn’t going to work. While in Congress he worked to get the war stopped, unsuccessfully. He served on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and championed causes for Veterans.

    People who are shirtting on him deserve nothing but contempt, scorn and derision. Especially, especially if they didn’t serve themselves. Contempt, scorn and derision. They are worms, every last one of them.
    Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin retired with two Legion of Merits, and two Bronze Star.

    Laura Coates from CNN interviews Tim Walz's former Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin. He definitively lays out the case of Walz abandoning his unit with knowledge of deployment in Nov of 2004, 6-7 months before he put in his retirement request. Along the way Walz assured he was going forward with the battalion/deployment. Then Walz went 2 levels above Julin (his chain of command) to put in retirement as his unit was getting ready to deploy.
    Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin retired with two Legion of Merits, and two Bronze Star.
    Minnesota National Guard says the opposite. The problem for Trump and his minions is that Americans know Trump and his minions are liars, and that they have a knack for finding people who will lie for them.

    People believed Bush was honest, that's why the Swift Boat attack worked. This won't work, because everyone knows that Trump and his minions lie about everything and everyone.
    This is nothing but “swift-boating” and the man who did it to John Kerry just happens to be one of Trump’s “handlers” for the campaign. Malcom Nance explains the term (emphasis mine):

    “DEFINITION: “Swiftboats” were small high speed armed River boats used in the Vietnam War to patrol areas along the marshes and in the mountains on the river.

    Senator John Kerry was a veteran who won medals for heroism and the purple heart three times in Vietnam and commanded these boats. When he ran against George W. Bush, Chris Civita gathered right wing veterans from the swiftboat community to smear Kerry. The vets repeatedly lied on TV and said he didn’t earn any of the medals he had, that he was not brave, a coward, and that he was a disgrace.

    All of this was false. In doing so the word “swift boating” came to mean veterans that will disgrace themselves and their own community for political purposes. The swiftboat community has never recovered any sense of honor from what they did.

    Tldr; scumbag veterans that attack other honorable veterans.”
    Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin retired with two Legion of Merits, and two Bronze Star.

    Laura Coates from CNN interviews Tim Walz's former Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin. He definitively lays out the case of Walz abandoning his unit with knowledge of deployment in Nov of 2004, 6-7 months before he put in his retirement request. Along the way Walz assured he was going forward with the battalion/deployment. Then Walz went 2 levels above Julin (his chain of command) to put in retirement as his unit was getting ready to deploy.

    So this guy is butt hurt because Walz allegedly went over his head.

    Bottom line is he was entitled to retire unless he got stop- lossed.

    This whole attack is an insinuation of cowardice, which is rich coming from the worshippers of the draft dodger who thinks people who served are “suckers.”

    And of COURSE the most vocal critics are people who never served. I wonder if SFL ever did.
    This is nothing but “swift-boating” and the man who did it to John Kerry just happens to be one of Trump’s “handlers” for the campaign. Malcom Nance explains the term (emphasis mine):

    “DEFINITION: “Swiftboats” were small high speed armed River boats used in the Vietnam War to patrol areas along the marshes and in the mountains on the river.

    Senator John Kerry was a veteran who won medals for heroism and the purple heart three times in Vietnam and commanded these boats. When he ran against George W. Bush, Chris Civita gathered right wing veterans from the swiftboat community to smear Kerry. The vets repeatedly lied on TV and said he didn’t earn any of the medals he had, that he was not brave, a coward, and that he was a disgrace.

    All of this was false. In doing so the word “swift boating” came to mean veterans that will disgrace themselves and their own community for political purposes. The swiftboat community has never recovered any sense of honor from what they did.

    Tldr; scumbag veterans that attack other honorable veterans.”
    Exactly. These veterans throwing their own under the bus usually have their own agenda.
    Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin retired with two Legion of Merits, and two Bronze Star.

    Laura Coates from CNN interviews Tim Walz's former Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin. He definitively lays out the case of Walz abandoning his unit with knowledge of deployment in Nov of 2004, 6-7 months before he put in his retirement request. Along the way Walz assured he was going forward with the battalion/deployment. Then Walz went 2 levels above Julin (his chain of command) to put in retirement as his unit was getting ready to deploy.

    what gives this guy merit over Walz?
    i know , he says what you want to hear .
    there are others that say the opposite, why don't you believe them? i know, because they aren't saying what you want to hear.
    just like Mad dog Mattis. y'all loved him until Trump didn't, then all of a sudden he was a Peice of work . lol

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