General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump (2 Viewers)

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    It's Not my Fault
    Dec 2, 2021
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    Today it begins, Kamala has reached the point that she's the Democratic Party nominee:

    There's video from today. this link has video from her first public appearance since Biden endorsed her:

    She spent yesterday on the telephone for most of the day. I read that yesterday that she called the party leaders in all 50 states. That would take me three days.

    She's renamed her YouTube channel, that's the where to go for video:

    This is her video on her channel from two hours ago:

    To play it, start it, and then move it up to 5:47. This was one of those live videos which don't start at zero.

    I've named this thread General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump

    Trump needs an introduction post as well, a MAGA suporter ought to write it: @Farb, @SaintForLife , @Others, calling for someone to please introduce your GOP candidate for this 2024 general election thread.
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    Yes, no one was prepared, but Trump handled Covid horrendously. Despite initiating the development of the vaccines, for which he should get credit, he completely undermined it by constantly casting doubt on the vaccines. The U.S. ranked 14th for most deaths per million people, which is astounding, considering U.S. companies developed the vaccine! Trump's constant skepticism of the vaccine led to a very high percentage of people forgoing it, which directly led to our horrible performance on deaths.

    Look at the countries that were worse! Almost all are 3rd world countries that probably couldn't get the vaccines, except Greece and Hungary. Hungary is led by Trump's hero, so that one doesn't surprise me. I don't know the story with Greece, but our expectations should be far higher, considering the amount we spend on healthcare.
    Who started out undermining the vaccine? I don’t remember it as you do. I remember Harris and other Dems undermining the FDA and the vaccine. After the election she and the others changed their tunes. I remember because I work with clients in the Pharma industry.

    Both sides played political games with the vaccine. What they should have done is set their political differences aside and worked together for the common good. That didn’t happen. Trump didn’t handle things perfectly but neither did his successor.

    As I said previously, nobody was prepared. But our government knew who was at risk of death and serious illness. Our government knew that the masks available to the public were ineffective. They knew social distancing didn’t work. And yet they promoted those measures anyway.

    So I give the Trump admin an A for setting the table for vaccine development and an F for shutting down large sectors of our economy. I give the Biden administration a A for dealing with vaccine distribution and an F for continuing unnecessary and harmful restrictions and mandates. They would have been more effective focusing on the 15 percent at risk that produced 85 percent of the casualties.

    Hopefully we will learn from all this. Hopefully we learned something from the million who died.
    If only someone former President would have left a plan behind in case of a Pandemic.

    Oh wait. Obama did.

    The scary thing is that if RFK gets approved, we will probably have another pandemic, and I still don't think Trump knows what to do! We will have chaos again for 4 more years, and then hopefully we can start repairing the damage after that.
    Who started out undermining the vaccine? I don’t remember it as you do. I remember Harris and other Dems undermining the FDA and the vaccine. After the election she and the others changed their tunes. I remember because I work with clients in the Pharma industry.

    Both sides played political games with the vaccine. What they should have done is set their political differences aside and worked together for the common good. That didn’t happen. Trump didn’t handle things perfectly but neither did his successor.

    As I said previously, nobody was prepared. But our government knew who was at risk of death and serious illness. Our government knew that the masks available to the public were ineffective. They knew social distancing didn’t work. And yet they promoted those measures anyway.

    So I give the Trump admin an A for setting the table for vaccine development and an F for shutting down large sectors of our economy. I give the Biden administration a A for dealing with vaccine distribution and an F for continuing unnecessary and harmful restrictions and mandates. They would have been more effective focusing on the 15 percent at risk that produced 85 percent of the casualties.

    Hopefully we will learn from all this. Hopefully we learned something from the million who died.

    But the US WAS prepared. CDC had a complete pandemic team and plan ready and Trump scrapped it and dismantled the team during his first week in office because it was something Obame had created. This is 100% on Trump. And you still totally ignored all those months where Trump repeatedly said that the pandemic would "just go away" despite knowing better ( he admitted it on tape so you can't say it did not happen)
    Who started out undermining the vaccine? I don’t remember it as you do. I remember Harris and other Dems undermining the FDA and the vaccine. After the election she and the others changed their tunes. I remember because I work with clients in the Pharma industry.

    Both sides played political games with the vaccine. What they should have done is set their political differences aside and worked together for the common good. That didn’t happen. Trump didn’t handle things perfectly but neither did his successor.

    As I said previously, nobody was prepared. But our government knew who was at risk of death and serious illness. Our government knew that the masks available to the public were ineffective. They knew social distancing didn’t work. And yet they promoted those measures anyway.

    So I give the Trump admin an A for setting the table for vaccine development and an F for shutting down large sectors of our economy. I give the Biden administration a A for dealing with vaccine distribution and an F for continuing unnecessary and harmful restrictions and mandates. They would have been more effective focusing on the 15 percent at risk that produced 85 percent of the casualties.

    Hopefully we will learn from all this. Hopefully we learned something from the million who died.
    They didn’t undermine the vaccine

    They didn’t trust Donald Trump and with good reason

    The man will plaster his name on cheap crap and peddle it to the public for a premium price (doing it as recently as last week)

    The man didn’t want the stimulus checks going out to people who desperately needed them unless his signature was on them

    They said they’d trust the vaccine when it was properly vetted and vouched for

    And Donald Trump’s word is good for neither
    I still believe they voted for Trump because he to

    When you ignore the pandemic for months and undermine Fauci when he tried to warn people then that happens. He also scrapped a complete pandemic respons plan when he took office just because the Obama white house had requested it. But most importantly of all. HE LIED to the american people for MONTHS.

    Trump did the absolute minimal so why should Biden reverse that. On the contrary Biden implemented a whole lot of extra policies all aimed at stopping the pandemic which were raging at that time

    And Trump did everything to derail Bidens policies. Anti-masking, Anti-vacs. Promoting quack medicin

    They didn’t undermine the vaccine

    They didn’t trust Donald Trump and with good reason

    The man will plaster his name on cheap crap and peddle it to the public for a premium price (doing it as recently as last week)

    The man didn’t want the stimulus checks going out to people who desperately needed them unless his signature was on them

    They said they’d trust the vaccine when it was properly vetted and vouched for

    And Donald Trump’s word is good for neither
    Yes they did undermine the vaccine. I was there and lived thru the same pandemic. I was absolutely unimpressed by either administration. They did some things right but they got many things wrong. Both handled the vaccine well.

    As for Fauci, I hope we look at his playbook in the next pandemic and do the opposite. Totally unimpressed by the man. I’ll make you a bet. Next pandemic we won’t be following the Fauci playbook. This country had a belly full of that and we are still paying for it.

    Again. My opinion.
    Who started out undermining the vaccine? I don’t remember it as you do. I remember Harris and other Dems undermining the FDA and the vaccine. After the election she and the others changed their tunes. I remember because I work with clients in the Pharma industry.

    Both sides played political games with the vaccine. What they should have done is set their political differences aside and worked together for the common good. That didn’t happen. Trump didn’t handle things perfectly but neither did his successor.

    As I said previously, nobody was prepared. But our government knew who was at risk of death and serious illness. Our government knew that the masks available to the public were ineffective. They knew social distancing didn’t work. And yet they promoted those measures anyway.

    So I give the Trump admin an A for setting the table for vaccine development and an F for shutting down large sectors of our economy. I give the Biden administration a A for dealing with vaccine distribution and an F for continuing unnecessary and harmful restrictions and mandates. They would have been more effective focusing on the 15 percent at risk that produced 85 percent of the casualties.

    Hopefully we will learn from all this. Hopefully we learned something from the million who died.
    What politics did Democrats play? Democrats supported the vaccines, like nearly every epidemiologist! I attached a link of Trump undermining the FDA.

    Trump also regularly attacked the CDC and other health experts. Simultaneously, he was advocating for junk science, like hydroxychloroquine.

    I'd like to see a link of Harris and Dems undermining the vaccines.
    But the US WAS prepared. CDC had a complete pandemic team and plan ready and Trump scrapped it and dismantled the team during his first week in office because it was something Obame had created. This is 100% on Trump. And you still totally ignored all those months where Trump repeatedly said that the pandemic would "just go away" despite knowing better ( he admitted it on tape so you can't say it did not happen)
    Exactly. Here is a great report from the NIH about the series of mistakes the Trump administration made, which is intended to help prevent these mistakes from recurring:

    In his first television interview since their defeat in the 5 November presidential election, Tim Walzsaid he was “a little surprised” that he and his fellow Democrat Kamala Harris lost the race to the Republican ticket headed by Donald Trump.

    “It felt like at the rallies, at the things I was going to, the shops I was going in, that the momentum was going our way,” the Minnesota governor told KSTP, one of his state’s news outlets, in an interview published on Thursday. “So, yeah, I was a little surprised.

    “I thought we had a positive message, and I thought the country was ready for that.”

    Walz said “history will write” whether the outgoing vice-president erred in choosing him as her running mate before Trump clinched his return to the White House.

    “Are there things you could have done differently? Since we lost, the answer is obviously yes,” Walz remarked. “On this one, I did the best I could.”

    During the conversation with KTSP, Walz also described the frantic morning after Harris called him on 6 August asking him to serve as her vice-president if she were elected. His acceptance led to him being flown to Philadelphia on a private jet to be introduced at Temple University – where he said he and Harris shared a humorous moment.

    “She turns to me and she says: ‘Well, let’s not screw this up,’” Walz recalled. “And we went out there.”……..

    I don't believe it was primarily about race but rather about gender.

    We’ve observed a noticeable movement among a significant group of men longing for a return to the traditional family structure, where the man is the head of the household.

    Over the past 20 years, the traditional role of men has come under pressure. Women are excelling academically, often surpassing men, and increasingly occupying leadership roles that were once predominantly male domains. For some men, especially those who struggle in their careers, it can be challenging to accept a secondary role—not only in the workplace but also at home, particularly if their wife’s career is more successful.

    It’s important to remember that it wasn’t so long ago that women couldn’t independently sign a loan or contract without their husband’s co-signature. Some men still hold onto the belief that a woman’s primary role should be as a homemaker.

    This may help explain why African American and Hispanic men, in particular, leaned toward Trump over Harris.
    This is it exactly, IMO. Gender drove the results more than race did.
    Yes they did undermine the vaccine.
    Dude we were all there. Nobody on the Dem side did anything like what the R side did to undermine the vaccine. The MOST extreme statement from the Dem side was that they wanted to wait and see what the CDC said about the vaccine before taking it, rather than trusting Trump.

    Dems took the vaccine at a much, much greater rate than Rs. Rs died at a much higher rate than Dems because Trump and most of the GOP decided to actually spread lies about the vaccine and the ones who knew better kept quiet rather than cross the cult.

    There wasn’t anything wrong with Fauci’s plans. You act like you know better, which I can guarantee you do not. You are possibly one of the poorest informed people on this site because you continually spout misinformation.

    Did you forget when Trump’s admin hoarded PPE? They actually cancelled orders from state governments and commandeered PPE for the feds. And then forwarded them to red states and ignored the blue states early in the pandemic? Did you forget Kushner saying that the feds didn’t really need to do much early on because the outbreak was confined to cities in blue states? Did you forget RNs in NYC wearing garbage bags? Do you have a clue how many health care workers died early on in NYC, Seattle, etc?

    I worked in a hospital during the pandemic. I saw what happened, I sat in weekly phone briefings from our head infection control doc, I know what Fauci is all about, having been through several previous pandemics under his watch during my career. With both R and D Admins. There’s nothing wrong with Fauci.

    The fact that you think the Trump Admin wasn’t an outlier in handling the pandemic response just shows that you have zero clue what you are talking about. I cannot express that any more strongly. Zero clue at all. Scientists who study pandemics have estimated the excess deaths during this pandemic in the US at 400,000. Much of it can be attributed to the poor early response from the Trump Admin and the continued GOP idiotic resistance to the vaccines.
    who knows? all we know is the faithful have changed a lot and they do not believe the same things they used to. Hell, how many flavors of Christianity are there?
    "Who knows?"
    God knows.
    God said: I change not. ( Bible reference Malachi 3:6 )
    Yes there are so many "flavors" of Christianity
    That's why I don't trust in Christianity I just focus on God's word and I attend a church that
    just preaches based on scripture.
    My church's pastor says we should check everything he says against scripture.
    He the pastor and my pastor says he is not to be followed...we should follow only Jesus as revealed by scripture.
    Since this will be my only post today I will pivot to address @coldseat
    Jesus is God. Trinity= God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost ...all 3 are part of the Godhead.
    So Jesus is ALSO the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
    Jesus would wish to save Transgenders, Republicans and Democrats equally.
    See Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11 (God is not a respecter of persons)
    So to conclude:
    1)ALL people sin
    2)ALL people are desired by God to repent from their sin and put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior
    3)ALL people are accountable to God when they die and that's what will matter at that moment ...At judgement what will matter is what they did re. #2?
    See Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast"
    "Who knows?"
    God knows.
    God said: I change not. ( Bible reference Malachi 3:6 )
    Yes there are so many "flavors" of Christianity
    That's why I don't trust in Christianity I just focus on God's word and I attend a church that
    just preaches based on scripture.
    My church's pastor says we should check everything he says against scripture.
    He the pastor and my pastor says he is not to be followed...we should follow only Jesus as revealed by scripture.
    Since this will be my only post today I will pivot to address @coldseat
    Jesus is God. Trinity= God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost ...all 3 are part of the Godhead.
    So Jesus is ALSO the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
    Jesus would wish to save Transgenders, Republicans and Democrats equally.
    See Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11 (God is not a respecter of persons)
    So to conclude:
    1)ALL people sin
    2)ALL people are desired by God to repent from their sin and put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior
    3)ALL people are accountable to God when they die and that's what will matter at that moment ...At judgement what will matter is what they did re. #2?
    See Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast"
    James 2:17-20.

    Matthew 21.

    Matthew 25:35-40

    Furthermore your point labeled 3) says…at judgement what will matter is what they did. Did is the past tense of “do”. “Do” is action. Who would be looked upon more favorably? Those who act correctly or those who mouth words and do nothing?

    Paul and those author’s who used Paul’s name did not speak for god. They were developing a theology to differentiate themselves from the Jewish community. The trinity was included in that.

    Finally, the OT and particularly, the Pentateuch, are written as a means of delineating one Semitic tribe or group of tribes from other Semitic tribes. In essence determining who was human and who wasn’t.

    Btw, of course your pastor wants to be followed. He is telling you what to do and expects you to “follow” his instructions regarding scripture. Were this not the case he would simply have one meeting, tell everyone to check everything against scripture and pack his bags.
    The scary thing is that if RFK gets approved, we will probably have another pandemic, and I still don't think Trump knows what to do! We will have chaos again for 4 more years, and then hopefully we can start repairing the damage after that.
    it will be so bad no vaccines no masks just death and suffering and the economy will tank.
    "Who knows?"
    God knows.
    God said: I change not. ( Bible reference Malachi 3:6 )
    Yes there are so many "flavors" of Christianity
    That's why I don't trust in Christianity I just focus on God's word and I attend a church that
    just preaches based on scripture.
    My church's pastor says we should check everything he says against scripture.
    He the pastor and my pastor says he is not to be followed...we should follow only Jesus as revealed by scripture.
    the only problem with what you're missing is no one can agree on God's word. so it's an illusion that you are following gods words just the act of translation can alter it enough to change it. The first time someone read gods word they changed its meaning. If no one can agree on a translation of the bike and no one can agree on gods word and Christians cant agree with each other how do you know you got it right?????? you can say god told you but that's been used to murder in gods name too.
    James 2:17-20.

    Matthew 21.

    Matthew 25:35-40

    Furthermore your point labeled 3) says…at judgement what will matter is what they did. Did is the past tense of “do”. “Do” is action. Who would be looked upon more favorably? Those who act correctly or those who mouth words and do nothing?

    Paul and those author’s who used Paul’s name did not speak for god. They were developing a theology to differentiate themselves from the Jewish community. The trinity was included in that.

    Finally, the OT and particularly, the Pentateuch, are written as a means of delineating one Semitic tribe or group of tribes from other Semitic tribes. In essence determining who was human and who wasn’t.

    Btw, of course your pastor wants to be followed. He is telling you what to do and expects you to “follow” his instructions regarding scripture. Were this not the case he would simply have one meeting, tell everyone to check everything against scripture and pack his bags.
    Jesus says "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, but by me."
    That's what I meant by stating the Bible truth regarding what determines people going to heaven or not.
    "NOT BY WORKS"...Not by being a "good person" or by doing "good things".

    Either you asked Jesus for forgiveness for your sins and his blood to cleanse you of those sins...or you didn't.
    The Bible says to not neglect the assembling of believers.
    Also "where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am..."
    So then your statement regarding having one meeting and then that's it...that is NOT Biblical.
    I benefit from hearing Pastor preach on scripture but I believe him that the Bible is the authority and he should only be expounding on scripture.
    My wife and I are leaving home now to take our aunt out to dinner.
    I just popped into this thread as she finished getting ready.
    Jesus says "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, but by me."
    That's what I meant by stating the Bible truth regarding what determines people going to heaven or not.
    "NOT BY WORKS"...Not by being a "good person" or by doing "good things".

    Either you asked Jesus for forgiveness for your sins and his blood to cleanse you of those sins...or you didn't.
    The Bible says to not neglect the assembling of believers.
    Also "where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am..."
    So then your statement regarding having one meeting and then that's it...that is NOT Biblical.
    I benefit from hearing Pastor preach on scripture but I believe him that the Bible is the authority and he should only be expounding on scripture.
    My wife and I are leaving home now to take our aunt out to dinner.
    I just popped into this thread as she finished getting ready.
    Sorry, but you failed again. You are cherry-picking. John’s gospel was written at least 90 years after the crucifixion.

    Expounding on scripture is placing his “interpretation” in place of what you are simply capable of reading. So, yes, he is leading you the way he wishes. Your benefit is that you choose to believe the way he frames what he is expounding.

    As for where 2 or 3 are gathered? That is irrelevant to the pastor leading.

    Let’s mush on…

    Iirc, The Christ says in Mark: Why do you call me good? Only God is good in response to being called Good Teacher. By John’s Gospel we have an entire theology based upon nothing as stated at the beginning of John’s Gospel. None of that appears in Genesis. It is theology created by the author of John. Please don’t attempt to ignore the radical shift between Mark through John as to what The Christ supposedly said.

    The Bible also speaks of priests, deacons and bishops. Thus there must be that hierarchy because it is in the Bible.

    As for your claim of looking at everything biblically? Slavery must be acceptable and legal. Governments, ALL governments are established by god which means the American Revolution was against God’s will.

    Virtually nothing done in society can. Be viewed biblically. Tax revolts are against what The Christ said about rendering to Caesar. Not taking care of the least among us is against God’s will.

    Finally, The Christ says if you do not do good works then your belief is meaningless.
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    Jesus says "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, but by me."
    That's what I meant by stating the Bible truth regarding what determines people going to heaven or not.
    "NOT BY WORKS"...Not by being a "good person" or by doing "good things".
    That's the big problem. It's easy to have faith, but it is far harder to be an actual good person. That tends to overshadow the rest of the Bible's telling you to do good works. All you need to do is believe, and you're in like Flinn.

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