General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump (4 Viewers)

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    It's Not my Fault
    Dec 2, 2021
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    Today it begins, Kamala has reached the point that she's the Democratic Party nominee:

    There's video from today. this link has video from her first public appearance since Biden endorsed her:

    She spent yesterday on the telephone for most of the day. I read that yesterday that she called the party leaders in all 50 states. That would take me three days.

    She's renamed her YouTube channel, that's the where to go for video:

    This is her video on her channel from two hours ago:

    To play it, start it, and then move it up to 5:47. This was one of those live videos which don't start at zero.

    I've named this thread General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump

    Trump needs an introduction post as well, a MAGA suporter ought to write it: @Farb, @SaintForLife , @Others, calling for someone to please introduce your GOP candidate for this 2024 general election thread.
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    The ERA has already been ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures. They just trickled in over a long time.
    In 1972, Congress put a time limit on how long states have to ratify an amendment. The ERA did not get enough states ratifying within that time limit. Congress, and only Congress, can remove that time limit and the ERA would then be ratified. There is nothing any president can do to get the ERA ratified. It's in the hands of Congress.

    Following the rule of law is important. Republicans in Congress have not gotten away with outright breaking any laws or violated the Constitution and gotten away with it. Following the rule of law is important. Ignoring the rule of law, because "others are doing it" ends badly for everyone.

    "The Nobel Committee praised the trio for explaining why 'societies with a poor rule of law and institutions that exploit the population do not generate growth or change for the better.;"​
    If the Democrats ignore the law for political victory like you want, then things would get even worse. Biden, Harris and Walz are doing the right things in reinforceing the rule of law, instead of breaking it for their own gain. It's hypocracy to break the law in order to make the law better.

    you agree that America is headed in the wrong direction?

    "And if Trump could enact a few decent conservative policies while in office, thanks to a GOP majority in the Senate, it would be a massive improvement to the past four years. A few policy changes might steer America back in the right direction."
    Our buddy is real bad at maintaining his facade. He says he's anti-Trump and says he can't find anything in the article he disagrees with. Well, buddy, the article is clearly very pro-Trump. They clearly are making an argument for why people should vote for Trump. Since our buddy agrees with everything in the article, that means he's pro-Trump, thinks Trump would be best for the country and wants the country to win.

    It says everything you need to know about Trump and the people who want Trump to win, that the people who want Trump to win can't ever be honest about wanting Trump to win. It's no surprise that the people who follow a liar, lie just like the liar. Monkey see, monkey do and all that.
    This was an incredible moment, when Trump said “we” speaking of the Jan 6 rioters, and “the others” when talking about the police. Also-he is lying about the insurrectionists not having guns, some of them did.

    I think the woman jerked her head because in the same breath without any pause Trump said, "Ashli Babbitt was killed nobody was killed." That's exactly what Trump said.
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    This is Trump last night at a Catholic charity dinner in DC last night. Supposed to be humorous remarks.

    The campaign is admitting that Trump cannot maintain the pace of the campaign. We already know he spent a large part of every day as president watching TV and tweeting about personal and political grievances. He’s never worked hard at anything in his life.

    The campaign is admitting that Trump cannot maintain the pace of the campaign. We already know he spent a large part of every day as president watching TV and tweeting about personal and political grievances. He’s never worked hard at anything in his life.

    Thats what happens when those stimulants start to wear off- you can only "stimulate" so much before needing recovery time.

    Look at the photo of him and Melania at the Catholic dinner- he looks like reheated pork loin.

    Getting 4-5 hrs of sleep isnt beneficial. Supplementing the loss of sleep with stimulants isnt beneficial. At some point, he is going to realize that he has been doing ALL of this FOR NOTHING ( i think that realization is starting to creep in actually - hence the cancelling, the periodic somber tone, etc ) and those around him are just "pushing him to acheive their goals" ( aka being used as a puppet )

    couldnt happen to a better person.
    I'm really not buying any so called upswing in moment for the Trump campaign. He hasn't made a coherent statement in months, I barely see any Trump signs or bumper stickers compared to the last two elections, his rallies keep getting canceled or barely have any energy. I think this push is all manufactured online by bots and the likes of Moosk.

    The Emerson poll that just came out reinforces this. He has done nothing to make anyone like him. Short of Donald dying of a heart attack, this week was all the Harris campaign could hope for.

    “Voters who made their decision on who to support over a month ago break for Trump, 52% to 48%, while voters who made up their mind in the last month or week break for Harris, 60% to 36%,” Kimball said. “The three percent of voters who said they could still change their mind currently favor Harris, 48% to 43%.”
    The Emerson poll that just came out reinforces this. He has done nothing to make anyone like him. Short of Donald dying of a heart attack, this week was all the Harris campaign could hope for.

    How is Trump's favorability rating at 49%? It was never more than 42% when he was in office.
    The Emerson poll that just came out reinforces this. He has done nothing to make anyone like him. Short of Donald dying of a heart attack, this week was all the Harris campaign could hope for.

    49% have a favorite view of Trump , if this number reflects any king of reality, I swear to God the US deserves all the pain and suffering he would bring to us. It really does not bring much comfort to know that 10m more voted for Harris, when you’ve got close to half the nation breaking bad, ok with collaborating with hostile foreign powers, actually voting for fascism because they think they’ll get their way. 😭

    Btw, when Harris wins, the battle is won, but the war is far from over. Plan in 4 years, to see a younger, more competent Trump Mini-Me running for POTUS, someone like a JV Vance.
    like someone else said on Twitter, if Harris is garnering anything close to10% of GOP vote, it’s over for Trump.

    More evidence that polls aren't even as good as astrology these days.

    Either this poll is wrong or the polls saying it's a dead heat are wrong.

    If Harris is pulling 10% away from Cheato, the head to head race is more like 55/45

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