General Election 2024 Biden vs Trump (4 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    As we head toward the summer and the National Party Conventions, it might be handy to have a thread focused on the upcoming matchup of current President Biden vs Former President Trump.
    As of April 28,2024 , CNN's poll shows Trump leading. Yet polls are not always accurate and they are constantly changing.
    Feel free to use this thread for all things relating to Biden vs Trump.
    Donald Trump is looking for a “fighter” as his running mate in this year’s presidential election and regards factors such as their gender or race as irrelevant, according to sources close to the former US president.

    Conventional wisdom used to hold that Trump was likely to choose a woman or a person of color as his potential vice-president in an effort to broaden his appeal. But aides close to the presumptive Republican nominee currently say he will not take so-called identity politics into account.

    Instead, Trump, who is still trying to make up his mind, wants a candidate who is media-savvy and will fight for him on adversarial TV networks. “In short,” a Trump ally said, “he wants someone who is everything Mike Pence wasn’t.”

    Former vice-president was a valuable asset during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns – the Christian conservative who shored up support among Republicans suspicious of the thrice-married reality TV star. But Pence’s refusal to comply with Trump’s demand to overturn the 2020 election led to a falling out and made Pence a target of the January 6 rioters.

    Trump is seeking a “Goldilocks” running mate this time: strong but loyal, in tune with Maga but not over-rehearsed, telegenic but not likely to outshine him. His choice will go up against Kamala Harris, the first Black woman to serve as vice-president……

    How can you fight and suck up and be a yes-man at the same time?

    I don't really know, but Vivek managed it pretty well. If Trump really wasn't considering race/gender, that would probably be his man based on his criteria. But I doubt Trump thinks his MAGA faithful will warm up sufficiently to Vivek for ..... "reasons".
    President Joe Biden has warned of the possibility that Donald Trump could get to appoint two new Supreme Court justices if the former president wins November’s election.

    Appearing at a star-studded fundraising gala on Saturday night, Biden explained on stage that “the next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees.”…….

    President Joe Biden has warned of the possibility that Donald Trump could get to appoint two new Supreme Court justices if the former president wins November’s election.

    Appearing at a star-studded fundraising gala on Saturday night, Biden explained on stage that “the next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees.”…….

    The way it would work is that if Trump won, both Alito and Thomas would retire so that they can be replaced with right wing extremists. If Biden wins, the only thing taking those two curmudgeons out is their death.

    The only other SC Justice that I think may currently have some health issues is Sotomayor. So if Trump wins, there's a possibility the court could go further into the right wing nut job sphere with a 7-2 advantage.
    …..But the style of Donald Trump and of Trump supporters is to always present his support as mind-boggling and exceptional, and so this support was.

    “The presumptive GOP presidential nominee appealed to the mostly black crowd, by talking about the migrant crisis,” the New York Post’s print edition read, “while speaking at a policy and awareness roundtable at 180 Church.”

    The online story has been updated: “The presumptive GOP presidential nominee focused on black voters.”

    This idea that Trump was speaking to the Black community in a Black space was common among his supporters. As might have been expected; the entire point of the exercise was to suggest that Trump is making inroads into traditionally Democratic political areas.

    It’s the same strategy that the campaign deployed when he held a rally in the Bronx: Gather together a modest crowd and then overhype the scale and importance of what happened.

    It is true that current polling shows Trump faring better than he did with Black voters in 2020 and that the gap between his support and support for President Biden is far narrower than it was four years ago.

    But — as is the case with other apparent shifts since 2020 — that’s more a function of apathy about Biden than enthusiasm about Trump……


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