First presidential debate (6 Viewers)

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Optimus Prime

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Sep 28, 2019
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Washington DC Metro
Since we usually have a separate thread for these

NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden begins an intense period of private preparations Friday at Camp David for what may be the most consequential presidential debate in decades.

The 81-year-old Democrat’s team is aware that he cannot afford an underwhelming performance when he faces Republican rival Donald Trump for 90 minutes on live television Thursday night. Biden’s team is expecting aggressive attacks on his physical and mental strength, his record on the economy and immigration and even his family.

Trump, 78 and ever confident, will stay on the campaign trail before going to his Florida estate next week for two days of private meetings as part of an informal prep process.

The former president’s allies are pushing him to stay focused on his governing plans, but they’re expecting him to be tested by pointed questions about his unrelenting focus on election fraud, his role in the erosion of abortion rights and his unprecedented legal baggage.

Thursday’s debate on CNN will be full of firsts, with the potential to reshape the presidential race. Never before in the modern era have two presumptive nominees met on the debate stage so early in the general election season. Never before have two White House contenders faced off at such advanced ages, with widespread questions about their readiness.

And never before has a general election debate participant been saddled with a felony conviction. The debate-stage meeting comes just two weeks before Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money trial.

“You can argue this will be the most important debate, at least in my lifetime,” said Democratic strategist Jim Messina, 54, who managed former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign.


The ground rules for Thursday’s debate, the first of two scheduled meetings, are unusual.

The candidates agreed to meet at a CNN studio in Atlanta with no audience. Each candidate’s microphone will be muted, except when it’s his turn to speak. No props or prewritten notes will be allowed onstage. The candidates will be given only a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

There will be no opening statements. A coin flip determined that Biden would stand at the podium to the viewer’s right, while Trump would deliver the final closing statement.

The next debate won’t be until September. Any stumbles Thursday will be hard to erase or replace quickly.………..

Well, I mean, that should be the party line until he actually drops out. Doesn't make sense to say anything else until then.
He's not dropping out.

Right now he's watching fireworks with me and my son at the White House. It's streaming live on my post about six above this one, you can join us there if you want.

It looks like it will go on for a while.
He's not dropping out.

Right now he's watching fireworks with me and my son at the White House. It's streaming live on my post about six above this one, you can join us there if you want.

It looks like it will go on for a while.
Yes, it just finished. Good show!

No idea whether he'll drop out or not.

That said, most are going to say they support him until he does drop out, if he does. It doesn't make sense otherwise.
Yes, it just finished. Good show!

No idea whether he'll drop out or not.

That said, most are going to say they support him until he does drop out, if he does. It doesn't make sense otherwise.
He might hand it off to Harris. This would probably be about the way they'd go about it if they were doing this intentionally.

They would engineer it such that they had the party core demanding it, then he would reluctantly resign, then Harris would become the incumbent President. ... ... .

No one's going to hold it against him, or her, if it were because of his ageing. I would think though if they were going to do a hand off they would have done it earlier in the year. So I rate this a possible, but not a likely.
I think that one of the main barriers to Joe dropping out of the race is the reality that if he isn't fit to run to reelection, he isn't fit to be president right now.
That’s a really good summary of a lot of the key points. I’ve seen a number of verified people on social media speak to the same rifts (maybe not the best word) between Biden and the media, especially NYT. It’s not a good situation and whatever Biden’s reasons, shouldn’t have reached this point. It’s hurting him now and it’s not the sort of thing a lot of people will be understanding about, despite a lot of commonly held negative views of the press.
I hold the media responsible for their crazy lopsided coverage, though. I know they’re just people, with inherent biases like the rest of us. They just don’t have any excuse for treating Trump being unable to stay awake in a court room ever for weeks differently than what they are doing to Biden. And more than one have made snarky comments about Biden staying awake. It’s ridiculous.
That is not an article. That is an opinion piece. Huge difference.
I’ve given up responding to him. He’s hopeless and posting misogyny regularly. He’s just another MAGA only he likes to pretend he’s better than they are, while I think he’s worse. Regular MAGA can claim they were deceived by Trump’s lies. Steve knows full well what Trump is. He just doesn’t care about any of it.
I think that one of the main barriers to Joe dropping out of the race is the reality that if he isn't fit to run to reelection, he isn't fit to be president right now.
I don't think he's unfit today, but he seems to be too frail to serve 4 1/2 more years.
I’ve given up responding to him. He’s hopeless and posting misogyny regularly. He’s just another MAGA only he likes to pretend he’s better than they are, while I think he’s worse. Regular MAGA can claim they were deceived by Trump’s lies. Steve knows full well what Trump is. He just doesn’t care about any of it.
@MT15 likes to pretend that America and the world is safe with sleepy Joe Biden as the Commander and Chief. She knows full well he's not up to the job!
@MT15 likes to pretend that America and the world is safe with sleepy Joe Biden as the Commander and Chief. She knows full well he's not up to the job!

No, she's absolutely right about you. You swore up and down that Trump was unfit for the job and you would vote third party, but now that you deem Biden unfit, you can't wait to rush out and vote for Trump. You have been pathetically transparent from day one.
I’ve given up responding to him. He’s hopeless and posting misogyny regularly. He’s just another MAGA only he likes to pretend he’s better than they are, while I think he’s worse. Regular MAGA can claim they were deceived by Trump’s lies. Steve knows full well what Trump is. He just doesn’t care about any of it.

He'll never read it anyway. He blocked me. He needed my help to do it, but he finally got there in the end. lol
@MT15 likes to pretend that America and the world is safe with sleepy Joe Biden as the Commander and Chief. She knows full well he's not up to the job!
You cannot speak for me. i do not hold the opinion you are saying I hold. I guess lying comes with the territory once you become a Trump voter. The shoe certainly fits you well.

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