First presidential debate (1 Viewer)

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    Optimus Prime

    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
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    Washington DC Metro
    Since we usually have a separate thread for these

    NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden begins an intense period of private preparations Friday at Camp David for what may be the most consequential presidential debate in decades.

    The 81-year-old Democrat’s team is aware that he cannot afford an underwhelming performance when he faces Republican rival Donald Trump for 90 minutes on live television Thursday night. Biden’s team is expecting aggressive attacks on his physical and mental strength, his record on the economy and immigration and even his family.

    Trump, 78 and ever confident, will stay on the campaign trail before going to his Florida estate next week for two days of private meetings as part of an informal prep process.

    The former president’s allies are pushing him to stay focused on his governing plans, but they’re expecting him to be tested by pointed questions about his unrelenting focus on election fraud, his role in the erosion of abortion rights and his unprecedented legal baggage.

    Thursday’s debate on CNN will be full of firsts, with the potential to reshape the presidential race. Never before in the modern era have two presumptive nominees met on the debate stage so early in the general election season. Never before have two White House contenders faced off at such advanced ages, with widespread questions about their readiness.

    And never before has a general election debate participant been saddled with a felony conviction. The debate-stage meeting comes just two weeks before Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money trial.

    “You can argue this will be the most important debate, at least in my lifetime,” said Democratic strategist Jim Messina, 54, who managed former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign.


    The ground rules for Thursday’s debate, the first of two scheduled meetings, are unusual.

    The candidates agreed to meet at a CNN studio in Atlanta with no audience. Each candidate’s microphone will be muted, except when it’s his turn to speak. No props or prewritten notes will be allowed onstage. The candidates will be given only a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

    There will be no opening statements. A coin flip determined that Biden would stand at the podium to the viewer’s right, while Trump would deliver the final closing statement.

    The next debate won’t be until September. Any stumbles Thursday will be hard to erase or replace quickly.………..

    So here is an example of a person who is still in denial.
    Bold talk from the king of "I'm taking my ball and going home." Trump's shills are all the same. They think they're the smartest person in the room, even when they're no where near the room.

    You finally admitted your truth is that you want Trump to win, despite months of denying that.

    Since you want Trump to win, you want what increases the chances that Trump wins So, the true reason you keep hammering the board with "Biden is not fit and needs to step down" is because you're being told by your informers to keep pushing the message that Biden needs to step down. Your informers and you are only saying that, because Trump and all of you are afraid that Biden is going to beat Trump. You're not saying it for Biden's sake, for our sake, or for the country's sake.

    You keep hammering "Biden has to step down" solely for Trump's sake. The person who you finally honestly admitted you want to win the election after months of constant denials of that truth.

    You've lost all credibility and trust, except for with your few choirboys on this site. You've proven yourself to not be honest or trustworthy. But it makes you feel better or pays your bills, then by all means keep shoveling the BS you're shoveling. It's good fertilizer to grow truth from.
    If you are voting for Trump in the general, you are that guy.
    He's that guy who doesn't want to vote for the guy who isn't mentally competent enough to run for President or even be the current President.

    It looks like Hurr was correct in his assessment of Biden’s mental state. He deserves an apology from all the Democrat politicians who attacked him while knowing Biden was in the state that he described.
    YOU get a scoop!
    No, brother, it's you that needs to put down the scoop you keep using to shovel your BS.

    You flat out denied for months that you wanted Trump to win. Everyone here saw it and remembers it. Deny it all you want, but ain't no one but your fellow choirboys having it.

    You got tired of being called out for your obvious dishonesty and loudly proclaimed about two weeks ago you had enough and we're taking your ball and going home.

    Unfortunately for you, like Trump and most if not all of his Trumpster, you have no self-control. After Biden's bad debate performance, you came rushing back to this board, like sharks to chum, to attack Biden. In your attack frenzy, you screwed up and blurted out your truth, that you want Trump to win and you've always wanted Trump to win.

    If you try to spin your way out of this all you're going to get is dizziness and nausea, because there ain't enough spin in the universe for you to spin free from your truth.

    Spin yourself silly if it makes you feel better.
    Imagine criticizing someone for not wanting to vote for someone for President who isn't mentally competent.
    If he had said that he couldn't vote for Biden or Trump I would have understood.. I thought he had previously expressed that sentiment and so I just thought it was.. a different approach there.
    A stupid way to say jobs that black people hold. He said Hispanic jobs too.
    Yeah it's fairly obvious what he meant there.. Democrats can jump on it but I don't think it really lands because most people can discern what he meant.
    "That guy" is possibly me? If "yes"...
    Don't you know that "that guy" hates Trump and has always wanted Haley?
    You can't put the cat back in the bag after you slipped up and let it out. You never hated Trump and you always wanted Trump to win. Everything else you said was dishonesty. The entirety of your postings here and you blurting out that you hope Trump wins after spending months saying you would never vote for Trump and you don't want him to win.

    Let's give you benefit of the doubt for a moment. Let's say you really do "hate" Trump. What kind of person hopes that the person they "hate" becomes president?

    I mean really, dude, what kind of person does hopes the person they "hate" becomes president?

    “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”
    ― Will Rogers​

    I am only going to vote for Trump if Biden is on the ballot.
    If Biden isn't on the ballot I will NOT vote for Trump.
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    Yeah it's fairly obvious what he meant there.. Democrats can jump on it but I don't think it really lands because most people can discern what he meant.

    I’m surprised you agree with that.

    I think we are way past any benefit of the doubt that Trump said something but didn’t mean it the way he said it. Sure, he’s not articulate, but there aren’t “black jobs” anymore than there are “white jobs” except to people who see the world that way.

    I’ve seen and heard a lot of backlash about his comment. In the great big soup bowl of vile and stupid stuff Trump says, it might not singularly resonate on the public surface, but I think it reinforced what a lot of people already know about Trump; he’s a racist with an appeal to racists. (Yeah, I actually know some of those admitted racist Trump supporters personally).
    If somebody with an actual track record of well-meaning statements and policies clumsily said something like that, I think benefit of the doubt might be appropriate. Not with Trump.
    I’m surprised you agree with that.

    I think we are way past any benefit of the doubt that Trump said something but didn’t mean it the way he said it. Sure, he’s not articulate, but there aren’t “black jobs” anymore than there are “white jobs” except to people who see the world that way.

    I’ve seen and heard a lot of backlash about his comment. In the great big soup bowl of vile and stupid stuff Trump says, it might not singularly resonate on the public surface, but I think it reinforced what a lot of people already know about Trump; he’s a racist with an appeal to racists. (Yeah, I actually know some of those admitted racist Trump supporters personally).
    Hey, if it works then by all means run with it. If it resonates, awesome. Happy to be wrong on that one in that regard.

    But yeah, I didn't read anything into that one because it just seemed obvious that's what he meant and he was inarticulate about it like he usually is.
    If somebody with an actual track record of well-meaning statements and policies clumsily said something like that, I think benefit of the doubt might be appropriate. Not with Trump.
    Yeah I get that.. personally, I don't see it so much as giving him the benefit of the doubt from my own point of view (I'm not really in doubt as to what he meant, honestly, it seemed that obvious to me) but I can understand differing opinions on that.

    Like I said, if it works, forking run with it.
    Hey, if it works then by all means run with it. If it resonates, awesome. Happy to be wrong on that one in that regard.

    But yeah, I didn't read anything into that one because it just seemed obvious that's what he meant and he was inarticulate about it like he usually is.

    I don’t care about it in the sense of whether it’s beneficial for anybody to run with it, I’m concerned that a major party candidate continues to say things that are carelessly offensive on their own, and collectively speak clearly to who he is.

    He’s not a good speaker but I’ve always said if he has a skill, it’s marketing and self-promotion. He isn’t accidentally portraying himself as a bigot.
    Here's a great question for the conservatives that continue to dunk on Biden in this thread. What's a BLACK JOB? LOL

    You guys are just as much in denial as LA.
    I'm am actually grounded in reality. The reality of how historically how little influence debates have on voting. The reality of the most important and influential period of time during a presidential campaign. The reality of that you can't just snap you're fingers and replace Biden with some else with out major obstacles and set backs. The reality that rash, knee jerk reactions and snap decisions, especially out of fear, almost always end badly.

    I'm not in denial. I'm just not being irrational and having severe tunnel vision just because of the anxiety and fear I have if Trump wins the election. I know Biden might lose. That' rational. Other's think they know he can't win and that any other replacement will. That's irrational.

    If Biden steps down I will vote for whoever might replace him. I just am not wishing myself into being oblivious the the serious challenges that comes with, because I'm aware you can't just snap you're finger and make it happen. I have an extensive background in operations management and accounting with a bit of experience with campaign media buying. I've gotten a good look at how the sausage is made and it's a beast to make it. I get it though, out of sight out of mind.

    Incumbent said it more succinctly than I have, it's way too early to make any snap decisions regarding Biden being replaced, because not nearly enough is known to make a well informed decision. There are a lot of things that need to be considered and a lot of those things that are considered we will never know about it.

    Here's a question, who has publicly stepped forward and said they would replace Biden? All these names get thrown out on who it could be without any mention or discussion of whether or not those people would even want to do it. If someone replaces Biden and they lose, that's going to kill any presidential aspirations they have, so it might actually be difficult to find a viable replacement who's willing to do it.

    Not one single person who's thrown out names has considered whether or not the people they mentioned would actually do it. But yes, by all means, I'm the one in denial.
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    I don’t care about it in the sense of whether it’s beneficial for anybody to run with it, I’m concerned that a major party candidate continues to say things that are carelessly offensive on their own, and collectively speak clearly to who he is.

    He’s not a good speaker but I’ve always said if he has a skill, it’s marketing and self-promotion. He isn’t accidentally portraying himself as a bigot.
    He already has the bigots in the bag though while needing to woo black voters to gain more support there.

    I recognize that it's within the realm of possibility that it was a dog whistle or a racist slip of his.. but I think the simplest answer is probably most correct in this situation which is that he's inarticulate and shooting from the hip.
    I understand how you would say that. Do YOU understand that Biden can't be the Commander and Chief until January 2029?
    Yes, I understand that.

    Do you understand that if he can't fulfill his term we have the little thing called presidential succession and Harris would become president.

    Would you also rather Trump, the guy you "hate," be the president over Harris too? I look forward to hearing your spin on why Harris would be worse than Trump too? Because, we all know that's what you're going to do. There's no way in Hades you're going to say that Harris would be better than Trump, the guy you "hate."
    Amen. What people are overlooking is that all of the major news outlets are owned by major corporations who's primary mission is to generate as much profit as they can and they don't care what they have to do to achieve that.

    Creating conflict, controversy, anxiety and fear are the things that help them generate the most profit, so they are always doing it. The Joe's gotta go reporting is making them bank, because it's got the people who support Biden glued to reporting out of anxiety and it's got the Trump supporters glued to reporting out of gloating.

    Close political races make them more money than lopsided ones, just like sporting events that are close contests do. Going back to the 1990's, news outlets have reported every presidential election in ways that gives the impression of a close race. It's not possible how much of that was reporting following the truth or did the reporting play a part in making it true.

    Biden might lose if he's not replaced, but he also might win if he's not. A replacement candidate might win, but they also might lose. No one knows and rash decisions don't usually work out as intended.

    Great post, one of the best I've read in a good while.....The ironic thing here is that the supposed "free and fair press" will be neither if Trump regains the presidency.....they are sacrificing short term gains/profits, the good of the country and it's citizens (the majority of those which don't want the country to turn into an alt right fascist Christian nationalist nation) for long term survival.....most of the media today truly sucks.....

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