Critical race theory (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 6, 2018
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    Vienna, VA (via Lafayette)
    Frankly, I'm completely ignorant when it comes to the Critical Race Theory curriculum. What is it, where does it come from, and is it legitimate? Has anyone here read it and maybe give a quick summary?

    If this has been covered in another thread, then I missed it.
    and no people, but yeah. What you say makes sense.
    No people?1? Are you historically uneducated? They dwelled in cliffs along the Colorado River. There was a massive drought about 600-700 years ago and they were forced to abandon their homes. Since they didn't write their history we dont know how many went where, but it is believed most of the "Anasazi" (as they were called by the Navajo) probably joined (and/or became) what we know as the Pubelo and Hopi tribes, and I have heard it argued that some were even taken in by the Navajo Tribes.

    The culture didn't fail because the people died out or because it was unsustainable, the area became non-hospitable so the people left to start new tribes or join tribes in the area.

    These tenets that samiam points out where not just tenets of Ancestral Puebloans, but of most all of the indigenous people that lived here (in harmony with the land) before us Europeans arrived.
    No people?1? Are you historically uneducated? They dwelled in cliffs along the Colorado River. There was a massive drought about 600-700 years ago and they were forced to abandon their homes. Since they didn't write their history we dont know how many went where, but it is believed most of the "Anasazi" (as they were called by the Navajo) probably joined (and/or became) what we know as the Pubelo and Hopi tribes, and I have heard it argued that some were even taken in by the Navajo Tribes.

    The culture didn't fail because the people died out or because it was unsustainable, the area became non-hospitable so the people left to start new tribes or join tribes in the area.

    These tenets that samiam points out where not just tenets of Ancestral Puebloans, but of most all of the indigenous people that lived here (in harmony with the land) before us Europeans arrived.
    Yes, people. The only measuring stick for civilization.

    I am obviously much less educated as you, nothing has changed from the last time you pointed that.

    Yes, I am well aware of the narrative of the peaceful and harmonic tribes that lived here in the garden of Eden until the white devil showed up. I just don't buy into the fairytale. Just like the idea that the Muslim culture was more advanced than medieval Europe.

    Seems odd for a large, advanced and thriving population/tribe to decide to up and assimilate with another rival tribe. Taken as slaves from war would make sense but not to split up and some go live with these guys and the rest go live with these other people.
    Yes, people. The only measuring stick for civilization.

    I am obviously much less educated as you, nothing has changed from the last time you pointed that.

    Yes, I am well aware of the narrative of the peaceful and harmonic tribes that lived here in the garden of Eden until the white devil showed up. I just don't buy into the fairytale. Just like the idea that the Muslim culture was more advanced than medieval Europe.

    Seems odd for a large, advanced and thriving population/tribe to decide to up and assimilate with another rival tribe. Taken as slaves from war would make sense but not to split up and some go live with these guys and the rest go live with these other people.

    Why don't you look this stuff up and read about it?

    Do you really not know about the islamic golden age? I thought everyone learned how Al-gebra got it's name.

    You can even watch youtube videos all on the topics you mentioned if you don't want to read.
    Yes, people. The only measuring stick for civilization.

    I am obviously much less educated as you, nothing has changed from the last time you pointed that.

    Yes, I am well aware of the narrative of the peaceful and harmonic tribes that lived here in the garden of Eden until the white devil showed up. I just don't buy into the fairytale. Just like the idea that the Muslim culture was more advanced than medieval Europe.

    Seems odd for a large, advanced and thriving population/tribe to decide to up and assimilate with another rival tribe. Taken as slaves from war would make sense but not to split up and some go live with these guys and the rest go live with these other people.
    Why don't you look this stuff up and read about it?

    Do you really not know about the islamic golden age? I thought everyone learned how Al-gebra got it's name.

    You can even watch youtube videos all on the topics you mentioned if you don't want to read.

    That's Ridiculous! Next you will tell me American's should start using Arabic Numbers too!
    Yes, people. The only measuring stick for civilization.

    I am obviously much less educated as you, nothing has changed from the last time you pointed that.

    Yes, I am well aware of the narrative of the peaceful and harmonic tribes that lived here in the garden of Eden until the white devil showed up. I just don't buy into the fairytale. Just like the idea that the Muslim culture was more advanced than medieval Europe.

    Seems odd for a large, advanced and thriving population/tribe to decide to up and assimilate with another rival tribe. Taken as slaves from war would make sense but not to split up and some go live with these guys and the rest go live with these other people.

    Your opinions seem to be based on arrogance and ignorance.

    Your first sentence seems off. Civilisation is not measured by people. It's measured by what those people do or did.

    Do you think our dregs who mainly settled the west and killed and displaced the natives are superior because they had technology and the luck of having previously been exposed to diseases? Seriously? Or are you just having us on?
    Yes, people. The only measuring stick for civilization.

    I am obviously much less educated as you, nothing has changed from the last time you pointed that.

    Yes, I am well aware of the narrative of the peaceful and harmonic tribes that lived here in the garden of Eden until the white devil showed up. I just don't buy into the fairytale. Just like the idea that the Muslim culture was more advanced than medieval Europe.
    I honestly have no idea whether Europe was more advanced than the Middle East at relevant time periods but I'm curious as to where you got your information that seemingly cemented it for you.

    In any event, isn't it interesting that those wonderfully superior European forefathers of ours are now almost invariably more liberal than the castoffs that wound up in the United States? Makes you think...
    I honestly have no idea whether Europe was more advanced than the Middle East at relevant time periods but I'm curious as to where you got your information that seemingly cemented it for you.

    In any event, isn't it interesting that those wonderfully superior European forefathers of ours are now almost invariably more liberal than the castoffs that wound up in the United States? Makes you think...

    From my professional opinion, the ME was militarily scientifically way ahead of Europe between 1200-1500. This book pretty much makes the strong case that Muslim Caliphates re-energized global trade that had diminished with the fall of the Roman Empire. This idea that Europe was always the most advanced is a Myth. Medieval Europe was a backwash compared to some places in modern-day North Africa and Turkey. Constantonople was the hub of the western world while most Europeans were dressed in primitive clothing and still fighting tribal wars while empires in the ME were doing a global business in all kinds of things like spices, silk, salt, gold, and yes, slaves.

    Amazon product ASIN 0195067746
    Scholars also are very careful in how they define "civilization." Is civilization just based on how much stuff a culture produces? Were industrial societies more "civilized" than native cultures just because they had superior weapons and an expansionist mindset? Not necessarily.
    From my professional opinion, the ME was militarily scientifically way ahead of Europe between 1200-1500. This book pretty much makes the strong case that Muslim Caliphates re-energized global trade that had diminished with the fall of the Roman Empire. This idea that Europe was always the most advanced is a Myth. Medieval Europe was a backwash compared to some places in modern-day North Africa and Turkey. Constantonople was the hub of the western world while most Europeans were dressed in primitive clothing and still fighting tribal wars while empires in the ME were doing a global business in all kinds of things like spices, silk, salt, gold, and yes, slaves.

    Amazon product ASIN 0195067746
    Scholars also are very careful in how they define "civilization." Is civilization just based on how much stuff a culture produces? Were industrial societies more "civilized" than native cultures just because they had superior weapons and an expansionist mindset? Not necessarily.

    I appreciate your expertise! How would you compare the Imperial Kingdoms in East Asia to Europe during the Dark Ages of Europe?
    Your opinions seem to be based on arrogance and ignorance.

    Your first sentence seems off. Civilisation is not measured by people. It's measured by what those people do or did.

    Do you think our dregs who mainly settled the west and killed and displaced the natives are superior because they had technology and the luck of having previously been exposed to diseases? Seriously? Or are you just having us on?
    If there are no people, can you have a civilization? Can you have backwards civilizations? So in order to have a civilization, you need people. When you don't have people, you don't have an active civilization.

    Yes. I am saying that.
    Why don't you look this stuff up and read about it?

    Do you really not know about the islamic golden age? I thought everyone learned how Al-gebra got it's name.

    You can even watch youtube videos all on the topics you mentioned if you don't want to read.
    Do you mean when the muslims invaded, conquered and enslaved Persia? That is how Islam got credit for algebra and yes @Port City JJ, 'hindu' nubers as well.

    What else about that Islamic golden age was actually not from conquest?
    If there are no people, can you have a civilization? Can you have backwards civilizations? So in order to have a civilization, you need people. When you don't have people, you don't have an active civilization.

    Yes. I am saying that.

    Would a declining population mean that the civilization is failing?
    From my professional opinion, the ME was militarily scientifically way ahead of Europe between 1200-1500. This book pretty much makes the strong case that Muslim Caliphates re-energized global trade that had diminished with the fall of the Roman Empire. This idea that Europe was always the most advanced is a Myth. Medieval Europe was a backwash compared to some places in modern-day North Africa and Turkey. Constantonople was the hub of the western world while most Europeans were dressed in primitive clothing and still fighting tribal wars while empires in the ME were doing a global business in all kinds of things like spices, silk, salt, gold, and yes, slaves.

    Amazon product ASIN 0195067746
    Scholars also are very careful in how they define "civilization." Is civilization just based on how much stuff a culture produces? Were industrial societies more "civilized" than native cultures just because they had superior weapons and an expansionist mindset? Not necessarily.
    Is this the ME under mongolian rule or Muslim/Mamluk rule? I will grant you military superiority with regards to the Mongolian but they were not as advanced as muslim caliphates. The almost universal abonnement of the wheel shows this as they (they being the caliphates) could not bring large siege weapons or transport supplies for large armies. They used camel caravans almost exclusively.
    Constantinople was under Byzantine (eastern Christian) rule until the Turks of the Ottoman Emp took it in the mid 1400s so those well dressed folks doing global business were either Greeks/Byzatine or Turks, not Caliphates.

    The narrative of the Islamic golden age is colluded to say the least. I would probably say that most, if not all of the advancement they are credited for was a product of conquest.
    Would a declining population mean that the civilization is failing?
    not necessarily. When a civilization has no more people, they are not a civilization any longer. If they are declining in population, that can be corrected.

    Every civilization on earth is declining right now, so maybe all civilizations are failing?
    article about companies more than schools

    In October, conservative activist Christopher Rufo wrote an article on the website of City Journal, a magazine of the Manhattan Institute. “Walmart vs. Whiteness” alleged that the nation’s largest employer puts on diversity workshops that denounce the United States as a “white supremacy system.”

    Outraged readers fired off nearly 5,000 emails to CEO Doug McMillon in an email campaign organized by the nonprofit New Tolerance Campaign.

    “This is a politically charged issue for some,” McMillon replied to one consumer, but he said he stood by the training, citing Walmart’s commitment to become “a more inclusive company.”

    “As part of that commitment, we have had sessions for our leaders and salaried managers that encourage reflection on the history of race in the US and systemic issues that Black and African American communities have faced,” McMillon said. “We have found those conversations to be constructive and thought-provoking. We don’t always agree with every comment made by every participant in a session or endorse every view on a PowerPoint slide produced by others, but the experience has been a net positive for us as we strive to create more opportunities for everyone.”

    It’s not just Walmart. America's culture wars have come to cubicles and corner offices across the country.

    From critical articles in right-leaning publications to legislation in statehouses, conservatives are taking aim at how racism is taught, not just in schools but in private companies. Their rallying cry: critical race theory........

    “How is it not a hostile work environment to be attacking people based on their race or telling them that they are privileged or that they are part of oppressive systems when all they are doing is showing up to work and trying to earn a living?” DeSantis told supporters at a campaign-style event last month at which Rufo spoke. “We believe this corporate CRT is basically corporate-sanctioned racism.”

    State Senate Democrats argued the proposed legislation would lead to frivolous lawsuits and accused DeSantis, a possible 2024 presidential candidate who is up for re-election this year, of "fanning the flames of a culture war for political gain."

    Rufo praised DeSantis as a trailblazer. “He's preparing a bold new agenda to fight racialist abuse,” Rufo said in an email to USA TODAY, “and, no doubt, all of the other red state governors are watching.” ...........

    Rufo is widely credited with turning critical race theory into a catchall phrase for terms such as white privilege and systemic racism. He says he began using it as shorthand because “political correctness” was too dated, “cancel culture” too vacuous and “woke” too broad.

    “‘Critical race theory,’” he told the New Yorker magazine, “is the perfect villain.”

    “Strung together, the phrase ‘critical race theory’ connotes hostile, academic, divisive, race-obsessed, poisonous, elitist, anti-American,” he said.

    In the summer of 2020, an employee of the city of Seattle tipped Rufo to an anti-bias training session that divided employees up by race.

    “Under the banner of ‘antiracism,’ Seattle’s Office of Civil Rights is now explicitly endorsing principles of segregationism, group-based guilt, and race essentialism – ugly concepts that should have been left behind a century ago,” he wrote.

    Soon more reader tips flowed into his inbox. That September, Rufo called on Trump to ban critical race theory during an appearance on Fox News' “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

    “What I’ve discovered is that critical race theory has become, in essence, the default ideology of the federal bureaucracy and is now being weaponized against the American people,” Rufo told Carlson.

    Rufo got Trump’s attention. Two days later, the White House Office of Management and Budget issued a memo instructing federal agencies to identify all contracts or other spending on critical race training or training that suggests that “any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.”

    A Trump executive order soon followed, banning federal agencies and government contractors from spreading “divisive, anti-American propaganda” that the U.S. is “inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.”

    The executive order sent chills through the private sector. Corporations with government contracts worried that the diversity training they offer employees might run afoul of the new rules.

    Asked about his executive order during the first debate of the presidential election, Trump said: "They were teaching people that our country is a horrible place, it’s a racist place. And they were teaching people to hate our country. And I’m not gonna allow that to happen."

    Then-Democratic-nominee Joe Biden responded: “Nobody’s doing that.”

    Ultimately, a California federal court blocked Trump's executive order and President Biden overturned it shortly after taking office. .............


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