Critical race theory (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 6, 2018
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    Vienna, VA (via Lafayette)
    Frankly, I'm completely ignorant when it comes to the Critical Race Theory curriculum. What is it, where does it come from, and is it legitimate? Has anyone here read it and maybe give a quick summary?

    If this has been covered in another thread, then I missed it.
    What does that have to do with the supposed teaching of CRT in primary schools. Also you don’t supply a link or any context. So basically a troll. 🤪
    Okay, on my phone it didn’t look like a link, sorry.
    Still waiting on that proof of current systemic racism that everyone just states as fact.
    And we’re still waiting on proof of:
    Can anyone pearl clutching over this

    1) actually define CRT in their own words

    2) please link to a school that has CRT as actual curriculum that matches your definition of CRT. Not brought up at a school board meeting. Actually being taught.
    Still waiting on that proof of current systemic racism that everyone just states as fact.
    I will be happy to explain:

    America was founded by Englishmen: Their influence permeates all aspects of America as the nation is based on the vision of these Englishmen. From that perspective all operations, laws, moral values, culture, commerce, economy, etc are based on Englishness. This generates privilege for those that are Anglo Saxon as they fit into the system quite nicely. Note how at the onset Italians, Jews, Irish, etc did not fit in. Ben Franklin used to describe some Germans as Swarthy.

    In CRT systemic racism means that the air we breath is racist. In other words whiteness permeates the entirety of America and those that are not white are destined to remain oppressed. Derrick Bell, the founder of CRT and a socialist describes this quite nicely in this video. His views can generate despair as the situation he presents seems an unconquerable obstacle.

    AT the same time systemic racism is always an excuse when something goes wrong with a social program.
    Last edited:
    CRT in my own words:

    CRT is a theory that starts with the basic tenant that the United States social and economic foundation is systemic racism. To change the this there needs to be anti racism. But before you can be anti racist certain races have to recognize their racism past and present. In order to fundamentally change from a systemic racist society to an anti racist society, white privileged and privelege must be rooted out and unlearned. Starting form childhood, racism is present constantly hiding, eagerly waiting to reveal itself. There is no escape. Its ingrained every where you look, buildings, money, history, biology, family, Fundamentally there can never be any justice, there is only the struggle.

    I feel sorry for my future grandkids. I can see it now,

    What did you learn at your first day of school?
    I learned that I’m racist!!!!!!!
    I still don't see a law that favors 'whiteness' over any other race in our current society.

    If we want to discuss abstract thoughts and foundations, it seems to me, and I have never claimed to a be smart man, that the target is Western Civilization and not 'whiteness'. Whiteness is an easy attempt in creating a common enemy for all victim classes to rally against, thus providing the political capital to win elections. The biggest advantage of the white boogeyman is that it is also a built in excuse for the politicians to not be able to make the 'changes' that they promise to help the 'marginalized' groups they said they would help (they had no intention of actually doing anything to help those communities). They can just throw up their hands and say "See, dang white supremacy is everywhere, we need your vote to actually do it this time". All of you nod your head in agreement and take their word for it without question. Although, I have noticed a lot of people are starting to see this as what it is.
    CRT in my own words:

    CRT is a theory that starts with the basic tenant that the United States social and economic foundation is systemic racism. To change the this there needs to be anti racism. But before you can be anti racist certain races have to recognize their racism past and present. In order to fundamentally change from a systemic racist society to an anti racist society, white privileged and privelege must be rooted out and unlearned. Starting form childhood, racism is present constantly hiding, eagerly waiting to reveal itself. There is no escape. Its ingrained every where you look, buildings, money, history, biology, family, Fundamentally there can never be any justice, there is only the struggle.

    I feel sorry for my future grandkids. I can see it now,

    What did you learn at your first day of school?
    I learned that I’m racist!!!!!!!
    Some of what you described sounds like some of what little I have read. What’s important to remember is that this is a college level academic theory that is being worked through in academia. Your grandchildren can avoid it entirely if they choose to do so. Nobody is actually teaching this consistently in primary grades despite all the caterwauling on the right. Have there been a few ham-handed exercises done in a few elementary and/or secondary schools? Probably. They are best dealt with on a local level.

    The response from the right has been hysterical, though, from what I can tell. Real educators are being harassed and bullied. Books like the one written by Rosa Parks about her experiences are being asked to be banned. Books for high schoolers that accurately describe historical facts are being asked to be banned because parents don’t want their kids to learn what really happened.

    Meanwhile we are seeing a redux of McCarthyism with the hysteria about socialism and communism and nobody knows the difference, lol. And for good measure JD effing Vance says that the government should seize companies if they are too “woke”. Apparently without irony at all as far as anyone can tell. It’s a trying time. For sure.
    I will be happy to explain:

    America was founded by Englishmen: Their influence permeates all aspects of America as the nation is based on the vision of these Englishmen. From that perspective all operations, laws, moral values, culture, commerce, economy, etc are based on Englishness. This generates privilege for those that are Anglo Saxon as they fit into the system quite nicely. Note how at the onset Italians, Jews, Irish, etc did not fit in. Ben Franklin used to describe some Germans as Swarthy.

    In CRT systemic racism means that the air we breath is racist. In other words whiteness permeates the entirety of America and those that are not white are destined to remain oppressed. Derrick Bell, the founder of CRT and a socialist describes this quite nicely in this video. His views can generate despair as the situation he presents seems an unconquerable obstacle.

    AT the same time systemic racism is always an excuse when something goes wrong with a social program.

    And Frenchmen and Spanish but that is me being ticky tack.
    And Frenchmen and Spanish but that is me being ticky tack.
    It’s not ticky tacky. My area was largely settled by different countries in waves. It’s a completely simplistic view of history for most of the country to say that it’s history is due to a single influence.

    The French were first in my area. Followed by English, Scotch-Irish and then Germans. We’re definitely an amalgamation of all of these cultures. We see vestiges of all of them.
    Some of what you described sounds like some of what little I have read. What’s important to remember is that this is a college level academic theory that is being worked through in academia. Your grandchildren can avoid it entirely if they choose to do so. Nobody is actually teaching this consistently in primary grades despite all the caterwauling on the right. Have there been a few ham-handed exercises done in a few elementary and/or secondary schools? Probably. They are best dealt with on a local level.

    The response from the right has been hysterical, though, from what I can tell. Real educators are being harassed and bullied. Books like the one written by Rosa Parks about her experiences are being asked to be banned. Books for high schoolers that accurately describe historical facts are being asked to be banned because parents don’t want their kids to learn what really happened.

    Meanwhile we are seeing a redux of McCarthyism with the hysteria about socialism and communism and nobody knows the difference, lol. And for good measure JD effing Vance says that the government should seize companies if they are too “woke”. Apparently without irony at all as far as anyone can tell. It’s a trying time. For sure.
    If it is not being taught, then why the urge to fight a ban on something that doesn't exist? To go so far as the federal government label concerned parents domestic terrorists. Why fight that hard for something that is not real? Seems odd, unless they are lying to you.

    "Critical race theory usually teaches that America, its supporters, and her institutions are inherently racist and discriminatory, and that race is used as a social construct to oppress and exploit people of color.

    While some programs and institutions come right out and admit this, most don’t quite say it that way.

    The tenants of “culturally responsive” teaching they say are “building academic and social-emotional skills”; “affirming students’ social and cultural histories”; and “helping students recognize, analyze, and address social inequality and racist policies.”

    Critics say the terms “social-emotional learning” and “culturally responsive training” introduce controversial ideas about race and identity that are associated with critical race theory."

    As usual, some politician or political bureaucrat's kids are getting rich off of sowing division. But yeah, it is only on the college level.

    The book you referenced, wasnt written by Parks, it was written about Parks. Not that it really matters as far as a ban goes.
    If it is not being taught, then why the urge to fight a ban on something that doesn't exist?
    They're trying to ban things that do exist. But those things are not CRT. They're wrongly labeling them as CRT. Because "we shouldn't teach children accurate history because it makes us feel bad" isn't particularly compelling.
    I still don't see a law that favors 'whiteness' over any other race in our current society.
    Is this the only standard of evidence you'd accept?

    Because, hypothetically, a law which sets a requirement which 100% of one group of people people meet and 0% of other people meet would be clearly favouring that first group, even if it doesn't specially say so. You could argue that it's unintentional, but then you could also consider whether intent is needed to create systemic bias.

    In reality we don't have laws that set requirements to that extreme, but there clearly do exist laws which set requirements which more of one group meet than another. I think people have previously been over voting laws extensively, for example.

    So I guess the question is, what evidence would actually convince you that systemic racism exists? Or is there no standard of evidence acceptable to you?
    Is this the only standard of evidence you'd accept?

    Because, hypothetically, a law which sets a requirement which 100% of one group of people people meet and 0% of other people meet would be clearly favouring that first group, even if it doesn't specially say so. You could argue that it's unintentional, but then you could also consider whether intent is needed to create systemic bias.

    In reality we don't have laws that set requirements to that extreme, but there clearly do exist laws which set requirements which more of one group meet than another. I think people have previously been over voting laws extensively, for example.

    So I guess the question is, what evidence would actually convince you that systemic racism exists? Or is there no standard of evidence acceptable to you?
    The voting law pearl clutching is bunk for political capital. Showing an ID to vote is not racist. Well, it is when you people think that a certain a group can't figure out to get a ID in 4 years or find their way to the DMV or courthouse.

    What law limits groups that can meet?

    I would like evidence. I have yet to see any. If I look back in time, I can see them, but not now.
    And Frenchmen and Spanish but that is me being ticky tack.
    Absolutely. Before Mexico the entire Southwest belonged to the Spanish crown. That is why all those cities have Spanish names. However, the Anglo Saxons had the dominant culture in America . If you listen to Derrick Bell talk about racism you get the picture. I have no issues with how America started as a nation. What really matters is that America tries very hard to be a better nation for all. However, if racism is in the air we breath them racism can never be conquered and we will continue to have nihilism and hopelessness. And systemic racism will always be the most frequently used reason to explain why crappy government social programs do not work.

    According to Derrick Bell and those that are deep in CRT the only way to eliminate racism in America is to start over again and hence that is why some of those folks are commies.
    If it is not being taught, then why the urge to fight a ban on something that doesn't exist? To go so far as the federal government label concerned parents domestic terrorists. Why fight that hard for something that is not real? Seems odd, unless they are lying to you.

    "Critical race theory usually teaches that America, its supporters, and her institutions are inherently racist and discriminatory, and that race is used as a social construct to oppress and exploit people of color.

    While some programs and institutions come right out and admit this, most don’t quite say it that way.

    The tenants of “culturally responsive” teaching they say are “building academic and social-emotional skills”; “affirming students’ social and cultural histories”; and “helping students recognize, analyze, and address social inequality and racist policies.”

    Critics say the terms “social-emotional learning” and “culturally responsive training” introduce controversial ideas about race and identity that are associated with critical race theory."

    As usual, some politician or political bureaucrat's kids are getting rich off of sowing division. But yeah, it is only on the college level.

    The book you referenced, wasnt written by Parks, it was written about Parks. Not that it really matters as far as a ban goes.
    “Concerned parents” aren’t being labeled as domestic terrorists. People who stalk, threaten and harass educators and school board members are. You are just parroting lies when you type that shirt.

    I know of a town not too far from me where outside agitators have come in to roil up the locals. They have started FB groups and now disrupt school board meetings and threaten teachers and administrators. They use language like “we won’t take our boots off of your necks until you comply with our demands”. There are two of them, a man and a woman, who just suddenly moved to town and immediately started agitating. They are trying to get the local school social worker fired among others. It’s like a nightmare. They won’t say who is paying them to do this. It’s sickening.

    But, yeah, the left is being divisive. 🙄
    CRT in my own words:

    CRT is a theory that starts with the basic tenant that the United States social and economic foundation is systemic racism. To change the this there needs to be anti racism. But before you can be anti racist certain races have to recognize their racism past and present. In order to fundamentally change from a systemic racist society to an anti racist society, white privileged and privelege must be rooted out and unlearned. Starting form childhood, racism is present constantly hiding, eagerly waiting to reveal itself. There is no escape. Its ingrained every where you look, buildings, money, history, biology, family, Fundamentally there can never be any justice, there is only the struggle.

    I feel sorry for my future grandkids. I can see it now,

    What did you learn at your first day of school?
    I learned that I’m racist!!!!!!!
    Sorry, but this sounds like religion. The idea that people can be indoctrinated in such manner is not new and never works. Racism has markedly gone down in the last six decades without this type of indoctrination. The idea that you can brain wash people is not sound.

    There only two ways of eliminating racism:

    1. Change negative stereotypes into positive stereotypes. This has worked like a charm in athletics, arts, and with education. The Asians have created a positive stereotype by doing well academically. When white students walk into an engineering class and see large number of Asians students they know they will have to compete with the best. Asking white people not to be racist will not work.
    2. Miscegenation: Creating a world where everybody is mixed. This may help, but will not get rid of classism which can be as bad as racism.

    If racism is everywhere, even in the air we breath it will not go away anytime soon. That is an impossible task.

    I say keep doing what we are doing and tone down that indoctrination rhetoric. That is divisive and leads to tribalism. That explains why Trump won in 2020.

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