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    So the 'insurection' vs BLM summer riots can be boiled down to racism?

    Yeah, one made cities burn and people die and the other made our most corrupt and hollow leaders uncomfortable.

    The left views the riots as something that was needed, maybe the right views the 1.6 as something that was needed (new politicians that are not corrupt?).
    Just remember that in the mind of Democrats and the media your home, your business, and your personal safety are at the mercy of violent left wing groups, but nobody better dare try doing something similar to the DC’s place of business. Burning down a police precinct, attacking a federal courthouse, and taking over an entire part of a city is no problem because of RACISM!

    Many Democrats want to defund the police and demand intense scrutiny of the police who protect the public, but they are perfectly fine with increased funding for the Capital Police along with unquestionable support. Could you imagine the reaction from the left and the media if the name of a white police officer who killed a black person was kept secret?
    SFL, almost nothing you said is true. It’s just a bunch of crap you’re throwing at the wall. You’re just repeating far right talking points.

    Nobody supported burning down any buildings. Nobody supported violence by any rioters. Well, except Farb now, apparently. Very telling.

    You said arrest everyone who committed a crime that day, well everyone who entered the Capitol committed a crime. Some people who didn’t enter the Capitol also committed crimes.
    maybe the right views the 1.6 as something that was needed (new politicians that are not corrupt?).

    Of course you view it that way. We know you view it that way because you were told lies and conspiracies that the election was stolen from "YOU" by "corrupt politicians". That's why we need these hearings to lay all of this bear for all to hear and see so that we can start to hold accountable those that lied to you and made you believe that. Hopefully we still have a chance at saving our democracy. Although much like the battle against climate change, every day that passes with this entrenched counter-reality on the right seems to make that less likely.

    I don't expect you to understand.
    Of course you view it that way. We know you view it that way because you were told lies and conspiracies that the election was stolen from "YOU" by "corrupt politicians". That's why we need these hearings to lay all of this bear for all to hear and see so that we can start to hold accountable those that lied to you and made you believe that. Hopefully we still have a chance at saving our democracy. Although much like the battle against climate change, every day that passes with this entrenched counter-reality on the right seems to make that less likely.

    I don't expect you to understand.

    It’s laughable for him to suggest that the garbage in DC on Jan 6 was there to oppose corrupt politicians when they were there at the beck and call of the most corrupt person to ever hold public office.
    All I said was that women are the gate keepers regarding sexual intercourse. Feel free to refute the argument. No need to make the above type of remarks.

    Every individual human is the gatekeeper of their own sexual activity. This implies that men are not responsible for anything that happens because the woman is the one who lets them enter the gate in the first place.
    It’s laughable for him to suggest that the garbage in DC on Jan 6 was there to oppose corrupt politicians when they were there at the beck and call of the most corrupt person to ever hold public office.
    I know, different political views are wild!
    Good opinion piece here. A little silver lining from the failures of the Trump administration and the Biden's administration work to undo it.

    Let’s consider the policy first. When Trump emerged as the front-runner for their party’s presidential nomination, many Republicans worried that he was neither conversant with nor committed to conservative ideology. But their nervousness faded as it became clear that it wasn’t that he disagreed in any meaningful way with what conservatives wanted; he just didn’t care. If he said something like “We’re going to have insurance for everybody” or claimed he’d take on the NRA, they knew there would be no follow-through and they could easily bring him back in line.
    Apart from trade and immigration, Trump had almost no firm beliefs about any policy issue — but that made his administration more conservative, not less. Because he’d rather watch Fox News for hours and tweet at his enemies than sit through boring policy briefings, and because many mainstream Republicans decided not to forever soil their reputations by working for him, his administration was staffed largely by grifters and far-right ideologues.
    But that led to the problem Khazan’s piece highlights: Without experienced Republicans staffing executive-branch agencies, the people whom Trump put in charge simply didn’t know what they were doing. In some cases, their incompetence combined with their malevolence to produce disaster, while in others, the incompetence actually prevented things from getting even worse. Both routes led to the kind of slapdashery that is now allowing Biden appointees — who are indeed very experienced and knowledgeable, with many of them having worked in the Obama administration — to reverse the damage.

    Not quite. Prosecute anyone who committed a crime during the Capitol Riot. The Capital Riot was bad. It's quite obvious that the Democrats and the media are exaggerating the Capitol Riot for political gain and security state power.
    Sure, let's say the Democrats are exaggerating... on the flip side of that you have many (most? I'm pretty sure it's most) Republicans mostly-to-entirely down playing a literal hundreds-of-people deep terrorist attack enabled by their former elected POTUS and current leader of the Republican party, and in turn shifting the blame away from Trump and onto Pelosi and Democrats for it occurring in the first place.

    Why are you not talking about the months of rioting, looting and vandalism of the left wing "protests." There were plenty of police officers that got injured during those riots. Why haven't we heard testimony from those police officers? Why isn't that covered at the breathtaking pace of the Capital riots?

    The summer riots were bad, anyone who committed a crime during them should be prosecuted. I thought the Democrats as a whole handled that poorly and from what I remember thinking at the time were not nearly forceful enough early enough in denouncing the riots.

    But the situation IS different man. There's a reason seemingly every right winger on the planet fell silent for like a month after it occurred - it was indefensible. So you all either knew it was some really, really bad and unprecedented shirt where responsibility could only be placed upon Republican shoulders, or you enjoyed what you saw go down that day.

    Anyway, this nailed that concept for me:
    Kinzinger said:
    “Some have concocted a counter-narrative to discredit this process on the grounds that we didn’t launch a similar investigation into the urban riots and looting last summer,” Kinzinger said during an emotional opening statement. “There is a difference between breaking the law and rejecting the rule of law, between a crime—even grave crimes—and a coup.”

    With the summer riots we witnessed individuals reject the rule of law.. on January 6th we witnessed individuals attempt to overthrow our government due to the enabling of Donald Trump.
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    Every individual human is the gatekeeper of their own sexual activity.
    Men and women are not the same, but as humans we are ONE, the Yin and the Yang. In most human cultures the female is choosy and needs a bit of courting before deciding to have intercourse. In this regard women are not like men who are easy to seduce. What I am telling you is nothing new. This is obvious to anyone that can pay attention to the world for more than a few seconds. Men do the chasing and courting and women decide. I am certain some women are aggressive and to the chase, but the norm is the men doing the chase.
    This implies that men are not responsible for anything that happens because the woman is the one who lets them enter the gate in the first place.
    Hmm, yes! If a woman does not open her legs on a voluntary basis there is no intercourse. Is this fair to the female? No, not really. However, this is how we evolved.

    BTW, in the old victorian conservative days men used to take responsibility. That has gone away with a more liberal point of view. Kids out of wedlock were a rarity in that era.
    Why isn't that covered at the breathtaking pace of the Capital riots?
    As I said in another thread, anyone who doesn't objectively see there is a magnitude of difference on a mob incited by the sitting President to attack the United States Capitol to disrupt the certification of electoral votes has totally lost the plot.

    Do you consider this stuff on the same level as the Rodney King riots? Spoilers: It's not.
    I know, different political views are wild!
    It's not a political view to find January 6th acceptable. But that doesn't surprise me because you've never posted a substantive position as to any issue on this forum. It's just hollow culture-war memes. As that is the soup that nourishes you via Twitter and Daily Wire then I guess you can't be totally to blame for the indoctrination.
    Last edited:
    Men and women are not the same, but as humans we are ONE, the Yin and the Yang. In most human cultures the female is choosy and needs a bit of courting before deciding to have intercourse. In this regard women are not like men who are easy to seduce. What I am telling you is nothing new. This is obvious to anyone that can pay attention to the world for more than a few seconds. Men do the chasing and courting and women decide. I am certain some women are aggressive and to the chase, but the norm is the men doing the chase.

    Hmm, yes! If a woman does not open her legs on a voluntary basis there is no intercourse. Is this fair to the female? No, not really. However, this is how we evolved.

    BTW, in the old victorian conservative days men used to take responsibility. That has gone away with a more liberal point of view. Kids out of wedlock were a rarity in that era.

    So every time a woman opens her legs you have no control, huh? Just go into action. :unsure: :oops: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

    This conversation makes me feel sad for straight people. Lol.
    Sure, let's say the Democrats are exaggerating... on the flip side of that you have many (most? I'm pretty sure it's most) Republicans mostly-to-entirely down playing a literal hundreds-of-people deep terrorist attack enabled by their former elected POTUS and current leader of the Republican party, and in turn shifting the blame away from Trump and onto Pelosi and Democrats for it occurring in the first place.

    The summer riots were bad, anyone who committed a crime during them should be prosecuted. I thought the Democrats as a whole handled that poorly and from what I remember thinking at the time were not nearly forceful enough early enough in denouncing the riots.

    But the situation IS different man. There's a reason seemingly every right winger on the planet fell silent for like a month after it occurred - it was indefensible. S you all either knew it was some really, really bad andunprecedented shirt where responsibility could only sit upon Republican shoulders, or you enjoyed what you saw go down that day.

    Anyway, this nailed that concept for me:

    With the summer riots we witnessed individuals reject the rule of law.. on January 6th we witnessed individuals attempt to overthrow our government due to the enabling of Donald Trump.
    That's quite the exaggeration that you made to call them all terrorists don't you think?

    The reason we keep bringing up the left wing riots is because we watched for months while the Democrats, the media, and some here made excuses, looked the other way, and in some cases encouraged it. Businesses, property was being destroyed in many places while cops were injured, assaulted, and killed and people on the left were excusing it because of racism and bad cops.

    They burned down a damn police precinct, attacked and tried to enter a federal courthouse, and took over a part of a city while the left wing leaders didn't do shirt. That sure shoulds like rejecting the rule of law.

    Many minority businesses were damaged or demolished, but excuses were still made. So when the Democrats call the capital riot worse than 9/11 and now all of a sudden are concerned about riots it's a little hard to take seriously.

    I do think anyone who committed a crime during the storming of the Capital should be prosecuted. I don't think the election was stolen, but its obvious to many people that the media and the Democrats are exaggerating it for political game. I have no doubt the Republicans would do the same if the situation was reversed.

    I also emphasize with what the Capitol Police had to endure from the physical assault from Trump supporters. It's ironic how quickly the left switched from cops are racist to caring about them being assaulted.

    I don't buy that line from Kinzinger just like I don't buy his fake crying. The Capital has already been investigated by Congress correct? What are the specific things they are looking into that Congress didn't already look at??

    This current hearing is all for theatrics. It's laughable to act like those bunch of idiots even had a 5% chance of executing a coup. This exaggeration is all part of the plan for the Democrats to get a domestic terrorism law and more censorship. Does anyone remember how the Patriot Act worked out?
    That's quite the exaggeration that you made to call them all terrorists don't you think?
    The hundreds of people who stormed the Capitol with intent to prevent Biden from becoming president are terrorists. I'm not calling the crowd as a whole terrorists but the hundreds of people who stormed the capital absolutely were.. though I'm open to hearing why you believe they aren't.

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