Biden Tracker (2 Viewers)

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    There is no longer anything for ME to discuss.
    You all agree with me that Trump is unacceptable.
    In spite of my best efforts, most of you fail to accept the reality that Biden is too old and for 100% sure should not serve as the President of the United States until Jan. of 2029.
    I have given up getting you folks to admit that and/or accept that.
    I will return here IF Biden steps aside or IF Trump is not allowed to run or Trump is swapped out with another candidate somehow.
    Other than that, as things stand now, I have nothing further to say.
    Thank you to each and every person who has taken the time to read my posts and a special thank you to those who treated me with fairness and (even at times) kindness.
    Steve from Brick Township NJ
    So, in order for you to return we have to accept YOUR opinion that Biden is too old and needs to step aside.

    Well, let’s look at that for a minute.

    The primaries were held. Biden won. So the alternative you would have is a brokered convention selecting someone else. A someone else who has nowhere near the base to mount a credible challenge to Trump. The same Trump you don’t like.

    On the Republican side? There is no viable candidate. The small protest votes for Haley in the primaries are meaningless. Beyond that Haley supports virtually everything Trump has said or done. Yet even at that YOUR party has voted for a complete buffoon because they want what he wants.

    Single issues like abortion lead to candidates like Trump unless a candidate arises that is actually pro-life as opposed to anti-abortion. That is highly unlikely to happen within the Reactionary Party of today. Putting aside everything else for the sake of one issue is simplistically dangerous.
    Good It's so obvious that you can't stand criticism. I'll never understand why you think you should be treated differently than everyone else. If you can't take the heat i suppose.

    Not anything to do with criticism or heat. My goal was to convince you that Biden was unfit for another 4 years in office. It is clear to me I have no chance of achieving that goal. Bye.
    Not anything to do with criticism or heat. My goal was to convince you that Biden was unfit for another 4 years in office. It is clear to me I have no chance of achieving that goal. Bye.

    Why is that your goal?

    As it stands, Trump or Biden will be the next president. Wishing for a change to either party’s nominee is a waste of time and focus, now.

    It is clear that Trump is a serious threat to our country and must be stopped. I question the judgement of anybody who doesn’t see that.

    You’re trying to both-sides a set of circumstances where that simply doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. It isn’t others who need to change their view of this, it’s you.
    Not anything to do with criticism or heat. My goal was to convince you that Biden was unfit for another 4 years in office. It is clear to me I have no chance of achieving that goal. Bye.
    Frankly, that's not how to have a debate. I don't worry about whether anyone is gonna change their mind or not. If that's your goal, you're doing it wrong...and why you get frustrated with this. Changing your approach will make the whole experience a lot better.

    To each his own though.
    Frankly, that's not how to have a debate. I don't worry about whether anyone is gonna change their mind or not. If that's your goal, you're doing it wrong...and why you get frustrated with this. Changing your approach will make the whole experience a lot better.

    To each his own though.
    I don't think any approach will or would change anyone's mind. I show videos of Biden's current state over and over again. But the people here don't focus on what is right on their screen. Instead they mention the person who posted the video rather than the content itself. Hopefully Biden will be replaced or Trump will be replaced. Barring that I feel being here is not a good use of my time.
    There is no longer anything for ME to discuss.
    You all agree with me that Trump is unacceptable.
    In spite of my best efforts, most of you fail to accept the reality that Biden is too old and for 100% sure should not serve as the President of the United States until Jan. of 2029.
    I have given up getting you folks to admit that and/or accept that.
    I will return here IF Biden steps aside or IF Trump is not allowed to run or Trump is swapped out with another candidate somehow.
    Other than that, as things stand now, I have nothing further to say.
    Thank you to each and every person who has taken the time to read my posts and a special thank you to those who treated me with fairness and (even at times) kindness.
    Steve from Brick Township NJ
    I don’t understand why you would imagine that Biden actually head-butted the Pope, and the ONLY place who reports on it is Kayleigh on Fox News. Did you even think that through even a little?

    That’s why you get push back. Fox just settled a defamation lawsuit because they KNOWINGLY lied about Dominion voting machines. They are going to have to either go to trial and lose, or settle, with Smartmatic for doing the same thing. They are established liars FOR Trump and AGAINST Biden, or anyone else who opposes Trump.

    Why on earth would you believe them now about this? They have an established bias that has been proven, and not a single other reputable source has repeated these claims.

    It’s just confirmation bias.
    I don’t understand why you would imagine that Biden actually head-butted the Pope, and the ONLY place who reports on it is Kayleigh on Fox News. Did you even think that through even a little?

    That’s why you get push back. Fox just settled a defamation lawsuit because they KNOWINGLY lied about Dominion voting machines. They are going to have to either go to trial and lose, or settle, with Smartmatic for doing the same thing. They are established liars FOR Trump and AGAINST Biden, or anyone else who opposes Trump.

    Why on earth would you believe them now about this? They have an established bias that has been proven, and not a single other reputable source has repeated these claims.

    It’s just confirmation bias.
    I don't care about push back. I care that most of you think Biden fine. He's not fine.
    I don't think any approach will or would change anyone's mind. I show videos of Biden's current state over and over again. But the people here don't focus on what is right on their screen. Instead they mention the person who posted the video rather than the content itself. Hopefully Biden will be replaced or Trump will be replaced. Barring that I feel being here is not a good use of my time.
    You're still obsessing about changing minds. That's not how to have a debate or discussion. State your opinion and let the chips fall where they may. It's not a waste of time unless you want it to be.
    I don't care about push back. I care that most of you think Biden fine. He's not fine.
    You are showing us selectively edited videos, and still shots.

    Biden is old, but he’s a normal person who values democracy, and has good moral values. His opponent is a lunatic who can’t follow a thought through 2 sentences, and who will burn this country down if it benefits him.

    So, yeah, I’ll take old and normal over old and insane. That’s the choice. That you cannot choose says a lot more about you than it does about us, sadly.
    I don't care about push back. I care that most of you think Biden fine. He's not fine.
    At this point, only one guy orchestrated Jan 6th. Only one guy sexually assaulted women (not to mention "grab em by the p****"), only one guy is a convicted felon. Biden hasn't done any of those things. They're both old, and they're the only 2 options we have. Between the two of them, there's really only one choice.
    Simple fact is either Trump or Biden will be the next president of the United States

    Whether you vote third party, only vote down ballot or don’t vote at will not change that fact

    Even someone who is dead set on voting for RFK Jr or Cornell West knows neither one is going to win and the winner will be trump or Biden

    If one of them must be president who would you prefer it to be?

    No cop out and say neither.

    No dodging and say they are both embarrassments. Not an option.

    You can say you’re still voting third party but you’d prefer Trump win, or Biden

    Joe Biden wasn’t my first choice in 2020. Honestly he probably wasn’t even my third choice

    When the choice was between Biden and Trump I happily voted Biden

    I’ve been overall satisfied with Biden’s administration, but I thought the plan was he wouldn’t run again, he would announce pretty early on thst he wasn’t running and the torch would be passed to someone else, be it Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsome, Pete Buttigeg etc.

    That didn’t happen and the choice once again Biden or Trump

    Once again I will happily vote Biden

    And it’s not just the presidency

    It’s the cabinet, judges, Supreme Court, executive orders, setting an policy agenda and path forward for the country

    Joe Biden (god forbid) could pass away February 2025 and I will still be damn glad I voted for him and even more glad that he won
    Last edited:
    I don't care about push back. I care that most of you think Biden fine. He's not fine.
    For me, it's not a decision about Biden or Trump, it is about the Republican's vision for our country and that vision no longer aspire to make a more perfect union.

    Republicans have shown us continually that believe America had reached that goal and lost it, hence the MAGA cult. Republicans no longer recognize Democrats as Americans, they believe the opposition are "EVIL" and they are not interested in working these un-American heathens!

    Democrats believe that working towards a "more perfect union" is a never ending process that requires hard work and they recognize that not everyone agrees on how they move forward, but they are willing to work together to achieve progress because we are ALL AMERICANS.

    Trump is just a vehicle for those that hate this country and want to fundamentally change what we thought this country stood for. The following is just a glimpse of their intentions:

    So yeah, Biden is very old and he is on the decline but at least I know that his intentions for this country does not spit in the face of our nation's founders.
    I see from my notifications that Dave and MT15 quoted me. Sorry but I said good bye but Lol...I never leave. So I am not gonna open those posts. Bye.

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